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Under the Radar I

Posted on Mon May 15th, 2023 @ 4:50am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov
Edited on on Sun May 21st, 2023 @ 9:59pm

Mission: S1 Episode 5: Ex Post Facto
Location: Shuttle Harbinger/Banea
Timeline: Date 2371-08-15 at 1000
4490 words - 9 OF Standard Post Measure



Andrei exited the cabin of the Type 11 shuttle Harbinger in his duty uniform once again. He had abandoned his casual clothing which he and Lyra had enjoyed on their long journey, and was now appropriately dressed for work. He had even replaced his eye patch and had let his combed raven hair fall about his shoulders. He lowered himself down into the pilot's seat and activated his console.

"We're entering Banean and Numiri space" he said. The only thing that changed was that their indicator on their map had moved into a different color of space. He wiped his lips. "Uneventful so far. We need to scan for that moon which our intel tells us will mask our final approach to Banea."

Lyra too had changed into her uniform a few moments before Andrei had gone back. It was business now, the transition was never problematic for them to make. They enjoyed their time together for fun and games of course, but they also enjoyed working together. She looked out into space beyond them as if she was expecting to see something that sensors hadn't picked up, but when there was nothing, she looked back down. After tapping in a few commands, there were a few beats of silence while the computer did its work and she spoke up again.

"Adjust our course to 230 mark 194. That will bring us directly to the moon and have it cover our approach."

Andrei did what she said without hesitation and the shuttle banked to the right slightly. After a few seconds, the console between them beeped a familiar alert. He ran a hand over it and called up the information.

“Sensors detect a ship…configuration is Numiri in design. One of their patrol ships.” He said, looking at her. “Have they detected us?”

"It doesn't appear so." Lyra replied, watching the display closely for any change. "Surprised they are out this far. They must be feeling bold today."

"Hopefully not too bold. I would hate to have to put them in their place so soon." he said. In truth, he knew the shuttle was no match for the patrol vessel, and had every intention of avoiding them. "Lowering our energy signature now."

He pressed several keys on the center console and a number of the shuttle's less essential systems powered off. Through the viewscreen, the system came into view. He put his hands over the engine controls.

"Let me know when you have that course planned for us." he said calmly, looking down at his hands for a moment. "Dropping to impulse speed in"

"Course laid in." Lyra said and the information appeared on Andrei's display. There was a moment of quiet and then she frowned. "The patrol ship is slowing."

Andrei watched the readings she was seeing, his hands pausing over the controls.

"Do you think they saw us or are they just changing course?" he asked, only then engaging the course she'd sent him. The shuttle began to break for the moon, moving toward a number of civilian ships which were around it on obvious cargo runs.

“They are just sitting there at the moment. They may have picked up our ion trail but they can’t quite make heads or tails of it from the interference.” She paused and looked up then back down to the display. “Do you see the Talaxian freighter there? It looks like its course is going to take them right past the moon. We could position under them and power down, let their momentum take us where we need to go. If the patrol ship does head here the only thing they’ll see is the Talaxians.”

“I see it. Let’s hope the Talaxians don’t see us.” He said, and went along with her suggestion right away. He kicked the shuttle into full impulse and they streamed toward the Talaxian freighter. It was identical to the one they had raided when they found their first Dalium-Cobalt Crystal. They had the benefit of being familiar with its systems, protocols, and layout, not that any of that should come into play. “Coming up under them and matching their speed. Any sign they see us?”

Lyra’s attention was focused on the readouts in front of her, both for the Talaxians and the patrol vessel. “Talaxians show no signs of seeing us. The patrol ship is moving closer to our ion trail however.”

“Oh good. How exciting.” Andrei responded with a thin smile. He watched the readings as the Numiri vessel streamed toward them and seemed to be experiencing no fear whatsoever. He just watched with active interest, waiting to see what would happen. “Any suggestions?”

“Power down to minimal power and pray.” Lyra replied and left him to do that while she reached down and opened the console panel between them. From inside, she pulled out two phasers and set one wordlessly down next to Andrei where it wouldn’t be in the way but it was within reach. She sat back and activated her own weapon, checking it then setting it next to her. They likely wouldn’t survive of course if things went sideways, but they also wouldn’t go down without a fight. That wasn’t in their nature.

“Does your family like to celebrate birthdays?” She asked completely out of the blue and completely contrary to the situation but given all they could do was sit and wait for the Talaxian freighter to take them to the moon, she offered the harmless question to take the edge away from the tense moment.

“Back in Moscow, we would have a grand party for everyone.” Andrei said, picking up his phaser and examining it to make sure it wouldn’t fail him in the last moments. “Out here, I have no idea what we will do. The Court of Mother Russia is far away. How about you?”

“Birthdays were the only day in the year that my brother and I would hear our names - our real names - leave our mother’s mouth. She would get up early on the day and come wake us up in our room. She would sing to us and we would eat brigadeiros before anyone else in the house was stirring, even the servants. The mornings were spent reminiscing together and the evenings would be a large party more for my father’s friends than my brothers or myself, but there was usually enough going on to keep us occupied. It was an occasion on some level.” She glanced down at the console and then looked up at the hull of the Talaxian vessel that dwarfed them.

“Given your birthday is coming up soon, I thought perhaps I should start planning.”

“Planning what? A large party?” He asked, simply. His mind moved over what she had said. She was downplaying it, but it seemed her birthday was very special indeed. He made a mental note of that fact, assuming they lived long enough to see it.

“Oh I’m sure there will be several stops throughout the day. Breakfast with your parents perhaps, drinks with all your good doggies, then later… a more intimate affair with you and I.” She smirked and her dark eyes shifted over to him. There was the obvious innuendo yes, but somehow so much more promised at the same time.

“Will we stage a kidnapping?” He asked, a joke on his lips as he looked at her. “Perhaps see how many junior crew we can fit in a closet before people start to notice?”

“We’ll just have to see then won’t we, darling?” Her smirk grew into a wicked little grin, her eyes glinting in that twisted way he had come to love. As she looked back down to the console it went away, but she did have a pleased look about her. “The patrol ship is moving away and we should be at the moon in the next two minutes.”

He loved that look, and he smiled himself when she gave it. He watched too as the patrol vessel turned away and their journey to the moon was cleared.

“I’m sure we will have a grand day. We make our own fun.” He said in response to her birthday plans. “And I bet we’ll even manage to take our hands off of each other once or twice.”

"You think so? Perhaps I should be looking for activities to do while we are connected at the hips." She acted as if she were seriously considering this and then shared a laugh with him. Despite the lighthearted conversation, she was still able to focus on the task at hand and brought their power back up as they entered into the safety of the moon's vicinity. Sex was definitely one of their favorite pastimes, there was no denying that; they both immensely enjoyed the other person's body and what they could make each other do. They had never given each other less than complete satisfaction, and the act had seemed to only deepen their bond. Of course they had other activities they enjoyed doing and still respected each other's desire for time alone.

"How long until we reach the planet?"

“Thirty seconds.” He answered. “We could always invest in a video screen and watch movies. That lends itself to multitasking.”

Before Banea, there was a small amount of traffic in which they could hide the shuttle. Freighters that came and went were set around a certain modest space station, but some others stayed for quite a while. Now that they were in, it was now a matter of contacting the right people.

“Here’s their capital city. See if you can locate their government building and get a comm through. We can talk our way up to the top.”

“Give me just a moment, darling, and I’ll do you even better.” Lyra replied and began to tap on the console in front of her. It was a matter of watching the communications traffic for a moment. They didn’t want where all the traffic was being funneled to, they wanted someone higher. After a moment more, she made a slight sound that reflected success, and on the screen appeared a Banean male with purple feathers arranged around his face, white hair, and a drawn expression.

“This is Vice Minister Orist Pel…” the man frowned deeply, immediately looking annoyed. “Who are you? What is the meaning of this?”

Andrei winced a bit at seeing the Vice Minister. The creature was simply hideous. He masked it as a severe expression, however.

“Vice Minister. We represented a powerful influence new to your quadrant: the ISS Vengeance. Perhaps you’ve heard of her. We are the butchers of Ocampa. We are seeking allies to strengthen and then rely on.” He gave the smallest smile then. “We should discuss this in person.”

Orist’s expression shifted from annoyance to concern and perhaps even a bit of fear. Lyra noted this with distinct satisfaction and watched the alien man tap at a console in front of him.

“Ah… yes. Very well.” Orist finally said and brought his dark eyes back up to look at Andrei and Lyra on the screen. “I’ll have coordinates sent to you for landing. You will be met there.” As he said it, Lyra’s console chirped a few times as she received the information. She looked over to Andrei and gave a slight nod.

“We look forward to speaking with you soon, Vice Minister.” Andrei offered with all the politeness he could muster. It wasn’t an easy feat. He cut the comm signal and rolled his eyes. “He looks like a fucking bird man. I bet he smells like one too. This will be more tedious than I’d hoped.”

“I don’t like birds.” Lyra sighed and shook her head. “Filthy things. We’ll manage though, darling. I know it.”

He nodded, clearly agreeing, as he stood from the seat and grabbed the bag that had been packed for both of them. It was rather heavy, but he picked it up without trouble and walked over to the transporter pad. As he stepped on it, his eyes found Lyra’s face.

“Shall we, love?”

Lyra followed after him though paused to grab something from her bunk, a short metal rod that she attached to her belt before joining him. As she moved to the small transporter pad, her eyes met his. She was beautiful, fierce, and focused on their task.

“They better not be vegan or I may end up cooking one of the bird people.”

“I may end up helping you do just that.” he responded. “Computer, energize.”


The two of them dematerialized, leaving the shuttle empty. When they appeared again, it was in a small atrium made of dulled metal and glass, providing a view of the setting sun on the world. There were three officials in the room already, who turned to face Andrei and Lyra as they materialized. Andrei stepped forward and extended his hand to the Vice Minister, hiding his disgust at the prospect of touching the man.

“Commander Andrei Petrov, Executive Officer of the ISS Vengeance. The Terran Empire greets you as a potential friend and ally.”

Orist looked at Andrei’s hand a moment and then extended his own with slight hesitation that spoke of someone unsure if it was the appropriate response. It wasn’t a greeting they used after all, but he also didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot with the Terrans.

“Commander Petrov, we welcome you and your…” His brown eyes shifted to Lyra a moment and he noted she wore the same uniform with small differences. He hazarded a guess, “Your officer to Banea. You honor us.”

Lyra was already looking around the area. Her hand was at her hip in a natural stance, but it also put it just behind her phaser just in case. Andrei was the face and the voice for now, that left her to make sure they weren’t about to be attacked - maybe these filthy feathered creatures had wings. Death from above could be fun.

“Ah, of course.” Andrei said, realizing he had forgotten to introduce Lyra. He didn’t seem embarrassed or sorry, of course, but simply corrected the omission. “This is Lieutenant Lyra Cassiel, our Chief of Security.”

Lyra hadn’t been distracted enough that she did not notice the omission nor his correction. She didn’t appear phased and if she was annoyed it certainly didn’t show. When he did introduce her, she turned her attention to the alien man and smiled with warmth that she most certainly did not feel.

“Vice Minister.” She greeted with a respectful nod.

Orist’s eyes lingered on Lyra for a moment longer than was probably appropriate, but it was hard to tell if it was out of simple curiosity or something more. He turned his attention back to Andrei eventually. “Will you both be remaining on Banea for a while? I would like to arrange accommodations for you… both.”

He did seem nervous that there were two Imperial officers in front of him, Andrei was intimidating in his own right, but even the woman had a look about her.

“We will. There’s too much to discuss and we don’t wish to rush things.” Andrei responded, noting the look but not responding to it. “We will share one accommodation. That should make things easier on you and your staff.”

“Ah, very well.” He looked between them again and decided that also meant one bed. If he was wrong, well… he had a good run as vice minister. “I will see it arranged. May I offer you some refreshments after your journey? Drinks? Food? Perhaps a relaxing massage?” Obviously the man was trying very hard to please Andrei and by extension Lyra. The tales of what had been done to the Ocampa had reached far and made their way to Banea. He would not see the same fate for his people.

Andrei rolled his visible eye, but reestablished his cordial smile.

“That’s a good start, but I think we might do best to get started. Why don’t you have those accommodations prepared and we can speak over a meal.” It was a command and not a question. He looked to Lyra for a brief moment. “Hold the massage.”

The corners of Lyra’s full lips twitched upward for the briefest of instants in a smirk then returned to neutral before the Baneans noticed. There was a certain entertainment value watching the scene and not actively participating, but it was also informative. The more she watched Andrei lie and pretend, the better she would become at spotting it; it would help in these situations of course or future games they might play, but it would make it harder for him to lie to her face.

“Of course. Of course. Please, follow me. Would you like someone to take your bag, Commander?” Orist offered.

“No. I can carry it just fine.” Andrei said with a shake of his head, and then he started off after the man, keeping an eye out that Lyra was safe and close.

Lyra had moved to follow immediately, taking up a position to the side and slightly behind Andrei but just within his peripheral vision so he had an eye on her.

Orist led the group through the atrium and back into the large main building just as the first sounds of rain began to hit the glass. He wasted no time in guiding his “guests” to a meeting room that had been hastily polished up to be as presentable as possible. They had hardly been expecting such a visit after all and they were in the middle of conflict with the Numiri, such things often fell by the wayside. He gave quiet assignments to the two officials with him that both Andrei and Lyra would pick up as him giving the orders for the accommodations and meal. They entered the room as a trio.

It wasn’t warm or overly welcoming, it was austere and didn’t hold much character outside of pristine architecture. The large single window faced outside over the atrium, though it was hard to see given the rain coming down.

“Please, make yourselves comfortable. Where would you like to begin in your discussions, Commander? What can Banea offer you?”

Andrei took the seat offered and watched as Lyra did the same. He wouldn’t be overly cordial with her since he didn’t want to indicate anything terribly useful about them to the Banean man or his underlings.

“The answer to that question is quite simple, but not simply given, Vice Minister. The necessary question to be asked before it is, ``What can the Empire do for you?” Andrei asked, leaning into the table but not taking any of the presented food. He was cool and collected, his fitness obvious under his uniform. “You are in conflict with the Numiri. What is it worth to you to win it?”

As Andrei leaned in, Lyra sat back in the chair and picked up a purple piece of fruit. He could play the hard man, she would play the woman - the non threat. If they weren’t looking at her, she could be watching them much closer. She nibbled on a corner experimentally and actually found the taste pleasant akin to a sweet strawberry that had more of a cantaloupe’s texture. Her dark eyes rested on Orist, passive to the Banean man, but calculating to Andrei’s more familiar gaze.

Orist seemed almost taken aback by how Andrei launched into the heart of the matter. He spared one glance to Lyra, but on seeing her simply sitting and eating, he let himself focus on Andrei. If the woman was chief of security she likely had nothing to add to this matter.

“A great deal, I assure you. Though I will be honest with you, Commander, as I am sure you know such an extended conflict has taxed resources on both sides…”

“I’m sure we can figure out something. We are in the market for ships and experienced men to crew them. We generally take slaves, but we are willing to promise great riches to anyone who will join us. This might mean you would give away several ships and hundreds of your men might leave with us forever, but…” Andrei paused, letting the tension build. “Let’s just say we can make it so that you won’t need the ships and military personnel anymore.”

Orist listened with interest and his uncomfortable shift when Andrei mentioned slaves did not go unnoticed by Lyra’s watchful eye.

“I see.” He began and considered a long moment, bringing a hand to his chin and rubbing it slightly. The feathers on his head changed colors as the light hit them differently when he moved it about just like a bird’s would as it shifted about. “That… may be possible, yes. Though few Baneans wish to leave their home and your…” he hesitated a moment and glanced over to Lyra again, lingering there then back to Andrei, “reputation leaves something to be desired.”

“Does it?” Andrei asked, raising an eyebrow, his fake smile growing faker. “What’s wrong with our reputation, Vice Minister?”

“Annihilating a species is a bit… extreme.” Orist offered up carefully. “It would make people concerned about what might happen to them if they stepped out of line to even the smallest degree.”

“What do you do with your people when they step out of line?” Andrei asked, leaning in a bit. His natural eye was probing. Cold. “Do you coddle them?

“No, we have our punishments, but we do not kill them. It is cruel.” Orist pointed out, firm in his convictions but his voice wavering slightly under Andrei’s gaze.

Lyra for her part continued to simply watch with great interest while slowly eating some of the offered food. She did so enjoy watching Andrei work people like this; it brought her great entertainment and pleasure.

“What do you imagine the Numiri would do to you if they won this little war of yours?” Andrei asked. “Would they be so kind?”

“The Numiri are a bunch of savages not content with what they have. However they do practice similar punishments.” The man noted and shifted, his body language starting to change into something defensive.

“You should do what you can to defeat them then.” Andrei said. “Or they will do whatever they want to you. How high a price do you imagine they are willing to pay to win, Vice Minister?”

This time Orist actually looked a bit smug like he had an upper hand here. Lyra’s eyes narrowed slightly at it, but she still remained the passive participant in these talks. Andrei certainly wouldn’t like the look on the other man though and she was very, very aware of that despite whatever his outward reaction was going to be.

“The Numiri are xenophobic and do not deal with outsiders. You don’t have to worry about Banean patrols in our space, you have to worry about Numiri as do the rest of the traders, but we keep them safe.”

Andrei looked at the man for a long while, his smile fading completely, replaced by a deadly serious gaze. He was totally confident; completely sure of himself. And he wasn’t amused by the man’s stupidity. He said nothing, just bore into the Vice Minister’s soul.

Orist continued to sit there with the same look for a long moment, but then he seemed to realize that Andrei was thoroughly displeased. He glanced at Lyra but received no read off of her, and he finally showed a bit of frustration with that. He gave a thin smile and let out a nervous laugh.

“I was simply saying you might find them very difficult to deal with, Commander. They are overconfident and likely wouldn’t give a good deal.”

“Hmm.” Andrei said, drumming his fingers on the table. “Well, I suppose that means we should take our negotiations to the next level then.”

“Wonderful, excellent, very good.” Orist replied with nervous exuberance. “Well then perhaps you would like to be taken to your accommodations and rest for a while while we prepare an afternoon meal to share and continue our negotiations over? There will be several more parties very interested in what you have to say, Commander, I assure you.” It was clear he wanted out of this situation at the moment. Orist was usually a very eloquent individual, but having these people show up unannounced had certainly thrown him for a loop.

“Do you eat meat here?” Lyra finally asked and her suddenly speaking actually startled Orist. She had to fight not to smirk.

“Y-yes? Yes.” The avian blooded man replied, staring at her and blinking stupidly before shaking it off.

“Very good.” Lyra confirmed and then simply went back to silence as if she had never spoken at all.

“Yes, a meal would be best.” Andrei said, then he stood suddenly, pushing the chair back as he did so and offering another severe expression. It lingered there on his face like a threat, but then he smiled. “But I warn you. We did not come to Banea for spare parts or to make idle offers. In the next few days, Vice Minister, one way or another, your war will finally be over. That is good news, isn’t it?”

Orist didn’t catch the veiled threat behind Andrei’s words immediately so he smiled and nodded a few times, but when it finally clicked he immediately sobered and looked to the tall Terran man. “Ah… yes, Commander. Very good news indeed. Now please if you follow me I’ll see you both brought to your room.”

Lyra had to fight not to chuckle as she watched Orist dealing with Andrei. She stood from her chair in a much more relaxed way and even neatly pushed it back in as she moved to Andrei’s side once more. He’d be able to see the dark humor in her eyes though she didn’t make any move to be overly familiar with him.

Andrei shared the sense of amusement with the poor disgusting creature’s efforts. He had no idea who he was dealing with between the two of them, and it was increasingly possible he would soon find out. Ivan Petrov would get what he wanted in this system: an alliance and resources. Whatever bird was caught in the crosshairs, that would be their day to die.



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