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Going Hunting...

Posted on Thu Mar 3rd, 2022 @ 1:45am by
Edited on on Thu Mar 3rd, 2022 @ 1:50am

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Delta Quadrant, Indigo Prime, Alexandria II
Timeline: MD 17 / 0530 hours
3008 words - 6 OF Standard Post Measure

Micheal woke when he heard the alarm go off, signaling that someone, or something, had hit the security fencing around the ship.

As he had instructed Rebecca, the alarm was heard only by him. He had felt that it was better that way, as opposed to having an alarm ring through the entire ship.

"Kae," he said softly to the beautiful woman that was curled up against him. "Honey, wake up."

“Hmmpff” She mumbled. “Mike?”

"Something hit the security fencing. You go get with Daphne, while I go check it out."

Kae nodded and rolled from the bed, grabbing her robe as she did so. She picked up a phaser and headed for Daphne’s bedroom.

Micheal quickly attached his limbs, then stood and pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Then, after grabbing his disruptor, headed his way outside.

The suns were still low on the horizon as he carefully stepped out of the ship. He could hear a disturbance on the other side of the ship and quietly stalked over to see what the cause was.

===Meanwhile, inside the ship===

Kae slipped into Daphne’s room and sat on the end of the bed, phaser in her lap. She watched the door in silence.

Outside, Micheal quietly rounded the stern of the ship and saw the issue. One of the torp-cats, almost twice the size of the one he had faced the other day, was ramming the field.

"Rebecca," he said as he lifted his gauntlet to his lips. "Raise the power levels of the security fencing fifty percent."

"Yes, Master." The AI's disembodied voice replied.

Suddenly, the field seemed to get a bit brighter right before the creature hit it again. This time, however, instead of bouncing off with a mild shock, the creature was blasted back several meters, fur smoking. After a few beats, it slowly climbed to its feet and, after turning back to stare at Micheal, turned and limped away, clearly in pain.

Micheal watched it leave, knowing that he had to go after it and put it out of its misery. Also, the last thing they needed was a rotting corpse nearby, drawing other carnivores and scavengers.

Heading back inside, he gently knocked on Daphne's door. "Sweetheart, it's me. It's safe to come out."

The door slid open and Kae came out and it slid closed behind her. “She slept through it.” She said softly.

"Good," he whispered as he nodded, the glow of his artificial eye casting the area in a soft red light. "I have to head out. It was one of those torp-cats, a big one. It was ramming the shield. I had Rebecca amp up the juice fifty percent. The damn thing got tossed next time it hit the field. Unfortunately, now it's wounded. I have to go out and kill it before it drops dead nearby and attracts more carnivores."

“Ok.. Can Rebecca track you?” Kae asked softly.

Rebecca's image appeared next to them. "Yes, Mistress," she replied quietly. "With his gauntlet, I am able to remain in contact with Master, wherever he goes. Unfortunately, I am still unable to get a transporter lock on certain areas of the surface. I feel it has something to do with those unknown elements that we discussed, Mistress."

“Thank you Rebecca” Kae smiled at the AI. “Mike you be careful”

Rebecca nodded, then discontinued the use of her avatar, leaving the pair alone in the corridor.

"I will," Micheal replied quietly. "If, at any point, things seem dicey, I'll turn around and head back."

Kae nodded “Good. I’ll be in the cockpit”

He nodded. "I'm gonna get better clothing on. Be out in a bit." He turned and went back to their bedroom. His current outfit would not be a good choice to go hunting in.

A few moments later, he entered the cockpit, dressed in his former Imperial Marine sniper uniform, complete with his full kit. Moving over to a locker, he typed in a code and opened the doors, revealing the weaponry that he used to use, when hunting bounties. After pulling out a disruptor pistols and checking its charge, he slid it into his thigh holster. He then pulled out his ka-bar and attached it ot his chest plate. Finally, he withdrew a heavily modified phaser sniper rifle, painted to match the same camo pattern of his uniform and kit.

“Impressive” Kaleigh said watching him from the second chair. “Be careful”

He grinned at her reaction. "I wasn't always this dashing rogue before you. At one time, I was a nightmare for our enemies."

“I believe you still will be My Love”

He grinned at Kaleigh, then replied. "Any who try to harm this family will learn why I earned the moniker, Mad Dog." He moved over to her and leaned down to kiss her.

Kaleigh kissed him gently. “Hmm good luck”

"I'll be back with some more skins, for those rugs you wanted, my love." He gave her a confident grin, then turned and headed out, beginning his hunt.

Kae brought up external sensors to monitor his progress.

Micheal moved as quietly as the wind through trees, quickly melting into the forest as soon as he cleared the security fencing. Using the skills he was taught as a sniper, he found the tracks if the beast and quickly started to track it.

Less than fifteen minutes, and two kilometers later, with the use of the infrared sight of his artificial eye, he saw the beast in the distance. Even from where he stood, he ground see that the beast was injured. Sighting in with his sniper rifle, Micheal put the cent of his reticle over where he knew the beast's heart was.

After taking his rifle off safey, he gently place the tip of his finger on the trigger. He took a single deep breath, released some of it, then froze. Gently pressing the trigger, his rifle replied with a powerful blast of energy.

The beast never even knew it was being hunted, until it was too late. The rifle blast, struck it mid chest, burning a large hole in it, vaporizing its heart in the process. A couple beats later, it collapsed, dead.

Micheal moved quickly, skinning the beast, and removing all of the bits that they could consume. The rest, he quickly buried. Once he was done, he gathered his spoils and made his way back to the ship.

Kae and Rebecca met him at the hatch. Kae took in the sight and smiled.

"Your hunter has returned, my love," he said with a content look on his face.

“And he brings home spoils of war” she teased. “You are ok I see.”

He nodded. "It was almost dead when I found it. Didn't put up any fight all." He moved over to the transporter. "Rebecca, store these for now, please."

"Yes, Master," the AI replied as the meat and hide vanished into the buffer.

"I do still need a shower, though," he chuckled as he started to remove his gear. "Once I make sure this is all clean, of course. A Marine always cleans his gear, before himself." He chuckled softly.

“Well we have a few hours until Daphne wakes. Go clean your stuff and shower. I will be back in bed.”

Micheal nodded, then moved back outside, to the small workbench he had built. After placing his weapons and gear on it, he started the intricate process of ensuring there was no mud, blood or dirt on his equipment.

Thirty minutes later, satisfied that everything was as clean as he could make it, he stowed his weapons and carried his gear back to the bedroom.

"You still awake?" He asked softly.

“Hmm yes” Kaleigh rolled over, the sheets slipping to show a bare shoulder.

The corners of Micheal's mouth twitched into a grin, when he saw Kaleigh’s bare shoulder. "My gear is done. I'm jumping in the shower."

“Hmm okay well do not take too long”

"I wouldn't dream of it," he said with a grin. "Not when an angel, such as yourself, is waiting for me in bed." He then turned and entered the small head, quickly shedding his soiled clothing and getting into the shower, scrubbing the dirt, sweat and gore off of his body.

Kae was glad she had stripped off her clothes as she lay there waiting for him. Hearing the water turn off, she turned to face the bathroom and waited.

A few minutes later, Micheal stepped back into the bedroom, a towel around his waist, as he used another to dry his hair and beard. "Ahh, I feel human again."

“Hmm and would mr human like to go back to sleep or ... something else?” She asked as she pushed back the covers.

Seeing Kaleigh’s state of dress, or lack there of, Micheal's face took on a hungry look. "Oh, I definitely think that something else is in store for us both."

As he moved to the bed, he dropped the head towel on the arm of the chair, quickly followed by the larger towel around his waist. He then crawled into bed, moving overtop of the woman he loved, smiling softly down into her beautiful face.

Kae accepted his weight and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Hmmm hello Sir” she purred in his ear. “May I help you relax after your mission?”

He growled softly and grinned as he replied. "Hello, Ma'am. Oh, yes please. I may have to go hunting more, if you are going to greet me like this afterwards." He leaned down and started to kiss her passionately.

She kissed him back even as her hands moved over him and stroked his length gently. “Anything for you.” she whispered.

He moaned softly as she gently teased his growing manhood. Her touch alone, as gentle as it was, brought his erection its complete growth.

Kae brushed her lips over his. “Do you want more?” she impishly asked, her fingers stroking. “How may I reward the mighty hunter?”

Regaining his senses enough to respond, he said, a smirk starting to fill his face. "Your mighty hunter is hungry and wishes to feed."

She pouted a bit. “May I please you before you feed My Lord?” she whispered in his ear.

He gasped softly and nodded. "Y-yes…yes!" He carefully rolled over onto his back, laying next to her, excited anticipation in his eye.

Kaleigh smiled innocently and moved to kneel beside him. She let her hands roam his torso and then she ran her hands down his thighs before lowering her head, and flicked her tongue across his tip, and along his length teasingly.

Micheal's head lolled back slightly and he moaned at the attentions Kaleigh was giving him. Waves of ecstacy washed over him.

Kae watched him from under her lashes and smiled as she continued to tease before taking him into her mouth. Then she proceeded to use her skills to send him spiraling into pleasure.

It took all of his considerable self-control, to not climax right then and there. Micheal gasped as Kaleigh started to pleasure him. Though it wasn't the first time she had done so, everything they were together felt better than the time before.

Kaleigh kept her actions level and soon enough raised her head and began kissing her way back up to his lips, brushing her center against him as she did so.

Micheal was breathing heavily now, as soon as Kaleigh was in the right position, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled them back over, putting himself above her. "That…was…extremely pleasing!" His right eye was wide with excitement. "And now…I feast."

He leaned down and started by kissing her deeply, their tongues dueling for supremacy. He then slowly made his way lower and lower, moving to her neck, then spending a fair amount of time and attention on her breasts.

As he continued further down her body, he would plant a few kisses here, a couple love bites there, until finally, he was positioned between her spread legs. Looking up at her, he saw the state he had put her in. Without another word, he buried his face in her center, devouring ever part of her that he could reach with his lips and tongue.

Kaleigh cried out softly at first and then her cries came louder and louder and her hands bunched in the sheets as she struggled not to climax before he was inside her.

Micheal growled softly, hearing the sounds he was causing Kaleigh to make. He wanted to drive her over the peak, thrusting into her, but first, a few more moments of oral bliss.

“Micheal.. Please” Kaleigh begged desperately to have him take her. “Please.. Sir.. please!”

Finally ready to drive into her, Micheal slowly moved back up her body. Once he was in position, overtop of her again, he slid his engorged manhood into her moist and welcoming center.

Kaleigh moaned as he took her and she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips to his.

Returning her kiss with equal passion, the loving couple were soon moving as one, each already knowing exactly how to enflame the other.

As their pleasure built to the high heights, Kae whispered in his ear “Give me your child darling,” even as she climaxed beneath him.

As Kaleigh’s climax caused her to tighten around him, Micheal hit his own climax with a guttural growl, as he gave Kaleigh every bit of his energy.

A few moments later, still panting from the exertion, Micheal's body was starting to cool down from its high. Lowering his bulk down to his elbows, he was careful not to crush the angel laying below him. "I love you, Kae!" He kissed her gently.

“Hmm I love you Micheal” she whispered back groggily from pleasure.

A few beats later, he kissed her again. "I am a better man, with you and Daphne in my life, beloved.”

“I am happy we found each other” she nuzzled his neck.

He made a soft, approving sound when she nuzzled him. Rolling them over, him on his back, her snuggled up against him, he softly asked, "How many children would you want?"

“Hmm 2 or 3” she admitted. “you?”

He smiled. "As long as they're healthy, as many as Fate decides to grace us with." He shrugged slightly. "Growing up in a workhouse orphanage, I was always alone. I guess, because of it, I've always wanted a big family of my own one day."

Smiling, she rested her head on his chest. “One day, maybe, if we ever get home, a house of our own? With a yard?”

Gently placing his chin against the top of her head, he purred softly. "I would love that! Where would you want to live?"

“Hmm Colorado sounds lovely. As does Italy. There are a lot of choices”

He made a soft contemplative sound. "I've never been to Colorado. In fact, aside from the orphanage and various training facilities, I've only been to Moscow and Rome, back when I was Admiral Petrov's bodyguard."

“Where would you like to live?”

He shrugged and shook his head. "Anywhere, so long as you and Daphne are there." He paused, a fear suddenly popping up in his thoughts. "Of course, that might prove difficult. I'm sure her biological family will want her back." His expression took on a sad tone as he contemplated a time when the little girl would no longer be a part of his life.

“Maybe, I do not know if any of them survived. Her mother died, I believe her father as well”

"If that's the case, then we'll adopt her," he said eagerly. "After, you know, we have a proper wedding." He grinned at her.

She laughed, “And who would marry us?”

"Well, as I am the captain of this vessel, I could marry us, myself." He grinned again. "In fact, if you wanted, I could perform the service right now?"

Kae laughed “Without Daphne? She would be insulted.” She kissed his cheek. “I have raised that girl since she was two, I love her as if she was born of me Mike. I don't want to think of loosing her.”

He pulled her back into an embrace. "Of course she'd be there! You need a Maid of Honor, after all. Rebecca can fill in for my Best Man." He the released his hold slightly to look into her eyes. "We will NEVER loose her. She is our daughter, even if we don't share biology. She is ours, now and forever."

“Hmm” Kae kissed him gently “I don’t need a ceremony, I have you”

This made him smile warmly. "I promise to never take you for granted, to always love you and protect you, be faithful to you and forsake all others, until my my last breath."

She smiled “I promise to be faithful to you and only you, to love you, care for you until my last breath, to raise our children with you.”

He smiled. "You may now kiss your bride." He leaned in and kissed her deeply, passionately, but taking his time at the same time.

“Hmmm” Kae moaned into his mouth and when they broke for air she whispered “Husband”

"Wife," he replied softly. He had never been this happy in his whole life up to this point. "You make me feel happy and calm. Before you and Daphne came into life, I was a savage, beast of a man. I earned the moniker, Mad Dog, by how vicious and determined that I was, when I was hunting for a target."

“You are so much more than that Love” Kaleigh said with a smile

He grinned. "Only because you and Daphne are in my life now." He leaned on and kissed her again.

Kae smiled against his lips and snuggled against him “A good life we will make”

He nodded happily. "Yes, indeed."


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