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Change of Heart

Posted on Sat Nov 26th, 2022 @ 5:58pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Callie Marshall
Edited on on Sat Nov 26th, 2022 @ 7:30pm

Mission: S1 Episode 4: The Cloud
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1430
940 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

With her recent concerns about the Rynall and Troy, Callie made her way to Ivan’s ready room, she’d made a decision that she had never considered before all in the name of love. Pausing by the door she pressed the chime and waited for a call to enter.

“Come in.” Ivan stated looking up from his work.

Walking in Callie offered a smile as she stood at attention in front of Ivan’s desk. “Permission to talk to you for a few minutes Sir? I have something I need to say.”

Ivan furrowed his brow suddenly, though his response was calm. He turned off his PADD screen and laced his fingers.

“By all means, Callie. Come in and have a seat.”

“Thank you Sir” She smiled as she relaxed and sat down. “With recent events, the early delivery of John, and Troy’s move to the Rynall I’ve decided I want to be assigned to the ship with him if that’s possible? If not I’ll resign my commission and go over as Troy’s wife.” She gave Ivan a look that said she meant it. “I stood on the bridge listening to talk of using the Rynall for this new, ultra dangerous ore and I felt so... angry! I had to fight the urge not to scream at someone!” She shook her head. “If anything happened to Troy...” She shook her head. “I need to leave this ship.”

Ivan looked at her, remembering how emotional she had become on the bridge when we were discussing their plans. They had feared a pregnant woman would weaken the crew, and he had started to believe them.

“Your attachment to your family is appropriate for a wife and mother, but not for a Starfleet Officer. Ultimately, the Rynall will be used as I best see fit for the good of the lives in this fleet, in particular the ones on this ship.” Ivan said, boldly but not unkindly. “If you can’t remain objective and do your duty, a discharge from the service seems the best option to me. Transfer, I think, is not a good idea.”

Callie’s heart sank at the thought of the loss of her career, but being a wife and mother was just as important to her now. “The loss of my career would have been a huge loss to me before I became a mother, but now...” she nodded. “I accept those terms Sir.” She pulled out a PADD. “I’ve been looking through the crew files for options on those who could replace me, being short staffed doesn’t help, but there is someone who came up high on Academy scores in Discipline Inspection.” She handed over the PADD. “Ensign Andrea Carrington, currently in Ops. She’s a half Betazoid like me, so she’d be useful.”

He considered how excitable Callie had been and wondered if that would be a trait in Carrington as well. Then he considered their professional interactions over the past few months and decided it wasn't likely. He frowned.

"I'll take this under advisement." he said with a sad tone. "have your resignation on my desk by the end of the day and I'll make it official."

Callie nodded. “I can go one better than that Sir.” She pointed to the PADD with her recommendations on. “You’ll find a copy of a letter of resignation on that PADD, I drew it up just incase.” She paused. “Sir I... I’m sorry, when I first arrived here I let myself loose after being kept under my father’s influence. I wasn’t planning on finding someone like Troy, or having a baby for that matter. I guess you could say I’ve found what I was always looking for. I hope I haven’t let you down.”

He placed the PADD down on his desk, only having given it a cursory glance, then he stood up, his hulking frame dwarfing the young woman. Rounding the desk, he wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace, but one that accounted for her size.

“I understand, Callie. I understand. I too have children, and my work has kept me from them when they needed me most.” He said. “You’ve served us well, so don’t worry about this. We will make do.”

Callie was surprised by the hug, but returned it. “Thank you Sir, I’ll still be bringing John over to visit you’re his family now.”

“We would love that.” Ivan said with with a smile, and released her from the hug. “Now, just know that your security clearance and access will change. Sometimes that’s a shock for people. You won’t be able to go to sensitive areas anymore.”

Callie nodded. “Of course, I’ll be a civilian instead of a member of the crew.” She paused for a moment. “If I decided I wanted to return to the fleet when John is older, would I be able to do that?”

“We can discuss that later, but I’m open to it.” Ivan answered neutrally.

Callie nodded. “Of course, I wouldn’t expect any favours. I appreciate that you have the crew of all the ships to watch over.”

He agreed with a smile and a nod of his own.

"Well, I'll need to be back to tending them...and finding a new Chief Discipline Inspector. Stay in touch." he said, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“Of course I will Sir” Callie nodded. “Thank you.” With that she rose from her seat leaving Ivan to get back to work.



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