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Certain Consequences

Posted on Thu Jan 20th, 2022 @ 9:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrei Petrov & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Bridge
Timeline: MD 3, 1430 Hours
1057 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The turbo lift to the bridge opened and the Assistant Chief of Security stepped out. The room was a hive of activity and he could see the back of his father’s head sitting in the command chair. Ignoring all others, he turned and made a beeline toward the Ops Console where he saw Lieutenant Vali working. He’d admired her beauty up close two nights before and seeing her sparked some of the same feelings again. His visit this time, however, was not a pleasure call.

“We need to talk.” He said quietly, standing in front of her console.

“We do?” Callie offered a smile as she looked up at Andrei. “Then let’s talk in my office Lieutenant.” She headed towards the turbolift, the two of them stepping inside together.

~ Ops Offices, a few minutes later ~

Walking into her office Callie leant on the edge of her desk as she turned to look at Andrei. “What’s going on Andrei?”

Andrei raised the PADD he had been holding in his hand, activated it, and handed it to Callie with an awkward expression. On the device, a recording of them getting “acquainted” on the Captain’s desk was playing. Sounds of the Chief Operations Officer moaning was accompanied by his own grunts and the sound of their flesh making contact.

“A certain Intelligence Officer cornered me with this a few moments ago. She says she has a copy in her possession.”

Callie looked up at Andrei with a shocked expression on her face. “Fantastic! My first evening onboard and I have to go and screw you on camera!!” She handed the PADD back. “So what does she want? To see us both in an agony booth?”

“I don’t know… she’s got an angle, I think, but she hasn’t told me yet. She’s rather upset with me because of…past events, so maybe she’s just looking for a way to get one up on me.” He answered, shrugging. He suspected it was a game she was playing, but it was a dangerous one. “Technically, it’s against regulations for her to even access those cameras. But…calling her out on would certainly mean that she would expose us.”

Callie nodded. “I think I should pay her a visit, just to find out what she’s planning to do with that recording.”

“We’ll, just be careful. She’s a royal bitch and senior staff status might not help you. You women do have a way of working things out, though.” He said, stepping closer to her and putting his hand on hers. “I know you must be frustrated by this situation, but don’t forget how much fun we had. All you need to do is look at that PADD for proof. It was amazing.”

Callie nodded. “You’re right, it was! I’ve never been able to let my hair down, until now. Maybe you’ to do it again sometime?” She smiled as she ran her fingers over his uniform jacket. “After all you did make up that rule about no panties for a reason.”

“And the rule stands, Lieutenant.” He said, giving a charming smile. He leaned forward and slid his hand under her uniform skirt without a warning, taking gentle hold of her womanhood. He leaned in close to her to speak. “There are hundreds of desks on this ship, but maybe we should try my place or yours next time, yes?”

Callie grinned as she purposely crossed her legs trapping his hand where it was. “Mmm sounds good to me, I’m all for new experiences!”

Andrei chuckled, a devilish grin crossing his features. He leaned down and kissed her, his finger fluttering slowly between her strong thighs.

“Oh, you and I are going to get in so much trouble together.” He said. It occurred to him that both of them were in the shadows of very successful fathers and that, for them, there was an element of rebellion in their pairing. He said nothing about this, of course.

Callie sighed, “Computer...lock the door.” She kissed him with an urgency that said she wanted more as she parted her legs to allow him more room. “This place after all.”

Andrei moved his hand and walked away to a nearby wall mounted command console. Inputting his security code, he set to quick work.

“I’m deactivating power to the security surveillance in this room. No point in getting caught the same way again. While I’m at it, you’d better start following that first rule.”

“That’s true” Callie nodded. “Besides we’re both on duty so we hadn’t better be too long!”

“No, you’re on duty. I’m on duty in two hours.” He said, having finished his work at the console and turned back to her. “Now, where we’re we?”

Callie grinned as she walked over to Andrei and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I believe we were about to put my place to good use, and if anyone asks we were in a meeting.”

“We’ll, we are in a meeting… discussing ship life support settings.” He said, placing his hands under her legs and lifting her off the ground with ease. Walking over to the nearest desk, he placed her on it and got to his knees. He would spend the next few moments with his head between her thighs, making sure the humidity in the room remained quite high.

As much as Callie was enjoying the attention, she was having to bite her lip to stop herself from making very pleasured sounds. As much as she’d be warned to stay away from Andrei she was finding it very hard to do.

When he was done, Andrei stood to his full height, a cocky expression on his glistening face. He removed his weapons belt, his tunic, his pants, and other items of clothing until he was standing in mothing but a black wife beater. His fit build was accentuated as he towered over her.

“That’s an interesting perspective, Lieutenant. Since we’re meeting about ship systems, I’d like to talk about reworking whip piping.” He said, giving her a confident wink.

“Indeed, then let’s discuss it further shall we?” Callie grinned.


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