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Recon - Simulation

Posted on Thu Feb 3rd, 2022 @ 6:20pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Captain Fergus Williams & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: MD7, 1400 hrs
761 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Fergus scowled as the female marine looked at him with a look of utter confusion. " Pup don't tell the alpha dog what to do." He angrily replied as he clipped on his helmet still smoking a cigar as he did so.

"Fergus to operations we're ready to start the training program." he barked into his coms.

“Understood Captain” Callie’s response came crisp and clear. “Let’s hope this works!”

With a flash, the holodeck turned into that of the Cardassian world. It was a ruined scorched hell world after the bioweapons had struck it. The marine XO was far too numb to this to be shocked now as he barked. " Come on you apes you want to live forever." he yelled as he lead his armoured clad men towards the cave systems.

“Keep me appraised of the situation Captain, anything that goes wrong here will be deadly down there!”

"Rog..." The marines reply began before a flurry of disrupter bolts spread towards his men taking the marine to his right down with a shot to his chest." Take cover and return fire." He yelled as his visitor saw the way ahead lit up with Cardassians. Suicide troopers mostly likely sent out of the bunker to slow any invading forces.

Aiming his phaser he shot one straight through the cheap enviro suit blowing the aliens head off.

“Nice shot!” Callie smiled as she closely monitored the simulation. “The holodeck is set to analyse your moves and give a realistic response, so watch your back.”

" Don't worry I will." Growled the marine EX as he pointed to the two marines at his right. " You two flank them the rest of you prepare to advance," he yelled into his coms as he moved the strength of his shield to the front as he fixed his bayonet to the end of his phaser rifle.

Callie watched the readouts, so far everything was going in favour of the plan but she got the feeling that it wouldn’t go that easy on the surface.

The marines bayonet charge made short work of the Cardassians and the unit was moving again. The looming cave system was still in view. " Be on alert they know were coming." Fergus barked keeping his eyes on his rifle stock.

Callie stood to attention as the door opened and Captain Petrov entered. “Sir! What can I do for you?”

Ivan put up his hands in order to allay any of her concerns as he approached the observation area.

"Nothing to worry about, Lieutenant. I'm only here to see how things are progressing."

Callie relaxed as She motioned to the screen. “Captain Williams and his people are testing out one of scenarios Sir. The holodeck is programmed to give a realistic fight back.”

Ivan watched the screen closely. Every aspect of this mission had to be a success or all of their heads would be on the chopping block. Not to mention, they could easily be killed.

A flurry of swear words came over the channel as Williams finished bayoneting the Cardassian to death. It barely looked old enough to hold it's a rifle. Just a damn kid. Even still the marine finished it off with the fury his devil dogs were trained to.

"Karis Hughes you had better have found us an exit." He hissed hoping the marine who had pissed him off the most would be good for something.

An explosion ripped a section out of the wall of the cave as a whole appeared in the bunker wall. " Come on devil dogs." their commander yelled as he lead the way into the breach. " Your good for something pup." He yelled to Karis who looked rather stunned at the size of the explosion.

" Standard sweep and clear boys." He yelled as his marines moved out to their objectives of the bunker.

It took them twenty minutes to secure the bunker most of the garrison being caught in the entrance. With a grin on his face the marine commander looked to where he guessed a camera was located " Bunker secure lieutenant."

"Excellent work, Captain Williams." Petrov said over the recording. "If you and the other senior staff assigned to this project are secure that this plan is the best one, then submit it to the Command Yeoman in writing and then drill your men on it over the course of our journey. We can afford no mistakes."

"I believe it is are best option sir. We'll run the simulation for a few times. I want no mistakes." The marine commander responded.


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