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There's No Place Like Home Part III

Posted on Fri Jun 3rd, 2022 @ 4:34pm by Commander Cyrus Cain & Lieutenant Cael Maz & Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones

Mission: S1 Episode 2: Caretaker, Part II
Location: Caretaker Array
Timeline: Mission Day 7 at 1430
1252 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Just like the Vengeance, the crew on the Array got the message that eight explosive devices had been activated at various unknown locations on the station. With their calculations not complete and with Jones still connected to the computer, it wasn't yet clear what should be done.

"We need more time..." Cyrus said, looking at the two of them. "Cael, get Melissa detached from that machine. We need to take a trip."

"Aye sir." Cael said as he began to instruct the computer to detach the port that Melissa was using the machine from." All set sir."

When Melissa was free of the Array's technology, Cyrus tapped her commbadge.

"Vengeance, this is Cain. These explosives are set to go off in what looks like 15 minutes, judging by the energy buildup I'm reading. Maz, Jones, and I would like to remain here to try and avoid the destruction of this array...and our chance at getting home. Permission to send the rest of the crew aboard the array back now to minimize danger to our crew?"

"Permission granted, Commander." came the voice of Captain Petrov. "Good hunting. We're depending on you."

Within the next few moments, all Starfleet personnel save the three of them were beamed back to Vengeance, leaving them alone and with a task in mind.

"Now....let's see if we can get a clear idea of where these devices are. No matter how spread out they are, this will help." Cyrus ordered, moving to a console and activating it again. “It looks like their are nine devices strategically placed near power sources. If these things go off, there’s no way the array will survive.”

As Cyrus looked over his scans, he noticed something strange and paused.

“I’m detecting something three decks down from us; a sporosistian life-form. It’s a weak signal, but it’s there.”

"What are your orders, sir?" Cael asked awaiting to find out which of the two he was going to tackle.

"You two...investigate the entity. If its the Caretaker...see if you can convince him to send us home before the destruction of this array. I'll stay here and see if I can shut down those explosives." Cyrus said, his eyes never moving from his screen. "Now get a move on, now!"

Cael nodded and turned around heading out the door. He looked left and then right looking for a lift, stairs, or some sort of access point to get him down the three decks he needed to go. "I swear to God, I am going to die on my terms. An explosion is not the one I want to go out with."

Melissa picked up her repeater and progressed down the decks to where she was picking up the life form's readings. It was not far and Melissa didn't have to look far for the Caretaker. She looked at him. "So this is where your life ends? Spent, used, pointless. Spending all your life saying 'yes' when you should have said 'no.' Your entire life.. enslaved at the mercies of a race so pathetic.. They fight with flamethrowers. Do you even have a thread of shame?"

The blue creature floated in the center of the room, seeming to bounce gently on air and to pulsate at regular intervals. The pulses were slow and labored indicating that this creature was nearing the end of its life. When it spoke, the voice was disembodied.

“It is not knowledge that you seek, but power. That is why you don’t understand. Should I have spent my life in service to a people like yours? Compelled to do greater evils to glorify the weak? To me, you are all the same. A Terran; an Ocampa…what is the difference? Now go, and leave me to die.”

Cael spoke, "Difference is, these folks have a home to go back to. Look. I'll make a deal with you. You send them back and I'll stay to ensure the Kzon don't get their hands on you. You will have a peaceful death rather than what they will do to you. How does that sound, old chap? Us old-timers gotta stick together, right?"

"The difference is we have something in common. I have had to do terrible things as well, at the bidding of others, Caretaker.. I am not a violent person, I became one to survive in an empire that has my command codes. The ability to order me to do things without my consent. Yes the technology inside me has made me superior to the Terrans, it is also my chain and shackles. If you want my honest opinion; I hate their empire. You are one of the few to ever know this. But no one is truly evil Caretaker. They have evil inside them. You brought these people here against their will, for the Ocampa's wickedness. And that is a evil compounded by an evil. Only people with these invisible shackles can truly understand this. But also if you want my honest opinion... There was a time I wanted to break my invisible chains to crush these Terrans necks. Now I'm not so sure.. My opinion has changed on them." Melissa noted. "They deserve a chance to find new ways, but they can't do this here." Melissa noted. "Please Caretaker, at the last moments of your life.. Do not allow yourself to be remembered as savage as these Ocampa. Do not die as their slave! Prove you have some capability to say NO to them at the last moments of your life and send return us to our home."

There was silence then. If this being had been a man, they would be able to read his reaction, but as he wasn't all they had to gage his feeling was the gradual quickening of his pulsing followed by several subtle flashes of light. Only after several silent moments did he speak.

"I will try to send you and your crew home...but it will take more time than we have." the Caretaker said, his voice getting lower and slower. "You must stop the bombs before they detonate."

Cael nodded. "We will do all that we can do to stop them."

"Cain to Maz and Jones, what's your status?" came a voice from both of their commbadges.

"Caretaker has agreed to send us home, but we need more time. We have to stop those bombs as soon as possible." Cael stated after tapping his combadge.

"Detonation is in 3 minutes. Damnit!" Came Cyrus's voice, stained from emotional pain. There was more silence before he spoke again. "I think I have an idea, but its dangerous. After some deep diving, I've discovered the network for the Kazon explosives. The system seems to have a failsafe that will stop the countdown if triggered. I'm going to try and overload the system; I'm guessing theirs a 70% chance that will activate the failsafe mechanism. The thing is...if it goes wrong, I can't risk your lives by letting you stay here. Vengeance will need you if this...doesn't work."

A sniffle came from the other side of the communique, like a man wiping away a runny nose.

"I'm beaming you back, directly to the Bridge. Tell them what's happening and...ask them to move the ship to a safe distance, just in case."

"Cyrus, no! Let me help somehow. The vessel nee..." Cael said before being cut off when a swirl of energy sent him back toward the Vengeance.



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