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En Route II

Posted on Sat Apr 29th, 2023 @ 8:05am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun May 21st, 2023 @ 9:58pm

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: Shuttle Harbinger
Timeline: Date 2371-08-14 at 2245
3686 words - 7.4 OF Standard Post Measure


“And so very silky. They feel very nice.” She purred and began to slowly roll her hips against his to rub his manhood against her silk covered womanhood.

"I can't feel them very well, because I still spy something grey." he said, his hands finding her bottom and enjoying every roll of her hips tacitly, feeling those silky blue panties and even running his hands under them and shaking her cheeks himself. He grinned. "You should climb down onto the deck and see if you can solve that problem."

He was less cautious today for some reason; less careful and mild. Lately, he had been feeling less content with filing paperwork and working late hours. His old desire to conquer was returning, even though it had only calmed for a few weeks. He would press on as he had been, of course, but he was now interested in letting others adjust to him again instead of him making the adjustments. Even she would be told to fall to her knees, though in a very different way.

His fingers moved around her bottom and inched so close to her womanhood it seemed like he was going to make contact, but he simply paused there and played in the area, teasing and making her wonder and wish.

“Maybe I should,” she grinned and shifted her hands down to his shorts so she could fondle him through the dark grey fabric covering him. Her fingers hooked across the waistband and she pulled back with one hand while the other dove down; grabbing him and fishing him out of his shorts. Pulling the waistband down more, she left the elastic fall under his jewels so he was now completely exposed, but still in the shorts.

“Thankfully for my tender knees, I have excellent innovation skills.” Kissing him again, she held his manhood with one hand and began to rub herself much more pointedly up against him.

"They always told me I should marry down instead." he said with a smile. "Now, I see what a brilliant woman will get me."

He was joking, and that was clear, even as his mismatched eyes watched her rub his sizeable member against her womanhood through those pretty blue panties. His hands found her breasts through her brassier.

“Peak ingenuity. I can’t be matched.” She said in a manner that would be much more fitting coming out of his mouth. She continued to tease him between her hand and the heated damp fabric of her panties and she lifted her breasts into his palms in an instinctual, wanting manner though at the same time she knew one of his favorite things was to tease her there.

He played with her over the fabric, making no move to remove it and touch her natural skin. He circled the protrusions in the fabric slowly; very slowly, and he leaned up and kissed her again.

"Then I propose a very difficult problem for you: I want nothing more than to pin you against that console, and lay a steady, pounding assault on that warm wet royal pussy of yours." he said, confident as always, his eyes glittering with life; even the fake one. But you are still wearing those blue blue panties. How would you apply your peak ingenuity to that, Mad Maddie?"

She grinned at the nickname being used again. Lovely Lyra was fitting of course, but so was Mad Maddie. Something that would always be his. “Well that’s easy.”

With ease, she pulled the crotch of her panties to the side and lifted herself up. Leaning into his chest, she used her other hand that was already on his manhood to slip him inside of her. Despite it being a familiar feeling to her now, her body opening to him was no less pleasurable even now. She let out a soft, sighing moan and worked herself down on him slowly. She leaned closer to him, her lips finding his ear.

“Teper' zastav' menya pet' dlya tebya, moya lyubov'.” Her voice was low, full of passion and desire for him. The words were precise, spoken without hesitation or accent. It was as natural to her as anything else.

Hearing his native language spoken to him, a rare experience, as she slid slowly onto him was an exhilarating experience, and he sighed softly with her. This was their favorite way to pass time, and he found himself happy he decided against bringing a pilot along with them. He moved his hands over her bra, popping it off now with a quick flip of the tabs and cupping her breasts in both hands. He watched her face express and turn as she began to move up and down on him.

"YA sobirayus' sdelat' tebya snova moyey." he said back, his bionic eye watching as the considerable warmth between her legs accepted him with zeal and energy.

“YA tvoy, a ty moy, Andrei.” Lyra moaned softly through the words and began to move on him more pointedly, taking her pleasure and giving it in equal measure. Her arms went around his shoulders and she kissed him, bit his lower lip, and kissed him again. Was it love? Maybe so. One thing was for certain that neither of them could deny the connection they had together. It was powerful, terrible, and could bring the masses to their knees.

He enjoyed every second of her motions, pulling her toward him and watched as her behind bobbed more and more quickly on top of him until it was going steady. He helped, giving himself to her simultaneously and increasing the intensity of their impact. He looked up at her, taking her in with his gaze. Then, after a while, he placed his strong arms around her legs and stood up, allowing himself to fall out of her warmth. Holding her there, he used a free hand to slide his glistening member back inside her and, taking full control of her legs, bobbed her up and down in smooth, confident, controlled, and rhythmic motions as the stars streamed toward them through the front window of the shuttle. As he felt her trembling on his manhood, he didn't relent, or slow down, but pushed her near her limit and received his reward over and over. He watched her at times, and at others, he closed her eyes and enjoyed the sounds of her thrilled moans. Only after a long while, displaying his stamina as well as his prowess, did he let her down and, without any question or hesitation in his mind, bent her over the console as promised.

He gave her a moment to catch her breath as he looked at her, the gorgeous starscape moving in front of her. She was beautiful at his side, or on top of him, or beneath.

Lyra was not shy with her praise to him, she never had been. Her moans, whimpers, and other pleasured sounds came freely and were never forced; he earned them all one way or another. She hadn't objected to his switch in position with her and had merely kept her arms around his shoulders to provide herself with stability so he could focus on moving her body as he wanted to. He had never disappointed her in this respect and he didn't start now. She was breathing harder by the time he had let her down and she felt her legs briefly unsteady from being kept in the same position for a while and then being asked to support her weight after her several orgasms. His shorts were soaked in the front and her own thighs were glistening brightly.

She didn't have to worry about her legs much as he bent her over the console. Her arms came out and she caught herself before she went down all the way down. With a quick tap of a button, she deactivated the display and then lowered herself down the rest of the way. She looked out of the window briefly but then turned her head to look back at him. She didn't try to tempt him by swaying or bucking her hips - there were times for that but this wasn't one. Instead she looked into his eyes. Lyra's gaze was one of power and confidence, she would not bend to those she saw as her lessers; for Andrei though, while he could see those qualities, he could also see her submission to him, her desire. He was powerful and he was worthy of it.

He took his position behind her as if he were taking command of a starship, placing his hands on her hips and moving inside her easily; slowly. Then, when he had her, he began to move at a steady rhythm. It was teasing and slow at first, but then sped up markedly until he was pumping away like an engine with no sign of faltering or stopping until it was time for his own combustion. With his hands, he played with her sides, he scratched her back, and he massaged her shoulders, but none of it distracted from his central missions.

Though she hadn't tried to tempt him into taking her with them, when he settled into his pace she began to move her hips to enhance the moment. She was skilled, there was no doubting that; men would have - and did - envy Andrei for her company just as women were jealous of her for his. The little shocks of pain caused her to tighten around him, but now and then she would do so herself to keep him guessing, not let him fall into routine. Routine was boring. She pressed herself back against him, sinking him totally inside of her again, an impressive feat for sure but one she took great pleasure in knowing that she could give him something so rare.

Their pleasured sounds filled the cabin, the sound of their bodies slapping together rhythmically providing a steady beat for their song. As Andrei drew near his peak, that steady rhythm faltered, becoming more feral and needing. His fingers became rougher and she enjoyed every moment of it. Her body was so very warm under his hands and in his eye. As he pressed himself into her completely and she felt him starting to erupt inside of her, she lowered her head to the deactivated console and gave a low, near primal moan of satisfaction. The chair, his shorts, the deck between her feet, her legs, all a mess - she didn't care. These moments gave them something they both desired and every time only seemed to bring them closer together. Whether they admitted it out loud or not was inconsequential.

They lingered there for a few moments in their shared moment, and then Andrei pulled out of her and kissed the small of her back. He turned and headed back into the cabin without a word for a very quick sonic shower in the individual unit. This particular cylindrical design was developed to clean a person in thirty seconds without the need for any motion except turning around. He stepped in, turned around, and by the time she would get back there, he was stepping out perfectly clean.

“Our favorite pastime.”

Right before Andrei had stepped into the shower, he would have heard Lyra laugh. When she walked to the back, she gave him a quick kiss in affirmation of what he had said, but on pulling back she still looked extremely amused. Wordlessly, she stepped into the shower and adjusted the tone then activated it. The frosted portion of it covered most of her body, though her breasts were just barely covered thanks to her impressive height as a woman.

"What's so funny?" he asked as he watched her through the frosted glass. He went to his bunk and grabbed a fresh set of clothes. black tan shorts this time and a green polo shirt.

“Mm?” Lyra hummed in a distracted way and turned around in the shower. After a few more seconds she wandered into the small room after him. She was unashamed of her nakedness as always, and began to pick out some clothes. “You remember when we killed Christoph right before we went at each other right next to his body, you joked about becoming a celibate and dedicating your life to the gods?”

"I've had many wild ideas before." he smiled, chuckling at the memory. His eyes found her body, watching her movements with a passive interest. "What, were you thinking that might be a good idea?"

“Heavens no.” Lyra chuckled as she pulled on a pair of comfortable looking black shorts and a blue tank top, abstaining from any undergarments since they would change again on arriving to the planet. “It simply struck me how after sex you tend to flee like a naughty priest trying to wash away the evidence of his corrupt acts.”

She pulled her hair back from under her shirt and turned to look at him, smirking at him.

“To be honest, I just don’t like being dirty for too long.” He said with a shrug, though he gave a chuckle at the idea. “I don’t really think about it; I just run to the shower as soon as the deed is done. Does that bother you?”

"'Bother' is a strong word," she began honestly and slid her arms around his shoulders while stepping close enough to him that their bodies were almost touching. "It is just a little of me on you and you on me, nothing really 'dirty' about it, but either way it would be nice from time to time if you would make sure I can actually get up and move under my own power." She kissed him and bit his lower lip sharply, but not enough to draw blood.

"Especially after some of the railings you've given me."

Lyra hadn't really given Andrei many 'I want you to do this' statements since they had first decided they were together, so she was curious to see how he would react to that. Her eyes settled on his, searching.

At first, Andrei didn't react visibly, though an astute watcher would be able to tell he was thinking. Even still, his thinking seemed sober and unemotional.

"Then stay I shall." he said, smiling finally. "Perhaps I'll even carry you if necessary."

Lyra did observe - carefully. She watched him thinking, but in that disconnected way it really almost came off more like processing than really thinking. It often did with him, though. When he spoke and smiled, she returned the gesture in kind. Her smile was warm, affectionate, and she leaned in to kiss him passionately with the same sentiment.

"I do believe you might take that as a challenge; make it necessary to carry me." She smirked at him deviously and kissed him again.

"Oh heavens, yes." he said with a laugh. Now, we should probably stop rolling around at this point and talk strategy. After all, when we meet these Baneans, we need to impress them enough to lay the groundwork for a military alliance. We also need a plan on how we're going to gather intel." Andrei said finally, running a comb through his black mane.

The distaste at the notion was quite apparent on her face. She didn't bother to hide it from him because he already knew full well her feelings on aliens; he also knew very well that she could put on the friendly mask and make the aliens she so hated love her without question. "Yes I suppose we should. Did you have some initial thoughts?"

“Our reputation from Ocampa should precede us once we reveal ourselves and make it clear who we are. Intelligence from this area suggests that the Baneans are locked in a struggle against a race called the Numiri. I was thinking we might make some headway with either group, depending on who seems most worthy of our…favor.” He said, sighing and putting down the brush. “But, of course, the fact that we have options gives us leverage.”

"Yes, though it has to be used carefully," Lyra noted. "Trying to do that too much will end up having them both turn on us, and I imagine papa won't be too happy about that." She looked down at her nails as she spoke, "Do we have any idea what they are warring over, exactly?"

"Apparently, they used to share Banea and, it seems, the Numiri want it all for themselves. The war is territorial, according to our sources, and Numiri patrols often harass Banean visitors. Dear Papa seems to think we'll have more luck with the Baneans, who are a bit more desperate, than the Numiri, but we can switch sides if the need arises. Of course, only one will do, so we must be careful not to look too unreliable."

"It seems strange to try and make a military with either people if they can't take what they want or defend what they have." The way she pointed it out, she almost sounded bored of the very notion. "But perhaps they can offer something more... and if they don't, maybe we just take it. We can help either side decimate the other, of course."

"Well, we have to remember that protracted conflicts typically have repeated ceasefires while white-headed men blather and debate. Rarely do we find leaders with the vision...or the guts to put a conflict to its final end." Andrei said, thinking on what he might do if he were in such a situation. "They are brothers locked in war over their home. Perhaps they don't have the resolve to kill their own family. I'd say they need a neutral third party willing to do the dirty work."

Lyra picked up a PADD and moved to walk back to the bridge of the shuttle. She sat back down in her chair and pulled her legs up in it. "They don't much look like brothers, really. I'd be curious how their species evolved and coexisted for so long. That usually doesn't happen."

"Yes, and yet they both manage to be...extremely ugly." Andrei said, grabbing their damp clothing and walking it back to the sealed back they brought for soiled laundry. When he emerged again, he cleaned the seat and the floor of the shuttle with disinfectant and a rag, then he went over the chair again with a towel to dry it. Only then did he sit down and reactivate the display.

"Yes, well, most are." She noted and kept her eyes on the PADD instead of glancing over to him. He'd sullied himself with more than one alien quite happily and truthfully that fact was disappointing to her, but Terran men were often so weak in that aspect of their lives. It was what made sex such a powerful tool when wielded correctly. "Since we don't want to get them all riled up, we will have to play nice I suppose. Offer them blankets for war orphans or something."

"Or we could merely tell them that they should help us or we will offer our services to their enemy. And, of course, if something bad happens to us, the Butcher of the Ocampa will reduce their planet to a smoldering ruin." he said. Checking their progress toward Banea.

"That is very true, we could do that though I imagine both of those things are rather implied. We are seeking a military alliance, two parties there, we went to the Baneans first... they should be kissing our boots." She shrugged and turned her chair to face him. "Though I am always a fan of the submit or else tactic when it comes to our lessers."

"Best try to woo first. People make much better allies when they're doing it willingly." he said with a grin. "But much better slaves otherwise."

“Blankets for the orphans it is.” She smiled and winked at him, scrolling through a bit more information. “I’m glad we get to do this together, darling.”

"I agree. It should be an interesting test for both of us." he said. "And, if we play our cards right, an exciting vacation."

"Hopefully the food is better." She quipped and then shared a laugh with him. She wasn't really looking forward to being the only two Terrans on this planet with their ship at least a day away. It was a precarious situation and despite any bravado shared with Andrei, she was acutely aware of that particular fact. They would have to be careful.

"Well, if it isn't, we'll use the replicators. I don't intend for us to suffer that way twice." he said, before turning to her. "Our ETA is around 7 hours at our current speed. After we arrive and sneak past any Numiri patrols there are, we can meet with some Banean leaders and wow them with our wonders. We will be subtle and kind, letting our reputation do the rest of the work. Then, hopefully, we will get the chance to do some intelligence gathering and further discussions with someone truly important on the world."

“At the very least, I feel like we improved in our own cooking skills thanks to the trials and tribulations we suffered on Anorra.” She glanced at the console and then switched the PADD she was holding for the one containing the book she had been reading. “I’m sure once they figure out that we are serious with our intentions, we will deal with people who can actually make decisions regarding what we are asking and offering in return.”

Andrei too grabbed the PADD he had been reading earlier and leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up.

“Or we will try our hand with the Numiri. I hear they always mean business.”

“Something we can relate to.” Lyra replied and turned her attention to her reading. After around five minutes though, she suddenly smiled playfull, deviously, and spoke again.

“I spy with my little eye…”



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