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Devil Red IV

Posted on Sun Sep 4th, 2022 @ 6:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun Sep 4th, 2022 @ 6:37pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 15 at 2045
1856 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Lyra giggled as he toyed with her breasts, watching him bounce and jiggle them to his heart’s content. She definitely agreed they were one of the nicer things that had come out of the ordeal. “You’re being mean to the horny drunk.”

"Well I've never been accused of being nice, love." he said, his fingers starting to work in a more seductive way, circling around her breasts with his fingers, drifting to her arms, stomach, and neck, and then back again, always nearly touching her nipples but avoiding them with intention of driving her mad. "Why should I start now?"

“Mmm… I think you’re nice.” She said, though if it were true or a result of her drunken state it was unclear. She squirmed under his touch, her body already warm with alcohol induced lust. His touch only made her burn brighter.

"Oh, do you?" he asked with a tempting voice. "Well, what's so nice about me?"

He continued the work of his hands in the same way except now he had started circling around her nipples without ever actually touching them. He took to kissing her neck slowly and at normal temperatures.

“I see the way you want to protect me.” She admitted and then let out a whimper. “But right now you are being so mean.” She tried to shift her chest in his hands to catch her nipples against his fingers.

If he had less to drink, he might have stopped her completely, but as he was, she merely caused him to bump them several times before recalculating and returning to the tease. If anything, it would have made things worse to have gotten what she wanted only for it to be taken away an instant later.

"I do want to protect you." he said, shaking his hands slightly again and continuing what he was doing. "If anyone's going to be mean to you, it's going to be me."

The statement was unapologetic in its possessiveness. If he had been sober, he probably wouldn't have said it. But it revealed that, in his mind, Andrei Petrov felt that Lyra Cassiel was his woman. Whether she picked up on that or not was a different story; he wouldn't be broadcasting it any clearer.

A soft moan finally escaped her lips, pleasured but frustrated. Horny drunk. Easy drunk. Happy drunk. Not stupid drunk. It took her a moment but her brain did string the words together and pulled their insinuation out of the fog. She blinked at it. “Well perhaps I should be the only one mean to you then, hm?” She moved a hand back behind her to start to touch his manhood, though she was gentle about it given his earlier protests about it falling off were they to go again.

He wanted to possess her, but she had doubts about his wanting to be possessed in kind. Her mind started rolling that over and it was beginning to sober her.

He rose to the occasion, quite literally. But he knew there was more to what she was saying than just touching him. He hesitated in his response for a few seconds, letting out a few sounds of genuine pleasure to fill the gap. In front of her, he gave her some of what she wanted, passing several times over the surfaces he had refused before. He needed time to think, but he didn't want to ruin the evening with one of those annoying talks about the future.

Lyra actually growled slightly, more at her own wandering mind than anything else. She pushed his hands back from her suddenly and turned around to face him. Without giving him time to really react, she pushed him back down onto the bed rudely and leaned down. She began to kiss down his chest and worked down his abdomen, then moved to his thighs. She was taking a very similar path to the one she had the night she had been truly “evil” to him.

Andrei was skeptical and hopeful, all at once. He didn't offer any courtesy sounds to encourage her, that would only make things all the more painful if she decided to play some game other than the one he was truly wanting. He waited with patience, looking down at her with interest and a certain softness of his eyes which wasn't normal for him in a situation like this. The message was clear: what's the fun in teasing someone who expects nothing. Though, obviously, he was hoping it worked.

His message was unneeded. She wasn’t paying attention. She was focused on what she was doing. She kissed and nipped up his thighs, this time slightly less kindly than she had before, but still not too rough. His manhood at rigid attention now despite his earlier claims, she ran her tongue up from base to top slowly, then once on his tip. She started to pull up again but stopped, her intense and dark gaze moving up to his and proverbially pinning him down. She spoke no words but it was an easily read look. Mine. She lowered herself again, enveloping him in her mouth while her hands came up to join her efforts.

Andrei responded like all his dreams had come true with one loud moan. He had noticed the look. It was a look that would have bothered him most of the time, but on her it felt completely right. He rolled his head back and closed his eyes, his hand finding her hair but not guiding her; she was doing well enough on her own.

Lyra took her time with him. Her tongue and lips lavished him with the attention he so loved from her. Her hands and fingers worked with her mouth. As he had with her, each moan was given a response, a squeeze to his thigh, a roll of her tongue. Her hand cupped and rolled his jewels with tender care and every so often she would look up into his eyes as she worked him. That same intense look remained there as she worshiped him.

Andrei watched her do her work with great interest once his body adjusted a bit. She really was quite amazing. They were a dangerous team in many ways, but before they managed to do anything at all, they would first have to get out of bed. This had been a difficult feat for them so far since they so enjoyed each other's company and everything that came with it.

He wrapped his hand around her hair, pulling it slightly in a participatory fashion though he remained courteous enough to let her control the flow. He used the subtle motions of his hand to tell her more about what he wanted and he trusted her to do the work. He rather liked when she did the work. Slowly, he had started to feel that building that signaled a coming climax. He released her hair and closed his eyes again, an indication he was approaching that moment, though it wasn't yet here.

She was quite willing to oblige and follow his guidance. She seemed as eager to please him as he had been with her. Her hands briefly moved up, running down his abdomen and over his well defined abs, pressing in firmly but not hard. They both then slid back down into their places between his legs once more. Her movements became a bit faster, more pointed. She could tell he was close and she had every intention of driving him there. No inch of him was unattended; she could hear the hitch in his breathing, feel the way his body started to shift and squirm. Her eyes flicked up to his and she moaned against him, the sound sending the vibrations straight through her mouth and tongue and into his sensitive flesh. She held his gaze and watched his orgasm take him, listening to his moans and shivering slightly herself at the sound. Her mouth remained on him, she didn’t pull away. It was only after she was certain he was done did she finally remove herself from him.

Lyra climbed back up the bed and moved to lay next to him, wiping the corners of her lips and swallowing again, but saying nothing.

Andrei felt as she worked every inch of him. She used her mouth skillfully and what she couldn’t fit in there was handled with her hands. She moved like she’d been planning it for days, coming up with contingencies and alternative options, and when he finished, he convulsed, moving his hips with the intensity of the climax and calling out. Then, when it was over and she was beside him, he rolled over to face her. He had a look of absolute satisfaction on his face for a second before he looked up at her.

“Maybe I should get two cases of this stuff, huh?”

She smirked at his comment and reached out to caress his cheek. She considered the look of satisfaction on his face. “I like it when you look at me like that.”

“I like it when you look at me the way you did too.” He admitted, pulling her closer and kissing her shoulder. “It was very…intimate.”

The only acknowledgement she gave was to smile and nuzzle into him. If she gave anything more, it would initiate the conversation she wasn’t sure she wanted to have, and she realized it was because she was afraid she wouldn’t like his answer. They’d have it eventually, but it didn’t have to be tonight. At least not initiated by her. She turned into him and started to lean in to kiss him, though stopped and instead kissed his forehead.

Andrei kissed her on the lips, indicating he didn’t mind.

“I’ll kiss your lips no matter where they’ve been, Love.” He said with a grin and kissed her again. “Now, let’s see if we can grab some sleep, shall we? We’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”

“Yes, we do.” She agreed and kissed him again. She forced herself to be present in the moment, not letting distraction work its way into her eyes or voice. Though it was still early, she was tired and wouldn't object to the early night. Lyra waited on him to settle and then shifted to lay on her side next to him. He had seemed to like it before, so she placed her head on his chest and an arm wrapped loosely around him. Closing her eyes, she fell silent and still.

Andrei had had many women in his life wasn’t him all to themselves. The only difference in this case is that he actually cared. What’s more, he wanted to give her what she desired. It was complicated in many ways, but he knew it to be true in his heart. He had thought of no one else. He pulled her nearer to him and dropped the blanket over their bodies. And then he joined her in dreaming.



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