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Sun Oct 30th, 2022 @ 1:09pm

Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont

Name Karen Elizabeth Lamont

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Terran
Birthplace Memphis, TN
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 157 cm
Weight 54 kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A dashing, pretty woman with brown hair and eyes and a trim physique. She carries herself with an easy confidence.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Admiral William Lamont
Mother Dr. Katherine Lamont
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None relevant

Personality & Traits

General Overview A confident, congenial officer. A loyal Terran but more healer than warrior.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Skilled medical practitioner
+Competent, bright, and hard working
+Family connections

-Family baggage
-Too compassionate
-Not a line officer, solely medical
Ambitions To teach at the Imperial Medical Academy
Hobbies & Interests Poetry, violin, hiking

Personal History In her early years, her father was Commander William Lamont, first officer of the ISS Endeavor. He was close with his captain, Chris Harris. Their families were close. Both came from long and distinguished lines in the Imperial Starfleet. Karen was inseparable from Captain Harris's daughter, Stella, and from Tuli, the daughter of his Omegan slave. She was too young to understand when Tuli was beaten for not minding her place with Karen and Stella. The three did not play together so often after that.

She remained close friends with Stella for years after that. She was there for her when her father died. At least in the immediate aftermath. Stella's mother, Regina, was immediately distant from Karen's father and she sold off Tuli and her mother as fast as she could. It was only later that Karen would come to understand what it meant that Captain Harris had failed and her father had proven ambitious.

Captain Lamont was a successful officer. It wasn't long before he became Admiral Lamont. He was a man of strong opinions. He was a hardliner and grew harder with each passing year. He had never forgotten that allowing a half-Vulcan to rise to the top was what had led to the Empire's weakening centuries ago. He told his daughter often. He seemed especially bothered by the non-Terran slaves who could pass for human and those which possessed psychic abilities. While Karen is a loyal imperial subject, she thinks her father goes too far. She wonders what happened between him and Harris out in space so long ago.

Karen's mother was far more easy-going. She was a civilian medical doctor. She supported her husband completely but she rarely initiated that kind of talk. Her conversation was all about healing and preventing illness. Karen followed in both her parents' footsteps, going to the Academy but specializing in medicine to enter Starfleet as a doctor.

Her father was initially a strong patron of her career. Captain Stiles of the Achilles, her first assignment, was a man loyal to her father. Whole Karen did well under him, her interests were strongly focused on medicine. She decided, after her tour with the Achilles, that the best way to advance would be to get a traditional medical degree from a civilian university. She certainly grew as a doctor and the fleet nominally supported it, but her father and Stiles were furious.

She resumed her career aboard the Indefatigable as a medical officer. She continued to work her way up as well as to study medicine, broadening her expertise to additional specialty areas. She is certified in surgery, internal medicine, psychiatry, and epidemiology, an area that often comes in handy when encountering alien pathogens for the first time. When she was assigned to be CMO of the Vengeance, she took the training for Department Heads but declined to take that for Bridge Officers', although it was strongly recommended by some of her instructors. It was the only way for a shot at command. Instead, she has consistently expanded her medical knowledge. She is ambitious and wants to be able to excel at her job and in service to the empire, but she feels officers shouldn't have to worry about their doctor, of all people, gunning for their jobs. For the same reason, she has always insisted on being addressed as doctor rather than by her service rank.
Service Record 2355-2359: Imperial Academy, medical specialty
2359: Commissioned ensign, licensed to practice, surgical certification
2359-2360: Surgeon, ISS Achilles
2360-2365: John Hopkins University School of Medicine
2365: Internal medicine certification
2365-2367: Medical Officer, ISS Indefatigable
2367: Psychiatry certification, promotion to Lieutenant (jg)
2367-2371: Assistant Chief Medical Officer, ISS Dacoit
2371: Epidemiology certification, Department Head certification
2371- : Assistant Chief Medical Officer, ISS Vengeance