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Ya no Kona I

Posted on Sat Sep 17th, 2022 @ 3:38am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant JG Corvin Hartjin
Edited on on Sat Sep 17th, 2022 @ 3:39am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: Anorra
Timeline: Mission Day 11 at 1530
3193 words - 6.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Life down on the planet was rather sedate and easy going, the locals were friendly to everyone it seemed, even the Kazon though by the sour expressions that formed on their features after they left though Corvin couldn't blame them for that since as far as he was concerned the Kazon were merely tools, and just marginally above being useless, though he was down on the planet looking for a good time and to indulge in a bit of the local pugilist sports that they put on. Though currently he had found himself a bright looking open air bar with music that wasn't god awful and wasn't overcrowded as he fought his way to the bar, getting a shot of something clear and had a strong alcoholic aftertaste to it, then went with something that had an intensely red color to it and was a bit spicy with mix with a bit of a citrus flavor. Though the alcohol was just an added extra as he began to look around the bar for any of his fellow Terran officers, particularly any who were of the female persuasion as he sipped his drink. He was dressed in a leather jacket that was a little worn on the edges but otherwise was in rather excellent condition, a t-shirt that fit him snuggly and showed off a bit of his physique underneath without being like a second skin, a pair of jeans that were comfortable and his favorite pair of boots. He sipped his drink while he continued to scan the crowd before zeroing in on a rather jaw droppingly gorgeous specimen of a Terran woman as she sat at one of the raised tables overlooking the streets as a feral sort of grin formed on his lips before he set off through the crowd towards her table.

"Mmm and here I thought I wouldn't find anything gorgeous to look at." He smiled at her while sidling up to the table but did not take a seat, doing little to hide his obvious interest as he eyes devoured her luscious form.

Ilan had been enjoying her time on the planet to the absolute fullest she could manage. Stops like these would likely be few and far between after all. All of her free time had been spent on Anorra. As soon as her shift would end, she would beam down, change in her small but private room, and set out on all manner of adventure. Her chief goal was sampling all of the local flavors in all manner of meanings and she had been doing quite a good job of it too. Her private room was rarely private come evening.

This afternoon she found herself at one of the outdoor open bars she hadn’t visited. She wasn’t sure how long she would stay since it was rather quiet, but a drink and a bit of people watching was never a bad thing. She was dressed in a matching black and white deep v-neck halter crop top and sarong skirt. The sandals on her feet were a bright pink and she wore a pendant necklace of a matching bright pink that hit just above her very noticeable cleavage put out on display. No effort of modesty was made. She wanted attention.

She was just taking a sip of her near fluorescent cyan drink when the unfamiliar but obviously Terran man sidled up to her table. She looked him up and down and immediately smiled.

“Well now, that’s some interesting attire for a tropical beach. Aren’t you hot?”

"Mmmm, maybe but it's my lucky jacket since I was wearing it when I survived a KCA ambush on shore leave and took more than a mekleth after I killed its owner." He grinned at her as his eyes drifted to the valley of her generous cleavage as he let his mind wander a moment or two on how he'd love to let himself get lost there. Though he made no attempt to hide his obviously lusty interest from the dark haired woman before he brought his dark eyes up to hers, there had been a couple of times that he'd been mistaken for a Betazoid though he'd always been quick to correct such a mistaken assumption.

"Corvin Hartjin," He introduced himself before moving to take a seat across from her, rather forward of him but he wasn't here to play coy. "You're with the Science Department aren't you?"

"Well, Corvin, you must be with Security, aren't you?" Ilan chuckled and shook her head, her green eyes running over him slowly and more appraisingly this time. things were hard to tell under all those layers. "I am, yes. Ilan Ocara. A pleasure to meet you."

"Mmmm, most definitely a pleasure to meet you," He purred, shifting to slip out of his jacket as he caught her appraising look, letting her get a look at him properly. Scars crisscrossing the visible skin of his arms, his knuckles were covered in rough, heavy scars that looked like someone had taken a grater to them. She would be able to see that while he wasn't a muscular meat head, he was well built with taut muscles as he relaxed back taking a drink from his glass. "Though yes, I am with security, master-at-arms and when the need arises acting Assistant Chief."

"So what's such a gorgeous woman doing out here all by her lonesome? Looking for some company?" He questioned, his dark eyes had a playful glint to them even as he let his eyes return to roaming over her body.

“I might be, depending on the company.” Ilan watched him strip out of his jacket, not hiding her appraisal of his body in the slightest. He had quite a lot of scars. She liked scars on a man. They told stories, and often men liked to tell those stories among other things. Otherwise they would have gotten rid of the scars. She took another sip of her drink, it was sweet and mildly acidic with a nice burn.

“Why don’t you sit down, Corvin.” She invited with an alluring smile.

He moved to take a seat after draping the coat over the back of it and now that he was seated, she would be able to see there was a long scar that ran down the right side of his neck and down under his shirt. He seemed quite at ease with his appearance and did nothing to hide or conceal any of his scars, though he felt that the Klingons needed to be properly under the boot of the Empire, he could respect their prowess as warriors and many of his numerous scars came from his time showing them Terran strength and tenacity.

"Funny that, I just so happened to be down here looking for some company too." He smiled back at that gorgeous, perfectly enticing smile, holding himself with an ease confident of a man used to physical action. "About 5'9", dark hair, enchanting green eyes."

He paused to take a sip from his drink, enjoying the spiciness of it before returning his attention to her. "Definitely wondering how I missed her on the ship all this time."
“Sounds like you’re looking for an awfully specific kind of trouble, Corvin.” Ilan purred out in amusement and even chuckled softly at Corvin’s directness. It was charming in a brutish sort of way that really seemed to fit him. He was full Terran though and that could be rather dangerous to her depending on his feelings toward people like herself.

“As for how you missed me… too busy playing with your rifle, soldier.”

"Mmmm, trouble huh?" He smirked and considered her once more, his might running little vignettes in his mind about what he wanted to do with her, though keeping that little bit to himself. Though there had been a bit of rifle play as of late, just not the kind she was implying. Well maybe a little bit of that kind of play too. "So what do you say to finding out what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into? I'm certain we could figure out all sorts between the two of us."

“Oh? What did you have in mind?” She asked and laughed softly again. He had about as much finesse about the matter as a bull might have, but again it was fitting. Most security officers were like this in her experience though. Even the women were like this, though there were much fewer of those. Still, there had to be something more enticing for her. There was nothing saying she couldn’t have this man at any time when they were on the ship.

Corvin was not a sophisticated man. Nor was he elegant. He was a simple man. He was a brutish man who knew what he liked and went after it as he watched her. Ilan was definitely something that he liked even if she was the kind of woman that wouldn't normally have taken a second glance at him unless there was a reason for it back on Terra. "Well I'm game for anything you are," He paused to sip his drink as he considered the woman turning his brutal cunning to something a bit more nuanced as his mind turned a bit.

"If you are willing to indulge me I can show you how I became the favorite slave of the Klingon governor's wife who rule dover the planet where I was a slave in their fighting pits, though that might need a bit more privacy than we have here."

"That sounds very... bite-y." Ilan couldn't help but laugh again. His determination and persistence was almost endearing if she were being honest with herself. Usually she didn't go for such a blunt approach, but it was oddly charming coming from him. She put her chin in her hand and just watched him.

"A tad bit bite-y and quite physically vigorous, but I don't think we would need to worry about a Klingon governor trying to kill me in the blood pits," He chuckled and gave her a bit of a easy smile as he noticed that her attention had turned fully to him and from the crowd watching, so it seemed like a win in his book as he held her gaze and smiled. "So do you have a place we can go or would you prefer to go back to my room?"

"Well now, what happened to anything that I wanted to do?" She asked with a smirk and tilted her head at him, her attention still on him. A lot of women were put off by someone so blunt, it was true, but honestly Ilan just found it kind of fun from time to time. He didn't especially give off the vibe that if she rejected him that he would turn angry or violent, so she was much more inclined to continue their banter and see where it went.

"Well I never said we wouldn't do the things you wanted, I'm merely planning ahead." He smirked back and finished off his drink, he knew that his demeanor and attitude weren't for everyone, he'd been called an abrasive ass along with other expletives that he thought to start keeping a rolling tally of the common ones he'd heard. "So what would a lovely Terran lass such as yourself want to do?"

“Oh you’re very clever aren’t you.” She chuckled and finished off her drink and sighed against the bite of it. She had to hold back a laugh as he called her Terran, and that let her know that she should under no circumstances correct him in that thinking. “Hmm, I don’t know. You were the one who came up to me, you know.” She winked at him. “Shouldn’t you be the one to amuse me?”

"I suppose this is true," He replied while considering her for a moment and tried to think of some of the things that he had seen and heard other crew members talking about, she was a science officer and they tended to like...well science things. He definitely was into the sciences except on how it could help him kill something or help him make something that killed things better. "So I did hear about this little section of the resort where they have this street performance deal like Carnivale back on Earth, interested in checking it out?"

"Sure. I've never seen it in anything but pictures, but I know it's wildly popular especially in Rio." Ilan grinned and tilted her head. "When is it? Do you want to go now or later, hm?"

"I think it actually goes on all day, so it's whenever you would want to go and I don't think they are too strict on the dress code." He chuckled softly, he was really trying here and this was definitely outside his usual game with women, though then again he hadn't ever been trying to a woman like Ilan who, as they say, was him punching above his weight class.

“Hmm well, sure, why not. I was only doing some people watching here anyway and that sounds like a more fun way to watch people.” She chuckled and finished her drink, sliding out of her chair. “Lead the way then, won’t you?”

Corvin slid out of his seat with an easy smile on his face as he guided Ilan out of the street side bar and into the bustling streets with a hand placed lightly on the small of her back to help guide her through the crowd, his hand placed to not be wholly inappropriate but the way his fingers were resting they were brushing the top her shapely rear. Her presence wasn't going unnoticed by the numerous aliens with more than few gazes lingering lusty admiration or even furtive glances before their significant others caught them and started dragging the men off. "So what do you do in the Science department?"

“Well, considering we are a war ship, not really a research vessel, our department is the smallest on the ship.” Ilan noted as she walked with him. She accepted the placement of his hand and he would be able to feel the natural swing to her hips as she moved. “But I’m actually a genetics specialist, personally, and I’ve been working to analyze the DNA and genetics of the delta quadrant aliens in detail for anything that might be of benefit to the Empire and her people.”

Corvin didn't move his hand from her lower back even though they were moving in the direction of the street festival and he was quite enjoying the feeling of he way her hips sways, the shifting of her shapely rear back and forth as he turned his attention to her. "Find anything interesting? I mean I know that there are medical procedures like the one Lieutenant Cassiel underwent and the Augmented humans I remember vaguely from something my parents told me about but I really didn't listen."

No, he definitely doesn’t seem like the type who would listen to anything approaching a scientific conversation at all. Ilan mused to herself as they walked. “Nothing too interesting from the Kazon, a bit from the Ocampa, but it’s still early days for the Vidiians and their Phage.” “I’d heard about Lieutenant Cassiel through the grapevine but I’m not privy to her records to know exactly what sort of alterations were performed on her or the reversal process. Maybe I could ask her for access.” She mused and tapped her lower lip before looking at Corvin. “I’ve only briefly met her in passing, is she nice?”

"Yeah, she's nice but definitely has a hard edge to her when it's needed and the Security crew has been learning that the hard way, or at least those who have let themselves get lax." He replied, watching her tap her lower lip while they walked, moving through crowds of aliens with a few brushing against Corvin, apologizing but it still made his skin crawl to be touched by them, though he did ignore that feeling by focusing on the beauty at his side.

"I think I brought one of their zombies down to the Science labs for some experiment or something your Chief was wanting to run before we stormed the Vidiian ship I imagine there is a treasure trove since they're weapons had medical scanners built into them, it was rather interesting to see how they integrated it, that kind of tech could prove useful to the Empire."

"That does sound interesting." Ilan said and actually meant it. Equipping weapons with such a thing could lead to an extreme advantage in a tactical setting. "Now when you say scanner, how detailed of a display was it?" She asked and leaned a bit closer to Corvin, now clearly entirely more taken by the conversation.

"I'd say it's at least on par with one of our tricorders, though it was specialized for medical scans quite details and seemed capable of analyzing various humanoid scans, we recovered several from the Vidiian boarding parties and it is also capable of providing at the very least a heat signature scan through the walls of our ship so I would expect similar performance on most any other vessel we might encounter barring any kind of specialized shielding or especially dense material." He shared with her, glancing at the gorgeous woman since it seemed that he'd found something they could talk about.

"I could talk with Lieutenant Cassiel to see if I can bring one of the rifles down to your lab for a demonstration, I think their energy weapons also had similar scanners in them,"

"Oh do you think she would allow you to do that? That would be wonderful. I am a pretty decent engineer too, really. I took a lot of courses so that I could know how to fix and tinker with scientific equipment to suit my needs." She smiled and took his hand, standing closer and looking quite excited by the prospect.

"I think she might if the weapons function was disabled since the medical scanner works without the weapon portion being active." He supplied, a little surprised but it wasn't a bad sort of surprise as watched how much more engaged with him she had become just over something seemingly so minor as the medical scanner, though he thought it was a pretty amazing feature.

"I'd have to clear it with the Chief before I can say yes but I'll see what I can do."

"Well, I'm sure if you could be charming and nice about it she would say yes." Ilan assured him and squeezed his hand firmly as they continued to walk along the busy path. "You know, I only saw her briefly in passing, but I think she looks quite lovely with her new body - the other one was very pretty too but the new one... even better."



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