
  • 37 Mission Posts

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Sun Nov 27th, 2022 @ 9:06am

Captain Fergus Williams

Name Fergus Williams

Position Fallen Hero

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Birthplace Glasgow
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 140 lbs (64 kg)
Hair Color Brown which is starting to grey
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Fergus definitely looks like what would one expect from one of the most decorated marines in the empire. His body a mass of scar tissue and musles that looked like he could snap a neck with ease.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father N/A
Mother N/A
Brother(s) Unknown
Sister(s) Unknown.
Other Family Thyssiah Sh'oshaakrit ( Status Unknown)

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses A lifetime of fighting has given him a mastery of all forms of combat.


Server PTSD kept in line with anger and religion.
Ambitions To take his place at Woden's side cometh Ragnarok. Hopefully at his wælcyrie side.
Hobbies & Interests Traning, practice, praying and reading.

Personal History Fergus has never had much luck in life. Born to two junkies in a Glasgow slum he was found by the police being offered in trade for another handful of whatever drugs they enjoyed. His parents did not survive the gunfight and he was taken in by the special warfare division.

The experiments they tried did nothing other than improving his strength and stamina by 5% above the human average. Deemed a failure he like many of the experiments was dumped into the marine corp.

Here however he found his calling becoming a team leader by his second year in the corp. Sadly his luck never lasted as the dammed 33rd seemed to end up the last line of defence on every Terran world to fall to the alliance.

Bearing the many physical and psychological scars from this took it's toll on the young man driving him to the butt end of a phaser many a time. That was till he found Thyssiah.

He never considered her his slave. She had to much fire for that. The andorian woman lit something in him he long fought dead and on what was supposed to be his last tour he was planning to leave the empire with her. Just get in a ship pick a direction and never look back.

Then the alliance attacked the world and he never saw her again.

If not for his religious awakening it may have been the final end for him.

Now after so many battles he has been reassigned to the ISS Vengenace as it's marine commander. A job he has accepted with the same stoic nature the empire know him for.