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**CONTENT WARNING**Private Promotional Celebration **CONTENT WARNING**

Posted on Wed Mar 16th, 2022 @ 9:53pm by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Johnathan's cabin
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 2100
3610 words - 7.2 OF Standard Post Measure

OOC: This post contains consensual Sexual acts between two characters, celebrating a promotion of one of them. Do not like? Pass over it. :)

Kassandra snuck into Johnathan’s empty quarters and looked around. A smile flitted across her lips and she headed for the small kitchen area. She had some good news and she wanted to celebrate so she chose to make Johnathan dinner.

A short while later, the doors slid open and Johnathan entered. It took a beat, then he realised that he wasn't alone. Looking up, he smiled broadly. "Hey, sweetheart!" He moved over to embrace and kiss her.

“Hmm hello” She kissed him back. “How are you doing?”

"Better now, that you're here." Hugged her warmly, inhaling her sweet perfume as he did do.

After a moment, he loosened his hold slightly and asked, "What would you like to do tonight, my love?"

“Well I am going to make us both dinner to begin with. Then we can celebrate something special”

"You mean there's more than you just being here?" He asked, his smile getting bigger and brighter. "What is it?"

“A promotion” she whispered. “Mine, to Lieutenant JG”

If his smile was big before, upon hearing those words, it grew even more. "Kass! Oh, baby!! That's awesome news!!" He pulled her in for another strong, loving hug and even more kisses.

She laughed and hugged him back. “Okay put me down so I can make dinner darling.”

He laughed and slowly lowered her back down to the deck. Finally releasing her after one more deep kiss. "So…" He said between catching just breath. "What is for dinner?"

“Hmm Beef Moussaka.” Kass said. “It will take me a bit to make it.”

"I've never had that before," he replied quietly. "Is it some kind of stew?"

“Ah no, it's Beef and Eggplant Lasagna.” She smiled at him. “Basically”

"Mmmm," he replied happily. "I love lasagna! It's one of my favourite meals."

Kass smiled. “Well then leave me to it and I will get it ready ok?”

"Okay," he nodded happily. "I'll set the table. What would you like to drink?"

“Hmm wine sounds like an idea” She said with a smile as she turned to start preparing dinner.

"Then wine it shall be," he replied with a smile. Moving over to his small bar, he opened the cabinet and selected a bottle of red wine and two stemless, cobalt blue glasses.

Kass worked quietly on their dinner, taking her time and making sure it was perfectly prepared. She wished she could say she had learned it at her mother's knee but she had learned it from the family’s head chef.

An hour later she was placing the meal on the table with a fresh garden salad.

"That smells delicious, my love!" Johnathan's mouth had been watering for the past thirty minutes.

Kass gave him a smile. “Thank you. I just hope it tastes ok”

"I'm sure it will." He picked up her plate and served her first, then, he served himself. Raising his wine-filled glass, he said, “To you, my love, and getting everything that you want."

“To us both” she said with a smile. “I am sure, despite our circumstances, life has a way of surprising us”

Johnathan nodded, then touched his glass to Kassandra's, before taking a sip. "Finding you, was the most pleasant surprise of my life."

Kass smiled. “So after dinner what would you like to do?”

He tilted his head to the side slightly. "It's your night to celebrate, my love. What do you want to do?"

“Hmm still thinking, but I know I would like to lock the doors on us and just stay here for the night.”

A knowing grin started to cross Johnathan's face. "I am very amicable to that idea." He got up and moved over to the door. He then typed in the commands to both lock it and put up a do not disturb notice.

He then returned to the table and nodded. "Well, looks like I'm all yours tonight."

“Hmmm” Kass smiled and picked up her wine again and sipped. “I do like the sound of that.”

Johnathan smiled right back at her. "Well, we should eat this deliciously aromatic dinner that you made, to ensure our bodies have enough fuel. You know, just in case." He gave her a flirty smirk as he finished speaking.

“Oh? So you have plans?” she took a bite of food.

He grinned. "Aside from my constant desire to make you curl your toes? No, no major plans. I'm a pretty simple creature." He winked at her as he finished speaking.

“Hmm not you are a lot more complex than you think”

"Oh?" He asked with a grin. "How so? I always thought that I was pretty easy to understand."

“You couldn't pilot this ship if you were a simple person darling.” Kass replied with a smile.

He chuckled softly. "True. And there are only a handful of pilots in the fleet that are trained to do both jobs of Helm and Conn, as is needed here, on the Intrepid class. And of that small group, I am the best."

He was proud of his accomplishments in the fleet so far. He never considered it to be bragging, it was just how he felt.

They ate the meal, chatting and once it was done, Kass got up to clear the dishes.

Johnathan stopped her mid-movement, reaching out to pull her into his lap. "What do you think you're doing, my love? You cooked, so it's only fair that I clean up. Why don't you go clean the day from your beautiful body, get dressed in something comfortable and relax. Once I'm done with the dishes, I'll jump in the shower as well, then join you." He leaned in and kissed her lips softly.

“Hmm or you could join me in the shower.” She whispered.

A hungry grin started to fill his face. "Well now, far be it from me to say no to the woman who owns my heart and soul." He leaned in to kiss her again.

“I shall go prep the shower’She whispered as she broke the kiss.

He nodded, allowing her to get up. "I'll just recycle this stuff, but keep the leftovers in a separate file, for us only."

“Sounds like a plan” She said softly. Smiling, Kass stood and kissed his cheek. “Hurry up now”

Johnathan needed no further incentive. As soon as she started towards the bedroom, he stood and quickly cleared the table. After recycling the dishes and saving the food as he said he would, he quickly made his way to the bathroom, stripping out of his clothes as he did so.

As he entered the bathroom, he saw that Kassandra was already standing under the warm water, steam slowly starting to fill the shower stall. Reaching up, he opened the door long enough to step inside, then closed it behind him, keeping as much of the warm, moist air inside as possible. "You are so beautiful, my love," he purred softly as he stood there for a moment, taking in the vision that she was.

“Rose coloured glasses that you wear” She said as she pushed wet hair back from her face. She turned in the water so he could see her whole form.

"Oh no," he said, with a hungry grin. "I am seeing you and all that you are, physically, mentally, emotionally. I am very lucky to have you in my life."

Kass smiled and leaned against the shower wall. “Hmm and now that you have me?”

He moved closer, reaching out with his right hand, gently taking hold of the back of her head and pulling her to him, he replied, his voice heavy, " I'm never going to let you go." He then kissed her passionately.

She slid her leg up to his hip as she kissed him back She could enjoy this, just close out the rest of the ship the issues and enjoy this time with him

As she slid her leg up, Johnathan let go of her head and reached down to grab hold of the underside of her thigh. He slowly rubbed his growing manhood against her moust center, feeling just how ready she was for him.

Kass nuzzled his neck and nipped at his ear. “You want me darling?” she whispered.

A soft growl rumbled in his chest. "I always want you, beloved."

“Hmm then I think you best...” she nipped his ear again. “Hurry up”

Hearing the hungry tone in her voice, Johnathan wasted no more time. Repositioning slightly, he slid his entire length up into Kassandra's center. "You mean, like this?" He asked heavily, as he started to thrust deep into her.

Smirking, she slid her mouth down his neck. “Hmm for starters” she moved with him easily, the water helping with their movements.

Johnathan purred softly, feeling Kassandra's mouth on his neck. "You…you certainly have…have learned..which buttons to press, my love." He gasped softly as he spoke.

“I am good at observation.” she ran her fingers up his back.

A soft moan escaped his lips as she touched him. He then turned the tables back on her, giving as good as he received. He started to nuzzle her neck, just behind her ear as he continued to thrust into her.

Kass whimpered as her fingers traced patterns on his skin and she moved with him. She wanted to get him to climax first and she clenched around him tightly.

The change in pressure on his manhood caused Johnathan to grunt softly. He knew that, if she kept doing that, he wouldn't last very long at all. "You..trying end things quickly?" He gasped.

She gave a soft laugh, “I want to give you pleasure”

He slowed his movements and looked loving into her deep, beautiful eyes. "You do, always." He leaned in and kissed her deeply, then started to increase the speed and power of his thrusts again.

Kass moved with him easily and wrapped her arms around his neck as her pleasure built.

As the pair continued to enjoy each other, Johnathan suddenly felt that he was about to reach the point of no return.

Kass gasped in his ear as their passions built and she was getting so close.

A few beats later, Johnathan tensed up and grunted, he left ear next to Kassandra's right. He then exploded inside of her centre.

She followed him into the blissful state and collapsed against him. “Hmm darling”

Johnathan held Kassandra against him as he started to slowly calm down. "I love you, Kass." He was silent for a few beats, then asked, "Marry me?"

She leaned back and stared at him. “Johnathan?”

He gave her a shy, yet confident, grin. "I know we've only known each other a short time, Kass. But…I…I don't want to live the rest of my life…with anyone but you." He swallowed, hus nerves started to come into play. "I mean….if…uh….if you w-want the same thing?" He had a suddenly, overwhelming fear, that he had just scared her out of his life forever.

Kass studied him. And let her lips curve. “I do want to live my life with you Johnathan. But I truly never thought of marriage.” she was honest.

Hearing her words, and seeing that beautiful smile of hers, Johnathan knew then, he had not ruined things. Letting out a quiet sigh of relief, he kissed her again, then responded. "We don't need to to do anything right now. I just…I just wanted you to know how I felt."

She pressed her lips to his. “I love you Johnathan. I would live with you no matter what, even if you had a wife already” she teased.

"I know you are comfortable with an open marriage, but, I don't wish to be with anyone but you, my love."

“Oh? Even if it was a very hot and sexy woman?” She teased, even as she pushed him gently back under the water spray.

Leaning back in the warm water, he smiled. "You are more than enough, very hot and sexy, for me, sweetheart." He pulled her into the water with him.

She laughed “We shall see, I saw how you were when we had sex with Callie, you enjoyed having two women with you.” she nuzzled his neck, and she began to kiss his neck down to his chest.

Moaning softly, Johnathan didn't stop Kassandra as she did what she wanted. "That…that was then," he gasped. "Now…I..mmmmm…I only want you!"

A smile flitted across her lips. "Hmmm good thing I only want you too." She whispered. "We need to get out of the shower. Water restrictions are coming.."

He smiled when he heard her say that he was all that she wanted. Then, nodding, he said, "Switch it to sonics, then, when we are clean, we can get in bed."

Kass reached out and hit the button to change to sonics. “A good plan” She said in his ear. “Do you have other plans?”

Johnathan closed his eyes and purred, both from the tone of Kassandra's voice in his ear, and the gentle vibrations the sonic shower gave. "Long term?" He whispered as he held her close to him. "To bring you as much love and happiness as I can until the day I die."

“But right now?” she purred at him.

He smirked happily. He then leaned closer to whisper into her right ear. "Right now, I'm going to carry you to our bed, throw you down onto it, and then make your toes curl."

“Ha, bet you can’t” She teased.

Johnathan arched an eyebrow at her. "Oh really?" Without warning, he grabbed Kassandra and lifted her up onto his left shoulder. "We shall just see about that!"

Carrying her into the bedroom, Johnathan adjusted his hold on her naked body, then tossed her onto their bed. Then, before she could move away, he dropped between her spread legs and buried his face in her centre, immediately using every bit of his knowledge as a lover, to push her to heights yet unseen.

Kass cried out and writhed on the bed as he pushed her to heights of passion. His name tumbled from her lips over and over again.

While he definitely wanted to feel her wrapped around his manhood, Johnathan knew that, right now, he was in the perfect position to push Kassandra over the very edge. He would keep stimulating her until she admitted defeat and begged for him to take her.

And he would then push her even further, before he did take her.

Kass whimpered and her limbs trembled and eventually she cried out "please, please!!"

Johnathan smiled to himself, hearing the pleasure-filled pleas come from the woman he loved. Digging in for a few more beats, he finally released her from his oral stimulations. Moving back up to brace his weight overtop of her, he grinned hungrily, "You enjoyed that, my love?"

Gasping, she opened her eyes and stared at him. “W-what gave you that impression?” she sassed him, her lips curving

He gave her a satisfied smirk as he slowly slid his entire length deep inside of her. "Because…your toes curled there at the end."

Kass’s back arched and she moaned softly as he entered her. “T-Takes.. A bit more than that” She gasped out teasing him

He grinned hungrily at her. He found everything about this woman, even her sass, to be perfect for him. She knew exactly how to get him going.

"Challenge accepted," he whispered hotly into her ear. He then amped up both the force and the speed of his thrusts. He wanted nothing more than to completely consume Kassandra.

Smirking up at him, Kass forced her breathing to slow using techniques she learned at the academy “You will need to do more than what you are doing Lieutenant”

For a brief moment, Seeing how quickly she changed, Johnathan thought that he had done something wrong. He slowed his movements slightly, enough that his hesitation would have been clearly noticed.

Kass kissed him. “I want this to last, If you let me I will ride you” she whispered.

A smile returned to his face and he nodded. "I like to watch you ride me." He kissed her back, then carefully rolled them until she was sitting astride him.

Kass tossed her hair back and slowly began to rock and then move on him, drawing each movement out as she did so.

Johnathan made soft approving sounds as Kassandra started to move. Reaching up, he gently took hold of her breasts, squeezing them in his hands, and slowly pinching her nipples between his fingers.

She moaned when he did that, as it always made her react positively. She kept her pace steady as she ran her own hands down his torso.

Feeling her hands move across his skin caused Johnathan to moan softly. "Tell me what you want, beloved," he whispered as he continued to tease her breasts and nipples.

“You..” She gasped “Seems it is always you...hard, fast, slow, gentle, rough, I.. don't care.. As long.. As it's you.”

He Looked at her with a feral grin. Seeing how he was making her feel turned him on even more, causing his already enlarged manhood, to swell a bit more inside of her.

Kass moaned as she felt him swell and began to move a bit faster before slowing right down to tease him.

Johnathan moaned as waves of pleasure washed over him. Sliding his hands to her back, he gently pulled Kass down to him, so he could kiss her deeply.

Kass kissed him back, swirling her tongue across his as she continued to move slowly.

As they kissed, Johnathan slid his right hand up into her hair, took a firm hold of it and pulled her head back. "Stop teasing me," he said with a hungry growl.

She gave a soft laugh “But you like it when I do. It makes you want to take me more, makes you show your mastery of me” She rocked her hips slowly as she knew it drove him crazy.

His eyes grew a bit wider and his nostrils flared. While he still held her firm with his right hand, his left moved up and took hold of her throat. He then squeezed. Not enough to fully cut off her air flow, but enough to get her attention. "So, you want me to dominate you, do you? Very well," he finished in a dangerous whisper.

Using his hold on her, he rolled them back over, putting her back on her back. He then released her hair and throat, grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head. Once he had them secured in a tight grip with his right hand, he moved his left hand down to her centre, where he started to stimulate her most sensitive spot, all the while slamming his length deep inside of her, over and over.

Kassandra whimpered and her hips jerked against him as he thrust into her. She arched her back and cried out his name.

He started to move against her like an unhinged beast. He had reached a level that he had never known he possessed inside of himself.

She climaxed beneath him as he drove into her, and she couldn’t stop her cry of his name as she did so, her arms strained against his hold.

Though she had climaxed against him, Johnathan continued to slam into her. He would ensure she always knew what he could do to her.

Her arms trembled in his grip as she moaned his name, her eyes glazed with passion.

Several moments later, Johnathan finally stiffened and reached his own climax, pumping everything he had into Kassandra, until finally, he was completely spent.

Releasing her wrists, he collapsed atop of her, panting heavily.

Kass moaned and wrapped her arms around him as she took his weight.

After several moments of silence, Johnathan lifted his head and looked down at Kassandra, a drunk grin on his face. "Did that curl your toes, my love?"

She smiled and whispered “Hmm yes.”

His grin grew broader. He then kissed her gently, lovingly. He only ever wanted to make her feel perfect.

“Did your toes curl?” Kass whispered

The question caught him off-guard briefly, causing him to chuckle softly. "Oh, yes indeed."

Kass giggled and kissed him gently. “Good” she whispered.

He smiled and returned the kiss. "This is my favourite place to be."

“Hmm” Kass smiled. “Best celebration of a promotion ever.”

He grinned. "Just wait until you ascend to the throne."

“HA” she laughed “I am not going to do that, I like my current job too much.” She pushed him off of her. “We should get some sleep.”

He chuckled softly and pulled her over to lay against him. After wrapping his right arm around her, he placed his left hand upon get right hand, holding it against his heart. "I love you, sweetheart. Sweet dreams."

“Hmm with you thats a given” She whispered and closed her eyes, falling asleep swiftly.

He smiled softly. This woman was souch more than he deserved. If it took the rest of his life, he'd do whatever was needed to show her just how much she meant to him.

Leaning in closer, he gently kissed the top of her head, then settled back and closed his eyes. He soon joined her in slumber.


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