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The Unlikeliest of Allies

Posted on Sat Feb 19th, 2022 @ 8:04pm by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Kassandra's Quarters
Timeline: MD15 0200 hrs
494 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Kassandra was roused suddenly by the door chime. She was about to get a very interesting visitor.

Kass had not been sleeping well so when it chimed she groaned. She rolled from her bed, grabbed her robe and pulled it around herself before heading to the main door. She opened it, and stared. "Lieutenant"

"We must work quickly." Melissa noted. "Morrison is asleep and the exploit I've utilized will only work for ten minutes. Right now he's seeing a simulation of you and I making small talk, hand me your Agonizer belt."

Kass stumbled back to her bedroom and came out with it. "What are you planning on doing with it?" She asked curiously.

"I am altering this belt to simulate the same reactions you will make when he utilizes the belt. But without the pain. It will feel out of place. But it should help you endure less of his torments. But it can be overridden. This is temporary until that fool is dealt with." She noted. "You have more allies and more respect than it appears, Ensign. More people counting on your diligence to ensure we survive the coming mission. I will not put it in the hands of that fool. But you are beginning to to be damaged by his mistreatment." She worked quickly.

"Thank you Lieutenant" Kassandra said softly. "He is very strict on his rules." She said diplomatically.

"There is discipline, Ensign. There is fear.. but from that comes respect and loyalty. I know that concept with my department, he does not. He does not know how to break and remake, and he has no allies here, and having those is important." She also revealed some REM stimulators. "This will help you regenerate. Stay the course Ensign, you are needed, and our lives are in your hands."

"no Pressure huh?" Kass said with a wry smile. "Thank you Lieutenant for your help." she took the device back.

"One more thing... make sure he doesn't do anything to jeopardize this ship and crew." She noted. "Because before this is over, I feel he will do much to hinder us."

Kass bit her lip. "I.. my ... Lieutenant, I am an Ensign, the department obeys Lieutenant Morrison, and barely me. Anything I would do, would be undone and I would be killed"

Melissa looked at her. "You are smarter than you give yourself credit for Ensign. And not all of what you have done is futile... Or he would have already killed you. Men like Morrison have ways of obtaining their post. Normally by controlling people who are truly competent. I know this maxim well."

"Well we shall see how long he keeps me around. He seems to have a current favorite in the Intel department and it isn't me."

"Whoever his favorite is, is of no consequence. You have to do what ensures your survival. Self interest is a fine foundation to build yourself on."

"Yes Lieutenant" Kass replied. "Thank you."


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