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Not quite such surprising news

Posted on Tue Feb 8th, 2022 @ 8:39pm by Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD30 1210 hrs
625 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been three weeks since Callie had last been in Sickbay for her medical, as requested by Doctor Lamont she’d returned to see if anything had come of her nights with Andrei, Johnathan, and Troy. She wasn’t sure whether to be nervous, afraid, or terrified of just what might show up.

Karen smiled as she saw Callie come into sickbay. "Hello, Callie. How are you?"

“Nervous” Callie offered a wry smile. “You told me to come back in three weeks, so here I am.”

"Well, have a seat on the biobed," Karen said, as she often did, fetching her medical tricorder.

Callie did as requested and took a seat on the biobed. She more or less knew what Karen was about to tell her. She offered a smile to Mika as she greeted the young Cadet.

Karen ran the tricorder over her, frowning slightly.

Callie looked at Karen. “It’s positive isn’t it? My usual monthly cycle is off, I’m usually pretty much to the day or week but there’s nothing.”

"It's positive," Karen said. "You're pregnant. Do you want to know?"

“I can know that already?” Callie looked at Karen in surprise. “I err...” she nodded. “Yes, please.”

"Chromosomal sex is determined at the moment of fertilization," Karen said. "A full, modern medical scan can detect it within a few weeks. You're going to have son."

“A Son” Callie’s smile practically shone. “Thank you so much! I guess now I... just have to find a way to tell those involved.”

"Do you need help with that?" Karen asked.

Callie offered a nod in response. “I will, I’d appreciate it if you could run a paternity test. It’s going to be between Johnathan Anderson, Troy Marshall, or Andrei Petrov. I’ll come back for the results.

"Not a problem," Karen agreed.

Callie offered a smile. “Is there any risk to the baby... my being a hybrid? I know my mother had a hard time while she was carrying me, but I also know every pregnancy is unique.”

"Some," Karen admitted, "but it should be manageable. We'll need to schedule regular visits so we can be sure everything is going as it should and correct anything that's not."

Callie nodded. “I’ll be the best patient you’ve ever had Doctor” she grinned. “Just let me know when you need me and I’ll be here.”

"For the first six months, we'll have to schedule monthly appointments and I also want to let me know immediately if there are any issues," Karen elaborated. "Then twice monthly for the next two months and once a week after that. When did you plan to begin your leave?"

Callie paused. “I hadn’t thought that far ahead, maybe seven months or so... do you have to put this in your report to the Captain?” She looked at Karen curiously. “I just... I’d like to tell him myself.”

"Technically, but I could wait until this evening to file it if you'd like some time to tell him," Karen agreed.

Callie smiled. “I was hoping to leave it a little longer, but I don’t wish to get you into any trouble. File it when you need to, I’ll speak with him when I’m ready.”

"When did you want to tell him?" Karen asked.

“Can you give me until the morning?” Callie offered a hopeful look. “I should tell the Captain in person.”

"I can do that," Karen agreed. "Your medical information is confidential except when it affects your fitness for duty. Pregnancy does but we have some time before it will actually have an impact."

Callie nodded. “Thank you Doctor, I appreciate all your help.

"Of course, Callie."


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