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The Mind-Body Problem

Posted on Wed Mar 9th, 2022 @ 4:14pm by Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Discipline Inspection Office
Timeline: Day 4
717 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The Discipline Inspection Office was located, like Sickbay, on Deck 5, so it posed no real inconvenience for Karen to slip over when she had a little downtime in her day. She walked with the confident sway of most Terran officers, stepping in and taking a glance around, hoping to catch Ensign Igarashi.

Igarashi was just returning to her office, which doubled up as a counselling suite. Stepping out of the turbolift she passed the ships sickbay, which reminded her she needed to get her physical examination done soon.

Karen saw Igarashi approaching, passing by Sickbay, and allowed herself a small laugh. "I was just coming to see you!" She recognized the woman from her medical file, which she had glanced at again before heading out the door.

Igarashi looked up. "Oh?" She replied. "You're Lieutenant Lamont right? Chief Medical Officer?" She asked.

"Yes, though I prefer Dr. Lamont," she answered and then granted Igarashi the same courtesy. "Do you prefer Inspector or Ensign?"

"Igarashi. Rank or position is so impersonal" she said simply. "Although, either is fine in an official capacity". She still valued her Japanese heritage where the family name was used before the given to secure honour and respect.

"Then it's Karen," Karen said. "Can we step into your office? Or mine?" Both were fairly close.

"We'll take yours" Igarashi replied. "Plus, I need to get my physical examination over and done with"

"That you do," Karen agreed, heading for her office. She settled down behind the desk. "It's especially important that you and I work well together. The boundaries between our respective departments are thinner than they appear at times."

"Indeed" Igarashi said. "You fix their wounds and I have to them fix their minds and ensure that they remain a loyal and competent soldier"

"That's not all I meant," Karen explained. "Sometimes, after treating traumatic or otherwise aggravated wounds or diagnosing serious illness, I might realize a patient is in need of counseling. Likewise, sometimes in your counseling you might come across a problem which is more of a brain problem than a mind problem."

Igarashi nodded. "As in a brain injury?" She asked.

"Or less dramatic conditions that might nonetheless call for chemical or neurosurgical intervention, more than counseling or discipline," Karen elaborated.

"I can't discipline someone who's mind isn't there" Igarashi stated. "That's why my job is also to be counselor to the crew. Although, I made it clear to our Captain that mental illness doesn't mean disloyalty or weakness"

"Exactly," Karen agreed. "I just wanted to make sure you'd be comfortable sending people to me when they need a medical doctor and I'll send people to you if there are things they need to work through."

"Works for me. I know basic medical first aid and the very basics of bring a medic, but that's about it" Igarashi said. "Soeakimg of which, when do you want to get my physical done. I'd hate to discipline myself for not doing one" she said with a wink.

"I don't know," Karen teased. "Now I'm curious about how you would discipline yourself!"

Igarashi shrugged. "Maybe dressing myself down in a mirror or something..." she pondered. "Wouldn't be the first time I've had to have a word with myself"

Karen laughed. "Seriously, we can do it now, if you'd like?"

Igarashi nodded. "Sure"

"Sit on this biobed," Karen said as she stood, stepping out of her office and gesturing to a convenient one.

Igarashi jumped up on the biobed. "One thing you can tell, I'm not under or over weight, just from these cropped uniforms we have to wear" she stated.

"I get to put the labcoat over mine," Karen said and then she winked at the other woman. "When it suits me."

"I might see if I can get one" Igarashi replied with a smirk. "So, how dead or alive am I?" She asked sarcastically.

"You are alive," Karen said as she scanned the other officer. "That means you can't get out of your shift."

"I'll take that" Igarashi replied. "Best to know I'm in good health"

"Anything else while I'm here?" She asked.

"All good," Karen said.

Igarashi hopped off the biobed "Thanks. I'll be in my office if you need me" she said as she walked out of the sickbay doors.


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