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A Prince's Ransom

Posted on Sat Feb 25th, 2023 @ 4:46am by Princess Royal Giana Orsini & Emperor Antonius VI
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 9:13pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Terra
Timeline: Date 2371-07-24 at 0400
2962 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure

A black car creped nonchalantly down a quiet street, its thoroughly modern tires propelling it along the smooth surface. There were no longer many cars on the road, not only because of the advent of transporter technology in affluent neighborhoods, but also because the hour was very late. It was late enough, in fact, that her mark was very likely to already be asleep.

The car stopped outside a rather large house, clearly belonging to someone who had worked hard for what they had. It was a government-issued car, but otherwise it was unmarked. The door opened and a white-haired woman stepped out. She was tall with a rather harsh expression, like she had more money than she knew what to do with. Though her face would remind one of white diamonds and expensive wine, her uniform was a clear indicator that she was anything but. Two men, armed and large, flanked her as she walked toward the front door.

Micah Edison was asleep warm and safe in his bed next to his wife Leah. His arms were wrapped around her and he held her pressed up against his body. The world was silent and still, their children were asleep, and they had enjoyed a quiet evening together after everything had settled down. The past days had been strange for him with Giuseppe’s arrest. The Crown Prince - former Crown Prince - had been a close friend and confidante for many years. They had attended the Academy together and even served together on their first posting afterward, so seeing his friend be taken into custody by the Imperial Police and the charges rumored against him… well, it really just hadn’t been pleasant. With a sigh, he shifted in his sleep and buried his face into his wife’s soft black hair.

A leather gloved hand reached for the door and knocked with a persistent and unapologetic strength, though it wasn’t meant to me rude or intrusive. The woman lowered her hands and looked at the man to her right and left.

“Remember, we try the easy way first. People can be very forthright if they have the chance.” she said, and then returned her gaze forward.

Both Micah and Leah stirred at the knocking but Micah was the one who lifted his head first. He frowned and rubbed his face with his hand as he sat up.

“What is that?” Leah questioned blearily.

“Dunno. Go back to sleep I’ll go check it out.” He was already getting out of the bed before she could protest and pulling on a robe which he tied and headed downstairs to greet the persistent knocking. Next to the door, he tapped the panel which brought up a visual of the people outside which only caused him to frown deeply. He quickly ran his fingers through his hair and made sure the robe was secured tightly around his mostly naked body, then opened the door and immediately stepped outside with the trio waiting for him.

“Good evening.” He greeted them with hesitation. The spike of adrenaline had most certainly woken him up.

“It is a bit late to be called evening. And time will tell if it’s good.” the white haired woman said, her face neutral; disturbingly so. “I am Special Agent Marrin Curry from the investigations division of Internal Terran Security. Might we step inside with you and have a conversation, sir?”

As she asked, she gestured to the door he was standing in front of. The fact they could force they way inside was obvious and she didn't have to say it.

“What is this-” Micah started and then sighed, pausing a beat, and then looked to Marin “My family is asleep upstairs.” It wasn’t an attempt to divert them but was more an unspoken request to be quiet as they went inside. He opened the door and then motioned for the group to head inside. “The living room is on the left.”

Marin gave a nod, less pleasant than she could have been but a great deal more pleasant than she had to be, and stepped passed him into the house. She and the men with her did try to be quiet as he had implied and she emerged into the living room. She found a comfortable chair immediately and sat down in it. She gestured to the seat opposite in an insistent manner.

“Sit down, Mr. Edison. I’d like to talk to you about your time in the Imperial Starfleet.” she said, crossing one leg over the other. “What can you tell me about your career?”

Micah’s compliance was slow, but not hesitating. Adrenaline or not his body was still sluggish just from having been asleep. He took a seat across from her and looked at her with his deep brown eyes. “Ah… alright. After I graduated the Academy with a focus in operations. I was assigned to the ISS Pericles as a junior operations officer where I served for three years. I was then transferred to the ISS Tyrant as an operations officer and then eventually assistant chief over the span of five years. After that I…” He drifted off and tilted his head just slightly on seeing the woman’s expression never really shift.

“Was there something in particular you wanted to discuss, ma’am?”

“Of course there is.” she said simply. “Keep going, please. I’m curious what comes next.” she said decisively, not sounding curious at all.

Micah was quiet for a moment and then sighed, shaking his head. “After my posting on the Tyrant, I was given a posting on the ISS Augustus and served there as chief operations officer until last year when I was temporarily assigned here to Terra to assist in supply chain operations for our fleets on the front.”

“You were stationed with Prince Giuseppe Angelo on the Augustus, were you not?” she asked soberly, giving away nothing with her body or her eyes.

“I was.” Micah confirmed slowly, frowning a bit more. “Why?”

“And you were rather close with the Prince, is that correct?” she ask again, ignoring his question without so much as a flinch.

As his question was ignored again, Micah’s jaw clenched. She was testing his already thin patience. He was tired and obviously unhappy to be in this situation to begin with. He had so far cooperated, but why they wouldn’t just say what they wanted so he could provide information was beyond him.

“We were friends, yes.”

“And its true that your transfer to Terra happened within the same week as Prince Giuseppe’s own transfer here?” she asked, but didn’t wait for an answer on this one. “You wish me to believe you aren’t still friends? You did say ‘were’ in your description of your close relationship.”

“You asked if we were friends. You didn’t ask if we still are.” Micah retorted and sat forward.

“Very clever, Mr. Edison. Very clever.” she said, eyeing him with that same neutrality. “The fact you were transferred from one ship to Terra at the same time is too unusual to just be discounted as a coincidence. So, I would like to know exactly how close you and the Prince are.”

“Not as close as we used to be when we were on the same ship. He and I haven’t really spoken in some time. He became too angry and irrational after he was forced to relinquish the title of Crown Prince. I did not want to continue to be associated with him.” Micah replied honestly, though was obviously still annoyed.

“Did he discuss any plans with you or indicate what he might do concerning his change in status.” she asked. “If you spoke long enough to know he was too angry to socialize with, than he must have said something which might arouse your notice.”

The man sat back and considered the question a moment while he ran a hand through his cropped black hair. Giuseppe had been angry, raging even. Micah remembered there had been a small group get together the day after it happened, and Giuseppe had assaulted one of their mutual friends for even trying to make light of the situation. Once he had been removed, the former crown prince had stated his intention to reclaim what was his. “He said he was going to take back his birthright by any means necessary.”

“Gosh.” Marin said, smiling for the first time. It was strangely genuine, a stark contrast to what had been there before. She looked like someone’s grandmother. Perhaps, even, sweet. “That must have caused quite a stir. How did people respond to a declaration like that?”

Micah looked at Marin like a man who was considering his chosen words carefully. “Listen, Giuseppe is kind of an idiot. More than kind of. He has anger issues and flies off the handle when he doesn’t get his way. He also generally doesn’t have a damn bit of bite to back up his bark, so frankly most of us just nodded along and said that’s nice without thinking much of it.”

“Hmmm…” she said, watching him, the nice smile still remaining. “Because…you didn’t think he would do anything? Or you didn’t think he’d succeed? Or you aren't interested in the wealth and power that comes from being friends with the Emperor?”

“I didn’t think he would really do anything. Maybe for a day or two and then he would give up like he always did.” He shrugged.

“But he didn’t. He’s planning something big this time, and he has help.” She said, her smile fading again. “The question is ‘who’ is helping him. We thought the friend who transferred back to Terra to be close to him would know something about it.”

“Not off the top of my head.” Micah said after a moment, seeming surprised by what he had been told. He really didn’t think Giuseppe had it in him. “I know he claimed to have the ear of some of the higher ups, but again nobody ever really believed him.”

“Clearly some people did.” she said, and then leaned forward, engaging with him more directly. “I need you to search the bottom of your head too, Mr. Edison.” she said. But the part she didn’t say was ‘or we’ll search it for you’.

“I’m thinking.” He replied with a snip in his voice. He was well aware of what was going on now. “Giuseppe-”

“Daddy?” Came the quiet voice of a child from the open French door entrance to the room. Micah’s five year old daughter stood there in pink pajamas clutching a well loved stuffed horse. Her black hair was in pigtails and her hazel eyes were wide.

“Ah… Mia, sweetheart.” Micah stood and made to move toward his daughter.

“Oh, Mia. What a beautiful name.” Marin said, her eyes softening to that old grandmother style. At once, she transformed on the spot. Everything about her put one at ease. She looked at the little girl around the room. “Well, isn’t she darling, Micah. You didn’t tell me how beautiful your daughter is.”

Micah moved to Mia and knelt down next to her, placing a hand on her cheek which covered most of the side of her face. “What is it?”

“I heard voices.” Mia replied, looking around her father and to Marin. She smiled and gave a little wave. “Hi.”

“Hi, little one. How old are you?” she asked, her voice full of honey.

“Five.” Mia replied, holding up her free hand with her palm open to show five.

Micah was quiet, but it was obvious he was nervous and apprehensive about his daughter being down here in this situation. While he was cooperating, they could for any reason decide he wasn’t cooperating enough, and he knew their reputation for using whatever means they required to get what they wanted.

“Come here, dear. Let me get a better look at you.” Marin said. She picked up a purse that had, up until this point, gone unnoticed, and opened it. She lifted a piece of red candy out of it and waved it at Mia.

Mia grinned and moved around Micah who let her go, but he was up and following her immediately. “Make sure you say thank you and you may eat that tomorrow, Mia. It is too late for candy.”

“Okay, daddy.” The little girl said compliantly.

If it was going to be one of his children down here in this moment, he was glad for it to be Mia solely for the fact she was still compliant with his wishes more often than she wasn’t. He was aware that would change any day now, but hopefully not right in this moment.

Mia took the piece of candy and offered a baby toothed smile to Marin. “Thank you!”

“You’re welcome. Have a seat dear. I’m going to finish talking to your daddy and then my friends and I will let you two go back to sleep.”

Mia looked back to her father and Micah frowned.

“I’d like to put her back to bed first. It won’t take long. I just need to tuck her in and make sure she is settled.”

“There’s no need for that. Bring her over and sit her down, as I said. And then, once we’ve wrapped up our conversation, we’ll get out of your way and you can get back to it.” Marin responded, her smile remaining on her face but her eyes saying it all.

For a moment, Micah looked like he was about to resist; this was his child after all. He did have the good sense to know it would go poorly, so he picked Mia up into his arms and brought her over to the love seat with him. He tucked her in beside and behind him, placing her stuffed animal in her lap to encourage her to play with it and then he looked back to Marin silently but expectantly.

“You were about to tell me about any associates or allies you have reason to believe have a vested interest in working with your friend.” She reminded him, leaning forward, her smile fading now.

“Right.” He paused, his expression searching but not directed at anything in particular as he considered what he knew. “Captain Ramirez of the Augustus was always very supportive of Giuseppe. I’m also aware that Commodore Hopkins took a particular liking to him while we were at the Academy. It was a bit hard to tell who was actually interested in him and who was just trying to kiss his a-” he caught himself, his eyes glancing at Mia, then continued, “rear given he was at the time slated to become the Emperor.”

“I can give you a list of some other officers who I know he’s mentioned in passing and that were also part of the friend group.” There was a pause, and then his eyes widened a bit. “Actually, I do remember something else. He told me once about a party he had attended where he and Admiral Nechayev spoke at length. I do not know what they spoke about, but I do know that the overall impression I got from Giuseppe was that it was a positive and agreeable conversation.”

“When was this?” Marin asked, leaning in and looking interested. As far as big names they might have uncovered, there could be none higher than the Grand Admiral of Imperial Starfleet.

“The conversation?” Micah asked for clarity, wanting to make sure he offered the right answer.

“Daddy, I’m tired.” Mia protested.

“Yes, the conversation.” Marin answered, ignoring the little girl.

“Around a month ago? I don’t remember the exact date.” Micah replied and reached back to try and settle his daughter who was getting agitated.

“Oh, that’s very interesting, Mr. Edison.” Marin said, briefly making eye contact with one of the men. “Is there anything else you remember? Anything at all?”

“Not that I can think of, no.” Micah replied honestly and pulled Mia up into his lap. “I would be happy to contact you if I do remember anything or hear anything else.”

She reached quickly into her pocket and pulled out a card with her name and contact information on it. He handed it to him and gave a sweet smile to his daughter.

“I think we’ve taken up enough of your time. We’ll get out of your hair and let you get back to bed.” Then she looked at him and gave him a more serious expression. “Be in touch if you remember anything else.”

“I will of course.” Micah assured her and took the card, pressing it into his palm and picking up his daughter with him as he stood.

Marin stood also, as did the two goons with her. She offered a neutral expression again, her need for seeming fully human gone. She led the men out then without another word and returned to her car.

Micah watched them go while still holding the squirming Mia. It was only when he heard the car finally pulling away that he let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. With Mia in his arms he headed back upstairs to settle her and then would likely get an early morning start. There was no real going back to sleep for him after that. Whatever Giuseppe had gotten himself into, he certainly wanted no part in it at all.



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