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Sleep Aid

Posted on Fri Jul 22nd, 2022 @ 2:02pm by Chief Petty Officer Noah Reed & Lieutenant JG Andrea Carrington

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 23 at 0700
1287 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Andrea stood outside the doors to Sickbay, she’d received a very strongly worded summons from the doctor for not having had a boarding medical. With her history she had been avoiding medical, but she couldn’t avoid it any longer. No medical meant being pulled from duty, and/or a trip to the agoniser booth, and she didn’t want either. Taking a deep breath, she walked inside...

Doctor Reed had just finished restocking supplies from storage and walked right past the door before it slid open with a hiss. Craning his neck and then his body toward the door, he let the ends of his lips curl upward upon seeing the form of a woman he had been expecting (vaguely) for a few days. “Ah, welcome to sickbay, Ensign Monroe. Are you here for the physical you’ve been dodging or is there something else I can help you with?”

Andrea offered a somewhat uncomfortable smile. “I’m here for my physical Doctor, I’d rather not end up in an agoniser booth.”

“Well, that makes two of us ensign. Please, make yourself comfortable on the biobed and we can get this over with quick and painless.” He waved one arm in the direction of the biobeds along the wall to one side before turning and going into his office to grab a medical tricorder. He didn’t recall meeting Ensign Monroe before today. She was pretty good at dodging exams but the threat of ‘pain compliance’ via an agonizer booth was motivation for most. He never understood the apprehension and avoidance people had for sickbay.

Andrea moved across to a biobed, she paused before finally sitting on it. “Let me make my reasons clear Doctor. I spent months in the hands of enemies of the Empire, their so-called doctors were excellent at instilling pain and fear, as well as patching up injuries from beatings, and unwanted sexual encounters.” She paused and took a deep breath. “Hence why I’m not so comfortable being here.”

Reed nodded as she explained herself. He flipped open the tricorder and pulled out the handheld sensor. “I understand your reasons. I would probably feel similarly in your situation. However, I can assure you that there are no horrors here.” He tried to give her a reassuring smile, his blue eyes locking onto hers for a brief moment before he pressed the activation switch with his forefinger and started scanning her in a sweeping arch. “In fact, I’m getting the sense that sickbay is the most disarming environment aboard the ship.”

Andrea nodded. “I guess you could be right there. It is one of the quieter places on the ship at the moment. I’m... sorry if I sounded harsh a few moments ago, I just got nervous.”

“Well, considering what I just learned, I don’t blame you one bit.” The tricorder detected several superficial scars on her body but nothing that would bring Reed a concern. He reasoned that she had any specific medical concerns addressed long ago. His eyes scanned over the results as he softly said, “You must have been through hell.” He glanced up and caught himself. “Sorry, I have a way of blurting out irrelevant things from time to time.”

“No please, don’t apologise.” Andrea offered a warmer smile. “I need to learn to relax a little, Heavens knows I’ve had enough Counselling since then! I guess I...just need to work on my fears some more.”

Reed locked his blue eyes onto hers and felt his guard drop slightly as he smiled in a comforting manner. “Fear can be felt in all sorts of situations and is a very natural feeling. Confidence and bravery are harder to develop for some than others but it can still be done.” He finished up with the initial sensor scans and tapped the tricorder, loading up the readings.

Andrea nodded. “So, how am I looking? Besides the fact that my blood pressure is probably through the roof!” She offered a smile.

Noah blinked several times as he studied the tricorder readings closely. “As far as I can tell, you’re still alive and you won’t die by internal forces anytime soon.” His lips formed another smile as he regarded her. “How do you feel, though?”

“Actually...I feel fine.” Andrea smiled. “No medical problems to speak of, I don’t always sleep brilliantly but I try and catch up when time allows.”

He blinked as he listened to her, tilting his head to one side at the mention of sleep issues. “What seems to be the problem with sleep?” He held up a playful hand and added, “If it’s due to… extracurricular activities I’m afraid I can’t offer any advice other than slow down?” He chuckled softly at her.

“I wish!” Andrea offered a smile. “No, it’s not that. It’s not like I have anyone to enjoy that with. No it’s more...” she paused. “I guess you could call it nightmares, or bad memories, either way it’s pretty much the same result.”

He listened intently as she revealed the disturbing sleep she was experiencing. He shook his head slowly as he walked over to a nearby wall display and transferred the tricorder readings into the main computer. “Well, that simply won’t do. Can’t have you at your post with fatigue, especially in an unknown region of space.” He walked back over to where she sat on the biobed and lightly touched her knee. “Would you like something to help with sleep?”

Andrea offered a nod. “Please, With Lieutenant Marshall moving departments I’m responsible for Ops until another Chief can be found. I don’t want to be making mistakes. Ohh while you’re asking, can I get something for skin irritation? Having implants is all very well but from time to time they do irritate my skin.” She held up her hand showing some redness around the web of implants she had there.

Reed leaned in closer to take a look at the problem area and nodded after a brief few seconds. “I can definitely give you something for the implant inflammation.” He moved over to a storage container along the wall and picked out a small cylinder of ointment. “Being given command of operations is a good thing for you. It shows trust from the captain and acknowledgement of your abilities to get things done.” He walked back to her side and raised his eyes to hers. “And I wouldn’t worry about getting a new chief to replace you. We’re a little distant from the personnel resupply of the Empire.”

“Guess you’re right there” Andrea nodded. “I appreciate your help Doctor, thank you for making me feel more at ease.”

“Absolutely. That’s one of my primary responsibilities.” He smiled and handed her a small cylindrical disc. “Just place this on your forehead when you go to sleep tonight. It’ll help regulate your REM pattern. Feel free to swing by in a few days with the results.”

Andrea nodded. “I will, and thank you. This is the first time I’ve felt at ease in Sickbay in a while.”

“Well, thank you. I try my best to minimize fear and stress. It helps immeasurably with the healing process,” he said.

“Well you’re doing a wonderful job.” Andrea smiled. “Thanks again.”

Noah nodded once in appreciation for the compliment and waved his hand toward the door. “My door is always open if you need something.” Then he caught himself and said, “Oh, and let me know how the sleeping goes.”

Andrea nodded and smiled. “I will.”


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