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A Conversation between Lovers

Posted on Sun Feb 6th, 2022 @ 9:42pm by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, Anderson's quarters
Timeline: Md15 0h30
1849 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Kassandra slipped into the chief flight controller's cabin and locked the door behind her. It was late, after her shift, but she needed to speak with him. Tiptoeing, Kass made it to the bedroom and once inside, stripped off her clothes and slid into the bed beside Johnathan, who was sound asleep.

As soon as her warm body moved against his, Johnathan started to come out of his slumber. After a few beats, he cracked open his eyes and, when seeing Kassandra's beautiful face, he smiled a sleepy grin. "Hey, beautiful!"

Kass gave a slight smile, pressed her lips to his cheek. "Hey" she whispered.

A happy sigh rolled out of him as he whispered, "I could wake up to you everyday and be the happiest man alive."

"Hmm we will need to discuss that" she said softly. "Maybe over breakfast?"

Smiling, he nodded, then looked up at his bedside chrono. "Well, I'm off duty today, we can talk all day about, if you want, sweetheart."

"You may be off duty, but I am not" she said softly. "But over breakfast will suffice. Sorry to wake you."

"Kass, you never need to apologize for waking me up." He peeked under the covers and grinned. "Especially when you come to bed dressed like that." He gave her a flirty wink as he finished speaking.

She merely smiled and snuggled against him "Go to sleep. You can try and ravage me in the morning."

This made Johnathan smile softly. Wrapping his arms around the woman he loved, he gently kissed her forehead, then settled back, gently running his fingers through her long, thick hair. In a few moments, he slowly drifted back to sleep.

Several hours later, Kass woke and glanced at the Chrono. 06h30. She smiled and slid from his arms and sat up. She contemplated her next move. She slid from the bed and headed for the kitchen without clothes on.

A few moments later, Johnathan's mind recognized that Kassandra's body heat was no long next to him. He started to wake up, at first wondering if he had dreamed it. "Kass?" He called put as he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

The bedroom door opened and Kass entered carrying a tray. "Morning"

His face brightened considerably when he saw her. The fact that she both had breakfast with her, and was still dressed as she was, made things even better. "Mornin'! Whatcha got there, sweetheart?"

"breakfast" she replied and placed the tray on the bed. "I asked the computer for your preferred breakfast." Kass added.

"Hmmm," he turned to hang his legs over the side of the bed. "So, you're saying, you brought me something delicious and you brought me food too?!" He gave her a cheeky grin, sticking the tip of his tongue out between his teeth.

Kass gave a short laugh. "eat your breakfast Johnathan. Lets get you fed before you go to work"

He grinned, then gave her a confused look. "You don't remember? I told you this morning that I'm off duty today."

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Kass said with a wince.

He reached over and gently caressed her left cheek. "It's okay, it was really early. But you did say that you had to work today. Regular shift? Or is shithead still railing against you after the flight briefing?" He still felt bad for the fallout that had ensued from it. "You did tell me to sell you out," he suddenly looked concerned.

"He could call me into work at any time" She said softly. "And if he focuses on me he does not have time to screw anyone else over." She leant into his hand.

He looked like his heart was breaking for her. "My love! I know you are incredibly strong...but...even you can't be his personal punching bag!" His jaw set as his anguish started to smolder into anger. "If he really hurts you, or........" he couldn't bring himself to say it. His face and chest started to flush with rage. "I'll kill him if he does," he growled like a caged lion.

"No, you won't. You are not to risk your career for me Johnathan. You are the lead pilot on this ship. That is what you need to focus on. Morrison will piss people off soon enough."

He started to argue the point, but, the look in her eyes told him that it would not be a wise idea. In the end, he closed his mouth and nodded, seeming to deflate a little, as his building rage ebbed away.

Kass sat down beside him and began to serve up their food. She didn't seem to care that she was naked.

After looking at her face for several beats, watching her care for him, he finally asked, "Kass, I know that we've only known each other for a couple weeks...but...what did I do, to deserve someone as wonderful as you in my life?" He truly seemed in awe of her, and certainly head over heels in love.

"We do need to talk about that" she said softly. "About us."

"Oh..." he suddenly started to worry that he had overstepped himself. "O-okay." He swallowed and waited quietly.

"We both need to be clear where this is going and how our relations with others affect this." She said. "I am not one for hiding, nor lying."

"I understand," he replied softly. "I'm not a liar either, nor do I ever hide how I feel."

"you know I have no issue with sleeping with men or women or even both. That is already clear, I trust?"

He nodded that it was.

"My father had three wives, at the same time. My mother died when I was 3, but he is apparently married another woman recently. Polygamy is not an issue to me, but lying about it is. If I am involved with someone or multiples, I will always tell them about the others. That said, since i have arrived here, I have only had sexual relations with you and Callie."

"I haven't been with anyone ever, but the two of you," he said softly. "And, if we're being honest...I don't think I'll ever want to be with anyone else, but either of you." He took in a ragged breath. "I know, I am very lucky to have found not just one, but two wonderful people to love and be with. Callie was my first, so I will always love her because of it. You, Kassandra...even before I was Callie, I felt drawn to you. I don't want anyone else but the two of you. And...if there is ever a choice to be made, on who I want to spend days with, live beside until the end, I choose you."

She stared at him. "Some would say that is a bad bet. Intelligence Officer life spans are extremely short." She said to him softly.

He shook his head. "I don't care what others say. I know what my heart is telling me. I will be by your side, Kassandra Selin, until either, you're done with me, or Death takes me. I may be young. I may be naive about a lot of things. However, what I am, without a doubt, is a man of honor. When I give my word on something, that's all there is to it. I love you, Kassandra. I will always love you. Nothing will ever change that, so long as you are always honest with me, which I know you will be."

Kass nodded. "I love you. I told myself not to. Not to be stupid but I won't deny it."

A smile crossed his face when he heard her say it. He then shook his head slightly. "It's never stupid, when it's the truth." He leaned over the tray of food between them and kissed her softly on the lips. It was a tender, loving kiss that would belong to only her.

Kass's lips curved against his. "About the other night.. when you..." she trailed off

His lips quirked slightly. "When I became a beast?"

"Well.. when you made me call you.." she gave a shrug. "I didn't know you were into that"

He thought about it for a moment, then shrugged slightly and answered her honestly. "Tell you the truth, I didn't either. I'm not exactly sure where that came from." He thought it might had made her uncomfortable. "If...if I made you feel...I'm sorry, Kass!"

"Its ok. If It had worried me,I would have stopped it Johnathan." She said softly. "And its not like I have not had it happen before. Intelligence training is varied."

"Would...would you be more comfortable if..." he was suddenly at a loss for words. He wanted their sex life, and the sex play in it, to be mutually enjoyable.

"If you didn't do it? No I am ok with it, but not as a full time thing."

Relief crossed Johnathan’s face as he nodded. "Of course. I enjoy just being us much more."

Kass nodded. "Same." she said, and then she shifted the tray out of their way. "That part aside, if,,, and I mean it, you want Callie or another to join in you let me know ok?"

His smile started to grow as he watched Kassandra move the tray out of the way. When she was done, he laid back down, lifting the covers to allow her in. "Agreed, my love. Now, come here, I'm am getting very hungry for you and I want to take my time to truly enjoy my meal."

"Hmm may as well, as we could be interrupted at anytime." She slid beneath the blankets with him and pressed her mouth to his.

Feeling Kassandra's warm, supple body up against his, Johnathan felt as if he were in heaven. He wrapped his arms around her and held her to him as he hungrily accepted her kisses, giving back as much as he got.

Slowly, his hands started to move over her body. He didn't rush things. It was as if he was trying to memorize every inch of her body.

Kass shifted against him and ran her hands through his hair as they kissed. She just let herself enjoy this moment. She didn't want to think about things outside his cabin walls.

The two young lovers continued to enjoy and explore this new chapter of their relationship. Unlike the last time, Johnathan took his time, pleasuring Kassandra to the very best of his abilities. While he hadn't been with anyone since they were together last, he had done some studying, learning of different moves and ways to touch, that would enflame a lover.

Hours later, Kass had to leave his bed and company. She showered and dressed before kissing him gently good bye.

He returned the kiss and hoped her to as safe a day as possible. He knew that he didn't need to tell her to watch out for Morrison. She knew that better than anyone.



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