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Devil Red III

Posted on Sun Sep 4th, 2022 @ 6:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun Sep 4th, 2022 @ 6:37pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 15 at 2000
3635 words - 7.3 OF Standard Post Measure


"Bacchus." Lyra grinned at him and sipped her drink again. As he settled on her stomach, she began to gently run her fingers through his hair. This kind of fantasy was very normal for any Terran, but she knew for Andrei it was more than just fleeting.

He laughed at her idea. As funny as it was, he knew it was fitting.

“The god of wine and women!” He proclaimed, chuckling again. “Very good. But, on second thought, perhaps I’d rather die between your thighs as you so cruelly excluded earlier.”

He kissed her thigh then. At first an introduction, and then a chorus of kisses which became successively more intimate until he was kissing on the tender skin right next to her center. His glass was extended out and balanced at an awkward angle so it wouldn’t spill.

"Oh would you now?" She grinned, looking down at him, able to watch him through the valley between her breasts. Licking her lips, she reached out to take his drink from him. "Why don't you let me hold that for you." As she spoke, she shifted her legs apart just slightly, it wasn't lewd but it was inviting. Though she also didn't trust that he wasn't just teasing and wouldn't pull back after getting her excited. They did like to tease each other.

Not shy, Andrei mounted a campaign of kisses on her lips before offering several licks there as well. There was a fair amount of teasing, but when he latched onto her clit and began to work his tongue and his own lips to please her very much, leaving behind teasing.

As soon as she picked up he wasn't planning on teasing her, she hastily abandoned both of their drinks on the nightstand next to her in favor of threading her fingers through his silky black hair. As he latched onto her, her head tilted back and she let out a quiet, passionate moan. Every sensation just felt so sharp and bright. It would fade eventually, but for now she was going to enjoy it while she could.

Eventually he coaxed her into a totally relaxed position, working with great skill and sensitivity up and down her and dealing with any resulting juices with equal mastery. His hand also found her breast like a finger to a light switch. He worked in both areas, changing between fast and slow, long and short. Totally seductive, he kept her senses guessing what was next and never permitted them to sense a pattern. Every moan was acknowledged; every subtle turn of the head was responded to. He was in tune with her body, playing her like a great instrument with virtuosic and passionate movements. He was looking for the climax of the movement, and was clearly enjoying the journey.

Lyra's body sang for him, her lips pouring forth praise in moans and whimpers of pleasure. She had one hand tangled in his hair, her fingers moving so she could run her nails over his scalp but now and then he would do something just right, she would close her hand and pull his hair just slightly. Her other hand was bent up behind her, grabbing the headboard and focusing most of her strength in her grip there instead of on Andrei's head. She fought to keep her hips still with varying success, though she did keep it to gentle rocking when she did move. The tension and need continued to build and build within her until finally, with a passionate cry, she found her release as his efforts pushed her over the edge. Her hand went to the back of his head, holding him in place and her thighs closed around his head with seeming no intention of letting him free. If Andrei weren't Andrei and strong as he was, it could have even been potentially problematic.

Eventually, she was released from the throes of their shared passion and she in turn released him from between her thighs. Her hand went to his chin and she coaxed him to look up at her and immediately laughed breathlessly, seeing his face was quite wet. She reached down to his shoulders to coax him up a bit higher so that she could lean down and kiss him, communicating her satisfaction through the embrace.

Andrei waited through her climax and held his breath, not that he’d had a choice. Her legs were quite strong and it would have been very hard for him to make room for himself to breath without hurting her one way or another. When she was done, however, he looked up at her, wiping his face with the back of his hand. Many women were different. Some wanted nothing to do with a man whose face was covered in their wet. He guessed she didn’t mind. He came up closer to her, ignoring his own hardness. Of course it had been a rousing experience for him, but he didn’t expect anything more.

“I guess it’s not my time to go, huh?” He asked, touching her face with his hand.

"No." She slid her arms around his shoulders, drawing him in for another kiss while she used one hand to fluff and fix his hair for him. "I think I'll keep you around a little longer. Maybe next time though."

“As the Klingons say: Perhaps today is a good day to die!” He proclaimed and then growled at her like an animal, kissing her sillily, smiling.

Lyra grinned at his growl and leaned in like she was going to bite his nose, but instead snapped her teeth closed and kissed his forehead again. Again she knew she should probably think about leaving him to himself soon, but she found she really, really didn't want to. She relaxed her legs and slid an arm around Andrei. "So, darling, tell me something... have you ever gone hunting in the way you'd like to with me in the market?"

It would be a secret. A dark secret; but this was important.

“No. I’ve thought about…hunting all my life. But I always kept things very friendly at the end.” Andrei said with a shrug. “It honestly just didn’t sound that amusing by myself. I don’t so much have a desire to hurt as…indifference to it in most people. But you seem very excited by such things, so I’m excited too.”

He looked at her then, his brows raised.

“Have you?”

Lyra could have hinted, demurred, made it a game, but she didn’t. She simply looked into his eyes and spoke the single word. “Yes.”

“Then we have experience on our side.” He said with an optimistic tone he never seemed to use with anyone else. The question formed in his face ever so slightly before he asked it. “Who was it? A grade school boyfriend?”

She grinned then, shaking her head slightly. “Look at you wanting all my secrets, darling. When do I get to hold and cherish some of yours?” She ran her nails lightly up and down his arm. “It was the middle son of the Lord Mayor of Yokohama.”

A noble? That he hadn’t expected. He seemed surprised and leaned in closer, a curious look in his face.

“I didn’t see that coming.” He said, then seemed to equivocate in some way. “Well one of my secrets is that I used to make our family slaves fight me in exchange for gold. At the end, they were usually bloody and penniless. That was fun. I also used to sleep with the staff in the house, slave and free, but that’s no surprise I’m sure.”

“Well no, that’s not really a surprise.” She smirked and kissed his forehead. “I was sixteen and he had been a very, very naughty man. He needed a lesson.”

“Naughty to you? I wish he were here so that I might kill him again.” He said with a feigned puffed-up expression. “Did he hurt you?”

“Me? No.” She shifted then and moved him to lie down on his back. She moved on top of him and simply lay down herself, folding her arms on his chest and looking down into his eyes. “He raped one of my friends. I took exception to that.”

“I would have as well.” Andrei said, furrowing his brow. “Some people think I’m Hades himself, but I would never do something like that. It’s disgusting.”

He spoke and he seemed to mean it. He had never been with anyone in a non-voluntary way. The thought had never occurred to him as even being an option. Far more fun to seduce. Now, he’s done so under false pretenses more than he could count, but never with force or even blackmail.

“So you lured him into your web once you found out?”

“Oh yes. It was easy. Once men get a taste for such things, they usually can’t be sated.” She said and her face briefly morphed into an expression of disgust. Obviously she thought very little of those who would engage in such an act. Sighing, she let it go and briefly scanned Andrei’s face, though exactly what she was looking for was a mystery. “It was so very easy. Another young girl, another easy mark, another way to exert his pathetic, ineffectual excuse for power.”

“Real power doesn’t have to ask because others do willingly give to it.” Andrei said, sounding suddenly wise. “Force is the fail safe of those with power, but the only tool of mediocre men. It’s good you put him out of his misery.”

The distaste lingering in her expression cleared and instead was replaced by some form of approval, though it was guarded. She looked down into his eyes and touched his cheek. “Eventually I did end his misery, yes.” That sadistic little spark flashed in her dark eyes. She leaned in to kiss him.

He knew what she meant by that. She had made it much worse for the man before she ended his life. Good. He kissed her back, his hands resting on her legs, his manhood still dangling by her. It was strange to spend so much time with nothing on. Most women wanted to cover up at least with blankets, but she seemed comfortable; not self conscious. He, of course, that he was the greatest man to ever Grace the universe, so he was also unbothered.

“You know, that alcohol isn’t going to drink itself.” He said, kissing her. “I’m trying to get you drunk, so stay focused.”

“Oh right, right.” She pushed herself up and crawled over him to get to their still semi full glasses that she had abandoned. It gave Andrei quite a tantalizing and tempting view of her on her hands and knees. Grabbing the glasses, she sat back on her calves and finished off what was left in both. “I need to get more of this.” She sighed out against the burn.

“I purchased an entire case full. But they were selling all kinds of things down in their gift shop. I’m sure they have many more things at the market.” He said, watching her drink it. She was clearly about the mission of drunkenness he’d put her on.

“Oh probably. I’m sure we will figure it out.” She then crawled on her knees over to the abandoned bottle and picked it up, pouring each of them a new glass. She offered him his and then sat back against the headboard. Crossing her legs she sighed and tilted her head back. “Hunting lesson one. Pick someone who is alone unless you’re planning on hunting them all.”

“That makes sense.” He said with a nod. “Is lesson two ‘stick them with the pointy end’?”

“No, that’s like…” She paused and her face scrunched. She took another sip of her drink. “Five. Two is know your surroundings. You have to be careful of security measures in place. Monitoring devices and the like. Witnesses. Three is timing, it kind of goes with two. You should set yourself up with plausible deniability. Four is…” She drifted off and tilted her head in thought. “Maybe that one is stick them with the pointy end…”

“You’re getting rusty, Cassiel.” He said with a teasing grin, noticing she was getting a bit tipsy. He drank half his glass in a few gulps, feeling the sweet and pleasant burn. “We’re going to have to practice often to sharpen your skills.”

“No, someone is getting me drunk…y.” She took another sip of her drink and then giggled, much less girlish than Maddie’s laugh. “Oh wait it’s me.”

"Well I'm going to have to catch up." he said, finishing his glass and reaching for the bottle. His head started to swim even more than before. He refilled the glass and topped hers off as well. "You know, if you and I get blackout drunk, we might wake up in a puddle of someone else's blood with a mystery to unravel."

Lyra considered that a moment and then brightened. “That would be fun though!” She pointed out and giggled again. She shifted then and laid down, putting her head on Andrei’s thighs and looking up at him while she held her glass against her abdomen. “Four was clean up well, erase all evidence to the best of your ability. Five is stick them with the pointy end.” Her eyes closed and she let out a sigh. “And there’s the cardinal rule of don’t get caught.”

"Well, if we woke up in blood and the bodies were missing, that would be the chief goal, wouldn't it?" he said, amused at the hypothetical;. "I'll be sure to make sure nothing is left out tomorrow. We can watch out for each other, make sure there's no evidence on our clothes and stuff like that. Maybe I up as the guy so people see him elsewhere."

He touched her hair, moving his fingers through it and running his knuckles gently against her scalp. He was probably joking, but it was becoming fairly obvious he was getting drunk.

“Maybe, maybe. Though you are very tall. And big. And big.” She grinned and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of his fingers in her hair. “I have some things I’ll get in the morning that are suited to the task.” She fell silent then, closed her eyes, and then opened them after a few beats.

“Did you knowww that your dear Papa thought about us getting married at one point?”

"What?" he asked, sounding distant as he spoke. His mind was starting to turn like a steam engine. "What are you talking about? Where are you getting that?"

The questions were a symptom of his newfound daftness. He was confused, but couldn't seem to do anything more than to ask questions.

"Did someone say that to you?"

"Mmmhm. Papa himself." She nodded her head up and down a few times and then lifted it, very carefully taking another sip of her drink and then falling back on his thighs. "That day when I came and told him I stabbed Christoph." She said and made a stabbing motion with her free hand.

For some reason, he couldn't put it together in his mind. He typically didn't get drunk for this reason. He got so stupid.

"I don't understand. When was this to happen?" he asked, leaning down and looking her right in the eyes, though she was upside down. "Is this some kind of joke I'm missing?"

"Well we were like," her face scrunched as she did some math. "Eight or nine or something. So not right then silly." She waved her hand up at him. "But you know how nobles are with all their arranged marriages and stuff. I was very amused."

"Amused? Is that all you were?" he asked, still looking her in the eyes upside down. "You can tell me the truth, Lovely Lyra: that you've been dreaming of our wedding day."

"Oh you caught me." Lyra held up a hand in mock surrender and then started laughing again. "The galaxy would tremble." She rolled over carefully then and began idly kissing and nipping at his thighs, pausing now and then to sip what was left in her glass.

"It would tremble, wouldn't it?" he asked rhetorically, his hand finding her chin and lifting her face to his. He kissed her lips slowly, the taste of the drink on her lips transferring to him. With his lips still pouted, he raised his glass and took a sip. "I've always wanted to make the galaxy tremble. I really have..but all I can think of is the wedding night."

"Well why do you think the galaxy would tremble?" She grinned, it was practically lecherous. Leaning close, she kissed him again, her chest pressing against his as she leaned in close. "I do like to leave you trembling..." She bit and tugged on his lower lip slightly then let him go. "One of my favorite things."

"Oh yeah?" he asked, not having much more to say than that, the drink having taken away much of his cleverness with it. He pulled her onto his lap and, seeing as they were nude, it was far more suggestive than he'd intended. He chuckled, kissing her. "I don't think the Vengeance crew could handle us. We'd be running things in a week."

"We. Can't. Be. Handled." Lyra stated emphatically and poked his chest with each word. "Nope. Not us." She downed the rest of her glass and then placed her forehead on his shoulder. She then started to wiggle her hips.

“You can’t be horny again.” He stated, feeling her sensitive parts moving over his. “You’ve climaxed like..nine times.” He said, pausing. He placed his hands on her upper arms and massaged slowly. “Though I’m not complaining. Little Andrei might fall off if we do it again.”

He leaned back then, resting his hands on the bed. He then rotated his hips then to match her. “I’d have to carry him around in a bag.”

"Maybe you just leave him with me." She grinned, still wiggling her hips but not doing much more than that. "I'd take very good care of him, I promise." Lyra shifted in his lap then, putting her back to his chest and leaning her head back against his shoulder. "Besides, you wanted me drunk. I'm a happy, horny drunk."

"That's true. I did want you drunk. And I suppose that means I'm going to have my way with you, doesn't it?" he asked with a grin. "But...umm..I'm afraid I'm going to try to keep him attached, sorry love. He is very very important to me. My favorite toy."

He pulled his glass to his lips until it was all gone and then he took one of the ice cubes into his mouth. Then, without thinking, he started to deliver cold kisses down her jaw and onto her neck.

"Mine too." She agreed and then immediately drew in a sharp breath as he began to kiss her skin with the ice just behind her lips. Cold was cold on her new skin. She remembered the doctor warning her it could take a week for everything to sort itself out. It was verging on unpleasant, but she was willing to test it out. "Mm... you know, the doctor was very mean to me."

"Hmmmm?" he asked, clearly interested in what she was saying but he was quite busy kissing her with the ice in his mouth. It was an invitation to go on. He noticed her pain but he decided to press on. After all, some hurt was good and she would tell him if she didn't like it. He moved down a bit, reaching as low as he could in their current position and kissing along her collar bone.

"He kept me awake during the procedure for this." Lyra indicated her body. "He didn't have to, he just wanted to. It was quite unpleasant, really." She gave a sigh as his mouth worked down and her body seemed to be figuring out that this wasn't a danger to her.

Andrei paused in his kissing and looked at her then, something like a dog who heard a noise in his yard. he opened his mouth to speak and the ice fell out, bounced off of her breast, and fell to the bed. He furrowed his brow slightly.

"Maybe I should go up there and teach the good doctor some manners." he said, seeming more determined than emotional. He didn't like the idea of anyone hurting her, especially on purpose.

"Maybe." She agreed and picked up the piece of ice, tossing it off the bed so it didn't leave a wet spot... not that it would have been out of place given their earlier activities. "I suppose maybe he didn't really know how much it would hurt, but it did." Looking down at herself, she considered her body from this angle. "I think it was worth it though. Don't you?"

"I'd say so." he said, looking down with her at the display of her body. He kissed her cheek warmly and, as he did, his hands found her breasts. He held them gently, his skin moving gently over hers, never doing more than would be pleasant. "A bit more than a handful here." he said, and then showed the fact he was a bit drunk by jiggling them and making a funny noise.



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