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Far From Home, Part I

Posted on Tue Mar 1st, 2022 @ 11:59am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Commander Cyrus Cain & Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Lieutenant JG Revana Nazar & Ensign Mika Petrova & Lieutenant Commander Yana Petrova & Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Cael Maz & Captain Fergus Williams & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Callie Marshall & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones & Lieutenant JG Karen Lamont & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Lionel Morrison

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 0900
2425 words - 4.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Smoke filled the dark and room and the smell of explosion and the heat of friction was all about the room. At the back of the room, the Master Systems Display was flashing on and off and the console beneath it was doing the same. Some eps piping normally situated above the bridge was now hanging from the ceiling and sparking terribly. All around were the unconscious and the barely awake, coughing.

Captain Petrov cleared his throat, feeling the trickle of blood flowing from a wound on his arm and soaking the left sleeve of his uniform. He took off the jacket and ripped part of the sleeve to make a bandage for himself. Standing, he walked slowly across dust, debris, to the unconscious or possibly dead body of Commander Cain and knealt beside him. Checking his pulse on his neck, he found that it was there. He sighed in relief.

“Anybody else awake up here?” He asked to the Bridge in general.

Callie slowly stirred from where she lay on the deck, as her console had shorted out she'd been thrown across the deck hitting a wall with a thud, her arm was most definitely broken and the inhibitor she wore had taken the full brunt of the shock. Her senses were foggy to say the least.

“Yes ... Captain” She supported her arm as she sat up to get her bearings.

Troy was rattled for several minutes. He had slammed into the tactical console when the wave had hit and bounced back into the bridge station along the aft bulkhead. He reached up to the back of his head and, when he pulled his hand back he saw blood. He groaned in pain. It was obvious he had several cracked ribs and probably a concussion. "Alive captain." He checked the tactical station and found out it was dead. He tried to open a channel to the torpedo room to no avail. "Comms are down Captain.”

Getting to her feet Callie checked her station. “Ops is ... barely functional Captain. I’ll try and reroute power.” She moved to sit on the floor below to get at the inner workings of the console though doing it one handed was proving an inconvenience. “Lieutenant” She looked towards Troy. “Can you help me with this please?”

Troy crossed the bridge to Callie's station. He's eased himself down and pulled the access panel off. The main computer core may use the new neural gel packs, but the bridge systems still had isolinear chips for control functions. He pulled about a dozen burnt out chips and shifted others to create routings for control over some of the critical needed systems such as sensors and internal communications. He tapped his commbadge. "Alll hands, make battle damage assessments and casualty reports to the bridge as soon as possible."

Troy rearranged several more isolinear chips. "You should be able to activate the main viewer."

Callie nodded as she got to her feet and tried activating the main viewer, it wasn’t perfect but it was good enough. “Viewscreen is up and running Captain.” She covered her face as more sparks flew. “Dammit!” She tapped the console, “Sorry Captain ... comms are down again.” She looked at Troy offering a brief smile. “Let me look at that headwound for you.”

Troy waved off her attempt to treat his head injury. "Later, we need to get the ship operational or we are all going to have more problems than a few scrapes and bruises."

“Looks like comms might need a few hours of attention, which is a problem because we can’t raise Sickbay or Engineering. Right now, I want the two of you to focus your energies there. I’m going to see if anyone else has come to.”

Troy nodded to Callie. "You take Engineering. I will get to Sickbay and see how many serious casualties we took."

Callie nodded. “I’ll do my best. I’ll be good as long as I don’t have to climb!” She offered a smile. “Let’s get going, just promise me you’ll be careful okay?”

Troy moved with Callie to the turbolift, the doors opening upon approach. 'At least that's working,' he thought. "I will have the Doctor check me out if that will ease your mind." He boarded the turbolift with Callie and the turbolift began its descent. It was only a few seconds before the door opened on the medical deck.

Callie nodded. “Please. I’ll pause long enough to get this arm sorted then I’ll have to head to engineering.”

From the front of the bridge, Johnathan coughed and spit blood onto his console. "Well...that was fun!" He gasped, clearly finding it difficult to take in a breath. It was most likely due to structural beam that had broke away from the ceiling and was partially pinning him against the helm console.

Ivan moved toward Johnathan, standing in the place where he had stood mere seconds before they were hit. His pilot had his seatbelt to thank for his stability in his seat, but the structural beam presented a problem. Ivan, strong as an ox even when injured, took hold of the beam and groaned and strained against it until he removed it.

“Johnathan, are you alright?” He asked through the smoke in his own lungs.

As soon as the beam was pulled away from him, Johnathan took in huge lungfulls of air, only to hack and cough the smoke back out again. Between coughing fits, he replied to his captain. "Tha-thank you...(cough)...thank you, Captain!" It took him a few more seconds to calm his lungs down. "I'm sorry, Sir! I should've reacted faster to avoid that wave." He cast his eyes to the deck, feeling that he had let everyone, especially his Captain, down.

“Hey, no, Lieutenant,” Ivan started, decisively. His tone was almost aggressive. “There is no way you could have dodged the wave and prevented this. I forbid you to blame yourself.”

Johnathan was silent for a few beats, then nodded. "Aye, Captain." He suddenly grunted in pain. It felt like someone was shoving hot needles into his neck and lower back. "Um...Captain..I..I think I need medical attention. I can't seem to move without searing pain in my spine."

"There are many injured, Johnathan." Ivan said, indicating his bloody sleeve. "If you can't work, you can go down to Sickbay. If you can, however, we could really use you up here."

Grunting through the pain, the young pilot nodded slowly. "Aye, Captain. I won't let you down..." he carefully turned back to his console and tried to bring it online. "Helm is...not responding, Sir."

"That's not surprising at this point." Ivan said. "Work with me to get these comms online and we can work on the helm once we're in contact with Engineering."

Johnathan nodded slowly. "Aye, Sir." He carefully stood, taking the screaming messages of pain that his body was sending his brain in as much stride as possible. Slowly, he made his way over to the tactical station and started assisting the officer that was there.

Fergus groaned as he pulled himself up. His head was throbbing feeling like someone had taken an axe to it. Looking around the farmhouse his eyes fell on.... her.....

This is a dream he thought as she crossed the wooden floor damping his head with a cloth as she looked on him with a look of love. The smile on her blue face as her arms wrapped around him....

His face smashed into his visor as he shot up. Pain coursed through his body as he pulled himself up. His suit was fried, dead weight on his flesh. It took him ten minutes to struggle out of it before instinct took over. His men needed help.

Somewere beyond saving. You didn't need to be a doctor to know the human head didn't belong at a forty-five-degree angle. He managed to get most of them into a recovery position and out of their armour. Given no one had shown up he knew something was wrong.

Grabbing his phaser he headed for the doors. Time to find the others.

Deck 9
When the lights came back on, Kassandra was coughing due to the Co2 in the air. Smoke, and debris littered the hallway in front of her. Waving a hand in front of her to clear the smoke, she peered through it to see Lionel Morrison, pinned to the deck by a beam that went right through his shoulder and another that went through his left leg. Her lips curved even as she took an unsteady step towards him. She herself had hit a bulkhead and had blood dripping down the side of her face.

Was he dead? Please Zeus let the man be dead. He moaned. And she cursed under her breath. Of course, he was not dead. She was not that fucking lucky. As she reached his side she noticed that there was no way she could get him free.

“Selin” he gasped. “get me free, that’s an order,”

“hmm no” came her calm response. “If I was to get you free you would bleed out in seconds and be dead before you could think about anything.”

“I.. order you to get me free! Now!”

“And I said no.” She casually reached down and deftly removed his rank pips from his collar. “Oh and look you just got demoted.”

“You *cough* can’t do that.” He gasped out.

Kass smiled now. He was dying, she could see it. “See there is the thing, Morrison, you never saw what was under your nose. And now, now you are going to die and I am going to watch”

“bitch” he spat, blood coming from his mouth.

“Yes, and let me tell you a secret. Captain Petrov? I am not sleeping with him, or his son. I am his daughter.” She whispered in his ear. “Your actions towards me were already bad, but his knowing I am his daughter, sealed your fate. I could slit your throat and be given a medal, but I will sit here, watch you die.”

He coughed again, more blood bubbling on his lips, “y-you have been--- ordered to help me!” He tried to scream it at her.

Kass sat back against the opposite wall which was still intact and watched him struggle for breath. As the light finally began to fade from his eyes she said, “I win.”

He coughed, groaned and a final rattling breath escaped his bloodstained lips, then his body went limp, and his head lolled to the side, eyes unseeing in death.

Kass stood, dusted her uniform off the best she could and headed for the nearest tube entrance. She needed to get to the bridge.

There were rules about site-to-site transports for a reason. People sometimes asked why they didn't use them all the time. It required a certain precision, one harder to come by in combat situations where people and things were moving rapidly around and the ship's systems were damaged and unstable. That's why Karen had been screaming for the teams to get ready to go through the ship and find people the old fashioned way. "Kelly, Riley, I want you on the Holo..." And then things shook again. Karen grasped for the biobed as she fell but didn't make it. There was a huge thump as her head collided with a jagged bit of metal where a bulkhead had burst. She flailed briefly and then slumped, slipping into unconsciousness.

Mika’s eyes fluttered as her boss collapsed to the floor before her eyes and several nurses rushed her onto a biobed, leaving her alone with the entire compliment of Sickbay. Her heart sped up; she couldn’t handle a crisis like this. She looked around somewhat frantically for the Assistant Chief Medical Officer.

Gretchen ran over and squatted down over her boss. She scowled a little. "Give me a hand," she said to Mika. Lifting one woman a few feet wasn't worth a grav lift or transport. She helped the CMO onto one of the biobeds.

“Oh, thank the gods you’re here!” Mika said, moving toward the doctor. She watched as injured began to stream into the room. “I recommend triage strategy. And we might activate the EMH for the extra hands.”

"Agreed," Gretchen said. "Activate EMH."

As the woman with the pale complexion and red hair appeared in a very black uniform containing one stripe of blue along it's collar, she spoke, "What is the emergency?" in a rather flat and annoyed tone.

"We've been hit by a displacement wave and have sustained multiple injuries. Triage procedures are in effect."

Meanwhile Dana had recovered from being tossed around like a ragdoll and was now doing her best to triage injured as they arrived at the door, which was proving easier said than done with the sheer number of injured making their way in.

Ensign Nazar braced herself against the red bar that surrounded the warp core. She had unceremoniously flipped over it and collided with the core when the wave hit and was now wincing in pain, knowing that she had cracked up a few ribs. She was standing through. She looked around the room where sparks flew and some crew struggled to their feet.

“Lieutenant Jones?!” She called out, looking for her boss. She caught the face of the Assistant Chief Engineer where he was collapsed on the floor, having fell from the second level head first. His empty eyes and the open dash on his head told her that she was now second in charge in Engineering. Dead men could not command. “Lieutenant Jones?!”

“She’s still unconscious, ma’am.” Came a slightly panicked answer from one of the crewmen. Revana’s gorgeous features turned sour as she realized she was in command of the engineering section during this crisis. She didn’t hesitate, but instead, strode over to the CEO’s alcove and began to work the console.

“Alright, everyone. Up and at ‘em. If you’re well enough to work then get to it; if not, get to Sickbay.” She said, bringing up the ship systems diagnostic. “I want a full damage report ready for when the Bridge asks.”

The gold-collared crew in Engineering did just as they were ordered, starting to pull together a report on all Vengeance’s systems.


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