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Let's Make a Deal I

Posted on Mon Feb 12th, 2024 @ 8:42am by Lieutenant Commander Lyra Cassiel & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 7: Prime Factors
Location: L'hur, Sikaris
Timeline: Date 2371-09-11 at 1900
5823 words - 11.6 OF Standard Post Measure


After their successful afternoon trip to the market just outside of their hotel, Andrei and Lyra had returned to their room for the early evening. Eventually, the information regarding their eventual meeting had been funneled down to them through the Vengeance. As the man had assured them, the establishment they would be joining the Sikarian for dinner was one of the premier restaurants in the city; it was the type of place one made reservations for a year in advance, so the fact that Ito could secure a table on demand did indicate that the man probably had more influence and money than his simple merchant stall had indicated. Perhaps he really wouldn’t be a waste of their time after all.

Andrei had a bit of work he needed to do, so Lyra had opted to luxuriate in the excessively large bathtub that their room sported in the bathroom. She had taken her time tending to herself with care, she took pride in her appearance and put in the effort to maintain herself, to keep that femininity and softness as much as she reasonably could in light of her profession. She did it well. Once she had pampered her body, she relaxed with some reading until finally deciding it was time to get out. After she dried herself off, she slipped into her robe and tied it then moved out to look at the clothes hanging in their shared closet so she could decide what to wear. She regarded Andrei’s clothes, ran her fingers down one of the shirt sleeves and then reached up to pull it down for him; before she even had it off the rod, she thought better of it and put it back.

Abandoning the clothes endeavor for the moment, she wandered out of the bedroom area to the living area where she knew she would find her lover.

Andrei had returned, having spent the past few hours doing the kind of work that couldn’t wait on Vengeance. He had been working to keep his mind occupied since the day before, trying to avoid the feelings associated with what one like him could only categorize as a failure on Gladius. He was trying to learn to accept conclusions he didn’t like.

He had come down in his uniform pants and black tank top, presenting the muscular shape of his chest and arms, and had done nothing but stand silently since he arrived in the hotel room. When Lyra entered the room, he snapped out of his reflective trance and looked at her, his eyes immediately moving to her toned, slender legs, shining with supple caramel beauty.

“Treating yourself like a Princess, I see.” He said with a small smile.

Lyra chuckled and moved over to him. Her hand found his cheek and she lifted herself up slightly on the balls of her feet to give him a quick kiss in greeting. “Well, you found such a nice place for us to stay, how could I not.”

Her hand moved down from his cheek and traced down his arm. As she began to move away, she lightly took and squeezed his hand then walked over to the large couch. She sat sideways against the arm with one leg up and the other down and slightly spread from the other in a way that invited him to join her and lay his head on her chest as he often liked to do. It had been something she had noticed very early on with him that as much as her breasts were sexual to him, they were also something that brought comfort and calm and it wasn’t uncommon for him to simply grab and lightly hold her there especially while they were lying down; she didn’t mind it in the slightest, in fact she found it rather endearing.

The offer was subtle of course, but she could tell something was weighing on him and she had a feeling she knew exactly what it was. She’d seen the way he had been standing there staring into nothingness; dealing with this kind of thing was foreign to him. The red fabric of her robe on her lifted leg slid down and pooled in the crease of her leg. “Did you get all your work done?”

“I got it done enough.” He said with a huff, but he didn’t accept the invitation right away. There was a long moment where it seemed he might refuse and choose the path of the tough man. It passed, though, in an instant, and he moved to her, laying on the couch and snuggling up to her like a beast preparing for rest. “The rest will have to wait a few days.”

She adjusted with ease so they would both be comfortable and for the moment merely put an arm around him so that he might not feel she was coddling him. The warmth of her body, the scent of her freshly washed skin and hair, and the softness of her breasts would provide the initial comfort and when he showed readiness, she would give more. “I’m surprised Jasper couldn’t take care of it. He seems so determined; though I suppose there are some things he just can’t handle.”

“It’s not his fault, the poor man.” Andrei said, resting his hand on her breast, feeling her warmth. “I’m insanely difficult to please sometimes, and I can be very particular about my work. I expect perfection, really. He does a good job, generally. But you can’t stop a workaholic, can you?”

As he held her, her hand came up and she began to run her fingers through his hair slowly with her nails grazing along his scalp in a pleasant way. “You’re allowed to have your standards, darling and shouldn’t be faulted for them being high.” She grinned then and looked down at him with a playful expression. “I know how to stop the workaholic though.”

“You do find a way, don’t you?” He asked, sharing her grin. He leaned up for just long enough to kiss her with an audible smack of the lips, and then he fell down again between her breasts. He exhaled slowly. “This is the part they don’t write in the history books. Steady work and intimacy. They only mark one’s victories.” He remarked, sounding thoughtful, “and one’s failures.”

While her one hand continued to play in his hair, the other came up and she loosely wrapped her arm around him so she was holding him. She gave a hum of agreement to his statement, letting it sit there between them for a few beats before she finally spoke up quietly and evenly. “I heard rumors about what happened over on the Gladius.”

Andrei leaned up immediately, a look of concern in his eyes that he masked almost immediately with a convincing calm. He knew she understood what was there behind his mask, but it didn’t stop him from deciding exactly how he would behave.

“Rumors?” He asked, offering a defensive smile of sorts, “what kind of rumors? From whom?”

Lyra didn’t try to hold him where he was as he shifted away and her own expression was calm and neutral as ever. She expected him to behave like this, but she would have been lying if she had said there hadn’t been a small part of her hoping for something different. “I heard you had a confrontation with Stagg not once, but twice over O’Shea.”

“And?” He asked, waiting for the rest of it. His tone was matter-of-fact, and he seemed to be only mildly concerned, “Is that ‘how’ you heard it, or are you being diplomatic?”

The urge to return cagey with cagey in kind was extremely hard to suppress. It was her natural inclination as it was his. She looked out of the window at the city skyline for just a beat to break eye contact and allow her a single beat to center herself, then looked back at him. “I’d heard when you went to meet with him the first time he was with a group of his men and that he humiliated you in front of them and then again when you tried to go and see O’Shea yourself afterward.”

Andrei chuckled, but his smile was laced with an obvious, barely tinged irritation. His image had been his most important weapon, outside his skills with a sword and in the bedroom. The idea it was being dashed by someone like Stagg made him very angry indeed.

“Is that what people are saying?” He asked, laughing again, this time, his finger balling his hands into tight fists. “I should wear his skin as a coat..”

The threat, which might be idle coming from someone else's mouth, sounded quite genuine coming from his.

“I asked for his permission..on the Bridge, after having been told I need it from Faulkner. I asked..” he said, emphasizing the word ‘ask’ as if it were a ludicrous concept. “He said no. I went around him to talk to O’Shea, and Stagg came down to confront me. There was one guard with him and some stupid gawkers outside the door.”

Lyra watched him silently, her dark eyes taking in the way he was moving and the inflection in his voice. He was trying to play it off, she could see that as plainly as anything else, but truthfully it only added to the injury. She looked away again, her hand coming up to her chin in thought. Asking was a foreign concept to him in most things, to be followed by not receiving was probably something he had never experienced in his life.

She envisioned the boy screaming as he struggled with his jacket.

“Well,” she began and looked at him again, this time with her brows raised expectantly, “what are you going to do about it, Andrei? ‘No’ is one thing, but it sounds like he did or is at least trying to actively humiliate you. We certainly can’t have that.”

She would have offered “we” in the problem solving, but in this instance knew it was better to not.

“Father told me In needed to get their consent. Faulkner isn’t inclined to give it unless Stagg approves, and Stagg is clearly friends with the man.” Andrei said, furrowing his brow. “Some might say the prudent thing is simply to let it isn’t like O’Shea is really a threat. It’s just a dick measuring contest after all.”

By his tone, it wasn’t clear if he was expressing his view or playing devil’s advocate.

Shifting forward, Lyra placed her chin on his shoulder while they sat on the couch. “It isn’t just about him anymore though, darling. If it were, you could let it go… but now is perhaps time for a lesson to be taught to our new companions.”

One of her hands moved to rest on his thigh and she lifted her head up slightly. “Let them keep their pet fuck up… but show them that you could have taken him without asking if you really had wanted to.”

“I’m not sure how I can do that without disobeying orders.” He said, frowning. Since when did he care about following orders anyway? He was to be the one who gave them.

“Well… your father said you had to ask… you asked, they said no. You’ll respect your father’s orders in the end…” Her fingertips danced along his thigh slowly. “But before that you’ll give them a lesson in why they should respect you, hm?”

Andrei grinned, distantly. He had really been applying himself to doing things diplomatically. Why couldn’t those damn idiots just go along with him? Why did they have to be so difficult and force his hand.

“I can’t have people thinking I can be defied without consequences now when I’ve never allowed it before.” He said, thinking of what he’d done to the last man to insult him. “They never make it far after they do. Ask Johnathan.”

He was talking to her, but he was clearly lost in his own head. His mind raced with possibilities, but none of them bubbled up to the status of one he would consider worthy to speak aloud.

“No, we can’t have that.” Lyra agreed and put her chin back down on his shoulder while her fingers continued to move. She didn’t offer anymore input; she could tell his mind was working on potential solutions for his problem and it was better to leave him to it. This wasn’t something she felt required her voice past what she had given; unless he asked, he needed to do it alone.

“Thank you for telling me.” He said, looking at her again, a kind of resolution seeming to cross his face like he knew what he was going to do. “Now, let’s get ready for dinner. I can’t wait to see what Sikaris, and Garit Ito, have to offer.”

Lyra kissed his forehead and then moved away without another word. She swept into the bedroom and immediately hung up her robe leaving her nude but only for a moment. She pulled as skin toned thong over her legs and followed it with adhesive bra cups that provided coverage, stability, and prevention of any protruding nipples. From the closet she pulled the white midi dress she had selected with its very low plunging front and low back. She wasted no time in stepping into it and pulling it up carefully over her body. The bodice hugged every inch of her and looked like it was painted on; the neckline showed off her enticing cleavage and the dangerously high slit of the dress that came up to her thigh teased the promise of more if one looked for long enough. Once she was sure it was properly on, she pulled her robe on again and moved to sit at the vanity and continue getting ready.

Andrei, for his part, lingered on the couch a few moments after Lyra left, his mind working silently. He was sitting up tall, not relaxing in the slightest. Then, when he had finished his pondering, he stood in one swift motion, and moved into the bedroom with her. There he went to his closet and pulled out several garments. He pulled on a black suit, tailored perfectly to fit his body, and a silk white dress shirt. He closed the jacket, but left three buttons undone, leaving a window to his strong chest. He placed around his neck a silver necklace with an emerald pendant on the end, and was sure to keep his special sword hilt inside the coat at his side. Finally, he put in the black bracelet Lyra had selected for him and spirits a spicy cologne.

When Andrei had come in, Lyra had watched him in the mirror for a moment then continued on her own primping routine. Naturally, she took longer given she was a woman, but to her credit - as much as Andrei liked to tease otherwise - she was still always prompt and managed her time so that they wouldn’t be late. Though she didn’t need it really, she added light touches of makeup to her face to bring out her eyes and lips even more and she had parted her hair at the side, brushing out the elegant waves until they were soft and shining. For her own jewelry, she kept it simple with a pair of braided gold hoop earrings, a dainty matching bracelet, and of course the necklace Andrei had picked out for her earlier in the day. To finish the look, a pair of strappy gold heels that brought her just a couple inches shy of her lover’s height and then a few dabs of her own perfume at her pulse points.

One more look at herself and then she finally stood and slid off the red robe she had used to protect her dress and then grabbed her white leather clutch with its gold clasp and chain. One could never say the woman wasn’t fashionable.

Andrei had pulled out a PADD while Lyra was finishing. But looked at her as she stood and removed her red robe, revealing the white dress beneath. With a devious smile, he approached her, placed one hand at her waist, and the other he put on her thigh in the high slip. He ran his hand up her leg slowly and looked in her eyes.

“I know what I’d like to eat instead, Love.” He said, low and steady.

Lyra flashed her perfect white teeth in a smile. Her hand found his chest in the opening left by his shirt and she teased his skin with her fingertips. His own hand under her dress met bare skin nearly all the way up.

“I’ll be dessert, darling.” Her words were spoken as a promise and she kissed just under his ear softly. Pulling back, she looked into his eyes. “Now… let’s go and get insanely rich.”

“I’ll accept the compromise, this time”, he said, reaching behind her and squeezing her bottom authoritatively, before releasing her and smoothing her dress out on her hip as he had found it. “The restaurant is in the center of town, isn’t it?”

“It is, yes. On one of the top floors of the high-rise there. It’s called Syrrianis or something like that. I had a look at the menu and couldn’t really make heads or tails of it because obviously it is all Sikarian, but it has wonderful reviews so we’ll see.” She slid her hand over his arm, her fingertips finding the bracelet which she touched with light approval but said nothing about it.


“I am.” He said, offering his arm for her to hold on to. As soon as she took it, the two of them walked to the door and exited into the hallway. Even the passageway was opulently decorated, as the two of them had sprung for the Penthouse suite in this particular hotel. The luxurious surroundings matched their appearance and seemed harmonious with them, even down to the way they walked together.

Andrei and Lyra made their way down to the first floor by way of the high-speed lift and exited the gilded lobby onto the busy market street below. This time, however, a sleek black vehicle was waiting for them with a smiling elderly Sikarian man standing next to it. Garit had sent him, of course, adding a personal touch to his preparations.

“Sir, ma’am.” He said in a clouding, amiable voice, as he pulled the rear passenger door open. “My name is Hamand, and I’m pleased to be driving you this evening.”

“Good evening, Hamand.” Andrei said in an even, friendly voice, gesturing for Lyra to step in first and holding his hand out to help her into the car.

Lyra offered a nod and slight smile of greeting to the Sikarian man and then took Andrei’s hand to get herself into the vehicle. Of course she didn’t need the assistance, but that was not the point of the gesture or the acceptance of said gesture. She settled quickly and gave a quick glance up to Andrei so he could close the door and go to the other side as was proper. Soon, all three were in their proper places and Hamand guided the car out into the low traffic road.

“I’ve been told you will be joining Mr. Ito at Syrrianis.” Hamand spoke up and glanced in the rear mirror at his two passengers. “It is quite a fine establishment, I’m sure you will enjoy it.”

“Yes, I’m sure we will. Garit seems like the sort of man with very fine tastes.” Andrei said, his mismatched eyes falling on Hamand behind an easy smile. He read his heat signature as naturally as another man might see the color of his suit jacket. “Do you work for him often?”

“Oh yes. I am his chauffeur for nearly all of his needs.” The Sikarian replied, keeping his eyes on the road outside the occasional glance back. “He is a good employer.”

Lyra let Andrei handle the conversation with the alien himself for the moment and simply looked out of the window while her hand found his leg to rest on. She was a bit preoccupied with her own thoughts, but still present enough in the moment to engage if needed.

“I’m sure he is. He seems very generous and kind.” Andrei said, obviously wondering if such appearances were representative of the truth. “But, obviously, he has a keen eye for business as well.”

“Of course, of course.” The alien agreed with a few bobs of his head. “He’s quite successful and has friends in many high places. I’m sure he would be honored to count the Terrans as one of them.”

“Terrans?” Andrei asked, looking politely confused. His hand found Lyra’s on his leg and he held it there, intertwining his fingers in hers. “I can’t imagine what a man like him could want from us. We’ll be gone soon, after all.”

This time Hamand’s eyes lingered a little longer in the mirror. “Your people have quite the reputation. Sometimes a reputation is all that matters, hm?”

“Yes, we do.” Andrei said with a nod, still seeming not to understand. “But, let’s just say we haven’t seen many people moving toward us. It’s a bit confusing. Unsettling.”

“Is it? In what way?” The man asked, seeming genuinely interested in what Andrei was referring to.

“Obviously, we value dominance. We’ve shown that a hundred times over. But our goal is obvious: we want to get home. I wonder what a man like Garit could want from us considering.” Andrei said, and then chuckled lightly, “Unless he has a wormhole he wants to sell us.”

“Well that I couldn’t say.” Hamand chuckled and put his eyes forward again as they drew closer to the building. “Though surely Terrans value friends and alliances just as much as anyone else?”

“I suppose we do, at that.” Andrei said with a smile, seeming somewhat satisfied at the answer. The truth was their fearsome reputation could pose a problem on a planet like this. Andrei was practicing his aloof act, a trait he had never truly cultivated, in order to diffuse the natural tension their presence brought later on. And, in truth, he suspected Garit’s driver might have his ear and know more than one might assume.

Hamand glanced up to the mirror again though this time his eyes fell on Lyra. “Are you enjoying your time on the planet, ma’am?”

Lyra looked up to meet Hamand’s eyes in the mirror. “Oh yes, it is quite refreshing to be in a place like this. It reminds me a bit of home. Your shopping selections in this market alone are vast. I could spend my entire vacation here and still not go through everything.”

“Good, good. A beauty like you deserves every fine thing in life. I’m sure the merchants of the market will give you wonderful deals and generous gifts - no one could resist such a charming lady and you would display their merchandise so well.” Hamand spoke jovially, obviously intending it to be a compliment.

“Your employer alone gave us half of his jewelry collection, it seems, all because of her legs.” Andrei said in a joking tone before starting to laugh, friendly and gregarious.

Not one to be offended by the types of comments being given (at least at the current level), Lyra joined both men in their shared laughter, her sultry voice adding the needed feminine touch.

“But you’re right, she is beautiful and brilliant.” Andrei said, holding Lyra’s hand tighter. “I’m the luckiest man in the galaxy. And we should know, we’ve gone where no Terrans have gone before.”

“Ah if I were a younger man, I might see if I could steal her away if for only one night.” Hamand chuckled as they pulled up to the front of the building and another two valets approached the car doors to open them.

“Don’t be silly, Hamand. Older gentlemen have their charms too.” Lyra replied with a smirk and caught the man’s eye in the mirror just as her door opened. She took the hand of the Sikarian man who came to escort her and exited the vehicle.

Andrei exited as well, pretending not to notice the undertones of the situation. Such propositions were likely normal here in Sikaris. He would tolerate them, he decided, up to a point.

Lyra moved around the car and disengaged from her alien escort as soon as it was polite to do so. She moved to her lover’s side instantly and her arm naturally found his when he offered it to her. Together they walked into the massive high-rise before them. Like their hotel, the lobby of this place screamed upper class opulence and even strayed into gaudy for the typical tasteful Terran eye. The floors and columns were made out of what looked like moss green marble, the walls were white, and the areas where there was a lower ceiling were all painted with various floral motifs. There were large windows on this level, but as they looked up they could see that there were levels that were completely empty and open so patrons could enjoy the views that certain areas would provide to them.

The Sikarians and various other aliens were milling about, though some of those who strayed closer did stop to stare at Andrei and Lyra; some with curiosity, some with lust, some with a combination of both. Hamand soon joined them again, coming up on Lyra’s other side.

“Please, come this way.” He said with a smile. Andrei could see Lyra’s quick comment had indeed had an effect on the older man, but he was still being professional and polite. He led them to a lift that took them quickly up to the highest levels where the restaurant was located.

Andrei clenched his jaw, but otherwise adopted a neutral expression. Now wasn’t the time for hanging elderly aliens by the toes, but that might very well come later. They followed Hamand past many tables and chairs in the stunning main dining room, their eyes not deigning to meet the stares which were leveled upon them by the diners and employees. Eventually, they came to a private, but very grand staircase and began to ascend.

“Come here often, Hamand?” Andrei asked, looking up at the older man.

“Myself? No. I have been treated to a meal here a few times by Mr. Ito when he celebrates any particular large accomplishment with his employees, but I cannot afford to come here myself.” The man admitted. They entered a much more intimate area where the marble had shifted to black with veins of gold running through it; it was definitely more sophisticated than the lower levels and was sectioned off into private rooms. Hamand walked to one of the doors with them and opened it, stepping inside first to hold it for Andrei and Lyra.

The private room was quite large - enough to host a medium sized party quite comfortably. The wall opposite of the door they walked through was one large window with a dramatic view of the city skyline and the now setting Sikarian sun. The floor was covered in pristine white carpet that offered a stark contrast to the black and gold walls and stood in defiance of the concern of dropped foods or spilled drinks. There was a large finely crafted wooden table positioned by the window and from one of the comfortable hovering chairs, Garit Ito stood.

“Welcome, my friends!” He greeted with the gregariousness typical of his people and wore a warm, welcoming grin. Unlike when they had met in the market, Garit was now dressed in very fine clothes that flattered his body; he wasn’t the most fit man and lived a life of luxury, but he certainly wasn’t corpulent either. He wore too much of his own fine jewelry, but one would guess that would be common for the Sikarians as well. They wanted to display wealth.

Lyra took him in silently, but her keen eyes immediately noticed that the fabrics that made up the man’s clothing were ones she had seen in Toros’ shop earlier that day.

Andrei had noticed as well, and he wondered what it meant right away.

“Garit. So good to see you again.” Andrei said as they closed the distance and approached the table. He expended his hand with an amiable smile, figuring Ito wouldn’t know the gesture. “On my world, we call this a hand shake.”

Andrei said, taking hold of the man’s hand and giving it a firm squeeze.

“In the past, men used to carry swords and daggers. A handshake was a sign that one came in friendship and was unarmed. Thank you for your gracious invitation.”

“Interesting, interesting.” Garit’s head bobbed a few times and then he looked at Lyra, his eyes very slowly and pointedly running down her body and then back up. He smiled again then, mildly less chaste as his gaze settled on the pendant resting just above the generous view of her breasts.

“Just as I thought, exquisite on you.” His eyes finally came up to hers and he shifted, then paused and looked to Andrei. “A handshake seems too brazen to do with a woman, is there something different?”

Lyra contained the roll of her eyes.

Andrei understood the dynamic more now than ever; he was a glorified escort for the one Garit really wanted to do business with. Oh well; whatever got them their money in the end..within limits.

“Yes, actually.” Andrei said, looking to Lyra. “A light kiss in the knuckles, for a lady.”

Lyra simply smiled and extended her hand out toward Garit. “It is typical that a man will bend to meet the lady’s hand so that she doesn’t have to move her arm too far.”

“I see, I see.” Garit took Lyra’s hand and took a step closer to her. His fingers moved over her own slowly, feeling her skin which he was obviously enjoying. He bent to kiss the backs of her knuckles, his lips lingering there for far longer than appropriate.

“We have another, far more daring greeting on Terra.” Andrei said, looking down at Garit as he slobbered over his lover’s hand. “From one man to another. Shall I show him the custom, Lyra?”

Lyra’s gaze shifted over to Andrei and there was a little glint there and what he would have sworn was the slightest twitch of her lips into a smirk. She looked back to Garit then who had been briefly distracted by what Andrei had said long enough for her to politely extract her hand. Surprisingly, she showed no signs of the physical disgust she was likely experiencing, even Andrei’s emerald eye saw only calm.

“Perhaps another time, we have had enough greetings for one day.”

Garit was none the wiser of his misstep and simply nodded. He pulled out Lyra’s chair for her and offered his hand to help her sit, positioning her so that she would be sitting between both himself and Andrei.

Andrei allowed it, ignoring the stirring in his hard and the increasing desire to toss Garit out of the grand window beside them. He allowed Garit to help Lyra into his seat, watching his motions all the while.

Lyra moved to take the offered seat and found it comfortable if not a bit unusual how it floated. Garit had of course been ogling her with every move she made and only broke himself away after giving her a light nudge toward the table. He took his own seat and smiled at them with interest. “Now, shall we eat first?”

Andrei opened the decorated menu and perused the options before him. He looked at it, not knowing their language, of course, but looking at the tourist-friendly images at the margins.

“What is…Smalnr?” He asked, testing the word on his tongue.

“Smalnr,” Garit began, pronouncing the word correctly but not in a way that brought attention to Andrei’s mispronunciation, “is a wild game bird known for a rich flavor, though a bit of an acquired taste. If you like, there is a preselected meal that we can all partake of; it has the most popular dishes this place has to offer.”

“Oh, well thank the Gods.” Andrei said, deactivating the device and sliding it to the middle of the table. “Let the feast begin.”

“Ah, excellent. Now would you like to talk business while we eat, or simply enjoy the meal?” He asked and gave a motion of his hand, summoning a waiter with a bottle of some alcohol and glasses which he served quickly and without a word.

Andrei reached into his pocket and pulled out a small PADD. With the press of a button, a sparkle of red delivered a dalium-cobalt crystal on the table in front of them.

“First, this is one of the crystals we acquired from the planet we told you about.” He said, lifting the alcoholic beverage to his lips and sipping. It was strong, but sweet and fruity, like liquor.

“Beautiful. May I?” Garit asked, holding out his hand for the crystal but not rudely reaching for it.

Andrei grabbed it and placed it into Garit’s hand before returning to the drink.

As they sat there, Lyra’s hand found Andrei’s thigh as it often did though for the moment it remained chastely still. She took a sip of the alcohol that had been poured for them and then looked at it in the glass, it was the color of Rosé but lacked the bite of a wine. She liked the sweetness of it, though she preferred the blue drink they had found on Anorra from her first impressions of it.

Garit drew the crystal closer and from his side he pulled out a small instrument which he held close to it and then lifted both up toward his eye. “Mmm quite nice. There are some flaws in this one, but perfection is practically unheard of. This crystal in particular is worth approximately 4.3 million of our credits.”



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