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A Paternal Visit

Posted on Mon Jun 27th, 2022 @ 1:43am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant JG Kassandra Selin

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: Medical Suite
Timeline: Mission Day 6 at 1430
1358 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

The doors to the medical suite opened and Ivan Petrov walked in, his eyes open for his Chief Intelligence Officer; his daughter. He had received the daily reports from his yeoman and had read them thoroughly, choosing to fill his mind with knowledge about her condition rather than to give credence to any unpleasant feelings which her circumstances may have caused. Now that she was awake, though, there was nothing to do but to go see her.

"You busy?" he asked in a gruff tone, still standing in the doorway.

Kass, sitting up on the medical bed rolled her eyes. "No Captain, I am not busy." She said her tone polite, professional. "Only 2 more days and I am out of here." she added.

"So I hear." he said, smiling a toothy smile, half friendly and half predator-like. He entered the suite as he had been bid and pulled up a chair close to her bed. "I knew you'd recover quickly. You're Petrov strong."

She gave a small smile at that. "Guess so, I know my step siblings would not have survived the crossing to the Delta quadrant, too busy panicking around their good looks."

"Andrei's a bit like that too." Ivan said, nodding at her. He hadn't had the experience of truly raising his son because of his self-imposed exile. He supposed he was an absent father all the way around. At least Kassandra didn't seem to blame him for it. Andrei was so angry still, and Mika wanted so badly to impress him; too badly. "Perhaps he fell on the soft cushion of his massive ego, eh?"

Kass had to smile at that thought "He is getting better, slowly." she said carefully. "He isn't as puffed up as he used to be."

"That's true... but he's also getting exactly what he wants. You think I should make him Chief Security, or should I leave him stranded on the Lovarr?" he asked her, giving her a genuine, though amused, expression.

"What happened to Lieutenant Marshall?" Kass asked curiously. She had not been told much of what had been going on. No one had 'wanted to stress her out'. So she had no idea Commander Cain was dead.

Ivan looked at her with a raised brow. He had sat at her bed several times while she was unconscious, but seeing as she was now consistently awake, he realized she was likely never told what happened. How is it that one delivers news like that after someone has already been through such trauma? He supposed, in the end, both as her Captain and her father, he was the best person to deliver any news to her at all. He placed and hand on hers, grabbing it gently, his large hand against her small. In his eyes was a look of tenderness he had thus far only directed to Yana and Mika.

"The Executive Officer position has opened up, and I'm selecting Troy for it." he said, pausing. He didn't intend on making her ask. "Commander Cain was killed on the Array. It was detonated by the Kazon with him aboard. The Caretaker, though dying, was willing to send us home, but was killed before he got the chance. Cyrus gave his life trying to help us. That's not all, though. The night after that, Cael Maz died in his sleep. Apparently, his symbiant was old, and had reached the end its life, whatever that means."

There was nothing else to say, really. The other deaths she knew about. Now he would wait and se what she had to say.

Kass took a moment considering what he had said. "Well Troy is a good choice." She said. "Commander Cain was a loyal officer, I hope his death will be remembered. As for Maz, I didn't know him very well but he seemed to be competent." She paused. "Andrei would serve you well as chief of Security," She said softly. "But he is young for it. That said, the Responsibility would push him."

“I agree.” Ivan said, though he said nothing of what he was going to do. “So, I assume you’re ready to get out of here then, huh?”

Kass nodded. "But they are adamant, two more days then 4 weeks light duties."

"The Doctors are tyrants their own." he said, chuckling. Then, after that, he fell into a silence for a few moments. He looked at her with a curious look. "With all that you've been through, you probably haven't had much time to think about our...situation; you being my daughter and all that."

"No, not really. I have informed Lieutenant Anderson of it though." Kass admitted. "He needed to know. And I have not told anyone else."

"What would you think if we made things public?" he asked her. "I want everyone to know that you're my own flesh and blood. I didn't know you were all your life, and I missed so much. I missed so much for everyone...but I'd like to start fresh now. I'd like to be a father to you and Andrei and Mika. What do you say, kid?"

She considered it. "As much as I would like it," she admitting it, "I am concerned about backlash from others within the crew."

“Backlash?” He asked, furrowing his brow and leaning forward. He felt a wave of indignation that some members of the crew would challenge his relation. “For what? By whom?”

Kass took a breath. "I.. let me explain and please let me finish before you erupt. I changed my name from Selinfoto to Selin when I went to the academy because I wanted to make my mark despite being pushed into it by my stepfather. I wanted to prove myself, do my time, then I was going to buy a shop in Paris and sell my designs. I know nepotism happens in the fleet, in the Empire. Its a part of life. I know that. And I want to be claimed, but I also do not want the whispers, the looks. It was bad when Morrison was being an arsehole to me, it could be worse."

"I doubt it could be worse." he said, looking at her with confidence in his eye. "Our family is very well established in the growing fleet and this is not going to change. People knowing who you really are, in my view, will only strengthen your position. They would be a fool to make an enemy of you, Kassandra."

"Most think I am weak" She said softly. "I am not, and I know that."

"The choice is yours, Kassandra. But I believe you have nothing to be afraid of." he said in response. "There are things about this situation we might both find...uncomfortable. One day, if the Gods will it, I will have to tell Artaxes about how I cuckold him in his own home, and how they daughter he raised is mine."

He cleared his throat, not seeming so much sorry as he was uneasy.

"How one deals with the difficult things shows ones character. You have scars to show your trials; you lay in this bed having survived the impossible. You are resilient and I don't think you should hide from the truth anymore."

She gave him a smile. "I am in Intelligence, being a spook and hiding is part of the job" she reminded her father teasingly.

“Then you also know the truth can be a powerful weapon.” He said, placing a hand on hers. “Let me know when you’re ready. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do, kid.”

"once I am out of medical" She said firmly. "I want to tell some people before we make it known. And Yana should be involved in how it is put out. It affects her and Mika and Andre as well"

Patting her hand, Ivan stood up and smiled.

“Message Jackie if you need anything and we’ll get it for you. And if you want to talk, I’m just one comm-call away.” He said before releasing her hand.

Kass nodded and saluted him despite her half laying position.


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