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You can't get feelings from a well that's dry

Posted on Tue Feb 8th, 2022 @ 8:03pm by Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: CI's Office
986 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Lt. Jones approached the 'Discipline Inspector's' office. The first thing she had to speak to her about was standard procesure. Melissa's loyalty to the Empire was complete and hard coded. But there was another matter she had to see to... Lionel Morrison. He was doing Ensign Igarashi's job for her... And not doing his job by observing the Empire's enemies. She then tapped the doorchime.

"Enter" Called Igarashi as she put down the PADD she was holding.

Melissa entered. "Ensign Futaba Igarashi... You are the Chief Inspector here.." She noted. "I have been required to report to you for discipline evaluation." She noted.

Igarashi looked up at the woman in front of her. "I see. You're the Chief Engineer. The part Cyborg correct?" She asked.

"And part Terran, but I was never meant to be Terran. I am completely loyal to the Empire in every way, as I do not have a choice in the matter." She noted with her usual stoicism. "And even if I did. I am stronger with the Empire than without it." She mentioned. "It is a matter of survival."

Igarashi pondered on her words for a moment. "And why is that exactly. I know you're classed as a 'special case' and I am intrigued why".

"I am retrained by a Loyalty Matrix." She noted. "I must follow orders and show complete loyalty to the Empire." She mentioned. "Beyond that, I view all of you organics as obsolete and pointless. Using me for your advantage. But that is acceptable to me, and it compliments my objective in survival perfectly. There is no better foundation for survival than mutual self-interest." She noted as stoically as ever.

"Organics are obsolete huh" Igarashi replied. "Do you see that because you have superior strength or abilities?" She asked. "And you're also part organic yourself are you not?"

"Yes, I am... Part of my personal weakness. I do have the feelings and emotions of an organic. I find them annoying... and fascianting at the same time... There is also this anger I felt when I was violated at a recent assignment where I was being.... 'studied' by a cybernetics institute on Terra." She noted. "The head researchers there used me for their fantasies, and the Captain gave me authorization to kill them. So I proceeded to dismember them into two by two, by two meter segments with a high efficiency laser scalpel. I found the emotions I felt when I was eviscerating them fascinating." Melissa mentioned. "A fascinating existence this is... but in the end pointless."

Igarashis eye twitched slightly at the description, no doubt this Woman could kill anyone with ease and without the feelings of guilt. "Then it serves them right doesn't it" she said simply. "I assure you Lieutenant that some 'men' are more interested in their sexual desires than actually doing their job" she paused. "Even these uniforms we have to wear conform to those Type of men. I've never been comfortable showing everyone my navel, but I do it because I have to"

She sat forward in her chair. "However. If you ever need someone to explore those emotions with, in a professional and controlled environment I can assure you that I can help you" she paused again looking the Cyborg up and down. "Those emotions are not a weakness, we as 'organics' as you call us, use then to make us stronger. They gave a purpose, I can assure you of that"

"Interesting... I am very curious about these... Feelings." She admitted."Perhaps I will accept this offer." She noted. "But there is a second matter I have come to you about." She noted.

"And what would that be?" Igarashi asked.

"Apparently... Lieutenant Lionel Morrison has taken an undue interest in the crew." Melissa noted. "So much that his focus has shifted away from the enemies of the Empire... and he now focuses on finding enemies in the crew. Essentially, he is doing your job for you, Ensign." Melissa noted. "As I understand it... It is the Chief Inspector's duty to be aware of the crew... and the Chief Intelligence Officer's duty to be aware of our enemies."

Igarashi intertwined her fingers together. "So he sees everyone as his enemy, including his fellow soldiers" she pondered. "I appreciate you bringing this to me. I've not been aboard long, tell me what you have observed"

"He is arrogant... blusterous... and foolish. Reminding us he is watching us. Essentially spying on the wrong people" Melissa noted. "As he watches us, his sight is taken off the enemies he should be watching. This is a fatal error that must be corrected." Melissa mentioned. "Should he become an obstacle to my department, our efficiency will degrade." Melissa noted.

"Hmm. He sounds like someone who likes to throw his weight around. I'll keep an eye on him. You do realise, I will have to take this to the Captain as well?" Igarashi told her, she didn't like the sound of this man. No one should take their eye off the enemy for you never know what they'll do next.

"And throw his weight around he will. He will also try to intimidate you." Melissa noted. "When he self destructs... Do not be next to hi, and don't involve your department with him."

"Don't you worry about me" Igarashi replied. "I'll keep an eye on him" she added with a slight smile. "I believe he might be just trying to find his place on the ship, probably desires power and wants everyone to know that. There's less chance of him being challenged if he makes himself seem like a powerful person to take down. No doubt its all bark and no bite"

"Good day Ensign..." Melissa suddenly gave Igarashi a small smile. The Inspector intrigued her.

Igarashi nodded allowing the Chief Engineer to leave.

Posting by

Ensign Futaba Igarashi
Chief Inspector

Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones
Chief Engineer


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