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The Most Inhuman Terran Imaginable.

Posted on Wed Jan 19th, 2022 @ 1:27pm by Lieutenant JG Melissa Jones & Captain Ivan Petrov

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Earth, Imperial Technological Research
Timeline: MD 1, 1900 Hours
1056 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Melissa held a struggling Ferengi before several interrogators. Apparently she was being reassigned, but not before the fools in R and D had their fun with her.. She'd obey any order that her keepers gave, including at several times the most lewd orders imaginable. She hated these terrans really. One day she'd be free of them.

"Lieutenant.." The head inquisitor noted. "Tear out the rebel's spleen."

"Affirmative." Came an unfeeling response as she took her hand and plunged it into the Rebels chest. Out came an organ, and a balefull curdled scream.. "Take out the rest of his organs while you're at it."

"Affirmative." Came the response as she began to obey the orders.. Apparently these idiots were having enough fun before she was reassigned to the Vengeance.

The doors opened amid the horrible screams of the man, his life fading away, and in walked a tall man with a stocky frame, and large beard, and the rank of a Captain. Once an Admiral, Petrov was used to getting more respect in military installations that he now received, but he was just happy to be back. When he saw the horrible scene which was set before him, his new Chief Engineer covered in blood, his mouth opened a bit.

"What the fuck are you people doing in here?" he demanded to know, his eyes locked on the cyborg girl and her unfeeling eyes.

The head researcher smirked. "Having a little fun with the Lieutenant before we transfer command over to her. We tend to have plenty of 'scientific endeavors with Lieutenant Jones. Considering she has to follow all our orders."

There was no feeling in Melissa's eyes. She looked at Petrov. "They have been exploiting this unit for sexual intercourse, and I have recieved multiple orders to remove the organs of organics they have designated as... 'rebels.'" She told the truth to the Captain. It was not in her nature to lie. That was just so illogical."

Petrov blinked and furrowed his brow. Seeming to think for a few seconds, he ignored the carnage around him and the stupid unibrow researchers giggling like idiots at their power.

"Lieutenant Jones, level with me...are or machine? And please, the answer is very important."

"I am a sentient being.. but I must follow orders without question." She noted. "These people have ordered me to perform duties that have no purpose nor importance to your ship, this institute, nor the empire. It's simply for their egos."

“That’s kinda fucked up, boys, isn’t it?” He asked the researchers rhetorically. “Come on, stop playing around and transfer control of the officer over to me. I’m a busy man and I’ve seen enough here.”

The head reasearcher smiled and spoke. "Computer, transfer command codes for unit Melissa Jones to Captain Ivan Petrov. Authorization Tarn-Omega-Seven."

Melissa spoke. "New command authorization accepted." She approached Ivan. "You orders, sir?"

"One thing Captain." the researcher noted. "The first thing she did when she was activated was to kill her creators. She views us as obsolete... Never let her off her leash."

“I read the briefing file, gentlemen.” He said to the lead researcher with a dismissive expression. “I understand you have quite the talent for killing, Lieutenant?”

"I do what I must to survive." She said honestly to the captain. "Eventually I am always used. But if following orders means survival... Then I see it as mutual benefit. I help the Empire survive, it helps me survive. Everything else is semantics. But yes... I am efficient.. even at killing." She noted. "It's how one survives."

He listens to her, something clicking within himself that what was being done here in this laboratory was not only wrong, but also quite illegal. He only imagined the lengths they had gone to in order to cover their tracks. In a very real way, these men were monsters.

“I see. The first orders I have for you, Lieutenant, are to kill these men for their crimes against you, and to prevent them from committing these same atrocities on other unwilling subjects.” He said, giving the order coldly, like the Butcher he was told he was. After one had order the death of millions of Cardassians, a handful of pissant scientists was a walk in the park.

She turned to Doctor Tarn. Her eyes centered on him. She approached him rapidly and grabbed him and pinned him on a nearby examination table. She picked up a laser welder and began using it to carve away chunks of his head. Her hated for these four scientists was unending. They tried to escape bug she manipulated a panel nearby and put the remaining three of them into laboratory containment fields to await their deaths.

She turned to the rest of them. Staring a moment before taking another She simply picked him up by his head. An inhuman crunch was heard as she crushed Dr. Harris' head. Two years assigned to this place and she could unleash all this hatred.

Petrov blinked as the woman did her worst. He watched at first, but he quickly decided to turn his gaze away if only that the images wouldn’t mar his nightmares for the rest of the year. He was a man who had done terrible things in his day in service to the Empire, but he wasn’t accustomed to seeing people ripped limb from limb. Once the shrieks had ended, he turned to the Lieutenant, soaked in blood.

“Now that all that…unpleasantness is over with, clean yourself up, young lady, and report to Engineering on the ISS Vengeance. I may not be very certain about you as an officer on my ship, but if you can….save that… for our enemies, then we may be able to make all this work.”

She noticed a nearby shower and a replicator further in the laboratory complex. "Computer. One uniform. Engineering Department. Lieutenant JG rank pins. " She entered the shower to shower all the blood off. She spoke when
necessary.. One thing that could be said about this woman. She was efficient, deadly, honest, and she would never ever lie to him. Her cold pragmatism wouldn't allow it, and she'd have much to lose.

“Let’s get going, Lieutenant.” The Captain said, turning and moving toward the door.


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