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A Price to Pay

Posted on Sat Nov 12th, 2022 @ 7:28pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasper Branson & Immy
Edited on on Sat Nov 12th, 2022 @ 9:46pm

Mission: S1 Episode 4: The Cloud
Location: XO's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1515
3327 words - 6.7 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been 8 years since she'd had her freedom taken away from her; 8 years since she ran the conn that wound her up bound in service, first to a cleaning service in Dublin, and then to the Imperial Fleet. She had literally slaved away, and now owed only 23,000 Golden Crowns to the Empire. They'd promised she'd have to pay back every cent, one way or another. Through service, through humility, in honor or labor, the Terran Empire would get what it paid for.

Her mother, a woman from the Stannei Class, those Terrans unfortunate enough to have one non-Terran grandparent, had only subtle hints of her faded Bajoran heritage; the determination, the courage, and tiny ridges on her nose. She, herself, was the child of a Lord's daughter, laid low after being ravished by a Half Blood in an alleyway. That little lady gave birth to her shame and gave her away to a working-class family who couldn't conceive named the Tigers. They named her Erin and raised her to be a good little Terran, but her Bajoran blood got in her way more often than not.

Imogen was born without the Bajoran traits her mother still possesses, but was still known to be Aerei Minorum, still cursed by the blood of a great grandfather she knew nothing about. Her father was long gone, buried in some bottle of beer, and Erin raised her on her own. She went by the name "Immy" from an early age, but what was once a cute nickname has now become a slave name. Her mother's Stannei status limited the opportunities she was afforded in her life, and she she scraped by with a bit of help from her daughter. Sometimes this meant honest work, sometimes it meant work of a much more dishonest kind. Immy didn't care, as long as she ate.

As she aged into adolescence, this Dublin girl from the slums became noticeably beautiful and drew the attention of the alien and almost-alien citizens who lived near her. At the age of fifteen, radiant beyond her years, she attracted the attention of an Imperial Starfleet Lieutenant on shoreleave. Despite the fact that their romance was illegal, the Lieutenant pressed ahead in his pursuit of her. Goaded on by the promise of the steady salary afforded an Imperial Officer, Immy went along with his wishes just long enough to gather his personal information and steal almost everything the man owned. She thought she was smart; she thought she'd gotten away with it, until he tracked her down and turned her over to the police. One look at her heritage, and the City Tribunal slapped a fine on her so high her mother could never repay it. Left with no other options, Immy sold herself as a 1st Caste slave to a local cleaning business.

Imogen Tiger, the red-headed girl from the slums, had come far in that she was now 70,000 Light Years away from where she had started, but her Terran heart still reminded her every day that she wasn't meant to serve the way she was made to. She longed for the day when she would pay off the last Golden Crown and be a free woman, finally.

Immy activated the cleaning pad, a white device that started to glow blue from a bright light on its bottom surface. The light was so radiant, in fact, that it really hurt to look directly at it. She lowered it onto the surface of the desk in front of her and began to move it along slowly, watching as any specs or grime began to fade away under the harsh cleansing light. She was used to this process and had learned to do it quickly a long time ago. From cleaning houses in Dublin, to cleaning tables in After 11, to her new job as the number two command slave. Now, however, she did her cleaning in the CO and XO's quarters on rotation with the other command slave. She thanked the gods the Petrovs were a clean family, as it made her life as a slave easier than ever before.

The rest of the time, she slaved over PADDs, records, reports, documents, evaluations, and dirty laundry. She deactivated the device and placed it in her portable cleaning case, then turned and walked back into the bedroom. Her eyes fell on the bed, and not for the first time, she noted that it was the only thing in the XO's quarters that seemed to genuinely need to be cleaned. The pillows were askew, as were the covers, and there were signs that the Commander Lieutenant had been enjoying each other's company the night before.

Years ago, she would have groaned at such an assignment when no one else was around, but now she merely gave a small sigh and started gathering the blankets and sheets into a large blue bag. She had seen the Commander's handiwork in the Command Office, and had been given the menial task of cleaning up the incredible mess the two of them had left, a task that require quite alot of drying, scrubbing, and sanitizing. It would have discussed her a bit more, perhaps, if she hadn't gotten a full-frontal view of what the man was packing just before the cleaning started. Often, during her day, she had to admit that wonderful image popped into her brain and lingered.

As she picked up one of the pillows and began to remove the cover, she heard the swishing of the door in the other room. She had never been in here when someone else was around and she found herself hoping it was someone kind who would either leave her alone or fail to notice her in the first place. It wasn't so much that she was afraid she was about to be in trouble, as it was she simply didn't want anyone to make her job harder than it needed to be. She didn't want new assignments; she didn't want a hard time. She just wanted to finish this last assignment and get somewhere where she could close her eyes and pretend she wasn't a slave.

A sigh escaped Jasper's lips as he stepped into Andrei's quarters. It had been a long day of learning Andrei's preferences and playing catch up, but really in the end Jasper had been taking to his new assignment quite well. He'd sorted the stack of PADDs to the best of his own ability to discern what was important which he was confident in given his time in Ops and with the access he had been given had taken them across the hall to Andrei's quarters. He moved to put them down on the desk inside and took a moment to just look around and take in the man's quarters. He wasn't looking for trouble, but was simply curious.

The display of swords hanging caught his eye and he wandered over to them, lingering a moment there and just looking. He didn't seem to notice he wasn't alone.

Immy's first instinct was to stay still and hope the person left, which she did at first. She stood silently, her freckled face turned toward the door to the bedroom and her entire body still. Then, after a few long moments of silence, she realized how very strange it would be if whomever it was proceeded without knowing they weren't alone. Then, deciding that was not worth the risk, she went back to pulling off another pillow cover, being sure to make enough noise that the person in the livingroom would hear her and know that she was making her rounds.

The sound did startle Jasper slightly from his consideration of the blades on the wall. Frowning, he moved over toward the open bedroom door and peered inside. When he saw the slave standing there, he relaxed slightly, then actually looked at her and immediately frowned again. Andrei's words about why Jasper was being brought on as yeoman echoed in his mind as his blue eyes immediately went to Immy's chest. Unflattering slave uniform or not, those couldn't be missed. He watched her for a moment and noticed she was pulling apart the bed and couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head.

Immy worked the dirty pillow covers into the back and then followed them up with the sheets as well. Her mind remained on the person outside the door, even though her large brown eyes didn't dare look to see who it might be. A slave learned to play dumb, and she could even manage that at some points. She closed the back and walked over to Andrei's linen closet where fresh sheets were kept. She pulled out a clean fitted sheet and then moved back to the bed. Climbing on the bed, she began to tuck the sheet in at the receded sides of the mattress in practiced movements. It was a somewhat compromising position, but she tried to keep her mind on her work.

Considering there was no way the woman hadn't heard his chuckle from this distance, Jasper smirked and opted to lean against the door frame. He crossed his arms over his broad chest; his uniform mostly hiding his physique, but he was definitely a large, imposing figure. His blue eyes followed her, watching her perform her duties. He was silent as he did, but the aura he presented wasn't predatory as the slave woman was probably more accustomed to; if anything, he still seemed amused in a way at what he was looking at.

Once she noticed the presence had moved into the room with her, Immy stopped and stood up immediately, leaving the sheet half applied to the bed. She lowered her head and demurred as she'd learned to do so long ago - a skill she had become notably good with. She looked meek, and shy, and quite harmless. Her locks of gorgeous red hair flowed half-braided over her shoulders. She placed her arms at her sides and slouched, hoping to look more flat-chested than she was, a futile attempt at a trick she learned from less-gifted slaves in a different place who also hoped to go unnoticed.

"I'm sorry, master. I'm nearly done." she said, her Irish accent sounding in a gentle voice. It was very feminine, light, and pleasant; the sort of voice that people would listen to on a book recording, like honey.

She allowed herself a slight glance, expecting to see the XO, but flashing a bit of surprise to see someone she didn't know. Then, after that, she immediately returned her eyes to the bed in front of her, hiding her eyes. Waiting for whatever might happen next.

"Oh don't stop on my account, girl. I simply heard a noise and came to investigate." Jasper waved his hand slightly though he did look over her again, watching her demure as a slave should. The problem was, this one looked very Terran, and sounded very Irish. He quirked a brow at that.

"I'd suggest getting finished and out of here before the XO's girlfriend shows up. She is in here often, as I'm sure you've surmised." He waved his hand toward the bag full of sheets.

Her eyes traveled to the bag again, and then flitted back to the bed beneath her. She didn't look up at him.

"I was only cleaning as assigned, master. I hope the Lieutenant wouldn't be displeased with my service." she said, though there was a question in the statement. She had never quite been able to suppress her humanity. She was a Terran more than anything else, after all, and she always seemed to make a wave when others made none. Luckily for her, however, she generally had the charm to pull it off when it went too far. Not that this was one of those times.

"Who knows, really. I suppose I just wouldn't chance it if I were in your position given her particular uh... history with the fleet's slaves." Jasper grinned at that like it was a joke. "What's your name, girl?"

She blinked several times, fast. She had heard the stories. The horrors Lyra Cassiel had wrought on the Lovarr. And, of course, she was afraid of her as every slave was. Being that she was Terran herself, and of the 1st Caste, however, her fear was proportional to the reduced danger to her.

"I am Immy, master." she responded as evenly as she could, still looking away. "I've recently been moved from my previous post as a waitress at After 11."

"Ah, I thought I recognized you. That must be it." Jasper dared step into the bedroom and looked around, but didn't approach her or touch anything. "So, is this a downgrade or an upgrade for you, Immy?"

"Master?" she asked, pretending not to understand the question, of course. And, truth be told, he wouldn't know enough about her to tell if she was really bluffing or not.

"What about that was confusing?" Jasper asked, making a slight face at her though he didn't sound particularly annoyed by her response yet.

She blinked again, not quite knowing how to answer the question. Most people didn't call a slave on things like that, so she had mostly been running on auto-pilot through his question.

"I don't understand what you mean about an upgrade, master?" she asked, accidently quirking a brow, though she didn't smile. "I live to serve the Empire in whatever way the Slave Mistress desires. So far, that means cleaning, no matter where I've been."

Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose slightly. "Yes, I'm asking if you consider it an upgrade to be cleaning up sex stained sheets in the XO's quarters over musty beer stains in the lounge."

She thought for several seconds, wondering what this man was after. Was he trying to trap her in some way? Or perhaps he was really curious? Who, in fact, was he?

"Between sex and beer, I don't know which one is better." she started, an adorable smile breaking on her face which she couldn't suppress. She didn't look up though. "But the leftovers are equally sticky, master. But, at least, this assignment comes with a higher rank, a comfier cot, and sober masters."

"Mm... I suppose that is true." Jasper conceded. His intent was wildly hard to pin down, but judging by his tone he didn't seem like he had ill intent. "At least one, fun was had, the other not necessarily. I'll let you decide which is which." He smirked at her.

"Beer is always fun." she said, her eyes unintentionally drifting up to meet his. They were lively, and youthful, and challenging, and mysterious at the same time. "Sex depends."

She caught herself then and lowered her eyes again. She also forced the smile from her face.

"I'm sorry, master. I didn't mean to be disrespectful." she said, looking at his shoes. "May I ask...who master is?"

"Ah don't worry, girl. I'm not in the habit of making a fuss over a little misstep now and then. I prompted it anyways." Jasper offered. If she had been a man, sure, but he had a soft heart for pretty girls. For a while at least. "You're a good girl, Immy." One hand went to his hip and he watched her, finding her eyes quite interesting. They definitely were not the eyes of a broken slave.

"Petty Officer Branson."

'Good' was not a description she'd had attributed to her much in her life. She found it hilarious, but managed to keep that to herself.

"And, excuse me for asking, master, but...I'm supposed to make sure the Commander's quarters are secured while I'm here..."

"Yeah of course, its fine." Jasper gave a dismissive wave and seemed to grow bored then. He stood up and gave her another once over. "You best get back to it then, really."

"I mean to ask...who are you?" she said, pushing through his comment. "Do you have clearance to be in here?"

When she looked at him this time, the fun was gone from her eyes, but that same mystery and challenge remained. She didn't hold eye contact long, but long enough to suggest she was intending to get an answer.

"For all I know, master could have just broken in without clearance."

Jasper's expression flattened immediately as she said that and he looked at her with far less cordiality. "Do you really think some random petty officer would be stupid enough to break into the XO's quarters?" He just looked at her, now far less interested.

"I'm his yeoman, girl. Now get back to work."

She furrowed her brow. It had to be a change very recently made or she would have seen him in the office.

"Where is Eritrea?" she asked, looking at him and then, looked down at the bed and added a shrill "master" to the end of the statement.

"Excuse me?" Was all Jasper said, his expression now hardening and a frown appearing on his handsome face.

She heard the turn in his tone and tensed her arms, giving the opposite effect that slouching did for her chest. Perhaps it wouldn't help, but sometimes the girls were good for a bit more sympathy.

"I misspoke, master. I'm sorry." she said, her tone even. "Please forgive me. There's a reason I'm the slave and you're the master. I'm sure I will be told everything I need to know when you decide its right."

She climbed back onto the bed then and continued applying the fitted sheet as he commanded, praying beyond prayer that he would just leave.

His blue eyes went to her chest and then to her face, did she think she was facing some teen boy or known ass chaser like Andrei? Sure, they were nice, but being swayed by nothing but a pair of nice tits was for the weak. He didn’t say anything for a moment, but also didn’t leave. “You’re more Terran than not, girl, I can tell. Use that better brain of yours and don’t be stupid if you ever want to get out of those chains.”

With that, he turned and left the room but didn’t leave the quarters completely and instead moved to the desk to check the security locks on the PADDs one more time.

Grateful her prayers had been answered, the freckled girl finished making the bed with meticulous speed. She sprayed something to freshen the smell in the room as well, before grabbing her supply bag and the bag with the sheets inside and throwing them over either shoulder. She was a bit incombered, obviously, but this was a fact of life. She walked out into the living room with the bags and toward the door, moving past Jasper with her eyes cast down. He had been right about two things: she was more Terran than anything else and she was smart. Though, hopefully, she'd given him a different impression of the second one. Cleverness...sharpness...sticking fingers. These could be deadly in a slave.

"This slave is leaving, Master, with your permission?" she asked, turning her eyes to him again. This time, the gaze was humble and sweet, yet there was still something darker behind it that could never be hidden. Something violently independent.

“Yes, of course.” Jasper replied, distracted and dry as he worked to finish the last of the PADDs. “Good work.”

"Master is kind." she said, her voice sweet, and gentle, and understated. Then she walked toward the exit to take care of the bags.

Once she had passed him, Jasper’s eyes shifted and he watched her go. He shook his head. That one was most definitely trouble. He would have to keep an eye out for her. Finishing what he was doing, he took one more look around Andrei’s quarters and finally left.



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