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The Young One

Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2022 @ 4:40am by Captain Ivan Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Timeline: MD 4, 0800 Hours
613 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

After the meeting, Ensign Futaba Igarashi made her way casually over to the Captain's ready room. Before reaching for the chime she checked herself over, ensuring that her cropped uniform looked presentable and that her hair was tied up neatly. Then she waited for a response, she was here to make a good first impression to her first Captain, that would be essential if she was going to serve a long career and avoid the agony booths.

"Enter." the Captain said, a surge of irritation on his face. He was hoping to get a few moments to himself before he was scheduled to meet the new Chief Medical Officer in the transporter room. Such was the reality of a life in command. Even during the later hours when he wasn't on duty, he was on duty. It had been normal for him once, before his life was turned upside down.

The doors opened and the young green haired Ensign walked in. She stood at attention. "Ensign Futaba Igarashi. Reporting as ordered sir" she said with the Terran salute.

He returned the salute, turning toward the Ensign.

"Yes, of course. Good to have you, Ensign." he said, thinking on what should be said next. "For such a young officer, you have come far. Leading a department on an Intrepid Class is nothing to shake one's fist at. Congratulations."

"I was as surprised as you sir" Igarashi replied. "I was unaware that smaller warships needed an Inspector, however Imperial Command seem to think you'll need me" she told him.

"As you know, loyalty is more important than mental health in the Fleet. They want you here to ensure my rule remains secure." he said, not sugar coating the matter. "Despite your age, do you feel capable of that task, Ensign?"

"Absolutely" Igarashi replied. "I value loyalty as much as you do, and I will ensure the crew stays loyal. However, I want to make it clear that I am also here to ensure that the crews mental health stays in good condition. A depressed soldier can mean the difference between life and death out here. Most commanders forget this fact. Someone who is unstable may be loyal, but if they screw up it could be... misinterpreted" she paused for a moment. "That is not a threat sir, just a personal observation. You want the best loyal officers under you, I am up to the task to ensure that happens"

She paused again. "Also sir. I am obliged to report any and all issues to you directly.

"I hope you are." he said, observing her with steely eyes. "And your first task will be carried out as you meet with Lieutenant Vali and Captain Williams. Observe the Captain and the Lieutenant...I want to know if they can be relied on in a crunch or if they can be easily bought."

"Aye sir" Igarashi replied. "Also, one more thing sir. Please don't take this as a demand or anything impersonal. However, while we are not on the bridge, I do prefer to be referred to as Igarashi. I've discovered a small personal touch does generate loyalty, plus it allows me to be more of an approachable person" she paused blushing slightly. "However, you as my Captain may address me as you please" she said giving him a slight bow an old Japanese cultural gesture of respect.

"I'll see what I can do." he said, a bland concession no where near clear enough for her to determine if he would respect her wish or not. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got yet another meeting to attend. Dismissed."

Igarashi saluted respectfully before turning and leaving the room.


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