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With Open Arms

Posted on Mon Feb 20th, 2023 @ 1:51pm by Duchess Aurelia Orsini & Count Raoul Orsini Hale, Lord of Brazil & Emperor Antonius VI & Empress Cosima Orsini
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 10:18pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Imperator
Timeline: Date 2371-07-18 at 0930
7030 words - 14.1 OF Standard Post Measure

"Just make sure your tie is straight, Antony. We all need to be at our best to meet the Emperor, especially the boy who is named for him." Aurelia smiled down at her youngest son, straightening the red tie around the boy's neck and smoothing out the front of the black suit jacket he was wearing. Looking him over, she adjusted the collar of his white shirt as well. "There."

She looked into her son's dark eyes and touched his cheek. Antony had lived his life knowing the most important people around him by different names and faces up until around two weeks ago. They had kept it from him all of these years because he was simply too young to carry such a secret reliably. It was taking the boy time to adjust, but he was adjusting.

"Don't coddle him too much, Aurelia." Alexander spoke up as he adjusted his own white collar of the dark navy suit he was wearing with a bolder blue and white patterned tie. He then adjusted his cuff links and looked to his wife. "It won't do him any good."

Aurelia straightened and looked over to Alexander with a sigh. "You comfort too little, Alexander, but between the two of us we have raised our children right and will continue to do so."

"Antony, come up here. You should see this." It was Raoul's voice that came from the front of the shuttle. Instead of remaining back in the passenger area and letting his mother fret over him, he had quickly retreated to the cockpit to sit and talk with the pilot. He was dressed sharply in a dark burgundy suit with a black undershirt and matching burgundy tie and a black pocket square. His mess of dark brown curls had been tamed to the best of his ability.

"Coming!" Antony replied before Raoul had really even finished what he was saying and high tailed it away from his mother. Stepping into the cockpit, he moved up toward his brother and looked out of the front window.

"Oh wow" He breathed out in awe as he looked up to the ship before them.

Before the shuttle loomed the hulking frame of the Imperator, the Tucker Class starship which would serve as the flagship of the Terran Emperor. She was the first and only ship of her class and the biggest ship ever built by Terran hands. Her bright, sleek hull resembled that of the Excelsior, except she was taller, more bulky, and looked much more likely to win in a fight. 64 decks worth of windows dotted across the hull and, as they approached, the cargobay doors opened in anticipation.

"Alright, come on." Raoul said and stood, putting his hands on his brother's shoulders and steering him back toward the passenger hold. "Mother has to preen us one more time and then we are going to meet our cousin."

He'd been trying to make sure to frame this as a family affair to ease Antony's nerves on meeting the Emperor of all people... who was a relation to him. Raoul could relate to how Antony was feeling at the moment, it was not an easy thing to have one's life flipped upside down suddenly.

"Ah my boys, there you are." Aurelia cooed with maternal affection and smiled at them both. "You both look very handsome. Like little lords." Her smile faded slightly and she looked to the empty area beside Raoul. Lyra was missing. She almost said something about missing her being there, but she caught herself before doing so. It would simply upset her sons and it also risked making Antony cry. They couldn't have that right now. "Let's all sit down."

With clearances given, the shuttle landed in one of the Imperator's shuttlebays. The family disembarked soon after, and linked up with their escort to be taken to meet with Antonius. Finally... after so many years.

The Cassiel family was taken into a short corridor outside the large shuttlebay and led onto a tram shaped like a short train which was made to transport people quickly from one end of the ship to the other. The ride was short and, when they disembarked, the decor in the tram area was much more ornate than when they had entered.

"Welcome to the Imperator, the pride and joy of Terran shipbuilding." came the voice of a young blonde woman with ruby red lips in the crisp uniform of the Imperial Guard. This ship was run by them, and was out of the hands of Starfleet. "The Emperor and Empress are ready for you in their apartments. If you'll follow me, I can answer any questions you might have on the way."

"Thank you." Aurelia gave a gracious smile and smoothed out her dress. It was a dark red sheath dress with short sleeves with a modest scoop neck; at the right point of the waist and going down to the left bottom part of the skirt were a series of Black lines in varying thicknesses that added a bit of design interest to the dress. She wore accents of gold jewelry to compliment it.

Antony preceded both Aurelia and Alexander while Raoul brought up the rear. Antony was the first to speak up with a question.

"How many decks is this ship? It is huge!"

“It’s 64 decks tall, the largest ship ever built by Terran hands. His Imperial Majesty ordered its construction four years ago in anticipation of a new golden age of the Empire. We believe it’s already begun, and Imperator is a sign of His greatness, and the greatness of the Terran race.” The woman said animatedly, seeming as if she really liked talking about such things. She had already turned and started walking mid sentence, moving them toward a large lift and pressing the call button.

"It is a magnificent piece of engineering." Alexander agreed, glancing behind him to make sure Raoul was coming along as well. "What are some of its amenities?"

“Fifteen royal apartments, and guest apartments exceeding that number, a 23 floor conference center, a casino, 11 social clubs, holodeck suites, a throne room and office space for senior government officials, several ballrooms and an overwhelming compliment of weapons.” The woman answered, stepping into the lift. “You’ve heard of the phrase ‘home away from home’, we jokingly call Imperator ‘court away from court’.”

“I can see why.” Alexander mused as the group stepped onto the lift. He gently pulled Antony to step in front of him, his large hands on the boy’s shoulders.

“That’s quite a lot to maintain.” Raoul noted and settled beside his mother. “Besides the staff, does the ship have a population that actually utilizes any of those amenities? Or is it just at the Emperor’s pleasure?”

“The Emperor intends to travers the Empire regularly and to be in all places as Empress Phillipa once did on the ISS Charon. Much if the court will come with him. When it’s not in use for that purpose, those with the money to pay can rent many of the spaces for a staggering sum. She is also available to aid the Imperial Starfleet when needed and packs quite a punch.”

The lift ended in a foyer grand enough to be in a royal palace. It was tall with red walls, paneled and decorated in streams of gold. Expensive furniture lined the room, and, at the other end, two giant gilded doors, provided an entrance to the Royal apartments. The woman stepped forward and lead the group to the door. It was opened as they approached by two imperial guards as they pass through, they entered into a hallway of a similar design to the foyer, and turned into a receiving room. The walls in there were pink and white paneled with white on the bottom, Gilded as they were in other places.

“If you’ll wait here, the emperor and empress will join you soon.” The woman said and bowed to them respectfully.

"Of course. Thank you." Aurelia gave a polite smile and nod. When the woman left, she immediately moved over to Raoul, but he lightly batted her hands away to keep her from fussing on him anymore. She turned to look for Antony, but he had already moved off to start looking at one of the hanging paintings.

"I think this one is by Einrich Helmann." The boy noted and looked at the painting with large, curious eyes.

“That’s right. Good eye, boy.” Came a voice from the other side of the room. When the looked, they would see Antonius in a grey suit and a blue shirt and his wife next to him in a purple dress that showed off rather large breasts that were, despite her age, quite nice. She looked like a Renaissance lady.

Antony jumped slightly and turned, his eyes going wide as he saw who was standing before him. “Thank you, Imperial Majesty.” He managed to get out and bowed low.

Raoul and Alexander followed suit, both giving low and respectful bows to Antonius and Cosima. Aurelia smiled brightly, her whole face lighting up but she did not forget herself and curtsied herself. “Imperial Majesty… cousin… it is so good to see you again after so long.”

"'s been so long." Antonius said, the sweetest most genuine smile on his face as he approached his cousin and embraced her, hugging her tight. "You look more beautiful than when last I saw you."

Cosima went to Alexander and offered her hand for him to kiss. She offered him a kind smile, though she was certainly less sure of him than Aurelia.

Aurelia returned the embrace Antonius gave, kissing his cheeks with affection and when she pulled back she was even a bit misty eyed. "I've missed you so."

Alexander gave Cosima a respectful and inviting smile. He took her hand and bowed to kiss it. "My Empress."

"Ah, yes... yes... I forget myself, I am sorry." Aurelia chuckled and turned to the side, one hand still on Antonius' shoulder. "Please, allow me to introduce my husband Alexander Cassiel."

"It is the greatest of honors to finally meet you, Imperial Majesty." Alexander smiled and bowed again then looked to Cosima. "Both of you. Aurelia has always spoken so fondly of you both."

"May the God's reward you. You've been through so much with our dear Aurelia. I can't imagine how long you've worked for this day to come." Cosima said with kindness. She then moved to Raoul with her hand outstretched. "My, have you grown, my boy. You've gotten so very handsome. We'll have to be finding you a wife soon."

"Cosima is a famous matchmaker. Sometimes, I think its all she can think about." Antonius said with a smile as he lowered himself into a nearby seat, crossed one leg over the other, and turned his head toward a servant who brought in tea and cakes for the group. He watched as they poured out the first portions in porcelain tea cups of the finest quality and handed them out. "You'll find my court a bit different than that of my father, once people arrive here. Not only is it capable of being aboard ship, it also reflects a curiosity and love of art that was lost to us for a while. Giana and Elana are so very big, and you never got the chance to meet Paolo, but you'll love him. I think you, in particular."

The Emperor pointed with two fingers toward Raoul. He envied the boy, being able to enter the court of the great Terran Empire as a Count for the first time was a tremendously exciting thing. He turned his eyes back to Aurelia though. "Giuseppe, as you know, is in the custody of ITS."

“I do, yes.” Aurelia confirmed, but didn’t linger on the topic. This was supposed to be a happy time and she wouldn’t let the presence of Giuseppe ruin it. “I am quite looking forward to being in your court, cousin. Though I haven’t participated myself, I have of course watched from afar. What you have made is beautiful and it will be an honor to take part in it.” She paused, and gestured for her youngest to come to her.

“Allow me to present my youngest, Antony.” She smiled to Antonius over the boy’s head, her hands on his shoulders as he gave a brief bow.

Antony had recovered from his awestruck moment and was composed, but still had the warmth and exuberance of youth about him.

"Strong and smart, I see, Antonius said with a smile, leaning forward with his free hand and rubbing the boy's head. "You are most welcome here, Antony. I think you'll like it on Imperator. We've got 12 swimming pools, you know. Most have slides. It's paradise."

The boy smiled and nodded. "I do like to swim... do you have libraries too? I'm sure there's lots of neat things to read if you do."

"Libraries galore." Antonius answered. "The family apartment that's been set aside for you over the course of the Feast of Heroes has two, I believe. One is an office for your parents, and one is in a common room."

Antony seemed much more excited by that prospect than the pools, but he was still looking forward to it all. He moved to take a seat so he could drink the tea and eat the cakes brought out.

For the next while, the reunited family just talked about anything and everything, keeping the conversation light and joyful. They were happy to be reunited properly once more. Aurelia as her father before her had never been anything but joyfully and completely supportive of Angelus and Antonius both, though of course Antonius at the time had simply been Crown Prince Antonio. It seemed there was no inclination to change. Aurelia loved her cousin and he loved her.

"Now, Aurelia, we have some business to discuss. We can step into the drawing room where the plans are present along with a few...tagalong officials. The Empress will remain with Alexander and your family to keep them company. Perhaps they'd like a small tour of at least the Imperial Apartments?"

"I'm sure we would all enjoy that." Alexander replied politely though it was unclear if he really meant it. He didn't strike as a particularly expressive man, however.

Aurelia smiled and moved to stand. "That is very kind. I'm ready when you are then, cousin."

Antonius stood up then, his tea and saucer still in his hand, and he turned for a door at the far side of the room. They went through and entered a somewhat darker room with a long polished wooden table covered in a large tablet display. Standing there were several people including two women and a man in suits and a woman and man in Starfleet Uniforms with admirals pips on their collars. Antonius took up position on one side of the long table and began to gesture at the gathered people.

"Aurelia, may I introduce you to Colleen White, First Vice Chancellor;"

Colleen smiled, giving a respectful nod of her head in greeting. She was wearing a dark purple power suit that was tailored to her body, the skirt hitting just above her knee. It was modest, appropriate for the venue and for the company. Her hair had been braided and then pulled up into a neat bun, the jewelry she wore was quite simple. She was not a woman who demanded the attention of others. "A pleasure."

"Contessa Pennington, Imperial Treasurer;"

Contessa pursed her lips and gave a rich-girl smile. As she never seemed to wear anything that didn't feature her body, she wore a cream dress that resembled a double-breasted suit jacket, which hugged her curves appropriately, stopped at the top of her thigh to accentuated her long toned legs, and seemed to feature no blouse to mask the cleavage present at the top. Around her neck was a necklace of gold with seven emeralds encrusted at certain points which looked delicate and priceless. Her golden hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. She looked more like a model that walked into the wrong room than the chief financial minister of the Terran Empire, yet her reputation proceeded her.

"Admiral Malik Ansley, Imperial Secretary for Defense;"

"Good morning." he said in a distinctive and kind voice, offering a smile. The brown skinned man was in his late seventies with salt-and-pepper brown hair and a trimmed beard. He wore a dark blue suit that didn't reflect his retired admiral status at all.

"Alynna Nechayev, Grand Admiral of Imperial Starfleet;"

Alynna, a middle aged woman with blonde hair and a severe expression simply nodded her head and didn't speak up as Malik had. She was known for being reserved, serious, and competent, and the five barred pips on her collar made every indication that she had truly risen to the top under Antonius's reign. Her uniform, as was the uniform of most Admirals, had no exposed midriff and long sleeves.

"And Admiral Matthew Douherty, Head of the Imperial Starfleet Corps of Engineers."

Matthew nodded as well, his furrowed brow saying nothing but that he was a military man. His yellow collar said the rest.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Duchess Aurelia Orsini, great-granddaughter of Our great- grandfather, Iosephus, 2nd cousin to the Emperor, mother to the rightful Lord of Brazil, and majority share-holder of the Utopia-Planitia Fleetyards." Antonius said, finally introducing her. There was a lot in his statement to tell her where she stood in his mind. They had also heard of her demise 13 years ago and of the recent coup of the Ivers family just days before.

Aurelia listened to the introduction her cousin had given her. Mother to the lord of Brazil, so he had settled on Raoul inheriting his birthright as intended. She did not mind that in the slightest, she simply hadn't been sure given her son's young age if Antonius would find it appropriate. She had raised Raoul to be a lord though, and a fine lord he would make. He had also named her the majority shareholder of UP, which was true, but there was something in the way he had said it that had made her mildly uneasy. She wouldn't worry though until they had gone through everything. Worrying before knowing at least the bulk of the details of a matter was a useless waste of energy. Her eyes ran over each of the faces, lingering on Contessa a moment, and then broke to simply look at the group as a whole.

"It is wonderful to meet all of you." She said warmly and smiled.

"Time to adjust to the new status quo is at a minimum, I'm afraid." Antonius did, deciding dispense with the royal 'we' for now and speak normally. Everyone in the room knew he was the emperor, and he didn't feel the need to keep beating them over the head with it at the moment. Pulling out his chair, he sat down and the rest of the room followed suit. He was sure to leave the chair directly to his right for her. "In the last several months, the Empire has recovered territory across 40 square lightyears of space. The military has held much of it in trust, but daily, I am appointing Lords of worlds and sending them off to survey their planets and send back to me their recommendations for Dominion Lords, then National Lords, and then Provincial Lords, and then, gods help us, Local Lords. I have signed so many appointment documents in the past week it feels like my hand is about to fall off."

"In the meantime, this policy group has been at work planning for a massive expansion of the Imperial Fleet to suit the rise of what they're calling the 3rd Terran Empire. Currently, the Fleet stands at 241 ships. We intend to use the resources at our disposal to expand it to 312 ships in the next two years. This will be enough to dwarf the power of the Alliance or the Romulans, or whatever powers vie in the struggle. Though, with the Romulans on side, I intend to strangle Regent Worf with my bare hands by the end of the year."

"To achieve these goals, we have taken over the Xindus Fleetyards in the Vulcan Sector, built by the Alliance, and to recommission one of our old yards in the Arcturus System."

"We are also asking for a small expansion at Utopia Planitia that we're willing to pay for." said Malik, leaning forward. "Since you own most of the shares, your Grace, the right of approval or refusal is on you."

"You'd, of course, receive a tidy profit from it." Contessa said, looking down at her tablet for a second from across the table. "But that goes without saying, doesn't it, ma'am?"

Aurelia had remained quiet and simply listened with intent to her cousin, though that did not mean she did not look around at those sitting at the table and studying them intensely. When Contessa spoke, Aurelia's dark eyes fell on the woman and she smiled. "Yes, I imagine it would."

She looked to Malik. "I would see those plans first, but I would be amenable to such a thing of course." What she wasn't sure on was her cousin's intent for the two new shipyards at this point. When her bargain was struck thirteen years ago, Utopia Planitia had been the shipyards and she would have control over them, now there were evidently going to be new shipyards. Again though, before getting up in arms over it, she would listen.

"I'm sure you're wondering about the status of the new shipyards." Antonius said, looking at her. "Thirteen years ago, the idea of us being far enough along to have any other shipyards at this point was ridiculous. We were a one system Empire, lower than we'd ever been before. I want you to know that I have no intention of cutting you out of the process. Xindus and Arcturus will become a part of the resources of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers as all of our yards once were, subject to the authority of the Secretary of Defense and the Chancellor, Utopia Planitia will remain under your control."

"Will it?" Admiral Dougherty said, his eyes on Antonius. The tone was curious and, if the ear was right, a bit indignant. He recognized it, as did the look of everyone else at the table, especially that of the Grand Admiral. "Erm...Alynna told me they would be bought back from the Duchess."

"What I said was 'we would get back as much as we could'." Alynna said, narrowing her eyes at the white-haired man. "Sorry, your Majesty. The Admiral is confused."

Antonius looked at the two of them, clearly irritated by their exchange. He ignored them then, and turned his gaze back to Aurelia.

"Twenty percent of shares are owned by small holders and 80% is owned by you. The Department of Defense would like to buy 29% of shares off of you, leaving you with a controlling portion of 51%." he turned to the blonde sitting across the table. "Tessa."

The Imperial Treasurer stood and walked around the table, her heels tapping on the floor. She stopped by the Duchess and leaned over, placing the device she was carrying on the table in front of her.

"You own 330.24 million shares, or, as the Emperor said, roughly 51%, which the market currently values at 42 crowns a share. We can write you a check right now for 29%, 120 million shares at an 8 point elevated price of 50 crowns per share. That would be an total, for you, of 6 billion golden crowns over the 5.4 Billion the market would give you from such a sale. To be honest, ma'am, it's a deal I wouldn't be able to refuse."

The warmth and openness Aurelia had exuded, had immediately turned into ice when Dougherty had reacted with surprise that she would be retaining control over UP. She turned her dark eyes on him, enthusiasm now replaced by aversion as she looked between both Dougherty and Nechayev. She was unamused and she allowed it to show. When Antonius spoke up again, however, her expression softened once more and she looked to her cousin. In turn, she gave her attention to Contessa as the young woman presented the plan. She wasn't entirely pleased about this situation.

Instead of answering right away, she looked to Antonius again. "If I may, cousin, you say you don't wish to cut me out of the process. What does that mean, exactly?" She was obviously mildly apprehensive, but Antonius would know that Aurelia was simply trying to gather all the necessary information before she made any sort of decision.

"Right, so I did. I trust your expertise, gained over all of these years, and would like to make my father's guarantee to you, made so long ago. Therefore, I am bundling the three fleetyards under the administration of a single government agency under the Department of Defense which will be tasked with carrying out the government's shipbuilding efforts. The Fleetyards Directorate. The Director of the Directorate would have the authority to manage the resources and projects of all government shipyards and would be able to negotiate the same with Utopia Planitia."

"So she would be able to negotiate with herself, sir?" Dougherty sounded again, this time defying the death glare from Nechayev. "I'm assuming it is your intention to give the Duchess this role. And will the Starfleet Corps of Engineers report to her or the Grand Admiral?"

"The Admiral is concerned about his control over shipbuilding projects." Alynna explained, clearly irritated.

"The military hasn't controlled shipbuilding for the last 70 years." Malik interjected. "It was all private interests and government contracts negotiated by my department in one way or another. Now the strangle hold has been lifted and we're complaining. Admiral Dougherty, if this arrangement doesn't suit you, I'm sure we can move you elsewhere and bring in an engineer who knows how to play his role."

"And leave me without a job?" the Admiral retorted. "Is that the way we do things now after the deaths of those lords who dared use their voice? We just silence decenters, is that it? We do whatever the hell we want, and those who don't like it get the boot?"

All eyes were on the man except for Antonius, who looked at the table silently. The outburst was so flagrant compared to what was acceptable, that others naturally waited on him to respond, to see what he would do. Eventually, his eyes found the Admiral, and his expression showed no understanding or concern for the man's perspective. It showed anger, cold and determined.

"Yes, Admiral. That is what we do now. We silence decenters." he said quietly. "Are you a decenter?"

Admiral Dougherty stammered at that and looked at his fellow officer for support. What he saw there was cold resignation as well; Alynna was a survivor. He knew that. He looked back at the Emperor and stammered more.

"Your...Your Majesty, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply tha-"

"The Admiral is tired!" Antonius exclaimed, suddenly shaking everyone in the room. It had been loud and full of irritation. He looked to two of the guards standing watch in the corner at attention. "See that he gets back to his quarters and get's some rest, now."

The men moved forward in immediate obedience and grabbed hold of Admiral Dougherty's uniform, pulling him respectfully, but quite quickly out of his chair and toward the exit. He protested the whole way in panicked wails and shouts, making the fact that the Empire was not a democracy, oligarchy, or other thing very clear to anyone who had forgotten. When he was gone, Antonius looked toward his Defense Secretary.

"Pull his star's Malik, he's finished at the top. Make him a Captain again and find him some Nova Class science vessel to command. We are feeling generous." Antonius said, returning to the royal 'we'. He then turned to Alynna and spoke a command to her. "Call the Admiralty board after our meeting and get their recommendations for a replacement at CoE. Someone competent who knows how to keep their fucking head on straight."

Both Alynna and Malik nodded, their eyes serious and not even the shadow of a question in them. Antonius was never this severe, but he was also never spoken to like that. And besides, perhaps his expanded power was changing him. He was the most powerful Emperor in his lifetime.

"Aurelia." he said, turning to her. "We would like you to be the Director. That was the point We were trying to make."

Aurelia watched the whole exchange with fascination in her eyes. Her first day back in any sort of official capacity and this is what she was exposed to. It was thrilling, and she was quite proud of how Antonius handled it. Seeing Dougherty put in his place had been quite satisfying, though she was still less than thrilled by Nechayev. She had played it off that she had told the other admiral that they were going to buy a portion of UP back, but she wasn’t sure she believed that really. Still, the matter was handled and she gave Antonius her complete attention when he spoke.

“You honor me, cousin.” She said genuinely and bowed her head. “Thank you for clarifying.”

She then looked back to Contessa and Alynna. When she spoke, her voice was conversational but there was a firmness in it. “For the matter of shares, I propose two counter options for you to consider. Either the shares will be purchased at fifty-two crowns per share and I will sell you the whole percentage you ask for or you may purchase twenty-six percent at the fifty crown price.”

Contessa, now setting back in her seat smiled. She had been expecting counter offers, and while she was less interested in how many shares they got, she left that to the Starfleet brass to be upset about, she did care about the price.

"Fifty-two crowns? Ma'am, that's ridiculous. As I said, the shares are valued at 42 crowns and you're locked into a fifty year exclusive contract with the government, meaning the only income, or means to acquire profit for your company comes from the Imperial Treasury. Fifty shares was generous, as the Emperor desired." the attractive woman shook her head. "I can't see us going any higher."

"And 29 percent is the agreed upon amount. I would have a hard time explaining to Starfleet Command a lower percentage." Alynna said. "And, besides, you can't do anything with 55 percent than you can with 51. She could say more, but she held her tongue. Dougherty was an example to her, and she always seemed to come down on Antonius' bad side."

Aurelia listened patiently, no sign of irritation on her face as both women denied her. Instead, she looked to Antonius. "Is this the agreement you demand, cousin?" She asked with genuine curiosity.

"I give my people an open hand." he said, demonstrating what he meant by opening his hand next to her. "I trust them to do their job and to make the right determination. If Tessa doesn't think 52 crowns is reasonable, and she is the most knowledgeable person about such things in the government, then perhaps it isn't reasonable."

He paused, his eyes going to the Grand Admiral. He waited there, his eyes lingering on her for several long moments. Tense. There was something there. His hand still stood open.

"And if Alynna thinks that that Starfleet Command will become emotional if we purchase less...I believe her. They will be angry." he said, his eyes still on the wilting Admiral. She seemed to shrink before him. "Tell me, Alynna, why We should be restrained by the tender feelings of Our admirals?"

The woman blinked, she didn't know what to say, and she was afraid of saying the wrong thing. She looked around the table; Pennington, Malik, and the ever silent observer, White. None of them said a damned word. Her only ally, Admiral Dougherty, had been dragged from the room.

"Well...sir. We only have the best interest of the Empire at heart." she said with a concerned expression.

"Oh, I'm sure. I'm sure." Antonius said. He turned his eyes to White then, looking at her. "Colleen, your assessment. What do you think about all this, hmm?"

Colleen had remained silent as the grave during the entire ordeal, so much so that it was easy to forget she was at the table. Aurelia certainly had, much to her chagrin, but she also realized that was actually incredibly useful. She noticed the play between Contessa and Antonius, she would find no purchase there against the young woman and he had said as much without saying it. She would be quite interested to learn why he had so much faith in her, but that would be for another time. Her opening would be with the fleet, it seemed.

Sitting forward slightly, Colleen spoke in that typical quiet but firm voice. "The Imperial Treasury should not bear the burden of hurt feelings. As the Admiral pointed out, Duchess Orsini could very well do what she wanted with fifty-one percent versus fifty-five, the same could be said for the fleet's twenty-six versus their proposed twenty-nine." Her eyes slid over to Nechayev and then back to Antonius. "I'm sure the admirals will quickly forget any hurt feelings when they remember the fact there are two new shipyards coming to them as well as seventy-one ships in the next two years."

"And I think, Madam Vice Chancellor, that people have forgotten the difficulty which Starfleet was subjected to while relying on the leadership of civilian business people. Cut costs, insane timetables, and a work ethic that left alot to be desired. Warship building might be a business to some and we can manage to work with the Duchess at Utopia Planitia, but lets' suppose she decides one day she doesn't want to play ball with the plan as presented. Let's say she wants more money, for example. Our entire expansion operation can be halted by one woman. And, if not her, then her heir...or his. I don't mean to be rude, but that is how I see it. I think 29 percent is a good start. I'll, of course, do as I am ordered as I have always done."

The Grand Admiral looked back at Colleen then.

"But I'll not be cowed by a civilian on the eve of the Feast of Heroes. It's insulting." she concluded, and then leaned back, waiting for whatever would come at her.

Contessa listened to the terse exchange, and when it was over, she spoke.

"I think there's a solution to that question. If the Duchess agrees to form a holding company for her shares in Utopia and split them amongst her children in inheritance, it would strengthen her family while diluting single-man power over the fleet yards." The woman said, her eyes falling on Aurelia. "I can't recommend going over 50, ma'am, but I think such a concession would...grease the wheels on 25%"

"It is an interesting proposal, Ms. Pennington and strengthen my family in the short term but in the long term diminish them. This is something that was meant to endure for my family and I cannot trust future generations to not continue to split their respective percentages into nothing. Perhaps my heir will make such a move with her own heirs, but it will not start with me." Aurelia spoke respectfully to the other woman, not dismissing the idea as ridiculous nor plastering on a sweet smile.

She looked to Nechayev again, her voice taking on a bit of a harder edge. "Admiral, I am aware you do not know me personally, but you would not be sitting here were you not informed of the history of why I am the majority holder of Utopia Planitia. I know much more of difficulty and sacrifice than I ever cared to, but I did so for the glory and benefit of the Empire. The fact that I am considering selling part of that share is quite generous to begin with." Of course Antonius could force her hand on the matter, but she knew he didn't want to.

"I will sell you twenty-five percent at the agreed upon value. If you are so hard up for the extra four percent, there are other shareholders that you could approach to acquire it."

Her attention turned to Antonius and she bowed her head deferentially. While he hadn't directly answered her question, if this whole thing had been by his design, she knew in the end she could not fight it. She would not be thrilled to be placed in a situation where she had been given false hope of negotiation instead of it simply being presented as his command. "If it pleases you, cousin."

The truth was, she probably would have done the deal with them as it was, but Dougherty had upset her and Nechayev was not helping matters. Between the two of them, she found it an uncomfortable prospect that the military would likely eventually hold not twenty-nine, but the full forty-nine percent remaining of the shipyards. It would be too easy for them to try and force her family out. Antonius surely knew this.

Antonius looked between the people at the table, having listened quite fairly to each of their points. Then he turned back to Aurelia.

"It pleases us." he said simply, and then he moved on as if nothing was holding them up. "Now, this shipbuilding project will need to fly quickly if its going to have a hope of being completed in 2 years. It will cost an estimated 79 billion golden crowns, a huge sum. The Corps of Engineers already have schematics ready and half the frames have already started construction. Shipbuilding materials are flowing in from around the Empire and from our trading partners as well. Warp Cores, weapons, parts, systems, and modules are being built in alternative locations simultaneously to save time. A thousand companies, millions of employees, and lets of metal are in motion to make Our dream a reality. Klingon and Cardassian slaves from the Empire are being brought in at Arcanus and Xindus as 3rd Caste slaves. They will be worked hard for the results we want. With your approval, the same can begin at Utopia Planitia."

The Emperor opened a black folder and slid the first document to her.

"As soon as that is signed, you may affix your signature to this Royal Proclamation naming you as Director of the Fleetyards Directorate under the authority of the Imperial Secretary for Defense." he said, sliding that document as well. The first didn't require his signature and the second one didn't yet have it.

Aurelia seemed quite content to move on and picked up the folder to read through the document to see the contents; it was unwise to sign anything without reading through it first. It wouldn't take long, she could speed read as most of the Orsini had always been taught to do.

Colleen remained quiet, but she did look to the rest still in the room to try and get a gauge on their reactions to this.

Contessa was unreadable, her legendary poker face fixed on Aurelia as she read the document. Malik Ansley seemed mildly amused, sitting in his seat with the slightest smile on his face. Alynna, on the other hand, had a long scowl on her face. She was clearly fuming. Antonius was unbothered, and leaned back in his seat, his fingers to his head, and stared off at the back wall behind Contessa in sudden deep thought.

Aurelia finished reading just a moment later and picked up the pen to sign the document with her beautifully wrought signature. She moved it back to Antonius and looked at him, concern in her eyes as she saw the pose he had taken up with his fingers on his head, but she knew better than to call attention to it. No one else seemed concerned; perhaps this was just something he did?

When he noted she was signing, Antonius returned to reality and watched her. Then, when done, he took them back and pulled out the proclamation. He signed "Antonius Augustus" neatly at the bottom, and replaced both of the documents in the folder. Handing to a page, he grinned and nodded at Contessa.

"The documents for the sale of the 103.2 million shares of Utopia Planitia Fleetyards will be brought to your apartments later today, ma'am. You will then recieve a transfer of the 5.16 billion crowns, an increase in market value of 52 million crowns. I'd say you've done very well for yourself today."

"I should say so." Aurelia laughed softly, pleasantly. She looked around the room again and gave a polite nod to those gathered. There were always winners and losers in a situation like this, but she herself did both with grace. At least outwardly.

"Any further questions, dear Aurelia? Our people are quite busy. And we've got a fabulous celebration to plan with many things to announce." Antonius asked, looking at his cousin.

“No questions, but I do want to make one thing quite clear.” She reached a hand out toward him, not coming into contact but simply giving a familiar gesture that lent to her conviction. “I want you to know that I wholly support Paolo and I know that my son Raoul feels the same - as do my husband and youngest.”

“He’d be delighted to here it, as am I.” Antonius said with a smile, and then stood, causing all the others to also stand. “Well, that’s that. Let’s get on with it.”

Aurelia simply smiled and nodded, looking to Antonius with clear love and devotion. For him, an ally always.



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