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We're Lost...But Making Great Time!

Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2022 @ 10:45pm by

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Delta Quadrant
Timeline: Days since leaving Terra: 801
842 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

"Master?" The sultry feminine voice said softly. "Master? It's time to awaken, Master."

The large mass that was slumbering under the blankets grumbled threateningly. "'s too damn early for this shit. Who's gonna know, or even care, if I sleep in?"

Slender, feminine fingers, complete with blood-red, pointed nails, slowly slid along the man's covered legs, moving up towards...

"All right! All right! I'm awake! Happy now, you evil witch?!" The man moved, throwing back the covers and swung his legs over the edge of his bed. At least, he would have, if he still had his biological legs. Instead, at the end of his thighs, just above where his knees used to be, were cybernetic caps, with several connection points on them.

Reaching over, with his right hand, he grabbed what looked like his left arm, except, it was laying on the endtable on the right side of his bed. After picking up the limb, he moved it to his left shoulder, where another cap was located. After placing the artificial limb against the cap over his shoulder joint, several clicks could be heard.

Finally, he let go of the limb. After testing it's range of motion, he sighed heavily, then repeated the process for his right leg, then his left. Once he was in full possession of his limbs, he stood and moved to the head, to releave himself and get cleaned up.

As he did so, Rebecca moved to stand behind him, leaning against the doorframe, admiring his naked ass. She let out a satisfied sigh.

Micheal leaned down and spit out the toothpaste into the sink basin. Hearing Rebecca, he straightened up and saw her reflection in the mirror. "Enjoying the view?"

She smiled a very hungry smile. "Oh, very much so, Master."

"Too bad you can't do anything about it," he commented as he started to wash his face.

Her smile turned to a flirty pout. "Not yet. But one never knows what the future will bring." She then tilted her head down to the side and caught a glimpse of his hanging manhood from between his legs. Another shuddering sigh escaped her lips.

Micheal ignored her. She was always ogling him, making heated comments about what she'd like to do to him. But that's all it ever was. Looks and talk.

Finally finished, he dried his face and refund the towel. Turning back to the bedroom, he exited the head..walking right through Rebecca's smiling image.

"Ooohh...if only I could actually feel you inside of me, Master!" She turned and faced him, a pleading look on her face.

"Yeah, well, as you are a non-coporeal hologram, that's a bit difficult," he replied gruffly as he started to get dressed. "Why don't you make yourself useful and get some coffee going, yeah?"

Nonplussed by his gruff attitude, Rebecca gave Micheal a thousand watt smile and bowed. "Your wish, is my command, Master!" She then vanished from sight.

A few moments later, dressed in his typical outfit of black denim jeans, black leather cowboy boots, complete with nasty looking spurs, a black leather belt to match, twin thigh holsters, complete with matching disruptor pistols. He also had on a sleeveless black t-shirt, which barely contained his powerful physique.

Moving forward in his ship, he passed several empty cells, once used to contain bounties that he had hunted down and captured.

He finally entered the cockpit. Stopping first at the replicator, to pick up his requested coffee, which flashed into existence half a second before he reached for the mug handle. Takingvthe first sip, he relished the initial burn of the hot liquid as it poured over his tongue.

Carefully, so as not to spill his coffee, he lowered his bulk down into the pilot's seat. "Status report," he said as he continued to drink.

"Ship status is still in the green. No new damage to the hull or any interior system since last status report was given. Fuel level at eighty-eight percent full. At current use, and no refueling, fuel levels will reach critical in approximately seven months."

"All weapons systems check out in full working order. Life support fully operational. All other systems and backups also showing in the green."

"Current distance and time to return to Imperial Space?" Micheal asked, though he already knew the answer.

Rebecca replied. "At best speed, and taking into account several factors, namely, not finding a shortcut...distance to last known Imperial border is approximately seventy-eight thousand light-years from current location. ETA at maximum speed, roughly, one hundred and fifty-seven years, four months, two weeks, six days. Give or take a few hours."

Micheal sighed and frowned. "All alone, out here in the boonies."

"You're not alone, Master," Rebecca's avatar flashed into existence and moved to straddle his lap. "I'm here with you."

"You know what I mean, Rebecca," he growled quietly. "Set course for home, warp three. Execute."

Outside, the heavily modified Danube runabout powered up its warp nacelles. Then, in a flash, it jumped to warp.



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