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Sit. Stay.

Posted on Thu Apr 27th, 2023 @ 5:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant JG Corvin Hartjin
Edited on on Thu Apr 27th, 2023 @ 5:41pm

Mission: In-Between (S1:E4-S1:E5)
Location: Security Offices
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 1800
1902 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Corvin had found an officer's life to be a little more...well definitely more luxurious than enlisted life but that was to be expected since even lesser officers could expect to reap the rewards of their patron superior or their own efforts. His new quarters were much larger than any he'd ever had, in fact he was quite pleased with the fact that he wouldn't have to share them with anyone, they were his.

Though he reined in his racing mind as he focused on the summons that Lyra had sent him, he had just finished his training and had been fully commissioned, though he wondered if he hadn't performed as expected and she would be voicing her displeasure. While the idea deeply bothered him, the idea of seeing what the fire of anger setting alight her already gorgeous visage to make it even more fierce and breathtaking.

There was a rather pleased smile on his face as he moved through the office and hit Lyra's chime button before taking a step back and waiting.

“Come!” There was a note of impatience in the command.

Lyra was behind her desk, standing and leaning over it while looking at the small desk console on it. Her uniform jacket was open and in the position she was in, her breasts pressed out against the gold colored material of her uniform shirt. She'd called Corvin on one of his breaks, but this wasn't going to take long. As the door opened, she glanced up to see Corvin and then back to what she was looking at on the screen.

“Your commbadge is crooked.”

Just as quickly as it had come the expression vanished from Corvin's face like smoke in the wind as he instead stepped into the office, looking down as he adjusted his badge. "You wanted to see me Chief?"

“I did. Sit down, Corvin.” She instructed and considered the screen a moment longer before she looked at him again. “You’re not using all of your replicator rations lately, are you?”

"Not lately, been mostly happy with the dry rations," He replied while moving to take his seat, his eyes drawn towards the front of her uniform top swell enticingly before remembering to look away as he got comfortable. "Haven't had time for anything than quick bites and such,"

“You wouldn't mind sharing some of them, would you?” She asked and finally moved to sit down properly, giving a sigh and a bit of a stretch. Her mind was being pulled in several different directions, but she could clear it to give Corvin the attention she needed to give him at this moment. He’d been adequate over the past week in his new position and adequate - unfortunately - would just have to do.

"Of course," Corvin nodded to Lyra, watching her move and stretch, taking another moment to admire her svelte form. "Take as many as you need."

He felt that it wasn't a big ask for her, but it did peak his curiosity as to what she needed them for. "Planning something special or just wanting to make sure you have enough?"

Lyra smiled, pleased, and it showed in her usually unreadable eyes. She looked at Corvin silently for a long moment and crossed her legs. "Thank you, Corvin. That's very kind of you. It is for something special. Andrei's birthday is coming up soon and I intend to make it memorable for him."

She leaned forward on the desk then, putting her elbow on it and propping her head up in her hand. "How are you finding your new position?"

"I think I am settling into the role, a bit more to handle but I suppose that's part of what comes with things." He replied honestly, generally he was just handling the maintenance schedules for equipment and accurate weapon counts. "Though I'll manage, I hope Commander Petrov enjoys his birthday."

"Well, be it good or bad news for you, Corvin, I'm leaving for a few days tomorrow so you get to wear the big boy pants while I'm away." Lyra didn't expand on it anymore, and watched Corvin intently for his reaction to what she had said. As long as he remained adequate things would be fine, but she wondered if the pressure might get to him given the sweeping changes he had to make recently. She wouldn't have been surprised.

Corvin's eyes perked up at the mention of being acting chief before he furrowed his brow and tilted his head a little. "Is this for the Commander's birthday? Either way I am very excited to take the reins and do my best."

“Don’t sound so eager to be the hand of justice, Corvin.” Lyra replied dryly and settled her dark eyes on him. The pleased expression was gone and replaced by the enigma that usually resided there. “Birthday celebrations aren’t for a couple of weeks but I have big plans that require time. This is for something different on need to know… and you don’t need to know.”

She picked up a PADD and handed it over to him. “Here’s everything you need to know, assignments and roster changes I was going to make, scheduled training exercises… you can read the rest.”

"Of course and I wasn't trying to be too eager about punishments but I just didn't want to get blindsided by anything." He nodded while taking the PADD and skimming over it. "Assuming that you will also be out of communication for this need-to-know assignment as well?"

“Yes, we will be.” She confirmed and laced her fingers together, placing both hands over her flat abdomen while she looked at him. “This also means Anderson will be stepping in as XO. He’s a kid and will likely get uppity. Don’t rock the boat, but don’t let him push you around.”

"Anderson," He paused for a moment while trying to remember all the names and faces of the bridge crew before snapping his fingers. "Ah right, the stick jockey, made that announcement about the captain being injured while we had aliens crawling all over the ship like cockroaches.

"Mmm... yes, don't remind me." Lyra shook her head and tried not to dwell on that particular bungle. It had been so incredibly foolish in the situation they had been in with the Vidiians and if she thought about it too much, she saw Johnathan less as a naive man and more as a liability.

"Second officer, though, Corvin. You'd do well to remember that."

"Yes, ma'am, unless he does something incredibly stupid, I'll play nice with him and make sure there's a ship to return to." he nodded while taking a deep breath. "How long do you expect to be gone for? Or is that part of the need to know?" He was deeply, intensely curious about what kind of assignment Lyra and Commander Petrov would be going on, especially since he wouldn't be there to back them up if something should go wrong.

“Not long. Then, all will be right in the world in a few days.” Lyra replied and rotated her chair from side to side several times. “Have you improved your alcohol recipe yet?”

"I've been working on it, not so much rotgut anymore...but still pretty strong." Corvin offered as he remembered the last batch he'd made before being put through the wringer with officer's training. "I can send over a bottle if you and the Commander want to try it."

“I think I’ll wait a while. I wouldn’t want either of us being accused of trying to poison Andrei.” Lyra replied with a smirk. Corvin really was showing himself to be a loyal and compliant hound and that truly did please her. Her own reach and power on the ship was growing steadily and it would only help her in her goals.

“Simmons will be your second while I’m gone. He’s competent enough to follow orders and man the station, just don’t give him too much of a cerebral challenge.”

"Solid in a fight, but I agree he's not the brightest bulb...then again the same might be said about me." Corvin chuckled, a little self deprecation never hurt as he glanced back to the PADD. "More of clarification currently, since both you and the Commander will be off of the ship, how should Shadow Squad be handled if they are needed for something? I know they are your project and I don't want to overstep."

“If they are needed for something, the Captain will make that decision. If you feel the need to recommend their use, be sure there is really a necessity to it. They are not a toy to be played with.” Lyra reminded him evenly.

"Absolutely, I understand that they aren't meant to be a unit deployed to swat a fly, I just wanted to be clear on the chain of command for the present situation," He replied, nodding his head to her. "Trying to be a better officer so that if reflects better on you and your station as the Chief.:

“I don’t mind you asking questions, Corvin. I’d rather you ask then go off half cocked and then inevitably find my boot up your ass because you fucked up.” Lyra shrugged and looked at him, watching him with a passive interest and studying him as he sat there. He was intelligent in a way that many were not; the useful way.

"Mmm, I can't say that I enjoy the idea of finding your boot up my ass, either." He smirked while seeming to relax a bit now that they were talking and he wasn't too worried about fucking up. At least in this conversation.

“Good. Now, any other questions you need answered?” Lyra asked and sat forward, getting ready to get up and leave. She needed to shower, get packed, and take care of a few other things before the morning came and she was already mentally checking out of the moment.

"No, nothing else." Corving nodded as he moved to stand, making sure to keep hold of PADD, moving towards the door. "Just let me know if I can be of any assistance, I'd be more than happy to help how I can."

“I’ll let you know. In the end, Corvin, it comes down to don’t kill anyone you aren’t ordered to and don’t blow up anything you aren’t ordered to and make sure no one else does that either. It seems like it should be simple but…” She smiled and shrugged as she stood. “More difficult than you’d think.”

"A ship full of Terrans? I'd say that's just a Tuesday in the Empire." He joked, though there was something true to it so far, nothing had boiled over on the Vengeance; other ships had their difficulties, but aliens crewed them, and what could you expect from non-Humans?

"I'll see myself out and start making the necessary preparations to take over; I hope you have a productive trip, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, Corvin. If you have any last minute questions, reach out, I'll get to them before I leave." Lyra offered the last moments of her attention to him to give him a nod and then her eyes moved back to her console.


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