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Apology -JP

Posted on Wed Jan 19th, 2022 @ 9:49pm by Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Timeline: MD3 / 1554 hours
1716 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Kass knew she had to apologise to the Lieutenant she had inadvertently insulted so she used her skills and tracked down his cabin and hit the chime.

Johnathan had just got out of the shower when he heard his door chime ring. Pulling on his robe, he moved to the door and pressed the unlock control, opening the doors as he continued to dry his hair with a towel. "Yes?" He asked before he knew who was there.

"Lieutenant" Ensign Selin keep her gaze straight ahead.

"Ensign," Johnathan replied evenly. "What can I do for you?"

"I came to apologise for the other evening sir. I was on mission and I should have found a better way to inform you of such."

The pilot was quiet for a few beats, then turned slightly. "Well, come inside then."

Kass merely rolled her eyes and stepped past him into the cabin. "I won't keep you long Lieutenant."

Closing the door behind her, Johnathan moved to his bar and started to make a couple of drinks. He then carried them over, handing Kass the exact drink that she had been drinking when they met.

She looked into the white wine and then back at him. "Thank you" she said warily.

"You're welcome." He moved over to sit in the large, overstuffed chair in his living room, careful to be gentleman enough not to expose himself.

Kass hated this, but she was under orders as well to mend bridges. She didn't sit however. "So, as I was saying, I want to apologise for the other evening. My Chief gave me a mission and I was unable to communicate that to you properly."

Johnathan took a sip of his drink and considered the apology for a few beats. Then, after letting out a breath, he nodded. "Apology accepted. And I apologize for disrupting your work. I hope it didn't get you in too much trouble?"

"Double shifts for the next month. Nothing I cannot handle" She replied. "And no undercover work for the next 3."

"Well," he started. "As we will be shipping out in a few days, the undercover work would be a bit difficult to a complicated on a ship this size. Don't you think?" He took a sip of his drink. "I mean, on an galaxy class, possible, a Starbase definitely. A ship like this? I'm fairly certain that we will know everyone's faces within the month."

"Maybe, Maybe not" Kass smiled faintly.

"Oh?" He asked quizzically. "You know something that I don't?"

"I am an expert at undercover work Lieutenant. And its not all disguises and slinking around doorways." Kass said as she finished the wine.

He considered that for a moment. Then, he nodded again. "Then I owe you another apology. I admit that I know very little of your field. My focus is purely on flight operations."

Her lips smiled. "I am aware of your focus Lieutenant. And your file."

"Oh really?" He asked as he sat back. "Please, have a seat and do enlighten me to your professional take on me."

Kass gave a soft laugh. "Now why would I spill that to you?" she asked as she wandered the room idly.

"Because I am curious as to what you think of me," he replied as he watched her move. "And because I'm going to say, Please."

"ohh please, there is a word you do not hear often in this fleet." Kass said as her hand twirled the end of her pony tail. "And I am guessing Please gets you what you want?" she turned and faced him.

He shook his head and frowned slightly. "Only if the person I ask feels like it. Though, I have found that, being polite, works far better than being rude and demanding." He shrugged slightly. "The choice is still only up to you."

Kass made a habit of confusing people. It had served her well growing up. And know she moved towards him, slowly, no threat, though they both knew she was intelligence trained. "You are loyal to the Emperor, the Empire. That said it is foolish to be otherwise and you are no fool."

Shrugging slightly, he responded. "Usually not. Though, there are times, especially if I drink too much, I tend to act a bit foolish." He paused to take a small sip of his drink, then asked, "What else do you know about me?

Here her lips quirked. "You like females" she said with a light laugh. "And you are a very good pilot."

He smiled and chuckled softly. "Well, those are certainly state secrets. What else?"

"you like to play, but you would rather speak straight." Kassandra said "Unlike me, who likes to watch and see"

He nodded silently. "Very astute. So, what do you think of me, personally?"

"As to that, I am not sure yet." She said calmly. "I am sure you are a nice person, but one does not get to Lieutenant rank in the Imperial navy by being nice"

He grinned softly and shrugged. "That may be the case most of the time, with other officers. For me, however, it's a bit more straightforward. As you would have also read," he pulled the sleeve of his right arm, exposing the heavily scarred flesh of his arm. "During my first assignment, my ship encountered a nebula, unlike anything discovered before. When we cleared the nebula, we took something with us. A lifeform unlike anything Imperial Science has ever seen."

"That...thing...killed nearly ninety percent of my crew, my friends, my captain. I was the only bridge officer that survived. Weapons weren't doing anything. The only thing I could think of, was to fly our ship, our home, into the nearest star. So I ordered the few surviving crew to the lifeboats. Leaving me the bait for the creature. I set the course and speed, put the ship on autopilot, and had the computer beam me to the shuttlebay. Before I dematerialized, my arm was caught by the creature, scarring me. I jumped into a starfighter and got off the ship just as it was entering the corona of the star, destroying the ship and killing the creature."

After I gathered the lifeboats, we started to make our way to the nearest Starbase. We were rescued two days later. After I was treated my medical, I was brought before the Emperor, Himself. He not only granted my an early promotion, he awarded me the Emperor's Cross of Valor. He also granted me the choice of any assignment in the Fleet. I chose the Vengeance."

He lowered the sleeve and took a large gulp of hid drink, finishing it and then placing it on a side table, before looking back at Kassandra. "So, the next time you want to judge me, and think that I am not an honorable man. Make sure you have all the facts."

"I didn't judge. You assumed I did." Came the calm reply. "And you have a temper."

Johnathan looked away, his cheeks turning pink. "I'm sorry," he said softly. He sighed and looked back at her, emotions clearly bubbling under the surface. "I always get a bit darker in mood, this time of the year. It had nothing to do with you. I hope you will accept my apology."

Kass waved it away "Its fine" she said softly. "Besides you outrank me remember"

This made him chuckle and smile a youthful grin. "While that is true," he said softly. "I hope that it doesn't become what defines our relationship. Be it just crewmates, friends, or..." he suddenly felt very bashful around the highly intelligent, stunningly beautiful woman.

Kass raised an eyebrow "I am not looking for or." She said honestly. "I see no reason to engage in sexual relations on this ship. I intend for my career to be what I am known for, not who I have slept with. Intriguing though Or May be"

"I didn't mean to insult or imply anything, Kass." He said as his cheeks grew even darker. Though, the look in his eyes showed that he was speaking the truth. He stood and offered his right hand to her. "If you are interested, I would very much like us to be friends. If you are not, then know that I will respect your decision and not be insulted by it."

"Are you sure you wish to be friends with the crazy spook girl?"

He smiled warmly and honestly at her. "Hell yeah, I'll always know where I stand with you. Real question is, do you want to be friends with the pilot who can sometimes drink too much and can't forget anything?"

"I guess" she teased lightly. "But you might not wanna spread it around."

"What? That I drink too much sometimes?" He asked with a smirk and a wink.

"No that we are friends. I have not made many of those since my arrival."

He shrugged and grinned. "I don't have a problem admitting you're my friend."

"Knowing my luck, that will most likely change." She paused. "Anyway I have taken up too much of your time this evening. I have to get back to my shift."

"Kass," he said softly as he moved up to her and gently took hold of her upper arms. "I give you my word, once I call someone a friend, I am their friend for life."

She raised an eyebrow. "We shall see if you remain that way after you get to know me"

He gave her a soft smile. "You will find that, if nothing else, I am a man of my word."

Slowly she drew back, breaking from his hold. "I need to go Lieutenant"

He nodded. "Of course, I won't hold you any longer. I hope you have a pleasant remainder of your shift. If you ever wish to talk to someone, please know that I am always available." He stepped aside, giving her room to leave.

Kass nodded and headed out of his cabin, heading back to her department.

After she left, Johnathan sat and thought about their conversation. There was an honest and good woman deep inside Kass. He could feel it in his bones. He just hoped that he got the opportunity to see it one day.



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