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Visiting Sleeping Beauty

Posted on Mon Jun 27th, 2022 @ 7:19am by Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: ISS VENGEANCE, Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1600
758 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Johnathan entered the medical deck, a fresh bunch of Azaleas in one hand, a PADD with some of Kassandra's favorite books and games, as well as a few letters he had written to her while she was in her medically-induced coma, following the surgeries to save her life. When he finally reached her recovery room, he paused to reach up and press the door chime.

The door opened at a soft. "Come"

Kassandra was sitting up on the bio bed, the bed propped so she could rest back if needed and she was reading a PADD which was from a pile on the chair beside her bio bed. She looked up and smiled at Johnathan as he entered. "hello handsome." she said warmly.

Johnathan's face lit up when his eyes landed on hers. "There's my beautiful lady!" He exclaimed quietly. Moving over to her right side, he leaned in to kiss her first. "How are you feeling, my love?"

"Bored" She admitted. "Better now you are here" she kissed him back gently "I managed to get my assistant to bring me some work to do."

After putting the flowers down, Johnathan expertly removed the work PADD from Kassandra's hands. "I do believe you were told to take it easy right now?"

"I am. An hour or so in the morning and an hour before they turn out the lights in here." She grumbled.

He gave Kassandra a slight look. "And you are following their instruction, yes? Or are you being a bad girl, who needs to be punished?" He gave her a flirty grin as he spoke.
She pouted at him and yet her eyes sparkled. "Well you know me Love." she said softly "But fun and games are being put on hold for a while."

"I know," he nodded. Doc already warned me to not cause any damage to his work in putting you back together." He took her right hand in his and raised it up as he leaned down, gently kissing her knuckles. Looking into her eyes, his grew wet. "I was so afraid that I had lost you, my love."

"I was not sure we would ever get out." she said softly. "We did try to escape though."

He nodded. "We know. Found the security footage of you killing that piece of shit, when we breached their compound, looking for you and Callie." He gave her a soft grin, the look in his eyes showing that he was immensely proud of her actions.

"Kind of hard to get out of a place when they are cowards and won't face you head on, instead choosing to gas someone." she grumbled.

Johnathan's lips curled briefly into a snarl. "I'd love to go back and rip each one apart with my bare hands!"

"yes well I am just glad you are here with me instead" she said soothingly.

Hearing the softness of her words, the beast inside of Johnathan started to calm. He stood up, leaned in and kissed her again, this time with a bit more heat. Afterwards, he leaned his forehead against hers. "I love you so very much, Kass. If it takes me the rest of my life, I'll show you how much every single day."

Kass smiled at him. "I love you too" she whispered.

Johnathan moved his chair closer to where he could hold Kassandra's hand against his chest with one hand, while gently running the fingers of the other through her hair. "Did they...were they able fix..." he started to choke up as he tried to ask the question. He had only been told that she would recover . All other details were kept from him. They weren't married, afterall.

"Yes, they healed me up perfectly" Kass said softly.

This news made Johnathan smile happily. "That's great, sweetheart!" He leaned back in and kissed her again, tenderly and full of the love that he felt for her.

Kass kissed him back and wished she could do more. "Hey when they let me out, will you help me back to my cabin?" she asked softly.

Gazing deey into her dark eyes, Johnathan nodded. "Of course, sweetheart. Though, I had hoped that you would want to recover in my quarters...I've started to think of them as ours, actually. Of course," he added softly. "If you'd rather stay in your quarters, I'd understand."

"Your's will be fine." Kass said "I am sure my father will be ok with it."

The couple sat together for a while more, softly talking until Kass fell asleep.


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