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En Route I

Posted on Sat Apr 29th, 2023 @ 8:05am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun May 21st, 2023 @ 9:58pm

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: Shuttle Harbinger
Timeline: Date 2371-08-14 at 2230
4108 words - 8.2 OF Standard Post Measure


When one was stuck out in the Delta Quadrant, any chance to get off the ship for a change in scenery was a welcome one. While it was no tropical resort and there was actually a purpose behind it, Lyra was still glad to be away - especially with the company. Truthfully it had been a rather quiet venture at this point, more business than pleasure though it suited them just fine. Despite it being something they both thoroughly enjoyed, they didn't always have to be attached at the hips. Lyra had just woken up from her turn to sleep and had taken a quick sonic shower. One thing they didn't have to worry about en route was uniforms, so she wandered out to the cockpit where Andrei was at the helm. She was dressed black shorts and a dark blue tank top; they flattered her stunning figure and were quite comfortable, so really it was a win for everyone.

She approached with two drinks in her hand and she sat Andrei's down in front of him in the space between the consoles; black tea and honey, the glass set inside a podstakannik as he preferred and something she too had found benefit in. He was reading something and she didn't interrupt, merely gave a gentle greeting of a kiss on his temple before she settled down in the chair next to him with her own tea; white jasmine with just a touch of honey. Checking the console and course in front of them, she confirmed they were still quite a number of hours away. She sat back then and picked up the PADD she had left by her chair, unlocked it, and began to read.

Andrei too had been sitting with a PADD in his hand reading while Lyra slept. He had enjoyed the alone time but was now equally happy to see her come out again. He was barefoot and wore a pair of gray shorts and a black shirt made of a light but stylish material. As she entered the room, his eyes went from her to the tea she sat down in front of him. He pulled it toward him and took a sip, ignoring the fact it was still piping hot.

“Thank you.” He commented, looking at her. “Just the way I like it…what have you been reading there?”

It hadn't been something she had shared with him yet despite having been studying for some time now, but it was probably as good of a time as any; she wasn't sure how he would react if he would react at all. She brought her legs up into the seat and tucked them close to her body.

"Bellum et Imperium." She replied, giving the name of one of the textbooks that was required for a command student in their third year of study. "What about you?"

He raised an eyebrow at that, but there was a smile underneath it. He himself had heard of the book but had never read it. As such a young man, he had come to his position as XO by methods that would only be possible in an emergency like theirs and he had none of the original training. He had started reading on the side, but had been so busy with doing the job, he’d had almost no time to sit and read about it.

“Woah, what are you reading command literature for, Lyra?” He asked, his smile coming out completely, amused and somewhat teasing. “Do you plan to be the next commander of the Lovarr?”

She had been hoping that perhaps he would just answer her question in return and that would be that, but there was no such luck. When she turned her head to look at him, she could see the teasing in his expression and had to rein back the immediate reaction to snipe at him. Her experiences with teasing had often been poor, and the way he was grinning at her reminded her of those; they'd always been more mocking than teasing. She looked away to grab her tea and took a sip of it, giving herself a beat to make sure she wouldn't react poorly.

"Well," she began and gave him a slight smile, "given we keep acquiring ships, I thought it a good idea to go ahead and study this. I have little interest in commanding my own ship, but if say you or Johnathan were given your own ship again..." She shrugged slightly; rank wise she would be next in line to fill the role of second officer at the very least.

Andrei watched her reactions and studied her face, having noticed that something was slightly off about her emotional reaction. He wasn’t sure what it was, however.

“Good thinking. If I had thought I was anywhere near the top before I was given Lovarr, I would likely have done the same.” He responded. “And in response to that point about me commanding another ship, I don’t intend to move anywhere else again. I learned my lesson the last time.”

"Hopefully your father has as well." She noted and looked into his eyes. Ivan was still the commanding officer and if he were to give Andrei another assignment Andrei would, in theory, have to obey. She couldn't imagine Papa Petrov was eager to do that again though.

"If you'd like the material to read and make it 'official' as it were, I can give what I've already read to you." Of course he could have gotten the information himself, but sometimes just having it already there and available just made it easier.

“It’s a good idea, but now I’m reading for pleasure.” He said, lifting the PADD in his hand. “Don’t you ever do that? It seems to me like you would have a secret, shameful affinity for trashy romance novels. Go on, admit it.” He said, giving her a look that suggested he was only partially serious.

"Mmm... I might, but will you ever know?" She smirked at him playfully. "And just what are you reading for pleasure, hm?" She waved her PADD accusingly toward his. "Don't think you get to duck out of that question."

"The Aeneid in Latin." he answered, turning the device to her. "Did you ever finish your language lessons after your change in identity?"

“Oh yes.” She nodded and placed her own PADD down on her thigh in trade for her tea. “Conversations would take forever in my house, especially when I was young. I was taught three languages at once: Portugués, Terran, and Latin. I was fluent in those three by the time I was six. Anything that was said had to be said in all three every time unless it was a true emergency. Once I had mastered those, Italian took the place of Latin. More were cycled in and out but it did eventually leave me fluent in eight languages and at least conversational in a few others.”

“And I thought my mother was tough.” Andrei said, lifting his eyebrows at the woman beside him. “Latin is a legal language and you weren’t in line to inherit any titles. I’m surprised your parents made it so central to your education.”

"I'm still an Orsini, darling." She reminded him, her head shifting and her hair falling over her shoulders. It was easy to forget, she didn't wield the name like a weapon. She could have rightfully embraced it, but she had chosen to not bring attention to the fact she was of Imperial blood. "My family was highly favored by Angelus during his time and my mother was extremely close to Antonius despite the age difference; Cosima also adores her. Before everything broke down, more than one person commented that had they not known the families were cousins, they would have thought them loving siblings." She took another sip of tea and shifted her legs so she could cross them.

"If something were to happen to my brother, I would be the next in line for Brazil. There was also the fact I was ideally going to be married to a Lord or Lord's heir. So Latin comes in handy."

Andrei had worked hard to gain a bit of the common touch in order to win as many morons to his side as possible, but he found himself more comfortable now that Lyra was speaking in a way that was undeniably noble.

“I only was taught two at once and it wasn’t as demanding, but it still worked. Russian and Terran were first, of course, followed by Italian and Latin. Only then did I get a review of Portugués and Japanese, but I’m less than fluent.” He admitted, offering a smile. “I perfected the language to woo a girl at the academy though.”

“Of course you did.” Lyra chuckled softly through the words, smiling and shaking her head. Truthfully thought she was beginning to wonder how much in his life Andrei had done all in the name of getting his dick wet. How many women did she have to contend with when they were back home? It didn’t matter, she would win one way or another, but the wondering was there.

“Portugués, Terran, Latin, then Italian and Japanese. After that it was French, Chinese, German, and Russian.” The languages of the most powerful nations, naturally.

“Well, yes. Though I barely bothered with Chinese and German. By then, we were putting a lot of energy into combat training and music.” Andrei said, picking up his tea and sipping the very hot beverage carefully. “What was your favorite language? Did you enjoy learning them or was it mostly a chore like it was for me?”

It was strange hearing so many questions coming from him, but not unwelcome. She moved her book from her thigh up to the console and instead grabbed up her tea. Turning her chair now so she could face him, she spoke frankly. "I suppose I didn't really enjoy it nor did I find it a chore... it just was a fact of life." She shrugged slightly. "German is my least favorite, I don't like the way it sounds and they use too many words for what should be simple concepts. That and Chinese are the ones I practice the least. My favorite..."

She paused then and considered the second question he had posed. "I've never really thought about it if you discount Portugués and Terran in that equation given they are more or less my true native languages. The others all have their charms."

“Way to dodge the question.” He said, looking at her with amused interest. “It’s okay, Lyra. You can admit that Russian is the best. It is the next Imperial Language, after all.”

“I do love Russian. It is a powerful language that lacks the harshness of, say German. Grammatically though it was a complete pain in the ass so I can understand why even some native speakers struggle.” She chuckled and shook her head slightly. “French is a lovely language, though I could do without the people. Italian was obviously my mother’s native language; the Romance languages were not difficult for me in the slightest.”

She regarded him for a moment, her eyes moving over his face slowly though the reason wasn’t clear. “You didn’t like learning languages, then? Why?”

“I think I found there was too much unknown at the beginning. And no matter how much one masters one language, the others go unlearned until you get to them.” He answered. “It’s irritating. And considering everyone can speak a common language with me on Terra, I hardly saw the point outside of some multicultural language orgy and the creation of the new Terran noble. That man that can do everything and be everything all at once.”

As she listened, Lyra couldn't help but wonder in the end if he had the patience and discipline to play the game he so desperately wanted to play. It was strange with him sometimes, he seemed to have an abundance of self control for some things, but not others. Unfortunately with this game, that could get them both killed. "I suppose it is a bit different for a man in your position, really. You are the heir to Russia and your woman would come to you and be expected to adapt and learn your language, not the other way around."

“My woman would be a Terran, and she would speak Terran standard and whatever other language she likes. Honestly, Lyra, in the era of the universal translator, what does it really matter besides making us impressive?” He asked, lifting an eyebrow. "It’s all noble dick measuring, I’ve always intended to measure with something else entirely. Let them learn their words.”

He looked away for a moment, picking up his tea and sipping it again.

“You seemed to enjoy it though. Why is that?”

When he looked away, she did the same and turned her attention out to the stars streaking past them. Her face was unreadable, but no one really enjoyed hearing that something they had considered at least some form of accomplishment was thought so little of by the one they had tried to share it with.

"It was never about enjoyment, it was about perceived necessity by my family. I'm a woman. My job - besides putting a knife through Christoph and his father - was to be impressive to attract the best match. I was told to do it, so I did it."

“Well, impressive you are. I’m sure the women of the court will be completely intimidated by you when we get back. For many reasons.” He said, speaking without a hint of flattery. “The men of the court respect power, however. And I’m hoping I can present an impressive front in that regard.”

He turned to the console in front of him and read from the display. While he wasn’t eager to be cooped up in the shuttle for so long, he liked the company and was glad for a change of scenery from the Bridge or his office.

“A few more hours left before we arrive. Any idea how we might pass the time?”

"Well if you don't feel like resting beforehand..." She looked over to him and then stood, taking the couple steps closer and leaning down as if she were going to whisper into his ear. She nibbled the sensitive skin just under it, knowing it was a sure way to get his mind headed into one particular direction. "I..." She began and slid down into his lap, sliding her arms around his shoulders and pressing against him. Her dark eyes locked onto his, her expression playful.

"Spy with my little eye, something that is... grey."

When she nibbled under his ear, a shiver went through his spine, causing him to move his hips slightly, and when she pressed up against him, his body responded as it always did. When she finished her sentence, however, he smiled broadly, showing his perfect white teeth. Since he wasn't wearing his patch, his natural and bionic eyes were both visible.

"Oh, you're evil." he growled, his hands finding her hips confidently, but not moving past that. "Hmm...let's good eye?"

“Mmm no.” As she denied it, her hand came to his face and her thumb traced the delicate skin just under his natural eye. “One of my favorites, but I also see a beautiful silver instead of grey.”

Lyra shifted as if she were about to kiss him, but stopped just short of doing so in a teasing way. “Try again, darling.” She prompted and looked into his mismatched eyes again.

He looked around. There were plenty of grey things in the room, all of which were excellent candidates to be the item she was spying.

“Oh, I know!” He said, feigning certainty. “It’s my belt buckle, right?”

“Hmmm….” She looked down between their bodies and moved her hands to the belt buckle. With a quick, deft motion, she had it off of him in the blink of an eye and had brought it up between them. “Mmm… no. Still silver.” She tossed the belt aside and looked at him once more.

“Try again, darling.” She kissed him then, slowly, but didn’t let it linger long. When she pulled back, she bit his lower lip though it wasn’t hard enough to damage. Her hands moved down his chest slowly. “You’re getting… warmer.” The double meaning was obvious; she could feel his body reacting to her.

His bionic eye could see her change in temperature as well. This was a sight that was becoming very familiar to him, but was far from routine.

"So are you, love." he said, his fingers moving slowly, temptingly up her back. He used his nails unapologetic ally, running tracks of subtle pain up to her shoulders and then back down again. "My chair, maybe?"

Lyra's full lips parted slightly as his nails pricked into her skin even through her shirt. The effect was immediate and obvious to him. She licked her lips and focused once more. "No, no. Not the chair."

Her hands found their way up his shirt and her cool fingertips made contact with his sides first. Slowly she moved them up, tracing his well defined physique while still holding his gaze with her own.

"Mmm." he said, looking at her. "I hate to admit defeat, darling, but I might need a hint."

He moved his hands up her neck to the back of her head. He grabbed her hair forcefully then, though not enough to pull her roots, and slowly moved her head to the side. He leaned forward and delivered a slow, warm kiss to her neck. It was soft and brief. He then gave her another, teasingly. Then he leaned back and loosened his grip on her dark hair, running his fingers through it instead.

Lyra didn't fight his grip in her hair and didn't resist as he maneuvered her head how he wanted to. His kisses on her neck made her shiver and she could feel her desire building in her core and wetness starting to settle between her legs. "A hint, hm?"

Her fingers lifted his shirt as if she were going to take it off of him which she started to, but right before she took it off completely she stopped, leaving his eyes covered and his arms at a slightly awkward angle. She caught his lips in a passionate kiss, her tongue wrestling against his for a brief moment. When she pulled back, she bit his lip again this time with a bit more force. Her lips and teeth then found his neck, alternating between sweet kisses and sharp little bites and leaving him guessing which would come next. Eventually, she freed him of his fabric prison and tossed it aside with a smirk.

"You were closer with the belt."

"Oh, right, the shorts." he said, suddenly realizing where she was going with the little game. "I must have been distracted."

He accepted the kisses on his neck with interest, his hands moving over her side and hips as she did so, not being hesitant or overly forceful. He was skilled in war and seduction, and the difference between them wasn't always clear with Lyra and him. But for now, he waited, and would see which one this was.

"I spy with my little eye" he returned.

"Mmm... torpedo launch button." She offered up one of the random blue buttons on the console behind her. It was her turn to find his hair and she laced her fingers through his thick black mane. Her nails grazed his scalp, knowing he enjoyed that feeling. She kissed him again slowly and leaned into him so their bodies were pressed together.

"Wrong. Try again." he said, closing his eyes for a moment and then opening them again, kissing her. He exposed his neck to her, while his hands pressed intrusively up the legs of her black shorts on both sides and settled on her perfectly shaped bottom. He grabbed it on either side and juggled them in his hands playfully. Since she was laying forward on him, it was well-positioned, and he removed one hand and slapped it hard; rudely. He looked her in the eyes then, drinking her in. Mine.

When he slapped her rear, she giggled and smiled deviously. Her dark eyes danced with his, seeing the possessive look there; she loved it. It made her feel good. She kissed him passionately again, her feelings communicated through that instead of the look. Mine. I want you. She pulled back just enough to speak, her lips brushing against his with the words, "The stars?"

He kissed her back, grabbing her blue tank top and lifting it up over her head. Once it was off, he wrapped it around her eyes and slowly tied it in the back. Then, kissing her slowly, he smiled.

"You're even worse at this game than me." he said, leaning in and kissing her again, feeling her sightless touch on him. "Now you're about as blind as me."

Were it anyone else, she would have pulled the shirt away from her eyes immediately, but with Andrei she was more relaxed and allowed it, though she wasn't overly comfortable with it on an instinctual level.

"Well you certainly didn't mean my shirt. That is dark blue, not blue." She smiled at him, her hands slowly making their way up his chest. "Maybe you meant my panties."

"I may have meant those, but I haven't seen them." he said, his hands moving down to her black shorts and pulling them down ever so slightly. As he did, he saw the bright blue color. "Yes, that's exactly what I meant. But, unfortunately, I haven't seen the whole garment. Perhaps its only blue on the top. Shall we switch to dare or dare?"

"Hmm... I do enjoy that game." She smirked and finally reached up to pull her shirt off of her head and away from her eyes. "I dare you to find out if my panties are just blue on top or not."

“I accept that dare.” He said, looking at her with those same possessive eyes. He pulled her shorts down more until they crested her bottom but, since she was straddling him, he could get no further without having her get up. So, instead, he found the back of the thin fabric with his strong hands and pulled at it until he made a tear at the top.

"You know," she began, grinning at him, "I'm going to start having to take your replicator rations with the amount of clothes I have to replicate thanks to you." She bucked her hips into him suddenly then, pressing and rubbing herself firmly over his manhood in their current position.

His manhood was hard and apparent even under his shorts. She would have a lot to rub herself against, and he encouraged the motion only a moment before he ripped her shorts down to the legs on one side and then the other, leaving her sitting in a flat and tattered section left over.

"I don't give a damn about that even one little bit." he growled, smiling and showing his teeth. "Perhaps I'll rip the rest of it too. We can pay for it using someone else's rations. Doctor Brasken's maybe."

“Mmm we could at that. Not like he would use them for anything interesting anyways.” She noted and caught his lips in another passionate kiss. The little touch of jealousy suited him and she did enjoy watching him prey on others, she reflected on her two encounters with Brasken, but more on what had happened when she returned to Andrei. She had given him her full and loving service and then took her time to remind him exactly who’s woman she was and was happy to be. His.

"Yes, we'd make much better use." he said with a grin. He recalled the first time they'd made love, laying on the ground right next to their common enemy's recently dead corpse. They were made to conquer; they were made to fuck all over their enemies' stuff. He was curious who was next.

He looked down at her, observing her underclothes with interest.

"Looks like they're blue through and through."



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