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Wed Mar 1st, 2023 @ 10:50am

Callie Marshall

Name Callie Marshall

Position Fallen Hero

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran/Betazoid
Birthplace Scotland, Earth
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 5”
Weight 126 lbs
Hair Color Mousey Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Callie is a very attractive young woman, she is physically fit, has her father’s green eyes and her mother’s Blonde hair.


Spouse Troy Marshall
Children John Marshall (born 2nd July 2371)
Father Rear Admiral Andreas Vali
Mother Deanna Raven

Personality & Traits

General Overview Callie is a dedicated Officer, raised by her father after being removed from her mother’s influence she has been trained to use her inherited abilities for the good of the Terran empire.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Touch/Line of sight telepath
- Empathic
- Strong willed
- A Dedicated Officer

- Too Caring
- Easily overwhelmed thanks to her abilities
- Sometimes too strong willed, speaks up when she shouldn’t
- Restricted strength of ability due to an inhibitor she wears

Ambitions Callie is the daughter of a slave, she knows who her mother is and would one day like to earn her mother’s freedom. As such she dedicates herself to her role to please her father.
Hobbies & Interests Callie enjoys reading, music, the company of others especially men, though she has ‘entertained’ women before. She has an interest in collecting souvenirs from everywhere she goes.

Personal History Callie was born on her father’s estate in Scotland, Earth. The daughter of a Betazoid slave her father saw the worth in raising Callie himself. Taking her from her mother at just a few months old, her mother had to watch her daughter grow up from a distance.

As she grew Callie was trained by the best the Terran empire had, learning to handle herself in self defence classes as well as weaponry. When her Betazoid abilities manifested she was trained to use them for the good of the empire, being trained in Psychology and Counselling. She graduated in the top 2% of her class.

Wanting to make her father proud of her Callie excelled in her classes at the Terran Imperial Academy, becoming a respected student. She did however make the mistake of defending another student, using her abilities against the accuser she found herself punished by being fitted with a permanent inhibitor to limit her full strength.

Upon graduating she was assigned to work under the supervision of her father, enduring the next eight years under his relentless command. During her time there she progressed around several departments showing a natural affinity in Discipline Inspection as well as in Operations and as such has now earned reassignment, being assigned to the ISS Vengeance as Chief of Operations.

Callie has recently discovered that she’s pregnant, as a result she is now engaged to the love of her life Troy Marshall. The romance has been a whirlwind one but she’s thrilled nonetheless.

Update July 2371 - During a ship wide phage infection, and zombie invasion Callie went into premature labour. Her son John was born on July 2nd 2371. Callie will be living aboard the ISS Rynall, husband Troy’s new command, whilst continuing her work aboard the ISS Vengeance.

Service Record 2364 - 2368 - Imperial Academy, Earth.
2368 - 2371 - *** Classified ***
2371 - Assigned to ISS Vengeance