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Who is profiling who

Posted on Tue Feb 8th, 2022 @ 10:42pm by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Futaba's Office
Timeline: MD 4, TBD
1153 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy walked down the corridor to meet one of the two recent arrivals of Department. He was actually somewhat surprised that an Intrepid-class Starship warranted an Inspector considering there was less than 150 officers and crew. He arrived at the office suite and entered to find a single enlisted orderly sitting at a desk working on a computer. "Inform Inspector Igarashi that Lieutenant Marshall, the Chief Security Officer is here to see her."

"Yes sir" the Petty Officer replied. "She said to send you in when you're ready" they replied with a slight smile.

Troy nodded appreciatively and stepped around the desk to the door and entered the office. He rendered the Terran Imperial salute. "All Hail the Emperor. Long Live the Empire."

Futaba looked up. "There's no need to salute in here" she said simply giving the man a smile. "But, I suppose it does show your loyalty. Even if he can't physically hear you."

"I am but a humble servant of the Empire." Troy gestured to an empty chair. "Do you mind Inspector?"

"Of course" Futaba said. "And its Igarashi in here, not Inspector" she told him. "In Japanese Terran culture, we prefer being referred to us by our honourable family name over position when in a less formal setting" she explained to him simply.

Troy raised an eyebrow as he took a seat. He gave a wry smile as he gestured at her attire and his. "A less formal setting would see us out of uniform, but...I try and acquiesce to a beautiful woman whenever possible."

Futaba sighed. "I see. Most Terran men are all alike these days" she said. "Even these uniforms us women have to wear are designed to appease the fetishism of men. Having to expose our belly buttons just to show you our figure, surely there's more than just that" she sighed.

"However, I assure you. I'm not one of those women who keep mens bed warm for a chance at power or pleasure. I more dedicated to getting what I want out of my own existence, which to me is more important" she explained to him with a slightly more gentle tone.

She sighed again. "That aside, I appreciate the compliment" a slight blush came to her cheeks. She usually never got compliments on her looks apart from how young and childish she looked.

Troy nodded slowly and chuckled. He gave a sigh as his expression changed slightly. "I can see that you seem immune to the Marshall charm. Unfortunate for me perhaps, but probably more conducive to our building a working relationship with one another. Your disciplined without being overly ambitious. Your also confident in your abilities, but do not display the typical arrogance that often permeates your officers who wish to advance quickly." His expression was now one of professional curiosity as he dropped the playboy facade. "How am I doing so far?"

"Better" Igarashi smiled. "Tell me though, from what I've observed you seem very interested in women. Is that because you're just a very sexual orientated person, or is there a deeper meaning. The feeling of wanting companionship or being dominant over your own existence?" She asked.

Troy pondered the questions for a moment. He knew who he was and what made him tick. "I actually am not one who seeks out sexual conquests. I was raised to believe that a woman should be my equal partner in all things in every aspect of the relationship. My parents have been married for thirty years and they love and respect one another completely. I guess...I am on the lookout for the One. Until then I will enjoy what life grants me. I also believe intimacy should be mutually gratifying. If anything, I should ensure the needs and desires of my lover comes first."

"I see" Igarashi replied. "At least there's one man on this ship that share the same values as me then" she added. "However, you don't come across as one at first" she told him.

Troy’s expression grew serious as he looked at Igarashi. She was an Inspector in the service. "The Imperial Starfleet is often fraught with young officers assassinating those who stand in their way. It can be difficult to know who to trust. It has often been my experience that most people present to the world what is expected of them, but who they are in private...well that can be quite different. Wouldn't you agree...Igarashi?"

Igarashi sighed. "You would have thought that by now we would have more respect for our own kind. Especially in an expanding universe with such diverse species" she paused. "That being said, trust to me is earned not demanded. And in this office, anyone can be who they truly are and not a facade"

Troy was not genuinely one to receive candor from other officers. Nor was he inclined to take others at face value. Something about Igarashi made him pause. Was it...her compassion. "I gather you have read at least the previous psychological evaluations performed on most of the officers in this command? You seem capable of forming at least a tentative initial analysis of people. What does your gut say about me?"

"That depends" Igarashi replied simply. "On what I truly think or what you want to be recorded in the evaluation."

Troy gave the young woman an expression that would be unreadable to an untrained observer. "Ask me anything you wish. I won’t say I will answer if I deem the question to intrude upon classified materials, but what I do answer will be the truth."

Igarashi nodded. "Fair enough then" she said as she picked up a PADD on her desk. "I think I can clear you for duty, just try and keep it in your pants" she warned.

Troy took a deep breath before letting out a sigh and a nod. He was a flirt, but he was never one to continue flirting with women who didn't show a mutual interest. "Don't worry Inspector. I always just give that to one person and one person only." He rose to his feet. "I look forward to working with you. Security may need your expertise in profiling should we find an assassination in our midst."

"Indeed" Igarashi replied. "Is there anything else?" She asked.

Troy shook his head as he extended his right hand. "Not at this time. It has informative chat with you. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns about the officers and crew."

"You'll be the second to know" she said in response as she shook his hand.

Troy gave Futaba a nod as he shook hands. "Have a pleasant day Inspector." He turned and exited.

Igarashi nodded simply before he left and then began to write her evaluation on the Lieutenant.

Posting by
Ensign Futaba Igarashi
Chief Inspector

Lieutenant Troy Marshall
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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