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Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 4:34am

Lieutenant JG Sipov Boros

Name Sipov Boros

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Birthplace Space
Birthdate (Month, Day, Year) February 17th, 2344
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 8”
Weight 165
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Sipov is average build, more on the toned side. He relies more on general cross fit as needed rather than heavy weight lifting in the gym or otherwise. His features are pleasant and he is considered fairly attractive. His shirt covers various scars he obtained from injuries and received punishments while incarcerated for insubordination and as a prisoner to the Cardassian\Klingon Alliance multiple times. Additionally his hands have a few smaller scars that have faded with time.


Father Andrew Boros (Deceased)
Mother Nira Boros (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sipov is quick-tempered and struggles to control his emotions, a result of having grown up mostly as an orphan and the various traumas he’s faced in captivity. Over time, he has learned to temper his physical responses but still is quite verbal. Generally, he maintains a demeanor of being at the ready, the extreme emotional shifts make him appear almost bipolar when they do arise. When things are going well, he is pleasant and celebratory, but when he hits lows, he crashes, leaving a trail of destruction behind him.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

-Strong piloting skills: Sipov is an exceptional pilot with a natural talent for navigating various spacecraft. His skills have been honed through years of experience and practical application.
-Keen sense for danger: Sipov has a sharp mind for anticipating danger and threats around him, with a heightened sense of anxiety.
-Intelligence: Despite his slender build, Sipov possesses considerable intelligence for his age, making him a formidable opponent in mental challenges.
-Wily and persuasive: Sipov can talk his way into and out of nearly any situation, a result of his heightened survival instincts.


-Questionable loyalty: Sipov's loyalty is more to himself and his own self preservation than to other people. He will not hesitate to betray others if it benefits his own life in a given situation.
-Nefarious persona: Despite his charming demeanor, those around him quickly recognize his self-serving nature.

-History of drug use: Sipov does have a history of hidden drug use to enhance his piloting abilities which did lead to struggles with drug addiction that he managed to address on his own. However the struggle to maintain his sobriety is always something that hangs over his head.
Ambitions Sipov is driven by a desire for untold luxury and the ability to relax and do anything he wants without concern. Sipov seeks to elevate his knowledge and skills as a pilot to demonstrate his superiority over others, and travel around the galaxy in a ship of his own without a care in the world, far away from the war.
Hobbies & Interests Sipov enjoys flying above all else. He has experience with various types of craft, from small stunt shuttles to massive cargo freighters. His piloting is a mix of non-combative craft and material runs, and piloting a handful of mid-sized starships. He has been saving his money in hopes to one day procure his own craft. Performance enhancing drug use for piloting has been another of his interests.

Personal History Childhood

Sipov was born in 2344 on board a civilian cargo freighter known as the S.S. Mira to a Human mother and father. The couple ran the ship with his mother the Captain, and father serving as the First Officer. The pair, along with four other individuals spent their time transporting dangerous, high yield cargo and assisting in transport of mid level dignitaries in the region of the Elorg Bloc and Adraxian Alliance. Their travels took them all throughout the region to include that of Bajor and Terok Nor.The crew of the S.S. Mira was focused on the money they could earn as well as the prestige they gained in the region by the work they'd done for numerous higher ranking officials, especially a variety of Cardassian Guls and Legates. The crew spent six successful years in the area until Sipov was born.The couple felt that their success was at a high and within a short period of time, they could transfer operational control of the ship to their Second Officer Lefskot, a swindler that had a lucrative eye for the smuggling deals they'd been known for taking. At the age of four, Sipov's life was changed forever. In an attempt to overtake the ship and continue to take the profit for themselves, Lefskot and another crew member, an Andorian slave, attempted to take control of the ship by causing the initial stages of a core breach to begin, locking out the computer. In an attempt to save the ship being their sole livelihood, Sipov's parents placed him in an escape pod along with a few belongings and jettisoned him certain they would both be needed to retake the ship. Their intent was to pick him back up once the ship was under control. His parents and the rest of the crew attempted to subdue the pair but were unsuccessful when the ship was flooded with anesthizine gas and rendered unconscious. In his excitement with taking over the ship, Lefskot couldn't recall the lockout code and was unable to avert the core breach in time, losing the ship and all hands on board. With the ship near Ufandi III, several ships traveled the same lane that Sipov and his parents had been on.

Within a day the boy was found drifting in the pod by a couple traveling back to Nobellia Prime after surveying the Badlands. When they found him, Sipov was sleeping and awoke to the unfamiliar faces. At first he was scared however quickly warmed up to the couple as they comforted him and sought to make him as relaxed as possible. Conducting a search they discovered the debris from the freighter and placed a buoy to notify anyone that may come in search that they had the child. Additionally they salvaged any small items they could find in a quick search of the Mira’s wreckage before turning and heading towards their home. Upon returning home they registered the boy in accordance with the local census laws and began to care for him. After a few months of no one coming forward to claim the boy, the couple began to raise him as their own. After going through some of the ships logs they'd downloaded they were able to determine his name and whom his parents were. Unfortunately they were unable to further determine any family origins and officially adopted him. Throughout the earlier years of his childhood, Sipov was prone to severe mood swings as a result of the loss of his parents and the strict upbringing he was receiving from his adoptive parents; at times he would become terribly destructive and nearly became unmanageable. With time however Sipov began to balance out as he got older and became more aware of his actions.

Until the age of 18 Sipov had a fairly normal childhood, attending school and looking forward to serving the Empire . Most of his time was spent at home studying and honing his combat skills with his friends. In his teenage years his parents allowed him to take up the hobby of piloting smaller hover based craft and later on as he got older, small shuttles. He wanted more and the thrill of actually stealing them became of more interest. A big hobby of his and the group he hung out with was boosting small skimmers and shuttles


Once he left home, he applied to the Academy and was accepted for the piloting course after scoring high marks on the proficiency test.

During his time in the academy he made his way through training itself without much issue, passing test after test in the top half of his class. However while his skills were not in question, there were several times that his discipline came into question.Sipov found himself sent for punishment a handful of times due to his attitude and talking back to instructors and senior officers. It could be argued that his proficiency in piloting at times was one of the main reasons he was allowed to remain in the academy. As time went on he managed to straighten up and graduate, commissioned as an Ensign after four years and assigned to piloting shuttles and transport craft around Earth spacedock.

First Assignment

While he wasn’t the most thrilled with his assignment, Sipov found the work to be easy and routine, and he found himself fairly satisfied with his duties, performing longer transport runs every couple of days which gave him time to get away from the day to day routine.

He spent a couple of years on assignment until a series of large losses took place due to heavy losses from battle campaigns that the Empire pushed on the Klingon front to gain more territory, which they were successful in

Second Assignment

However due to the loss of pilots, Sipov was transferred to the 17th tactical wing and placed into a Raider squadron. For the next year and a half he participated in several skirmishes and patrols along the Klingon perimeter, protecting the Empire’s gains and helping to repel several counter offensives time and again. During this assignment however his the stress and lack of sleep while remaining constant alert got to Sipov and led to discipline problems showing themselves once more. He was placed on report a number of times for failure to follow orders while out on patrol and at times breaking off from the main group and leaving behind his wingman. For a short time he was grounded as well and placed on restricted duty.

Third Assignment

With his command unable to lose any pilots due to personnel shortages and unable to trust him flying a raider of his own, he was reassigned to helm duty aboard the I.S.S. Wasp, a Constellation class starship. During that time he participated in his shifts and duties without further incident, gaining recognition for his skill and assisting in piloting the shop during several skirmishes while they patrolled the Cardassian border, including the area he’d been found as a child. While intense feelings arose during that time, Sipov worked on keeping them in check by spending time in the gym and turning to low doses of drugs to assist his senses in sharpening his piloting


A year into his assignment he was finally promoted however the joy of that was short lived as within a few weeks the Wasp was ambushed, and Sipov along with a third of the crew was taken prisoner. For the next 6 months he was transported around to various systems in the Cardassian Empire and forced to conduct hard labor, tortured and beaten, and starved time and again as a game by the guards.

With no end in sight however, Sipov and others ended up getting a break when the prisoner transport ship they were on was going through the badlands and was pulled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker Array.

Damaged and with minimal weapons, the ship intercepted a transmission with the coordinates of a trading outpost. The only problem is that warp systems were offline and at impusle speeds it was likely to take a handfull of months. With no other option available, the Cardassians set course. During their voyage, they weresubject to raids from other craft that found the damaged transport to be an easy target, time and again. As a result the Cardassian captors found themselves opposed by both their prisoners and outside attackers, with several crew and prisoners being killed as time went on. By the time they made it to the outpost, only a handful had survived, including Sipov.

About a month before reaching the outpost, the prisoners had overtaken their captors and enslaved them in return. Each of the prisoners that survived had their own captors now as they reached their destination, all of them opting to sell the transport for scrap and split the proceeds. Everyone decided to go their own way as well, and Sipov opted to stay where he was at for the time being. He found an easy avenue for income by selling his captor daily to work hard labor so he could begin to work out some sort of survival plan before making his next move.
Service Record Imperial Academy: 2362
Transport Pilot: 2366
Raider Pilot: 2368
ISS Wasp:2369
POW: 2371