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The Delivery System

Posted on Thu Feb 3rd, 2022 @ 8:48pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Cael Maz & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Bridge Conference Room
Timeline: MD 8, 0830 hours
1948 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy was first to arrive in the conference room. He was eager to get started on the weapons project. Any chance to put a hurt on the enemies of the Terran Empire was a way to fame and glory. Also, a stepping stone to command of his own starship someday. He loaded the data in his PADD to the conference room secure network, got himself a cup of coffee and awaited the others to arrive.

Melissa entered the conference room and brought up the target planet and its magnetic fields. The Captain wanted a thalaron delivery system that would deliver a lethal dose of thalaron radiation planetwide. Melissa pondered this and finally came up with a solution. The weapon would use currents in a planet's magnetic fields to deliver the radiation. Creating something like a Van-Allen Radiation belt. The planet's own radiation belts would serve as a planet-wide conductor of a sufficient dose of Thalaron Radiation across the entire planet in less that thirty seconds.

The woman began to perform additional calculations. She herself was concerned somewhat of this weapon. She was not entirely synthetic... yet... Thalaron Radiation would destroy her organic components.. Or what was left of them. There would have to be two devices.. Fired at precise coordinates in a planet's poles, to ensure complete distribution across the magnetosphere. The Polarity of each weapon would have to be precise. The positive pole would have to have negative polarity and vice verse. She was wondering what the others would have in the way of contribution for this project.

"Morning." Cael said as he entered the room with a stifled yawn. The mornings were killing him slowly. He figured it must be some sort of torture scheme to make him break and it just might do just that. He walked over to the replicator and placed his order, "Sweet tea, chilled." As he waited the three seconds he shifted his stance to a more offical pose. Taking the drink, he made his way toward the table and took a seat.

Troy was the senior officer for the team that had the task of developing, constructing and deploying the experimental and highly volatile weapons system for the mission. He pulled up his notes on the project. "Several things we need to discuss. How best to construct the weapon safely and what is the best means to deliver the package on time and on target. Any initial suggestions?"

"The delivery system will have to be in two components." Melissa noted. "The medium for delivery of enough thalaron radiation will be the planets magnetic fields. And a very similar reaction to what is known as the aurora borealis will take effect. Essentially, we're using the planet's own magnetic field instead of this bio weapon idea." She noted. "SInce thalaron radiation breaks down biological material on contact, this cannot be a bioweapon. The original weapon design is ill advised."

Cael listened then replied, "Tri-cobalt torpedo casing will do the trick due to its size. Dispersal is again the issue but I am about ninety percent sure that that torpedo will be our delivery option." and he left it at that for everyone to discuss.

Troy thought on the matter for a moment before nodding. He looked at both officers and nodded. "We have an hour before the Captain arrives, let's get cracking on the weapon design."


Melissa watched the simulation of the weapon being fired at both of the simulated planet's poles. The Aurora effect insured even distribution from the two torpedoes over both hemispheres. One hundred percent efficiency, as well as the ship would be protected as the Thalaron Aurora was combined to the planet itself. The Vengeance would simply stay our of the magnetic fields.

Troy looked at both Melissa and Cael and gave them a nod to acknowledge the accomplishment of the development phase of their mission task. "Time to brief the Captain." He rose from his seat with a gesture for the two to follow him.

Cael nodded and stood following just after him.

When the door chime rang, Ivan reach over quickly and pressed a button on his computer that simply opened the doors.

"Lieutenants. What do you have for me?"

Troy nodded to Cael and Melissa present their design proposal for the warhead. He would follow up with information for the delivery method once they were done.

"Sir, we have a solution. I suggested using the Tri-cobalt torpedo casings as they would fit the delivery system with ample space to not have a tight fit but at the same time, not get knocked around. As to the delivery systems, Lieutenant Jones has provided something that will effectively do the job." Cael said stating what he knew based off of extensive years and experience.

Melissa spoke. "We will need two torpedoes. Each targeted to a location approximate four thousand kilometers above the Planet's north and south poles. The Thalaron Radiation will charged to an opposite polarity and distributed in a planetwide Thalaron Aurora effect across the planet. Ensuring equal distribution across the planet. I have calculated the exact dosage of Thalaron radiation for a Cardassian to experience four minutes of agonizing, unending pain as his or her body is slowly dissolved by the radiation. Probes will be launched across the planet to transmit to all parties involved the pain these cardassians will be in as the radiation slowly mutilates them from the outside in, this will be done to maximize the effect of the psychological warfare we will unleash upon the Alliance. I also have a solution to safely assemble the device without risk to the ship and crew." Melissa noted. "Using the planet's magnetic fields to distribute the radiation also ensures the radiation will be contained. The Vengeance can simply remain outside the planets magnetic field while we fire off the Thalaron Distributor Torpedoes. The half-life to the thalaron radiation will be approximately ten minutes, and it will degrade rapidly leaving the planet, and the biosphere, dead."

Troy turned to Ivan while gesturing to Cael and Melissa. "These two were the ones to come up with the design. I only added a little input on development of the targeting guidance once the weapon is actually built. The credit and glory should be theirs."

The Captain looked down at the data he was presented with, the echoes of the screams of Cardassians at Rakal V. He closed his eyes for a moment, remembering the agony on their faces and sounds that often plagued his dreams. He had done what he needed to do for the glory of the Empire and for the liberation of his Terran brethren. He opened his eyes again, looking at them with a serious expression.

"A wonderful plan, it would seem. Now, our greatest hope is that it works and that nothing goes wrong." he said, holding the PADD in his leather-bound hand. "Before we drop the devices, however, we are going to need to find a way to remove all Terran life safely from the planet. We aren't going this far in order to kill our own people."

"Do we have an estimate on how many Terran's are on the planet? If so, we can start getting with the transporter chiefs and see if they can use the transporters while we approach the planet at warp. Gives us some extra time to get them safely aboard." Cael offered as a suggestion and question.

"Intel tells us its likely just a few dozen." Petrov answered. "We would be able to make room for them here, yes, but we must make sure we have time to deliver the payload and grab our people."

Melissa pondered the Captain's words and then spoke. "Respectfully, Captain. Did this intelligence come from Lionel Morrison?" She had reason to doubt the man... He was ambitious... arrogant... and foolish. "That being said I would put my life in your hands, but not one who was late when you called for a meeting of the Senior Staff and Ensign Selin arrived before him. Our intelligence must be certain."

"Lieutenant Morrison doesn't have your confidence, Melissa?" the Captain asked, rhetorically. If his senior staff felt this way about one of their members before their first mission had even started, he would like to know why.

Melissa responded. "I find him lacking.. and arrogant.. And I doubt he has the skill he claims he has. I believe the competance of his department comes from his subordinate; Kassandra Selin." Melissa noted. "He does not inspire the same loyalty from his subordinates. But Ensign Selin has the uneviable duty of enduring his torments, and compensating for his errors... Lest they become mistakes. I wounder what he would do once he has no allies on this ship, and when his subordinates abandon him. I understand discipline... But all of my team get time to recoperate and see to their personal affairs.. This man uses the agonizer too much." Melissa noted. She never minced words.

Troy glanced at Melissa before turning his gaze to Ivan as he pulled out his PADD. He brought up the agonizer log that had first alerted him to Morrison vindictiveness towards Kassandra. He handed the PADD to Ivan. "Regulations allow a Department Head to administratively punish subordinates to a once per hour agonizer session lasting no longer than sixty seconds while they are on duty. He was conducting ninety second sessions every thirty minutes. Those punishments stopped after I showed him the evidence he was exceeding his authority. He has since gone to alternative punishment methods also supported by the ship's duty log. Ensign Selin has performed two twenty four shifts in the last four days and still driven herself to start qualifications for duties outside her department, such as bridge duty officer of the watch certification. Morrison on the other hand has been late to watch, left the Intelligence section prior to properly the evening brief of his signal intercept and analysts personnel. It is my humble recommendation that the man receives an unofficial reminder of what duty to the Empire truly means."

Ivan looked down at the with interest. He'd seen this behavior before in other officers, of course. The abundance of cooercive power higher positions in the military granted tended to attract those who were completely fine with doing harm to others or even, in some cases, enjoyed it. Exceeding his authority was a different matter, however.

"I'll give this to Commander Cain and we with the situation. Thank you for the information." he said, looking around at the gathered officers.

Troy smiled. "Liberty call begins shortly, but we still need an officer for bridge watch. I recommend Morrison for that particular duty until all the liberty parties return at midnight. Oh and it would be my privilege to inform the Lieutenant that his liberty is being canceled."

"If the true strength behind our intelligence department is compromised, Captain. The mission will be Jeopardized." Melissa concluded.

"I understand, ladies and gentlemen. Trust me, the situation will be dealt with appropriately." the Captain said, his voice decisive. "For now, keep your minds focused on your side of this mission. Despite intelligence, a bomb detonation on this ship is a game-over scenario. Dismissed."

"Aye, sir." Cael said before saluting and doing an about-face. He kept to himself mostly and through that he had very little opinion on the actions of others on board, at least until such a time as people got to know him.

Troy rendered a salute and turned, along with Cael, towards the door. He stepped to the side of the door to allow the other two officers to exit first.


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