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A Visit to the Slave Quarters

Posted on Tue Feb 15th, 2022 @ 10:11pm by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Petty Officer 3rd Class Eritrea Ohmsford & Petty Officer 3rd Class Tuli

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Slave Deck
Timeline: MD 22, 2200 Hours
1501 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy stepped off the turbolift at the deck where the slave pens were located. He had very little interaction with the slaves on a daily basis and what few he did were always performing tasks for other officers or the various departments aboard ship. He was not a particular fan of the institution of slavery, but understood the necessity in Imperial culture.

Troy stepped into the chamber where the slaves were kept while not engaged in duties for their Terran masters throughout the ship. He saw several groups of slaves about the chamber. Two female slaves were sitting on a bench with five male slaves standing over them. He counted nineteen slaves which indicated one was not present and the Overseer was also not present.

Kraldor was the first to notice the Security Chief. "Attention!" He said smartly to his fellow slaves.

Troy glanced at the Andorian. 'Probably a former member of the Andorian Guard before being captured and enslaved ',he thought. "The proper thing to say is Terran Master on deck and take a knee...everyone."

Kralor bowed his head in submission. "Forgive this one, Master." He cast side looks to the rest of the slaves present. "Terran Master on deck! Kneel and show proper respect!" He barked the instructions. Each slave present did as he instructed. "How may we serve you, Master?"

Tuli looked at Kralor and then at the Master as she sunk to her knees, lowering her head. She simply listened as Troy walked the pens.

Mur'Trolla was neat and tidy and she bowed low from the waist as she knelt.

Troy walked about silently for a minute before stopping in front of a random slave. "There's supposed to be twenty slaves and an Overseer present. Who is missing and where is your Overseer?"

"Eritrea, the first slave, is with the Overseer, Master," Tuli said.

Troy looked at the door to the small cabin used by the enlisted Overseer. He then looked at the slaves, 14 males and 5 females. "Who among you does he take into his cabin?"

No one said a word as Troy walked amidst the group of slaves on their knees. Troy stopped in front of Mur'Trolla. "It is rumored that Vulcans do not lie. Is it just the female slaves he takes in there?"

"When the door is closed, and a slave is inside, it is always a female slave" came the reply from the Vulcan. "When he gives orders to the male slaves, the door is open."

Tuli swallowed as she listened to the Vulcan. Her heart was pounding. She realized she was staring open mouthed at Mur'Trolla and she looked back in front of her at the Terran officer. Her eyes lowered again and she listened. She placed her hands on her thighs, the nails subtly digging in the only sign of her inner tension.

Troy caught sight of slight movement in his peripheral vision, he took several steps and stood before Tuli. He saw her nails digging into the flesh of her thighs. He squated down and took a hold of Tuli's wrists and pulled them up gently lifting her to her feet as he stood. "What is your name?"

"Tuli, Master," the Omegan said as he took a hold of her wrists. She stood, looking very nervous as he guided her to her feet.

"Have you been alone with the Overseer in his cabin Tuli and forced to do things against your will." Troy held a neutral tone and expression.

"I don't think I have been willful, Master," Tuli answered, a little confused at the wording of the question but answering as she had been trained. "I have tried to be pleasing. I am proud of the progress I have made and the trust shown to me."

Troy looked at the door. He turned his gaze back on Tuli. "Has the Overseer compelled you or the other female slaves into a sexual relationship after duty hours when you were supposed to be resting?"

Tuli froze up. She wasn't sure if there was a safe answer. She bit her lower lip and looked down. "Yes, Master," she finally answered in a low voice.

Troy glanced at Mur'Trolla, an angry expression on his face. He hated those that used color of authority as a shield to commit crimes against women. "Have you experienced similar treatment?"

"Yes Master" Came the calm reply from the Vulcan. "Among other things."

Troy released Tuli's wrists and strode across the open bay to the door to the Overseer's room. "Security override Marshall Delta Two Four Five Gamma." The door slid open to the sounds of sobs coming from the interior.

“What the fuck… who..” Paul screamed until he saw Marshall standing in the doorway. He paused, his whip in hand, his jaw slack. Eritrea was in a blinding pain from the whip that had lashed her back repeatedly. Cries of fear and pain erupted from her as she begged for mercy. “ there a problem?”

Troy quirked an eyebrow. "What are you doing with that whip when the slave has an agonizer installed in her slave collar?"

“We’ll, uhm..” he started, nervously, a superficially charming smile crossing his features. “It’s very important the slaves know their place, sir. Sometimes an unpredictable punishment is what’s best; keeps em guessing.”

Troy nodded before turning to look over his shoulder. "Tuli, Mur'Trolla. Help Eritrea to Sickbay." He walked up to Paul and took the whip from him. "Out in the bay now."

Tuli walked over to Eritrea, one eye nervously on what was happening. "Let me help you to Sickbay," she said gently.

Eritrea was barely conscious due to her pain from the torture she had been subjected to. Her back was bleeding and raw from the lashes the Overseer had given her.

Paul flashed a face of extreme anxiety before walking around Troy and heading to the bay as ordered. His heart was pounding in his chest and his breathing had quickened and became labored. He said nothing, waiting for whatever fate was prepared for him.

Troy stepped passed the two slaves that entered to assist Eritrea and made his way into the bay. "On your feet slaves. You will all bear witness to this."

While he was used to both seeing, and receiving, harsh beatings from the Master's, Kraldor still felt anger at seeing this level of abuse. Standing, he addressed Troy, his eyes pointed respectfully to the deck. "Master, with your permission, may I assist in taking Eritrea to sickbay? I can carry her easily, Master."

Mur'Trolla gracefully rose to her feet, and her face was blank.

Troy seemed to ignore Kraldor for a moment as he raised the whip high. He activated the Overseer's agonizer instead as he tossed the whip away. "Agonizers do not have lingering effects that will compromise your ability to resume duties after their use. This man has been sadistic in his duties and taken certain liberties with the female slaves I do not condone. No slave is authorized to enter those quarters without my express permission from here forward."

He walked over to Paul on the ground in pain an knelt down. "You plan to torture these slaves and rape the females, you will not be allowed privacy. The next allegations I hear from a slave about you and I will drag you to the booth in Interrogation and subject you to questioning." He turned the agonizer off after finishing his relatively short speech.

As soon as the agonizer ignited every cell in his body, Paul Guber collapsed to the floor, screams shooting from his mouth like arrows. He had dished out a lot more pain than he himself had ever received, and he found himself ill suited for it. He writhed in the floor for what felt to him like an hour before the pain stopped. When it was over, he just laid there wordlessly, barely moving.

Troy looked at Paul with contempt. He rose to his feet and nodded at Kraldor. "Kraldor carry Eritrea to Sickbay and then return here. Tuli and Mur'Trolla, stay with Eritrea until her injuries are treated. Computer, movement passed curfew is authorized by Lieutenant Troy Marshall." He finally looked at the entire group of slaves. "Should the Overseer think to take reprisals against any of you for what I have done here today just get word to me. I will personally see to it that this man receives a punishment tenfold to anything he has done to you." Troy then exited to lead the four slaves to Sickbay to get Eritrea treated.

Paul looked up as Troy walked away. He was both frightened and furious. The man had just handed the tools for his destruction to the slaves and he knew they would use it as leverage against him. So few understood: empowering a slave was one of the biggest mistakes one of their kind could make. They would get used to it to the peril of the Empire.


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