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The truth, the whole truth

Posted on Wed Feb 9th, 2022 @ 11:41am by Callie Marshall & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Troy’s Quarters
Timeline: MD32 1645 hrs
635 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Callie made her way to Troy’s door, she’d conveniently logged a fake repair call that the Chief of Ops could get away with sorting even outside of shift hours. Once inside all she had to do was fake her time of leaving, which for her position wouldn’t be hard. She needed to talk to Troy about what Andrei had said to her, and that needed to be done in private. Pausing out by the door she quickly keyed in Troy’s passcode and entered.

Troy looked up from the book he was reading, a hardcover copy of Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War. He set the book down and rose to his feet a look of concern on his face. "Wha...what are you doing here Callie? You could get into...."

“Ask a silly question...” Callie smiled as she put her down her repair kit and rushed over to give him a hug. “I logged a fake repair request, it’ll give me time to talk to you. But first...” She leant in for a loving kiss. “I’ve missed not being here with you!”

Troy gave her a kiss back, but broke it after a moment. "Callie, I am restricted to quarters when not on the bridge. I am not even supposed to have visitors." He held her close despite his statement.

Callie nodded. “I know, don’t worry I plan to cover my tracks. If I don’t get there first then I’ll gladly put up with the consequences just to be able to spend time with you. I have to ask you something, and I don’t want you to take what I have to ask the wrong way.” She paused for a moment. “Troy, do you feel that Johnathan is a threat to you? To us? Did you have anything to do with what happened to him?”

Troy took a deep breath as he slowly shook his head. "I do not see John as a threat and you told me weeks ago that you wanted only me a few nights after launch. We are also having a child together. I would not do anything to jeopardize that. I also do not believe assassinating anyone is an effective means for personal or professional progression. If I were going to kill someone, it would be through direct challenge with a duel, which is still legal in some cases for both personal and professional matters."

“I’m sorry!” Callie gave Troy an apologetic glance and cuddle. “I just... needed to hear you say it! I never thought you would. Andrei’s been doing his best to sway me that you’re involved, I just needed to know I was right in defending you!”

Troy touched Callie's bare stomach and lightly caressed her skin. He looked into her eyes. "Promise me that you will protect our Son. Swear it! Even if it means sacrificing me to do so."

Callie looked up into Troy’s eyes with an obvious frown. “Troy I... I couldn’t sacrifice you! I need you!” She placed her hand on his against her stomach. “WE need you.”

Troy didn't need to be empathic, much less telepathic to see the emotional conflict Callie was experiencing. It was written on her face. "Swear it Callie. Swear our child will come before Empire, Captain or me.

There was a deafening silence before Callie eventually nodded. “I swear... I will protect our Son with my life!”

Troy gestured to the door. "You need to go, now. If you are caught here it will not go well for either one of us."

Callie nodded. “I’ll be waiting.” She smiled before picking up her kit and heading out of the door.




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