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Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2022 @ 9:14am by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont & Petty Officer 3rd Class Tuli

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Deck 3 Corridor
Timeline: MD 6
916 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Tuli, the second command slave on the ship, was hurrying down the corridor holding several PADDs. She was moving quickly. It did not pay to keep anyone waiting. Neither did it pay to omit the smallest detail. However, it also did not pay to be clumsy. Turning as corner, she bumped into someone. PADDs and slave went sprawling. "I'm sorry!" she exclaimed as she rapidly moved to collect them, looking up and seeing one of the ship's senior officers. She swallowed harder. "I'm sorry, Mistress"

Callie stood looking at the slave in-front of her, by rights she should shock her for being so clumsy but with no witnesses she didn’t. “That’s...alright” She offered a brief smile, it wouldn’t do for an Officer to be seen smiling at a slave. “Though next time I suggest less rushing around.” She stood watching as the young woman scrambled to pick up her dropped PADDs.

Tuli was looking as if expectant for that shock. She pushed herself up, awkwardly holding the PADDs in one arm as she brushed herself off. "Thank you, Mistress." She looked the other woman over briefly. "Are you Lieutenant Vali, Mistress?"

Callie nodded and looked at Tuli curiously. “Yes I am, We’re you looking for me?”

"Among others, Mistress. I need your signature on this." She hands her a PADD.

“Thank you” She looked at the PADD. “Follow me to my office so I can read through this before I sign it off.”

"Yes, Mistress," Tuli said obediently.

Arriving at Callie’s office she waited until the doors closed to drop the hard exterior. “Please...sit” She motioned for Tuli to sit. Knowing there were internal monitoring systems she accessed the controls and paused recording for her office. “Have you eaten or drunk anything in the last few hours? If you would like to the replicator is there for use.” She offered a warmer smile.

Tuli was slightly surprised. She looked around as if she thought it might be some sort of trick before she finally did have a seat. "Thank you, Mis....What would you like to be called?" She smiled genuinely at the offer. "I wouldn't mind some tea. If that's ok?"

Callie nodded. “Help yourself” she looked through the PADD putting her print to everything that needed her attention. “Just because I have to be cruel out there, it doesn’t mean I have to be cruel in here.” She offered a smile.

"I don't think you were cruel out there, Mistress," Tuli said. She stood up and walked to the replicator. "Tea, chamomile." She tasted it and smiled slightly before moving back to her seat. "Thank you, Mistress."

“I wasn’t then, but if anyone had been out there I’d have had to shock you.” Callie passed the signed PADD back putting it on the desk closer to Tuli. “I know that slaves don’t have a good life, I try not to make it harder if I don’t have to.”

Tuli flinched a little. She had felt the sting of the agonizer before. More than once. "I understand, Mistress." She reached for the PADD. "I have no complaints, Mistress," she said cautiously, as though fearing a trap, but then she added, a little more boldly, "I'm Tuli."

Callie offered a warmer smile. “It’s nice to meet you Tuli, please feel free to call me Callie.” She gave Tuli a curious look. “This isn’t a trap so don’t worry about that. I’ll let you in on a little secret, my mother is a slave.”

Tuli leaned forward slightly, curious. "What was that like growing up...Callie?"

Callie relaxed back in her seat. “For me, I had no contact with my mother. My father raised me, had me taught to use my abilities.” She paused. “He also had me ‘entertain’ his guests. There was no love in our relationship, hence why I’m glad to be away from him.”

"I was also...I was..." Tuli shakes her head. She doesn't really want to revisit that. "Most people can't tell an Omegan from a Terran at a glance. Some people found that fascinating. But at least your father acknowledged you. My father was a Starfleet officer but he didn't claim me. He simply left me to be raised a slave by my mother."

Callie nodded. “I’m known for being...more outspoken when it’s required. I have stood up for slave rights before now, not that my father cared. It fell on deaf ears and just got me punished. There are those slaves that would rather kill an Emoire Officer, but you seem more trustworthy.”

"I don't want to kill anyone," Tuli said. "But I don't have the liberty of being outspoken."

“That’s true” Callie nodded. “None of us do, unless we want a trip to the agoniser booth. I intend to try and remain in the Captain’s good books, as the old saying goes. With patience comes reward. I intend to reap my rewards.”

Tuli nodded. "Thank you for the tea." She finished the last of hers and took the cup back to the reclaimer.

Callie nodded. “I should let you get back to your duties. I have sighed off all the reports on the PADD.”

"Thank you," Tuli said again, picking up the PADD and heading for the door. She paused briefly. "It was really nice to meet you." She rarely got this reception from Terran officers.



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