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Another Day....

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 7:47pm by Lieutenant JG Sipov Boros
Edited on on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 4:36am

Mission: S1 Episode 8: Resolutions
Location: Phantom Depot Starbase
Timeline: Date 2371-12-25 at 1800
957 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

A smile spread across Sipov's face as the last few strips of latinum were placed into his outstretched hand. "A pleasure doing business with you."

The Dralian female that stood across from him had been a repeat customer, one that had commonly paid for the day labor provided by his prisoner, Daraan. The Cardassian was filthy and had his hands cuffed in front of him, deep contusions over parts of his face, covered with a film of dirt and grease. He hadn't had a shower in days, not that Sipov cared. The more money he could save to try and leave this place, the better. He also needed to find a buyer for this alien bastard that he was half responsible for at the moment.

A guard stepped forward, ready to take him back to the jail. A couple slips of latinum were exchanged and another smile appeared, this time from the other man. "I'll take extra care of him, like always."

"See that you do, or you'll end up just like him" Sipov quipped. He stood there wearing a pair of dark slacks and a lighter shirt, his shoes were clean and polished. The extra money he'd been making lately after he found out he could have Daraan clean out the stations waste extraction system meant he could spare a little more expense on clothing and much needed amenities he'd been going without for months now. Ever since the transport ship made it to the station, the crew had gone their separate ways after selling the ship for scrap and splitting the profits, mostly evenly.

The main reason he was still remaining was due to the injuries he'd sustained over hazardous journey getting there, after the abuse he'd suffered at the hands of his captors previously. As a result the medical treatment Sipov had required was extensive and the healing time and cost matched that.

"Get this stinking Cardie out of here."

Daraan gave his usual evil look at the human before being hit in the back with a club and beginning to stumble away "You'll pay for this one day, Sipov."

"Not if I kill you first. You're the one in cuffs, not me." He laughed as the guard shuffled away his prisoner and the woman who'd been watching the entire exchange quirked an eyebrow. "Just keep him in good enough shape so I can pay for him tomorrow again. He does good work, when properly motivated. Not bad for an alien slave"

Sipov shrugged "He's filth. He deserves to be cleaning shit. Hopefully he dies in a pile of it one day as well, there won't have to be any sort of cleanup either. Perhaps when I leave here if he's still alive I'll sell him to you. For a fair price."

The woman returned a nod "I'll see if it's an option, it's usually cheaper to rent them than maintain a slave."

"Well just remember, word gets around fast and someone else who buys him will probably charge more, if they even want to provide you with his services." His stomach growled, reminding him it was nearly time to eat. The idea of food was cut short however when he felt the ache him his left leg. His femur was still healing and it was time to go and get it checked, and likely another treatment. "If you'll excuse me, I need to go see the doctor..."

The woman gave a nod "Of course. Same time tomorrow morning then?"

He took a moment to consider raising the price but instead agreed "Same time. He'll be ready."

Both of them went their separate ways, leaving the maintenance bay with Sipov half limping his way towards medical. The station itself was fairly advanced, well kept and overall a nice looking place. It wasn't the most beautiful place he'd ever seen but for a station out in the middle of nowhere in this Delta quadrant but was nicer than some of the places back home. He had no clue how he'd ever get back there or of it was even possible but for the time being that wasn't his greatest concern. With no sign of the Empire about, deciding what his next lot in life would be was a higher priority. At least he could still fly.

Once he arrived at the med bay, the doors opened and one of the nurses recognized him, motioning for him to go ahead and take a seat.

It only took a few minutes after he moved up onto the bio bed for the doctor, an older man with grey streaks in his hair and a long scar on the left side of his face, to walk up and begin scanning him. "That leg....are you sure you don't want us to just cut it off? It would almost be quicker to fit a bio synthetic one and recovery time would be shorter...."

He shook his head "No need. Just treat it and I'll be back in a few more days."

The doctor didn't look up from his tricorder "Very well." He motioned over to the nurse to bring a hypo who then pressed it against Sipov's neck, allowing the wave of relief to wash over him with the pain relief taking effect. In addition the medication for his leg was also delivered and continued the needed treatment.

"A few more days then. If anything changes, let us know. Next patient" the doctor called out to the nurse. He didn't have time for small talk.

He slid off the bed, now able to fully walk and made his way out, heading towards the nearest cafe'. It was time for dinner. Definitely much better than anything that Danaar would be eating....


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