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Ami and Melissa

Posted on Fri Apr 15th, 2022 @ 8:12pm by Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 2130
1775 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Melissa entered the lounge, during one of its lulls and sat down. Waiting for one of the waiters to attend to her.

Ami Lewis, the 'owner' of the establishment came over with a tray. "Good Evening Lieutenant." She said brightly,. "What can i get you today?"

"Ice water." She noted. She saw no point in damaging her liver with alcohol.

Ami smiled. "of course. Any food?" she asked as she made a note.

"I am quite fond of Italian, and I currently maintain a balanced calorie, and nutrient intake that keeps all my biological and technological systems operational. Would you like me to give you my diet parameters?" Melissa noted.

"of course, that's part of the service here Lieutenant" Ami replied with a smile.

"Interesting." Melissa noted "This crew is quite forthright to me knowing what I am. Are they not scared of me? Do they not know that one protocol keeps me from snapping their necks at random?"

"I am a civilian Lieutenant, I do not care what they think. And I don't scare easily." Ami added. "After all, we just survived being flung into the Delta quadrant."

"I am not like them." She noted. "I was made for the gratification of others. For a vain pursuit of perfection. It turned out to be envy... I hate envy."

Ami rested her tray on the table. "So now you have a chance to be more than what they think of you."

Melissa nods. "I was made as an experiment only. I am just now, with this crew. Beginning to prove my existance is not just academic... You are stimulating an emotion from me.... fascinating."

"Oh?" Ami asked with a smile. "What emotion do I cause Lieutenant?"

"I find you appealing... desirable.." She noted. "Very strange... I wish for more... In fact I wish I was permitted to have emotions." Melissa noted. "My parents believed cyborgs shouldn't have any emotions. They were insane... believing enhancement with cybernetics was the 'destiny of organic life.' I do not regret killing them." She noted.

"Seems to me you have emotions, you just do not know what they are. Let me get your order and we can talk." Ami said with a smile.

Melissa watched Ami curiously. Watching with intrest as she moved around the lounge. There was something about her that appealed to her.

Ani returned a few minutes later with Melissa's drink and food. She placed them before Melissa and then sat opposite her with her own beverage of orange juice.

Sitting back she studied the Lieutenant. "So you have emotions but you do not know them well, and you are feeling attraction towards me. Interesting" she smiled warmly at Melissa. "I am Ami."

"I am Melissa Jones." She noted. "It is a name I chose for myself. My parents gave me a number. It was insufficient." She sampled the food. "Some in the Empire believe I am not human.. A freak they call me.. They will one day regret those words."

"hmm, so Melissa what do you do when not on duty?" Ami asked curiously.

"Explore myself. My life and being. My parents treated me like an experiment. I was not given love. You don't give a monster such things. But I still feel. I learned what hate was for them. They hated me, so I hated them and killed them for not treating me like a daughter. I have found my emotions watching people writhe in the Agonizer Booth for some random offense... stimulating. It triggers strong feelings." Melissa noted. "Other times. I come here to find a certain bartender that fascinates me."

"What feelings do you feel when you watch people in the boothes? Do you feel pleasure? Curiosity?" Ami smiled at her. "I like being fascinating to people"

"I feel such discipline is pointless, inefficient. I have only had to use the agonizers on my department once. For the entire department. I probably will never have to use it again. They learned to respect me." Melissa looked at Ami. "I am attracted to your fairness. Your... attractive demeanor. You have not shown revulsion to my appearance."

Ami smiled. "Why would I?" she asked curiously "Once you have eaten, we should go somewhere more private to chat."

*Ami's Quarters*

Melissa followed Ami inside the quarters. "Tell me Ami Lewis... What do you feel of the Empire? Speak truthfully."

"I am a civilian on this ship, I just want to live in peace and not worry about being killed by the Alliance. IF the Empire can do that.. then I will support them." She took Melissa's hand and led her to the couch. Her quarters were not standard issue, she had decorated them and warm blankets and floor rugs covered the floors and furniture. Cushions in warm colours were spread out on the couches and there were candles all around. By the window was a large old fashioned chest. "please sit Melissa."

"I hate them, Ami Lewis. I hate them so much." Melissa mentioned. "It is irrational for me to display.. but the scientists that experimented on me. I gave them a death worthy of monsters.. from the monster the Empire created." She noted. "If cannot be free of them.. I'll make their blood run cold with the thought of what they have on their leash."

Ami nodded and held Melissa's hands gently. "That is normal." She said softly. "Such emotions are normal Melissa." she said softly. "But you are more than what they made you."

"I Salute and say 'Long Live the Empire,' but it's not for the reasons most of the crew thinks. I say it because I have not found a way to be free of them, and I doubt I ever will." Melissa noted. "And I do not want the Alliance to become my master, nor end up in their labs. At least the Empire was less invasive in their studies of me, and I was not permanently damaged. And so I wait for the day the people holding my leash are killed. If I have no master, nor chain of command, the subroutine will not be an issue. So I bide my time and wait for this Empire to implode." Melissa noted.

"I understand that, but you may have a long wait" Ami smiled. "Us being so far from home and all." she gave Melissa's hands a squeeze. "Tell me Melissa, what are you feeling while you are here?"

"We will still be free that day." Melissa noted. "And you... I have feelings... You are so fair... desirable, but more... I cannot fully describe it.. I desire you but not in the manner of a slave nor a servant." Melissa mentioned. "Do you understand.. It's unusual and difficult to understand. And it's confounding my logic and reasoning."

"What do you mean by 'But not in the manner of a slave nor a servant'?" Ami asked softly as she slid closer to her. She reached up and her hand played with Melissa's hair.

"I seen people in the Empire.. take their mates as.. Captain's women?" Melissa noted. "This empire often uses their slaves for more insidious reasons than just heavy labor." She noted. "You deserve greater things.." She spoke. "You are maintaining my hair.. Why?"

"its pretty. You see Melissa, you think you are a machine? I see that you are more than what they made you. Yes you have been altered. But you are still beautiful." Ami stood up and pulled Melissa to her feet. "You are more than the sum of your parts. And I have been in a relationship where a male ruled and treated me like property. I have been in relationships where things are equal as well." She led Melissa over to a mirror and made her face it. "I desire you as well. May I show you what I see in you?"

"You may." She noted.

Ami stood half behind her and gently stroked the backs of her fingers down Melissa's face. "A face that show's intelligence, beauty, strength. Someone who has been through a lot yet, lives and grows. Hair like fire, like life, aflame with passion. Eyes of sapphire, that shows her intelligence, and pain, yet, innocent in somethings."

"Strange... You would call me innocent." Melissa reached out and touched Ami's face as well. "Your description of me... I find it beautiful. Very.. You fascinate me even more now. I do not pretend yet to understand this bonding activity you are undertaking but..." She gasped in pleasure. "I find it overwhelming."

"You need to see yourself as different to what you think you are. See yourself how I see you. But it is nothing more than my telling you how I see you." Ami said softly.

"One day at a time... Ami." Melissa noted. "You stir emotions in me, and now I'm drawn to your lips." She moved closer to her. " Melissa noted. "Why.. You are so kind to me. I want to show it in return." She was just inches away.

Ami's lips curved and she stretched up and brushed her lips across Melissa's. "I am sure you and I can figure things out." She whispered. "But lets take things slowly, for you."

"Very well." Melissa noted. "I believe I'm in a state of arousal. What do I do next?"

Ami had figured Melissa had no idea how to proceed, so she stepped behind her again and turned her to the mirror. "Would you let me continue?" she asked. "Showing you what I see?"

Melissa nodded. This was indeed her first time for.. Any kind of romantic bonding. The usually guarded woman let down her guard. She trusted few.. And everything to her was, up until now, for mutual benefit.

Standing behind her, Ami undid the uniform top and let it fall open. She met Melissa's eyes in the mirror and smiled. "Are you shy Meli?" She asked softly.

"I do not know what is about to happen. A part of me is apprehensive.. A great part of me is curious.. And another part of me wants to take you and give you pleasure. Meli... You shortened my name."

"Yes I did, because I see a different you. I see more than Lieutenant Jones." Ami replied as she slid the top from Melissa's body, leaving her in her bra and uniform skirt. "Tonight, I want to show you, you and the pleasure you can feel." She said. "If you let me."

"I will let you, but I am not yet sure what to do."

"Then we will work it out together" Ami took her hand and led Melissa into her bedroom.


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