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All Work, Maybe Play II

Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2022 @ 3:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun Nov 6th, 2022 @ 1:48am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E3-S1:E4)
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: Mission Day 28 at 1935
3387 words - 6.8 OF Standard Post Measure

"Almost everyone does." He said, winking at her, and then remembering that it was without effect while he was wearing the interface. Instead, he shrugged again. "I'll put out some feelers and see if he's soldier material. If I'm moving Eritrea, I'm looking for someone that's going to be on my side when the chips fall down. Have you met him before? What's your impression of him?"

“Briefly, once. Early on.” Though he thought his wink ineffectual, the way the other muscles of his face shifted let her know what he was going for. She had seen it enough. “Not very talkative. Huge chip on his shoulder with his daddy issues.”

"Sure. Well, we'll see." he said, leaning back in his chair. "Is there any other business we need to cover, Lieutenant?" he asked, his hands finding the desk again.

“Yes there was one other thing.” She said and picked up the last PADD, briefly running her eyes over the text and then handing it over to Andrei. “I have been toying with the idea of making up an elite strike force made up of both security and marine specialists. They’d be tasked with the more dangerous, hostile away missions where a mass force might not be the best choice. A dagger instead of the sword as it were.” She watched Andrei as she spoke. “Chief Law would lead it and see to their training under my supervision. It would be a team of six which would be bumped to seven if and when I joined them during missions. Sergeant Locke would play second, and there is a list of recommendations for the remainder of the positions.”

Andrei looked down at the PADD and considered the suggestion for several silent seconds. It wasn't clear exactly what he thought from his expression, but he seemed to take in what he was seeing on an objective level before he considered any of its implications.

"Shadow Squad, hmm?" he asked, rhetorically, still looking down at the document of the proposal. "Specific mission profile....recon? Political restructuring? Search and rescue? If it were Black Ops, I don't think I'd be able to keep Kassandra out of it."

"If there is a Black Ops mission, she can and would of course be consulted during such a time, but that would not be their primary purpose. In my mind, recon, combat, extractions would be their focus." She explained, watching Andrei as he considered what was in front of him. "This team would answer to the Captain, you, and myself, no one else unless ordered to do so. For all purposes they'd be outside the normal chain of command to make sure they can remain effective and unmarred by egos of other officers."

"I like the idea," he said with an affirmative nod. "I'll pass it along to the Captain at our sit down today and give it my blessing. If he's on board, we can discuss specifics and logistics."

He licked his lips and tapped his fingers on the desk, seeming slightly impatient now, though it was under the surface.

"Now, care to explain your sudden change of heart on the uniform?"

"Hmm?" She looked at him with feigned confusion, but as she did so she turned her chair and lifted her legs. The heels of her boots came up to the corner of the desk and she crossed her ankles, putting her long, luscious legs on display for him as her skirt slid up higher on her thighs. "Well when it's just for a meeting, I don't really need to be all covered up, now do I?" She licked her lips, smirking a bit as she looked into his eyes. "I don't think you're going to stab me... not with a knife at least."

"I'm notably unpredictable, some might say." he said, gazing at her legs from across the desk. He figured it was for him that she had changed, and he was certainly benefiting from the view. "Now come here, I'm not sure that skirt is regulation length. An inspection is in order."

Still wearing the smirk, she slid her legs from his desk and her feet fell to the floor with a thump. She stood and moved around his desk, but instead of standing for inspection, she reached out and put her hands on his cheeks. Standing taller than him since he was sitting, she looked down into his and traced her thumb over his bottom lip. Lyra held his gaze, her own heated and her pulse up.

As her hands met his cheeks, he turned his visible natural eye up to her. The readings from the interface told him more than the implant alone would have; readings of elevated vitals, chemical secretions, and recognized facial expressions flashed before his vision there. Before, he would have been put off by it, but it was slowly becoming normal. He looked at her legs again, a smile crossing his face.

"Definitely too short, considering regs. You'll have to take it off." he commented, his voice somewhat harsh, though quiet. His hand met her wrist where she touched him. He was heating too.

"Well, they aren't really meant to contain an ass like mine, you know." As she said it, she turned around, putting her rear squarely at Andrei's eye level and then sliding her hands down her hips with her fingers moving over the pronounced swell of her backside.

Andrei reached up and found that same pronounced swell with his hands. Gently at first, and then he squeezed generously. Smiling more deeply, he allowed his fingers to wander slowly down her legs, lingering on every bit of skin until he reached the back of her knees, then he slowly went back up again.

"There aren't many asses like yours in the Fleet." he said, admitting the fact willingly before he grabbed the garment with strong fingers along a seam and moved quickly, making a ripping sound. As he continued to rend her skirt, he gave a focused expression, until the skirt was apart. He tossed it over her shoulder toward the door.

Lyra smirked as he ripped her skirt and once it was off, Andrei would be faced with the dark red of her panties. Turning to face him, she reached up and unzipped her jacket, tossing that off to the side to join the ripped skirt. She leaned down to him, speaking quietly in his ear in a low, silky voice. "Why don't we christen this desk of yours."

"It certainly needs a christening." he said, standing up then, a wave of masculine energy in the motion. Now that he stood over her, his eye met hers as did his lips. His hands found her hips as he pushed her back until her bottom bumped the desk. Kissing her breathily, his tongue dancing with hers, he brazenly swept the PADDs and other documents off of the desk and onto the floor.

Lyra lifted herself up slightly so she slid back and sat on the edge of the desk. She loved the power he exuded, the feeling of his energy when he was so close to her like this. She returned his kiss with fire, her tongue wrestling his though her hands were not idle. With finesse her fingers moved to his belt and before he knew it, it was off of his pants and flying into the corner to join her skirt and jacket. The button and zipper were undone, and her hand immediately slid down into the fabric of his boxer briefs.

Andrei returned the kisses hungrily, his hands, exploring the skin of her back with interest and energy. He found the base of her undershirt and tugged at it unapologetically, coaxing it over her head and then tossing it as well. He returned to their kisses faithfully, feeling himself harden and lengthen in her hand. He bit her lip gently, then again, harder. It hadn't been hard enough to draw blood, but there was certainly a painful intention.

Lyra had made a slightly displeased sound in having to stop touching him so he could take off her shirt but she had complied with his insistence. Her hand immediately resumed where it had left off, her touch feathery and meant to tease and enliven his senses as well as his manhood. When he bit her lower lip with purpose, she let out a quiet moan of pleasure tinted with pain. Her free hand began to push his pants and underwear down at once off his hips and once he was exposed to her, both hands went up to his jacket to unzip it and take it off.

She pulled back from their kisses, eyeing him standing in front of her in his undershirt and without hesitation she reached up to grab it by the collar just at the shoulder seam and then with a firm yank she tore it from his body just as he had done with her skirt.

Lyra had revealed his torso, more chiseled than ever. He didn’t particularly care about that, though, with his pants and underwear around his thighs and his hands gently teasing at her erogenous zones, exciting her for what was next. He kissed her neck, nibbling at her collar bone and the sensitive skin between. His fingers found the clasp of her bra and quickly undid it. Pulling the bra off of her and watching as her beautiful breasts fell out, he tossed the garment like the rest.

Again, she moved her arms for him so the offending garment could be removed which left her now naked outside of her panties. Her eyes closed at the feeling of his lips on her neck and she gave a soft, pleasured sigh. This time when her hands came back up though, she began to more pointedly touch Andrei, caressing the places she had taken the time to learn that would elicit a positive reaction from him. She was neither a lazy or inattentive lover and gave more than what his shallow pursuits had him used to receiving; there was genuine passion and earnestness in her actions that came from true and shared attachment. She used her cheek against his to push his head away slightly so that she could get to his neck. She began nibbling the sensitive flesh just under his ear, punctuating it with kisses and then finally ran the tip of her tongue down the line of his jugular vein. When she was about halfway down, she bit him on his neck there, not hard, but her teeth pricked the skin in a delicious way.

Her hands hadn't been idle, they started from his lower abdomen and slowly slid upward, trailing over each of his defined abs with care and then up to his chest. Her thumbs found his nipples and she began to rub and tease them, flicking them with the pads of her fingers lightly. Most men didn't like to admit it, but they were just as sensitive there as women. Pulling back from his neck, she kissed along the strong line of his jaw slowly and then found his lips with hers once more.

Andrei’s enjoyment of Lyra’s work was obvious and unmuted. He allowed a low moan to escape his lips as she kissed beneath his ear and moved her hands around his body, gritting his teeth when she bit him, nipping back at her own lips like a dog. It wasn’t until her fingers reached his nipples and she began to play with them that he became so overwhelmingly horny that he lost his composure for a moment. Using his hands, forcefully, he spread her legs and moved in close so that his prodigious manhood was right up against her sex. Bucking his hips, he moved hard against her panties, feeling their wetness.

With his mouth and hands, he dipped below her collar and focused, slowly, on her chest, teasingly skipping past her own nipples, but circling there several times, building anticipation with every go around. Even though they had stiffened noticeably, her protrusions got nothing more than a gust of air from his mouth before he kissed down her stomach. His knowledgeable and practiced hands massaged muscles which were familiar to him, biting every tense spot and releasing them to the tension he brought. His hands were then on her thighs. Hungry; soft; evasive. He looked up at her, his lips gracing the skin inside her panty line.

“You’re incredibly beautiful.” He said, his voice like chocolate. “I love you.”

And then he began to kiss her thighs and work his way down the toned legs he’d been ogling, paying attention to those places which so often went unnoticed, nibbling, licking and, in some choice places, biting again.

Lyra watched Andrei intently as he worked down her legs. She squirmed unconsciously and her breath caught when he bit into her skin while he massaged her with his skilled touch, it was intoxicating. At that moment when everything was out of her reach, she lifted both of her hands and placed them on her breasts to give relief to her neglected, aching nipples that he for some reason just loved to use to torment her. Her head tilted back and she gave a soft, sighing moan just as his hands moved back to her thighs.

Before he even spoke, she could feel his eyes on her. She brought her head forward and looked down into his eyes. Her already dark eyes were darker still in the moment of arousal - heated, wanting, possessive. The word rarely passed between them again since Anorra, but in these moments it was always very clearly communicated by both of them, the feeling deeply mutual. Mine. When he spoke, she smiled, and from everything his interface told him it was a genuine expression. Her hand moved to his face, her fingertips running gently over the line of his defined cheekbone. He was so very handsome.

"I love you too." The words left her lips on a pleased sigh as he kissed her thighs. One hand moved to his head, her fingers tangling into his hair and the other found one of his hands on her hips, her fingers slid over his and between his knuckles then around to the tender inside of his arm. She did not press him to act and instead for the moment waited patiently to see what he intended to do.

For the next few minutes, Andrei handled her slowly, being nicer than before and kissing from her knee down to her ankle and then doing the same on the other leg. In everything, his motions were smooth and deliberate. When he had given them all the attention he wanted, he reached his hands up and gave her what she had wanted earlier, his fingers dancing on her nipples with slow, suggestive motions. As he did so, he pulled his body up against hers and kissed her deeply.

Lyra moaned quietly into their kiss, seemingly conscious of the fact they were in his office and not in the privacy of their quarters and trying to be quiet because of it. She pressed her chest to his hands, returning his kiss with passion and desire. Her hands moved to his hips and then inward, intimately tracing the defined V-cut from his hips down to his groin where she took hold of his manhood again and began to stroke him while he teased her breasts.

Andrei bit her lip again, trading playful dances with her tongue as she grabbed hold of him again. His fingers continued their work, intensifying and increasing in speed. He didn’t seem intent on moving to anything else at the moment, and instead focused on her, being generous, attentive, and clearly bringing all of his effort to bear.

It was her turn to return his bite. She grabbed his lower lip aggressively, like she was potentially going to bite too hard, but there was measure there. Just enough pain to bring pleasure; a delicate dance for many, but one they had perfected with each other. Her hand was busy on him, no less skilled than her mouth; her thumb circled and stroked his crown and just under it. She could feel the catch in his breath, see the slight twitches of the muscles in his face as she worked him but she was not much better. Her second hand moved back up his body, tracing his abs and then up to his chest. Her palm brushed up against one of his nipples on the journey upward, but she didn't stop and instead brought her hand to rest on the back of his neck.

She wanted to push him back into that chair, hop on him, and have her way with him, but she would be patient. More often than not, her patience and submission was richly rewarded with Andrei.

Andrei’s kisses trailed down, as did his hands, past her stomach,until he was on his knees in front of her. With a strong hand, he pushed on her stomach and gently insisted she lean back. With deliberate movements, he took hold of the damp fabric of her panties and pulled them off of her, tossing them toward the growing pile of their clothes. He was now the only one who had anything on in the form of pants, but even those were nearly around his ankles. With a few kisses to her thighs, he made his way toward her sex, teasing her at first, and then spending the next several minutes pleasuring her skillfully with tongue and fingers alike.

Once he had moved past a certain point, Lyra had no choice but to release his member from her grasp and watch him work himself down to his knees before her. As he pushed her back she didn't protest and planted her hands on his desk, allowing her to lift her hips up enough that he could easily remove her panties. She settled again, and immediately gave a soft moan as his mouth made contact with her most intimate parts. One hand remained on the desk so she could keep herself propped up to watch him, and the other hand tangled its way into his luscious mane of black hair.

Her sounds were quiet, but no less passionate. Her dark eyes closed in the moment. Her body squirmed, her breath came more rapidly. She used her hand in his hair to communicate her pleasure, tightening when he hit things just right. She could feel a familiar tension starting to build in her muscles, and immediately opened her eyes and looked down at him. "Andrei..." She called to him softly, breathlessly. "Wait... wait." She moved her hand from his hair to his chin and pulled his head up so she could look into his eyes.

"I want you inside of me." Her voice was quiet, beseeching. Her dark eyes burned for him alone.

Andrei waited there for a moment, his visible eye locked on her dark orbs, watching the desire and vulnerability there. He loved that power he had won, and drank it in as if it was wine. Then, after several moments, he slowly stood, and, spreading her legs decisively with his hands, placed her feet on the desk where they would be able to remain high. He grabbed hold of his member then and slowly, agonizingly slowly, guided the tip inside her. He felt her warm wetness and a sudden shudder from her, but only gave her a few inches of his length. He could see both pleasure and anticipation in her eyes, but he went no further. Instead, he moved in and out at that depth, increasing her desire for more and gradually answering her desire with more and more of himself.

“You feel so good..” he moaned, his visible eye still focused on her alone. She had been holding back a massive release, wanting it to be perfect, perhaps. He wouldn’t allow her to wait any longer. He demanded it now: her spasm, her rolling eyes, her involuntary loudness, and he didn’t care who had protest. “Now, let’s give the slaves something to clean this time.”



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