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A New Job II

Posted on Tue Sep 27th, 2022 @ 4:53am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Tue Sep 27th, 2022 @ 4:54am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: XO's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 22 at 1115
3147 words - 6.3 OF Standard Post Measure


"You know, I don't think I've said more than six words to her ever." Lyra mused and shook her head. That fact didn't really seem to bother her. Some people just weren't social. She preceded Andrei easily and looked around the larger room set up with standard furniture and zero character. Suddenly, she spun around and grinned at him as the door closed behind him. "So what are we breaking in first, darling?" She asked and then immediately laughed.

"The table." he said, pointing toward the circular structure near the side of the cabin. "It's lunch time and I'm dying for a meal. Besides, I have a good way to celebrate that extra metal on your collar."

He walked over to her and, without even a hint of permission-asking, picked her up into his arms. As her legs wrapped around him, his hands found her shapely bottom and squeezed suggestively, bouncing what he found there around back and forth playfully. Even as he lowered her down on the table, his lips were kissing around her neck above her gold service shirt collar.

Another laugh escaped her as Andrei picked her up and started to squeeze and bounce the cheeks of her rear again. Andrei was a man, powerful and magnificent, but even he reverted to being a sixteen year old boy when it came to playing with tits and ass. She grinned though it faded as he began to kiss her neck, instead becoming a warm and pleased expression. "And what way is that, exactly?"

“A minimum of four orgasms.” He said with a confident voice., his hand playing at the zipper of her jacket. “Does that sound good to you, Lovely Lyra?”

“Each?” She asked, her eyes shining with lust and slyness. Her hands moved to his hips and she shifted her legs apart so she could pull him closer to stand between them.

Andrei moved into the invited space. And the two of them broke in the table quite well, using every means at their disposal to bring each other physical bliss. With their uniforms scattered on the floor very little respect was given to the original purpose of the table and Andrei had resolved to have it cleaned quite thoroughly even as he held her legs in the air and drove his member into her with impressive energy and force, reaching her in places no man had ever reached before. As she moaned loudly, he increased her pleasure with his fingers. He had made good on his promised orgasmic minimum and had in fact doubled it when he was coming near his own.

“Oh fuck, Lovely Lyra.” He said with a shaky voice, his one visible eye rolling back in his head as he started his powerful climax. He sped up his pace through it, milking it for all it was worth.

Lyra was intoxicated by the power and passion he took her with. They had never failed to pleasure one another to the greatest heights, but this seemed fueled by something even more than usual. She drank in his passion, her own desire and pleasure heightened by hearing his moans and other pleasured sounds. His forcefulness presented no issue for her; she enjoyed it and was perfectly capable of enduring his ferocity. He left her body trembling as if it had been his sole mission in life to see her pleased. When she heard his breathless, shaking entreaty to her she watched the expression shift to one of pure bliss on his handsome face and felt him spilling into her core. With some effort, she pushed herself off the table with one hand; ignoring the slight discomfort of the less than natural pose, she grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled him into a passionate kiss. She didn’t interfere with the movement of his hips outside rolling her own to meet his as she had so often, seeking to enhance the moment for him.

“Andrei…” She gave a whispering, intimate moan against his lips and kissed him again, staying with him through his release.

He held her tight, his lips on hers, and when he was finished, he breathed heavily. Looking at her, his visible eye was full of powerful intensity and, underneath it, affectionate love. His hands softened on her body as the moment had passed and a new one had started. His interface gave him information on her vitals and even measured the emotions expressed on her face with impressive precision, but all of that information was becoming second nature to him. He pulled back from the kiss, his one arm on her back and the other on her face. He was still inside her; still pulsating.

“I love you, you know.” He said directly, looking into right eye with his left. “And I’m going to marry you. And we will make the stars jealous with our brilliance.”

It wasn’t a proposal; he hadn’t asked. It was a promise, like a statement of conquest or leadership. He was certain.

As his hands gentled, Lyra carefully lowered her legs from where he had been holding them and instead wrapped them around his hips loosely, her ankles crossing behind him. She held his gaze with ease and comfort, satisfaction plain in her expression. Her breathing and heart rate were elevated for obvious reasons, but as they came down from their shared bliss, everything was starting to slow into normalcy. The hormones and endorphins having flooded through her body had her very relaxed. When he gave his profession of love, the smile she gave was one of warmth and affection. It grew into a grin at his declaration of marriage.

She placed her hand on his cheek, holding his gaze for a moment before she leaned in and kissed him with shocking tenderness. “I love you too.”

Andrei had certainly never felt this way before with anyone else. All his life he had used women selfishly, getting what he wanted from them while giving in return only a portion; a shadow of what they wanted. With her it was different. He found her totally deserving of his attentions and, to this point, she was delighted to be used by him, her goals falling in lockstep with his. What’s more, he knew that she needed to be convinced that he really did care for her as much as he did. He hadn’t seen it as clearly after his experience on the Lovarr, but now his resulting transformation was complete.

“We will discuss the details later. For now, maybe we should wash this table and grab some lunch quickly. Our Chief of Security needs to get back to the Bridge, after all.” He said. He kissed her and pulled out of her gently, his manhood falling down. Again, he kissed her, and then went for his new bathroom.

Without hesitation, Lyra slid off the table and followed him to the bathroom. Her legs were shaky, but she trusted them to get her there. “We may have to temper some of your future expectations though. Seven sons is quite a lot, you know.” She teased and stepped inside the bathroom with him. It was certainly more roomy.

“Worried about that, are you?” He asked, a cocky grin on his face. “ I’m confident you’ll find yourself quite up to the task when the time comes. Considering we have family and slaves to help raise children, it won’t be too hard. And, I might add, the Vidiian Scientists on Rynall have mentioned a delightful little surgery that can easily restore a woman’s delightful littleness. With all that, what’s there to worry about?”

He turned on the sink and began rinsing himself, using soap and making his body clean again. His tone was jovial but not jocular. He was quite serious, though not oppressively so.

“I’d be hard pressed to trust any slave around our children.” Lyra replied, the “our” coming quite naturally off her lips. She picked up another washcloth to wet it for herself. She smirked then and looked at him through the mirror. “It’s not the raising I’m worried about, it’s the carrying. I’m not sure you, slaves, or family can quite help me with that.” As she spoke, she ran one of her hands down her flat, muscled abdomen. “And I do actually enjoy doing the job that I do.”

“What, you don’t want to roll around in phaser fights while with child?” He asked with a teasing grin, placing a hand on her hard stomach and holding it there.

“That doesn’t sound particularly pleasant, no.” She smirked and placed her hand over his, holding it there and looking up to him. “Though I suppose our boy would just have to deal with it.”

“Boy or girl, they’d be the strongest baby there ever was.” He said with a wink and released her. “We’ll figure it out, Love.”

Then he turned and went back out to the main room, through the bedroom, and began to put his clothes back in, taking particular interest in the new half pip on his collar.

Lyra followed him out soon enough and saw him looking at his new pip. She smiled warmly at him and walked over to him. Placing a hand on his arm, she spoke softly. “I’m very proud of you, Andrei, and very happy to call you mine.” She gave his arm a gentle squeeze and began to pick her clothes up off the floor to dress herself as well.

Andrei beamed silently in that moment, not offering anything else in particular except to straighten his uniform and then to grab a cloth and cleaner from a nearby cabinet. He sprayed the table and wiped it down, being sure to cover the entire surface and ensure it was sterilized.

Then, when he was done, he happily put the materials back.

“What do you have a taste for, Lieutenant? After all, we are celebrating your promotion, per the orders given to me.”

For a long moment she considered his question and then moved to the replicator, activating it with a touch to the black screen. She brought up her own saved recipes; she'd programmed this when she came on board as she always did on her postings, but she hadn't had it since she received her commission. While most people embraced a taste of home now and then, she had pointedly avoided it. She finally found it and selected two servings and after a moment of thinking, the replicator began to materialize the order. Two bowls and a plate appeared first with their serving utensils already positioned in the food; the plate had orange slices neatly arranged in a pleasing spiral, one of the bowls had plain white rice in it, but the other one appeared to be full of what genuinely looked like slightly clumpy golden sand. As she set them down on the table, another larger bowl with two smaller empty bowls and spoons appeared. A rich, smoky, appetizing smell filled the air immediately around them. She grabbed everything and spoke the last of their lunch into existence. "Two caipirinhas, recipe Cassiel-024."

Lyra let Andrei grab the drinks for them after they shimmered into existence while she separated the empty bowls; she put them down and left enough room for them both to eat comfortably, but set up next to Andrei instead of across so they could more easily pass the communal style dishes between the two of them. Once Andrei had settled, she gave a small smile.

"This was one of maybe five or six dishes my mother knew how to actually cook and wouldn't let our slaves even attempt to make. It's called feijoada and it's widely considered to be Brazil's national dish." As she spoke, she pulled the bowl of white rice over to herself and put a scoop in her empty bowl, handing it off to him. "Some people eat it as is, but at home we always served it over rice and then topped with farofa." She tapped the bowl that looked like it contained the clumpy sand. "She took great pride in her recipe and it was always very popular with guests and family alike. Even Angelus had a taste for it."

“I’ve never seen it served at court.” Andrei said, observing the dishes in front of him. It was somewhat foreign to him, but nothing compared to the Vidiian dishes they tried to eat during their shore leave. He started to prepare an amount for himself, not bothering to take small dips and hedge his bets.

"No, it wouldn't have been. It isn't elegant enough for court; this was for family meals out of the public eye." She put some of the thick, pork meat heavy stew. "There's nothing weird in it, pork meats and sausage, black beans, onion, tomato, garlic, and some seasonings." She assured him, seeing a slight wariness in his expression though she couldn't blame him given their repeated failed experiences with the Vidiian cuisines. "The farofa is just toasted yuca flour with some garlic and spices. It's like toasted breadcrumbs, gives a bit of crunch." She explained and took a spoonful, sprinkling it over the rich black-brown stew.

He followed her, preparing his food in the same way and not bothering to ask logistical questions. When the preparation was done, he dug in and chewed it, immediately nodding to her with a slight smile.

“It’s a winner. I like it.” He said, and then took another bite. Chewing it fully and swallowing as the pace of their conversation naturally slowed with their eating. “My mother used to prepare a few traditional Russian dishes on special occasions, but things were normally made by our chef. He had me a bit chunky early on with all of his treats. Speaking of which, I’m going to have to slow down with all of this eating we’ve been doing or I might return to that same state.”

"I don't know, darling, with all the exercise you and I get just between the two of us, I doubt that." She smiled suggestively at him and scooted the orange slices between them. "Cuts down on the richness on the tongue." She supplied before he asked and picked up one to eat. "I haven't had any Russian cuisine since I was young and attending your parents' parties. I don't remember if I liked it or not, but I'd happily try it again."

“I’m sure my mother will force you to love it one way or another.” He said with a smile as he grabbed a slice and ate the fruit from it. He then took a sip of his coconut water, washing it all down. “You should have seen how she treated my grade-school girlfriends. Poor little things were terrified.”

“Oh dear, why? What did she do?” Lyra asked with a chuckle, eating her meal slowly and just enjoying his company as he did hers. These moments were simple, uncomplicated.

“She tested them on their knowledge of politics, history, and even asked pointed questions about their diet.” He said, his eyebrows raised. “The woman was downright unforgiving. She made them all cry with a smile on her face. One after another…it never failed.”

Lyra laughed softly behind her hand and shook her head. "I'd say I'm surprised, but I'm not at all." She lowered her hand and was wearing a smirk. "The heir to Russia needs an educated and fine woman by his side, not some common chubby girl.”

“She was most curious about their desire to be great. My mother never did well with mediocrity when it came to me.” He said, speaking matter-of-factly. “Sometimes I wish I’d gotten it easy like Mika. But then I remember I never would have actually stood for it.”

"No, you wouldn't have." She smiled and touched his hand. "Mediocrity is so mundane, terribly boring. Boring is so... forgettable." She sighed and shook her head, taking another sip of her drink.

“Still, even my sister longs for greatness with all her heart.” He said with a nod. “Just because she’s good and gentle, most people are surprised to find, doesn’t mean she takes no for an answer.”

"She will be great too, in her own way." Lyra smiled and squeezed his hand before returning to her meal. "She's still young and figuring things out. I know this whole shift to the Delta quadrant was very upsetting for her, but she will adapt and persevere. Your family is good at that."

“So it would seem.” Andrei responded, returning to his food as well. The rest of the meal went similarly to the first part. They both ate moderate amounts with great enjoyment and spoke to each other with the same amount of enjoyment. When the meal was done, Andrei leaned back, his flat muscled stomach slightly less flat, and smiled. “Damn, that was good.”

Lyra smiled warmly and seemed genuinely happy he approved. "Good, I'm glad you liked it. I haven't had it in years, but I wanted to share it with you given the occasion." She reached out and began to stack the mostly empty bowls up. "So, do you really want me to join you and your family tonight, then?"

“I really do.” He said with a smile. “1730 hours in my parents quarters. That is, unless you want to meet me on the Bridge and walk down with me.”

“What should I wear?” She asked and busied herself returning everything to the replicator so that it could all be recycled again. As they shimmered away, she reached to zip up her jacket and get ready to head back to the bridge.

“Something semi formal that you wouldn’t be worried wearing in front of my parents.” He answered warmly. “Now get your jiggly ass back to the Bridge, Chief.” He ordered with a surprising command in his voice, and his hand slapped her butt, causing it to do what he had just suggested. “On the double.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She chuckled and leaned in to kiss him goodbye, lingering against his lips a long moment before finally pulling back and leaving him to his new quarters where she would probably end up spending more than a little time herself. As she walked into the corridor, her fingers found her neck and she touched the pips there, allowing herself a bit of a smile as she moved back to the turbolift to continue her day.

Andrei sighed as she left, smiling. He would start moving small things from his quarters on Vengeance and Lovarr. He would make slaves work at the heavy stuff. This was the start of something big. He could tell.



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