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Recon - plan

Posted on Thu Feb 3rd, 2022 @ 11:35pm by Callie Marshall & Captain Ivan Petrov & Captain Fergus Williams

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Briefing room
Timeline: MD6 1500 hrs
917 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

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Leaving her bridge post in capable hands Callie made her way to the briefing room to meet with Igarashi and Williams, they had to plan the recon and bunker attack. Carrying in a pile of PADDs she put them out on the large table ready for the start of the meeting.

Igarashi arrived, she wasn't exactly sure what she could contribute to the attack, but she could at least try and contribute something. "Hey" she said greeting Callie as she entered the room.

Callie offered a polite smile. “Hello Ensign.”

The marine Co was there his feet on the table puffing away at a cigar. " Hello there ensign how you finding this ship" He said in his odd gruff yet warming voice.

"It's my first ship. So I'll let you know. However, I prefer to be referred to by my name, Igarashi unless it's a formal official occasion" she stated.

Callie offered a respectful smile to both. “Shall we get this meeting underway? The Captain will be expecting us to come up with a fool proof plan for this mission.”

The marine let out a sigh as he put his cigar out on the table. " No plan survives contact with the enemy kid. Still, let's come up with the best one we can manage. Has intel got the type of bunker it is?" he inquired.

Callie spread out the PADDs picking up one from in-front of her and passing it over. “This is the latest information we have, it appears the bunker is extremely well reinforced and defended. Though studying the plans there, one weak point is their air intake and extraction system...” she put a map up on the viewer. “They’ve used a series of pipework that runs for miles into an underground cave system. It should be easy enough for bombardment from the ship to disrupt that.”

"Are we planning to force them out into the open?" Igarashi asked. "It'll be a easier fight for us if that's the case"

The marine though it through in his head as he looked at the plans. " Cardassians aren't stupid. Most likely both of those will be booby-trapped. We should go in through both of them to spread out anyone in the bunker as much as possible." he said bringing up a holo image and drawing two indicators.

Callie sat down in her seat. “As you said Cardassians aren’t stupid. Wouldn’t they be expecting that?”

" Definitely which is why we should look for another way in. " he said looking over the date. " There may be an emergency escape hatch or air duct nearby in the local hills." he said scratching his chin.

"Why not knock on their front door? Have we got a giant wooden horse on board?" Igarashi asked with a hint of sarcasm. "Surely there's a way to get inside without being noticed?"

“Now that’s an idea” Callie nodded. “The only downside is that someone new would stick out like a sore thumb!”

The marine let out a hum as he thought it through. " Do we know how long the troops have been on planet? If it's a garrison force they may be willing to let what they think are family in."

Callie looked for a different PADD. “I think I read...yes here it is, they change troops quite often. More or less every month.”

"They have Terran slaves right" Igarashi stated. "If we find one of their slave ships, attack it and confuse them. We beam aboard a few extra slaves for them." She paused a moment. "If we do it close to the planet, one of their warships will respond. We let it 'win'. That'll boost their ego and they'll take the slave ship ymto their base. That's how we get in" Igarashi said.

"Plus, we all know that when a Cardassian gets a boost to their ego they get cocky and arrogant. Enough for them to lower their guard enough for us to slip in under their scaly noses and strike at the right moment"

“You have a good point there” Callie looked at Igarashi. “Don’t you think so Captain?”

" That could work if the Cardassians aren't smart enough to check the cargo." The marine said scratching his chin. " We'd need to ask for volunteers someone who knows Cardassian tech. "

"They wouldn't check. Remember to them, slaves are expendable. Plus if needs be, we just 'replace' some of the Terran slaves and take them back to the Empire where they belong. The old switch-a-roo" Igarashi suggested.

And knowing our luck we'd have the one Cardassian nerd who actually does check the marine commander thought to himself. " I guess. We'd need to give them one of the bio packages to smuggle in a coms device and weapon."

Callie looked at both. “How’s about we program all these scenarios into the holodeck, let the holodeck throw the curveballs and see what happens? That way we can plan as we go.”

" Sounds like a good idea. I'll prepare the devil dogs." Williams said with a grin.

Callie nodded. “Right do we have any extra ideas to hash out before I book us some holodeck time?”

The marine CO ran through a few ideas in his head, but none came up that would be needed. " None that I can think of.”

Callie nodded. “What about you Ensign?” She looked towards Igarashi.

Igarashi shook her head in response however stayed quiet.

“Okay then” Callie nodded. “Next stop...the holodeck.”



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