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Asking Papa...

Posted on Wed May 10th, 2023 @ 4:21am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin
Edited on on Sun May 21st, 2023 @ 10:02pm

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: ISS Vengeance, Captain’s Ready Room
Timeline: Date 2371-08-14 at 1700
1499 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

After his shift, and various administrative duties were finished, and before he headed to his cabin for the night, Johnathan made his way to the Captain's ready room ad pressed the chime, ensuring his uniform was immaculate before hearing Ivan reply.

"Come in." Ivan said, his voice hollow as he raised a PADD in front of his face for a moment. He was trying to make out a word, but having figured it out, he lowered the device again. When Johnathan walked through the doors to his Ready Room, he inclined his head. "Lieutenant."

Johnathan moved smartly to the proper distance from Ivan's desk, snapped to attention and saluted his commanding officer. Afterwards, he remained at the position of attention, looking straight ahead, at an imaginary spot on the bulkhead over Ivan's sitting form. "Permission to speak to you on personal manner, Sir?"

Ivan looked up at the man and leaned back in his chair. That was happening more and more frequently in his office. In their Fleet, things were getting more and more personal, it would seem. His military instinct told him that was a bad thing. The rest of him wasn't so sure.

"Have a seat, Johnathan. Speak your mind." he said directly.

Johnathan moved to one of the empty seats and continued. "Sir, with respect to both you and your position. We have reached the time limit you requested, Sir. I am here to again, respectfully, ask for your permission to marry your daughter, Kassandra."

This was, of course, no surprise for Ivan who had been marking the time with regular considerations and tests. He had observed Johnathan very closely since the man had first come to him asking his permission to take his daughter for his wife and had responded indignantly when being told to wait. He was looking to see if he really could respect the boundaries put in place, and Yana's spies told him those boundaries had been largely followed. He pursed his lips and looked across his desk at his second officer.

"It's not easy to wait in a situation like this, is it?" he asked, his large hands flexing on the table surface. "But you two seem to be determined, and you've been respectful to me and my authority. I hope that, one day, when you kids have kids of your own, you will do the same with your daughters."

Ivan stood then.

"It's a father's job to protect, Johnathan." he said, offering a warm grin and extending his right hand. "And you have my blessing to marry Kassandra."

As soon as the words left Ivan's smiling mouth, Johnathan was on his feet, smiling broadly. He gladly accepted Ivan’s handshake. Not so much in friendship, not yet at least. However, if Jonathan did everything correctly, he was sure possibly one day.

"Thank you, Sir!" He replied enthusiastic. "I agree completely, Sir. It is the job of the husband and father to protect and lead his family. While, admittedly, I did not grow up with a proper role model to learn from, I know in my heart that I would give my life to keep Kassandra, and any children we are lucky enough to have, safe from any harm."

"I know you will." Ivan said, releasing the handshake and looking at Johnathan with a level expression. "Now go and tell her the news. I'm eager to get her claws out of my back."

Johnathan grinned again, then nodded. "Aye, Sir!" He then snapped to attention and saluted Ivan, before turning and hurrying out of the ready room. As he stepped into the tubolift and the doors slid shut, he queried the computer on Kassandra's current location.

[Lieutenant Selin is in her office]

"Take me there!" He ordered excitedly.

A few moments later, Johnathan was standing outside of his destination. After taking a moment to compose himself. He wanted the great news to be a surprise. Finally, he reached up and pressed the door chime.

"Come" came the call from the chief of Intelligence. Kass was standing in her office surrounded by holographic screens showing detailed reports from scanners and beacons.

The doors slid open and Johnathan strode in, an annoyed look on his usually happy face.

Kass looked over from where she was standing. "Hello, what's wrong with you?"

"I just came back from speaking with your father," he replied, his voice dark with emotion that was seemingly trying to burst out of him.

Kass, had been reaching for a PADD, but now retracted her hand so it dropped to her side. "And?" she asked not willing to jump to conclusions. She had been pushing herself for months now, and she knew better than to react when tired.

"And..." he started, moving over to stand in front of her. Suddenly his angry features morphed into bright joy. "He said yes! He gave us his blessings!"

Kass smiled brightly at that. Then she froze. "What's the catch?" she asked suddenly.

Johnathan 's grin faltered slightly. "There's no catch, sweetheart. He stated that he recognized how difficult it was for us to wait, and he had seen how we respected his wishes and position. Stating that it's a father's place to protect his daughters and that, should we ever have our own, I would do the same."

Kass crossed her arms. Nothing in this universe was fair or free. She would wait and see what her father brought up later on. But she forced a smile to her lips. "Well, he may have given you his blessing, but you have not completed it."

A knowing grin crossed Johnathan's face. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small bundle of cloth. As he knelt in front of Kassandra, he unwrapped the ring he had been carrying with him for months.

"Kassandra Selin, in the time we have known each other, you have showed me what true love really is. I feel stronger and more confident when you are by my side. If you would do my the honor, I will spend the rest of my days sharing my life with only you. My heart, soul and mind are yours. Will you marry me?"

Her lips curved a bit more. "Hmmm, what should I say?" she teased as she reached to pull him to his feet. "Yes."

Johnathan beamed brightly as Kassandra said yes to his proposal. After sliding the engagement ring, complete with the expertly cut stones which had originated in the Andromeda Galaxy, he wrapped his arms around Kassandra and kissed her deeply.

Kass returned the kiss and clung to him as she enjoyed the moment.

After a few silent moments, they finally came back up for air. "Well," Johnathan stated as he caught his breath, "I'll let you get back to work. We can celebrate more later."

"Hmm now that sounds like a plan. Your cabin or mine?" she asked softly.

"Lady's choice, my love," he whispered as he held Kassandra close. He desperately wished they could go be together right now, but he knew that she still had some work to do.

She pressed her lips to his ear "Yours Master," she whispered. "Tomorrow we can tell my father and see what he has planned."

Hearing her words, Johnathan was immediately aroused. A soft growl vibrated in his chest as he reached up at took a hold of her hair in his right hand, pulling her head to the side. He kissed and nibbled the side of her neck. "Then I expect you to finish your work quickly and meet me in my quarters, appropriately cleaned and dressed for your master."

She gave a breathless laugh. "Of course."

Looking into her enchanting eyes, Johnathan knew he was hers forever, even if they never did get married. He would love this woman for the rest of his days. "Good," he said quietly. He then kissed her again, and not just a regular kiss if passion and heat, but one designed to send shivers of ecstacy from her head down to her toes.

Kass gave a soft whimper and pulled back. "Go before we so do something that would be frowned on."

A quick smirk of satisfaction crossed Johnathan's face, then he nodded and replied. "Alright, I'll go. However, be prepared to make up for lost time tonight my love." He gently caressed the right side of Kassandra's face with the back of his right hand.

"Go" She laughed softly. "Go and work hard."

Johnathan gave Kassandra a sideways look. "My love, my shift ended thirty minutes ago. I spoke to your father after my shift was done, then came straight down to see you."

"Well mine isnt over yet," she waved him away. "I have work to do."

Johnathan chuckled happily. Giving Kassandra one more good kiss, then he started to leave. "Until tonight, my darling." He then left the Intel office to start getting things ready.

Kass watched him go with a smile and went back to her work



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