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Take a Hint

Posted on Sat Apr 22nd, 2023 @ 7:17am by Ensign Ilan Ocara & Lieutenant JG Corvin Hartjin
Edited on on Sat Apr 22nd, 2023 @ 7:17am

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: Hartjin's Quarters
Timeline: Mission Day 5 at 1900
5761 words - 11.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Corvin earning a commission wasn't ever in the plans for him, his opinion of them had never been exceptionally high, but he also looked upon their position with some small amount of envy since it was one of the few things that he could think of that would have genuinely disappointed his parents more than just merely being in the Imperial Service. He was standing in the turbolift, thinking about them for the first time in ages and trying to remember their faces. This feat was harder than it seemed as he'd never really paid them much attention except to keep them from being entirely preyed upon by the more violent elements within the work camps. They tried to help others when they had nothing, they tried to be kind to the other Terrans, even when it led to his father being beaten, his mother nearly taken by one of the gangs had it not been for his actions in gutting the leader before making his mother go home.

He hated his parents for their naivety but pitied them for it too. They were idealists in a galaxy that never rewarded their kind, merely punished them for it as he leaned against the back of the lift, caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't really pay too much mind to who had joined him.

For a moment, there was silence, and finally a familiar voice broke it.

“Hellooooo? Terra to Corvin. Where are you out there?”

When he opened his eyes, he would see the familiar form of Ilan Ocara standing in front of him and waving her hand in front of his face. She was still in her uniform, so very much made for the male eye, and draw the eye she did in it.

Corvin blinked a couple of times before his brain caught up and registered that it was Ilan's voice as a much less pensive expression settled on his features as he took in the buxom woman and took his time with it for a moment. "Somewhere that has absolutely nothing on here now, Ilan." He shot her a flirty grin before standing up.

"Yeah I didn't think so." She replied with a cheeky grin and crossed her arms under her chest, pushing her breasts up a bit higher as she did so. "So look at you, a big lieutenant now. Now I have to call you sir." She dropped her arms and saluted him dramatically, then immediately giggled.

"How are you holding up?"

"Mmmmm, well I can't say that it doesn't have a certain ring to it." He chuckled, watching her as he moved before waving his hand idly in the air. "You don't need to call me sir, at least when we aren't dealing with official business or anything."

"I'm doing alright, making the adjustment from enlisted to officer, but I'm getting there...though I hear you're dealing with your own departmental headache since our resident cyborg seems too busy to do her job...personally I can think of someone much more enchanting to discuss scientific matters with, definitely more engaging." He smirked while looking up at the floor indicator to make sure he was still on track to get to his deck.

"Ugh I don't even want to talk about it." Ilan said and sighed loudly, her arms dropping and her shoulders raising in exasperation. "It is possibly the most ridiculous thing... and I understand that this isn't a scientific vessel and our department is the smallest on the ship, but you'd think that someone would care."

Really though, who was she kidding. In the end there was barely any work to do ever regardless. She knew she shouldn't complain, but really it was the principle of the matter. That and Melissa was just a nasty, vile creature.

"I think everyone that gives a damn wants to give the superior lifeform a wide berth just so they don't have to deal with whatever crazy she happens to be cooking up in her cauldron of science..." He paused and then smirked a little as he looked over at Ilan, quirking an eyebrow.

"That's accurate isn't it? Science types have cauldrons that you do all your science stuff in right?" He was trying to be playful, to help lighten her frustrations with the situation a little. "Though I'm more than willing to listen, entertain you and give you some more pleasant company and a terrible misunderstanding of how science is done."

"Yes, we have cauldrons. Eye of newt, tongue of worm; all that good stuff in the labs." She turned to look at him again and placed a hand on her hip, cocking it to the side. "Well, what's your offer, then? Hurry up before I go back to my witchcraft."

Many women - casual encounters or not - would have likely given Corvin a hard time for never reaching out again after the last night they had shared on Anorra. Thankfully for him, that had never really been her MO. It wasn't suited for what she did with her life; being needy only drove people away in the end.

"I do love that fire." He looked her over again, tilting his head to the side as he stood facing her. "Why don't you let me treat you to dinner, some pleasant company and you'd be the first guest...mind you I've never actually entertained before but we'd have privacy and wouldn't be in the lounge...I also have a very dark blue alcohol from is quite delicious."

A sly smirk slid into her lovely lips, her green eyes twinkled with interest. "Corvin, are you inviting me to come have dinner in your big fancy officer quarters?"

"I do believe that I am," He confirmed with an easy smile on his lips while enjoying the sly expression and twinkling interest showing in her eyes. "They are quite spacious..."

"Well how could I say no to that kind of offer." She reached up with her free hand and flipped her hair over her shoulder as her eyes moved over him in a slightly more appraising fashion. He had been fun before, but would he be fun again now that they weren't more or less on a pleasure planet? "What time should I come over?"

"Come by around 1900 hours, I have a couple of things I need to take care of before that but after, you'll have my undivided attention." He smiled, quite enjoying watching her flip her hair, it wasn't anything special but it was alluring in its own way as he held her gaze. "Just bring yourself and your appetite."

“Sounds good to me.” The lift slowed and the doors opened. “I’ll bring dessert.” With a wink, she stepped backward out of the lift and the doors closed on her smiling face and continued on to Corvin’s destination.

[1900 hours]

Jumping from an enlisted to an officer was a huge step up in responsibilities and the space allotted to the person filling their new position. The officer's quarters were more spacious than anything that Corvin had ever experienced in his time in Imperial Service, even barracks didn't seem quite as large as having one's own personal quarters, so to say that his quarters were sparsely decorated beyond just what was provided might have been an understatement as the newly minted officer didn't have more than what could fit into his duffel.

Though there were a few personal items that he did have, such as a pair of crossed mek'leth blades hanging on the wall, along with a d'k tahg resting in a display that was stained with Klingon blood and on one wall hung a tattered and burned cape that had once belonged to a Klingon honor guard. Beside the Klingon dagger was a broken mask that appeared to be made from an opal-like stone that appeared to have Cardassian motifs. Pieces were missing and it would be evident that whomever had worn it had met a violent end. There was a throw rug from Anorra that he'd found, the vibrant reds and blues appealing to him, the design didn't make much sense to the man but he thought it was nice and was something that was wholly his own that had neither been taken in combat, or given to him.

On the table were hot containers from the lounge with plates sitting at the ready as Corvin smoothed out the wrap-around shirt he'd picked up from shore leave and a pair of casual pants that even approached something one could comfortably lounge in. He was still settling in but being in the quarters that he knew once belonged to Lyra was subtly arousing to him, like knowing that this had been hers and that she had moved through here and more without stitch of clothing was more than enough for him even if he could never quite be with the gorgeous woman.

For the rest of the day, Ilan had been looking forward to her evening with Corvin. He was a rougher sort, not really suave and lacked charm, but there was something almost endearing about that fact. In any case it was just different from the usual, and she liked different. She had cleaned up in her own quarters, put on some make up to endurance her eyes and lips, and then left to get to Corvin’s quarters.

She tapped the chime and waited for him to answer, standing there with a hand on her hip and playing with her hair with the other.

"Come in." Corvin called out as he moved to pour them both a glass of the very blue alcohol, leaving them on the table since he did want to greet her first and be ready to give her the grand tour, no matter how brief it might be. He liked Ilan because she wasn't complicated, she liked to have fun and she just wanted to be appreciated for who she was, something that he was willing to try and do as he did want to keep enjoying her company.

At his summon, Ilan entered the room with a swing of her hips and a smile on her face. She was wearing a creamy, off-white sweater dress and pale pink kitten heels. She had accented with some small gold hoops and a delicate gold chain with a pearl drop pendant that hit just above the ample cleavage her dress was showing.

“Evening, handsome.” She greeted.

"My, my, my..." He purred, taking a moment to give her an appreciative once over, closing the distance between them as he offered her one of the drinks. "You are quite breathtaking,"

Corvin wasn't a polished individual. He'd never been taught courtly manners or the niceties, he'd learned just what he needed to get by and generally keep someone taking immediate offense, but he was a rough individual. That much was evident in how he focused more on her rather than the extent of his compliments to her, letting her outfit guide his eyes before meeting her gaze with a very pleased smile. "My quarters don't have much decor, but I can give you the tour, I do have one piece that I think you would find intriguing,"

“Absolutely, and don’t worry about the decor. That comes with time and exploitation - either with other people or on alien worlds.” She noted and looked down to his rug. “This looks like it came from Anorra. Did it?”

"It did, I saw the pattern and it reminded me of one of the few pleasant memories I have of my childhood, just the pattern and colors were right." He smiled while looking down at the rug they were standing on. "A little adventurous, outside my comfort zone as it were."

Ilan’s brows raised a bit when he called the rug adventurous, but she supposed for a man like Corvin, a little color in his life like this probably was adventurous. He’d had a terrible start to life she knew, and it was reflected in the barren state of his quarters.

But things could change. This commission would only be a help to him in life.

“Well then, I’m ready for my tour, sir.”

Corvin caught himself from correcting her not to call him sir, having become a habit from his days as an enlisted and NCO, though when Ilan called him sir, he quite liked how it sounded. Even a little part of him found it mildly enticing in a less than professional manner as he placed his hand on the small of her back, guiding her through the living room, the kitchen area, and the rest of his quarters. They were relatively sparse. Still, he guided them back to the living room and towards where his trophies were resting or hanging.

"So these are the mek'leth blades that I used in the blood pits when I was a gladiator, I previously had permission to carry one on duty, but I have to double-check with Lieutenant Cassiel and the Captain to make sure it is allowed." He seemed proud of the weapons, and they appeared to be well maintained; even the Alliance symbol had been removed, replaced with the Imperial sigil.

"Have you ever held one?" He asked while looking over at Ilan with a coy smirk on his lips. "It fits rather comfortably in the hand."

Ilan looked at the weapons with a curious eye. Of course she had seen them before, but that was during classes regarding self defense against their enemies. She’d been horribly average with those, really.

“No, I haven’t. I’ve seen them before but never held one.”

Setting his glass down, Corvin carefully removed one from its resting place before he coaxed the glass from Ilan's hand, replacing it with the blade before guiding her out to the middle of the living room. He moved up behind her as he reached out to lightly take hold of her hands, drawing her free hand behind her back. "Tell me how it feels in your hand." He spoke softly into her ear, his body pressed close to hers.

The metal was cool. It was solid. Heavy, but not uncomfortably so, the grip itself was designed to conform to the natural shape of the hand with a subtle texture that seemed to press into and almost cling to her skin. It felt as if it belonged in her hand, it didn't feel like she was having to exert effort to hold it.

Ilan took the blade and was momentarily aware of Corvin's closeness in a way that was most certainly not chaste, but as her hand flexed against the grip of the blade, her attention veered off. "Oh wow. How strange."

She lifted the blade closer and pulled her other hand from his grip so she could run her fingers more freely along the texture. "I've never felt anything quite like that before. Do you know what it is made of?" She walked away from him to bring it under better light. "Is it made of some sort of animal hide? Something else? It almost feels like it has some sort of suction to it which would usually indicate some sort of marine animal. I wonder if there is any DNA on it..."

Corvin blinked.

Her sudden fascination with the blade's grip had entirely derailed him instead of the moment he had been trying to make between him and Ilan, it had set it careening off the tracks that he had to consciously focus on what she was asking. "Uh...what is on there now is a synthetic combat grip used by the Imperial military for our weapons, it's meant to prevent slippage that can be caused by blood or other liquids."

He was trying to focus on the details of the grip since that was where her fascination had gone but he was still reeling a little bit from the sudden stop and right turn. "Traditional Klingon grips are generally some type of leather or synthetic material, as for the materials of the grip I use is a smart material that bonds to the skin when pressure is applied, the exact workings I'm not certain of."

"Really? I've never heard of such a thing. Granted I guess I don't use many tools where such a thing would come into place. Can I borrow this? I'd like to sc-" As she spoke, she turned around and stopped abruptly when she saw the look on Corvin's face. She looked at him confused for a moment, and then blushed brightly when she realized what had happened.

"Um... I'm sorry." With uncharacteristic shyness, she put the blade down on the table.

Corvin suddenly chuckled, self-conscious now that she was facing him and had gone rather shy before he shook his head. "You don't need to be sorry, it was..."

He trailed off, looking for the right word cause this wasn't something that he dealt with, talking was not his strong suit. Being an attack dog was what he knew and that didn't translate well to other parts of life. "Sorry...I was trying to figure out the right was very cute...adorable your reaction and you can borrow my blade or I can get you one of the grips to do science stuff on...I just don't know how it would react to eye of newt."

This seemed to just deepen her blush, and she looked down while brushing her hair behind her ear in a rather innocent feminine gesture. "Oh um... thanks... I generally don't do that, I promise. At least I hope I don't. I don't think I have..."

Corvin smirked as he reached out to take Ilan's hand as she started to ramble a little before drawing the blushing, flustered woman into a surprisingly gentle kiss, he wasn't trying to make a move but help her get back to a point where she was more comfortable and confident. He eventually pulled back and looked into her eyes. "It was very cute and I can't say that I've ever had a woman react like that, so you've given me a new first."

Ilan returned his kiss and then took a beat to compose herself. She gave him a more natural smile for her, though the slight blush still remained. "Well, I guess I'll take that... Now you were telling me more about the swords?"

Corvin reached up to caress her cheek with his thumb. "Would you like to hold it again while I take you through the motion of a swing? Or just an explanation for now?"

"Oh sure." Ilan reached out to pick up the blade again. She wasn't one for this kind of thing, but she was willing to indulge him. The basic skills with the blades they carried had been enough for her - she was a scientist after all.

Corvin nodded as he moved behind Ilan again, pressing himself close to her as he reached out to place his hand over hers holding the blade. "So the obvious difference between a mek'leth and our combat knives is function,"

He gently guided her arm through a striking motion. "While the mek'leth has a wicked cutting edge, it's weight and profile causes it to act like an axe,"

He moved her arm and turned his head to look at her. "I'm sure you can feel that weight."

“Oh I can feel something, alright.” She quipped cheekily, referring to his body against hers more than the weight of the blade, but she was going along with it. “It’s interesting. It looks like it would have horrible balance, but it doesn’t.”

"It certainly has a deceiving appearance," He smirked while holding her hand, his other resting lightly on her hip. "A Klingon blacksmith can be severely punished if they were to produce a faulty weapon, blade too brittle, blade too heavy...sometimes if they were associated with the wrong House it could cost someone a hand or their head,"

"It was all rather brutal but effective in ensuring quality craftsmanship," He continued and slowly drew the blade up so they could inspect it. The blade had a beautiful swirling feather pattern, similar to Damascus steel. "Mine are made from a duranium and tritanium alloy, and after coming to Terra, I learned that the pattern is called a Damascus pattern. Like on Earth, it required an experienced smith to keep the blade from warping or being damaged at any part of the forging process."

"You sound very proud of them, in a way." Ilan noted, still holding the alien blade and allowing Corvin to guide her hand through the motions that he wanted to. "Or maybe even attached?"

"What do you mean?" He questioned her, curious about her observation while shifting to take the blade from her and place it back up on its mount.

“Just the way you talk about them and the way you hold them. It’s respectful, but also like you’re talking about a friend.” She elaborated with a warm note in her voice while watching him put the blade back in its proper place.

"Mmm, yes." He paused, his expression turning pensive as he considered the blades and Ilan's words, which were true. "These blades have been with me longer than any family I had, they helped to keep me alive in the blood pits and my life depended on them, so I suppose in a way they are a friend, of sorts."

It was complicated but he felt that he'd communicated how he felt about the weapons. "It likely comes from the fact that in the blood pits it was drilled into me that my weapons are my life and they are what would buy me one more day of living and glory."

As she stood there, she shifted her weight from one leg to the other and wrapped her arms around herself loosely so she had something to do with her hands. "Well, then that makes sense as to why you'd feel that attachment then."

She gave him a smile. "So, I think I was invited over for dinner."

"Mmm, yes though if you'll indulge me just a little more, I have something else I think you'll like." He offered before moving over to a tray that contained the broken mask, that as the light struck it gave off the same shimmering appearance as Mother of pearl. The mask was missing a significant portion on the right side and most of the damage to it radiated out from the cracks showing where it hadn't shattered.

"It's some sort of mask that a Cardassian officer was wearing before his death, I took it because I thought it was interesting." If she examined it closer, it would have the appearance of a vanity or death mask that some people in the past would have worn to cover a disfigurement.

Ilan watched him move, mildly put off that he hadn't taken the hint but men were men. She took a few steps over to the tray herself and looked down at the mask. It was beautiful, even broken, and she had to admit it was rather intriguing. She didn't expect something of such beauty to be worn by a Cardassian.

"Any idea why he was wearing it?"

"His face was heavily scarred when I took it off him, but it looked like something that was done to him and allowed to heal rather than an accident." He confided in her, allowing Ilan to get a good look at it as he smiled since he thought she would appreciate it after their time down on Anorra. It wasn't quite the same as an exotic alien species, but it was intriguing on its own.

"Though, I've kept us distracted from dinner..." He smirked while gently laying the broken mask back down as he turned to look back at Ilan.

“Yes, yes you have.” Ilan chuckled, though didn’t take her attention off the mask fully. She looked it over with a careful eye, trying to see if she could place any of the markings or the general shape anywhere she knew or if it was just a Cardassian thing. “It really is beautiful.”

She would be able to see in the felt places where inlaid gold rested that there were lines of the Cardassian script; it was meant to be both functional and a work of art. Given the vanity of Cardassians, it was little surprise that this would be this ornate. It would serve as a sign of their station and the resources they could call upon.

Corvin had stepped away from Ilan, letting her continue to consider the shattered mask, moving over to the dining area's table as the air filled with the scent of citrus and chicken as Corvin began to dish up their dinner. "So is there something you see in the mask? I will be frank, I never looked into it past the fact that it was being worn by a Cardassian that I killed."

"It is probably the mask of someone rich and powerful. Well, someone who was rich and powerful." She clarified with a chuckle and finally abandoned the mask in favor of moving over to the table. She caught the distinct smell immediately and looked at the containers.

"What do we have here, then?"

"There was a pheasant like bird from Anorra that I found that tasted rather obviously not Vidiian food, but I asked the cook in the lounge to make up some orange chicken style meal and herbed rice...well it looks like rice, there are some mushrooms and something that looks and tastes like onion as well." He offered, smiling at Ilan as he set a plate down in front of her before retrieving their drinks so he could join her.

"I thought it might be a delicious dinner idea for the evening."

"Well it definitely smells delicious." She shifted to sit down and pulled her napkin into her lap after crossing her legs. "I still can't get over how bad the Vidiian food was but how delicious their liquor managed to be. I found a particularly fun one but you have to be very careful with it."

"Now you have me intrigued, what is the drink you discovered?" He smirked while settling down to relax and pulled his tray close, placing the napkin in his lap as he remembered from the etiquette training. "Even the thin gruel that Cardassians serve in their work camps had more flavor and is so much more edible."

"Oh I went to another festival thing on Anorra with someone and got a drink that I'm pretty sure is laced with some sort of drugs. It is really intense but really fun." Ilan supplied with a bit of a grin as she pulled her plate up closer to her. "I could taste colors."

Corvin paused with the bite of meat and rice on his fork as he quirked an eyebrow at his lovely companion. "Taste colors? That sounds extremely intense, did you manage to get any before we left the planet?"

"Yeah my friend and I cleaned out the guy's stock after he tried to rip us off like an asshole." Ilan shrugged slightly at the memory. "Real jackass trying to take advantage. Such is life though and we walked away with quite a haul. I've been thinking about doing some experiments with it."

"There is nothing worse than someone presenting themselves as the generous provider of alcoholic indulgence only to show himself as a greedy asshat only interested in padding his pockets." He sighed, shaking his head before taking his bite of food, he nodded a little that it certainly did taste good before his attention returned to Ilan.

"If you ever want to pop open a bottle for fun, let me know and I'd be game."

“Oh maybe. I’d have to figure out how much is the limit to not be completely trashed at work the next day. It was really potent stuff; do you think you could handle it?” She flashed a smirk then and cut open the small bird in front of her. It really did smell quite good.

"I've yet to meet a drink that I haven't enjoyed, even if it does knock me on my ass." Corvin chuckled before eating more of the bird, it was rather good and he was glad that he'd stocked up on some while they were on the planet. "Just let me know when you have it figured out, can't go around getting sauced like I used to, being an officer and all now."

"How is that going for you, anyways? I know it's been like a week or whatever but I imagine it has still come as quite a culture shock of sorts - even with the perks." She waved her hand with her empty fork in it to indicate the room and then scooped up some of the rice to try.

"It's been an adjustment, I'm keeping an even keel in it. Nothing spectacular. Nothing catastrophic. Just average." He smirked after taking a sip of very blue alcohol.

Ilan would find the rice to have a rich, savory flavor with hints of sweetness from the orange sauce and the onions. The mushrooms weren't spongy or overcooked but had just a little bite to them.

“Nothing wrong with that while you are getting your feet under you, I imagine.” There was a kindness and warmth in her voice that was often lacking in people of the Terran Empire. Most kept those aspects in reserve for only the people closest to them. At least if they were being genuine about it. “I think you’ll do great.”

"Thanks, it's a process and I'm applying myself to it...just learning some things that you don't learn as a pit etiquette." The Terran man couldn't help but chuckle a little since if anyone who knew him had been asked, none of them would have said that he'd be learning the proper ways to eat at the table, what to do with a napkin or how best to address someone in a formal setting. That had certainly been the old Corvin.

The two continued on with their meal while sharing light, companionable conversation with each other. The meal was a hit with both of them, and eventually they had found themselves over on his couch sharing another drink and enjoying each other's company.

Ilan kept it easy, she didn’t pry too much about his past and tried to keep the conversation surrounding their time in their respective schooling programs. She shared some funny stories from her time and seemed genuinely interested in what he had to share with her. He may have not been the most suave, charming, or intelligent man she had met, but Corvin did seem genuine which was a rarity.

Eventually, as the conversation began to die down naturally, Ilan moved to stand and stretched in a purposefully slow way. “Well, are you ready for dessert, then?”

"Mmm, yes I do believe that would be the perfect top-off for the evening." Corvin purred in appreciation of the woman as she moved to stand, watching as the bottom of her dress rode up when she stretched, just taking a moment to admire her before moving to stand with her as he shifted close.

"You did promise you'd handle dessert and I think I'm looking at my favorite treat..."

"Oh are you now?" Ilan chuckled as he moved closer to her. A smile settled on her face and she looked up into his eyes. "Prove it."

"Mmm, with pleasure." He purred, drawing her into a passionate kiss while a hand stayed on her cheek for a moment before both began to roam over her body with a hungry desire, moving over the swell of her breasts before moving lower til he found the hem of her dress, playfully inching it up while also carefully guiding her toward one of the bare walls, breaking away to discard her dress.

Ilan didn’t protest him moving her back toward the wall and leaned in to kiss him while his hands roamed over her. She broke it when he started lifting her dress off, and he found her in matching purple silk panties and bra.

“Well now you’re just overdressed.”

"Ah damn, I thought it was hot here." He grinned at his lovely companion before he reached down to start taking his shirt off, trying to give Ilan a little bit of a show before he'd bared his upper body for her. "Better?"

“Half better.” She replied playfully, wrapping her arms around herself and standing easily where she was. Her eyes were on him, interested and keen in the moment shared with him. It hadn’t been long for them, really, but she was looking forward to taking him for another ride.

"Mmmm, half..." He dropped the shirt and reached down to start undoing his pants, letting them drop to the floor, kicking them to the side as he stepped close once more. "Better?" He purred against her skin as he kissed and nibbled gently at her neck.

"Yep." She confirmed, now grinning at him and wrapping her arms loosely around his shoulders and leaning into him. "So very much."

With little effort, she coaxed his head up to kiss him again and pressed her body lightly into his. Her hands moved up his back slowly, just enjoying the feeling of his solid body under her fingers. He wasn't the tallest man, but he was stocky. It made up for a lot.

He made a soft, throaty sound at her attention as he began to make out with her, his hands moving over her body once more, reaching down to coax her legs up around his waist before he stepped away from the wall. His arms were wrapped tightly around the dark-haired woman, holding her close as he carried her into the bedroom, doors parting as he laid her down on the bed. The sheets were surprisingly soft given the rather rough nature that Corvin presented, making short work of the rest of their clothes before he began to shower her voluptuous form with hot kisses and nibbles.

It was most definitely time for dessert.



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