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A dirty little secret

Posted on Thu Jan 20th, 2022 @ 9:57pm by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Callie Marshall

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Intel offices
Timeline: MD 3: 17h00
1143 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Having spoken to Andrei, Callie made her way to the Intel offices looking for Ensign Selin. The first ever time she’d taken a chance to have some naughty fun, and now here she was having to cover her backside regarding it. Pressing the chime on the nearest office door she hoped to find Selin.

The door slid open and a voice called out "Yes?"

“Ensign Selin? I’m Callie Vali, I think we need to talk.”

Kass turned from her data review and nodded "Lieutenant" she said calmly. "I believe I know why you are here"

“You bet your ass you do Ensign!” Callie sighed. “Believe it or not that’s the one, and only time I’ve ever done that! I just had to do it somewhere that was under surveillance.”

"And you are mad at me? Be glad I found it and not the chief of Security or the Captain!" Kass stood not scared of the higher ranked woman.

“No I...I’m not annoyed with you” Callie lowered the tone of her voice. “I’m annoyed at me, for being so damn stupid. Be my own fault if I end up in the agoniser. May I ask what you intend to do with that recording?”

"In regards to you? Nothing." Kass replied. "But you really should be careful who you sleep with. He did it there to get back at his father the captain." Kass knew it deep down.

“I didn’t actually know he was the Captain’s son until then” Callie sighed. “He’s certainly a charmer that’s for sure.”

Kass couldn't stop herself. She placed her hand on her own forehead and shook her head. "Are you telling me, you went and had sex in the captains ready room with a guy you barely knew anything about? Are you trying to get yourself put in an agonizer booth?"

Calle nodded. “I have spent the last few years under my own father’s boot! No one on that ship would come anywhere near me knowing who I was. Now I’m here I can let my hair down, and that’s exactly what I did.”

"And walked yourself into a bigger issue." Kass flopped down in her chair. "Have a seat. And they say I was sheltered" she added with a mutter. "Tell me you at least are on birth control, because to be honest with you, Andrei would be a real bad choice for a father. He used to date my sister."

Callie nodded. “That’s one thing I’m not planning anytime soon. Bringing a child into this universe, such as it is, isn’t my plan just yet. Being only half Terran I’m only one step away from being a slave.”

"And by having sex with the Captain's son, you are putting yourself into a really bad position." Kass said calmly. "You said you spent the last few years under your own father's command, I am sure he was strict. But that will be nothing compared to the issues that will come down on you if it gets out that you are having sex with his son. And that wont come from me."

Callie nodded. “I appreciate that. To be honest I don’t know what pulls me in Andrei’s direction, I just know something does.”

"So go to medical and get an inoculation. Buy sex toys. Just keep your head on your shoulders." Kass said calmly.

Callie smirked. “My head may have been in silly vile then, but it’s certainly not now. I need you to keep that video hidden, I’d prefer it if you deleted it but I doubt you’re going to want to do that, are you?”

"no," Came the calm reply. "Andrei and I go a ways back. And I keep leverage when I can. And if it keeps the Slimo away from me, then I keep it. I can blank out your face and your... implant."

“Implant?” Callie looked at Selin curiously. “What implant?...Ohh you mean my inhibitor.” She nodded. “That’s what happens when you use your abilities on someone.”

"Well, its distinctive Lieutenant" Kass said. "Made it very easy to identify who Andrei was doing on his father's desk."

“I’ll have to remember that.” She ran her fingers over the implant. “It also works to keep me in line, it can be used as an agoniser and if necessary it can be overloaded. They thought of everything when they handed out my punishment.”

Kass studied it carefully "They are nothing but creative aren't they."

Callie nodded. “Very creative. I do my job, I wouldn’t have gotten this far if I didn’t. I’ll make our Captain proud.”

"Well I am sure you are off to a great start. A word to the wise, Andrei is not going to give his father a good report about you just because you had sex with him," Kass paused "And I am guessing it was not just the once, But Andrei hates his father, hence the sex in the ready room. He used you"

Callie nodded. “I used him too, I just wanted some fun! Boy was it ever fun!!” She grinned.

Kass rolled her eyes here. "You need to get out more. There is more to life then." Here she shuddered. "Sex with Andrei Petrov."

“I’m open to ideas, I’ve just...never really had anyone much to explore them with.” Callie sighed. “Andrei just has...that charm.”

"Well I suggest you limit your exposure. There are a number of other male officers who would be more than happy to help you with those ideas."

Callie nodded. “I guess you’re right there, I’m just a sucker for charming men!”

Kassandra merely smirked at that. "I am sure there are other charmers out there."

Callie smiled. “I certainly hope so!”

Kass nodded. "So as long as Andrei behaves, I wont be sending that recording so you are safe okay?"

Callie nodded. “So it’s more or less in my interest to keep Andrei out of trouble. Otherwise he exposes us both.”

"Or you stay away from him and as I am already blocking your details out.."

Callie nodded. “Thank you, I guess I owe you big time!”

Kass shrugged "No charge. I was not aiming for you."

“I appreciate it” Callie smiled warmly. “For the record when I’m working I tend to act as I’m expected to act. Don’t take it personally if I”

"Everyone wears a mask when on duty Lieutenant" Kass replied.

“Indeed they do Ensign” She nodded. “All part of life in the Empire.”

Kass stood and saluted her. "Sorry to take up your time Lieutenant"

“No trouble at all Ensign” Callie saluted back before she headed on her way.


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