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A Couple of Hot Shots, Each in Their Own Way

Posted on Wed Jan 26th, 2022 @ 11:23am by Lieutenant Commander Troy Marshall & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: S1 Episode 1: Caretaker, Part I
Location: Senior Officers' Country
Timeline: MD 3, 1645 hours
866 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Troy had always been one to ensure he met all the personnel he would be working with as soon as possible. He had already met the Captain, XO, Chief Operations Officer and his own Deputy. His first stop was now to introduce himself to the Chief Flight Controller. He left the slave in his quarters to finish unpacking and stepped in to the hallway in Senior Officers Country and activated the door chime on the door across from his.

Hearing the door chime ring, Johnathan closed down his desk computer and made his way to the door. He reached up and pressed the unlock control. Seeing the senior officer standing outside his quarters, Johnathan snapped to attention and saluted. "Long live the Empire!"

Troy returned the salute with precision. "Long live the Empire." He gestured to the interior of Johnathan's stateroom. "May I?"

"Yes, Sir. Please." Johnathan stepped aside, allowing the senior officer space to enter. "Would you care for something to drink?"

"No thank you." Troy looked about the stateroom as he entered. How a person decorated their cabin was often gave insight to the observer what the true nature of a person was. He turned turned back to Johnathon and pulled off the glove of his right hand before extending it. "I am the new Chief of Security. I thought it would be beneficial to meet the other Department Heads one on one as we shall be working together to accomplish ours mission and bring Glory to the Empire."

As Johnathan had been in his cabin, he had not donned his gloves yet. So, he moved forward and accepted the handshake. "That makes perfect sense, Sir. Welcome aboard the Vengeance."

Troy simply nodded as he shook hands. He put his glove back on after the hand shake ended. "I am not here in any official capacity Lieutenant. I am just interested in getting to know the officers I will be serving with. I see by your decor that you have a love for flying. If I may ask, when was the first time you got to fly?"

"I've wanted to be a pilot my whole life, Sir. Watching the old historical vids of the aviation aces of the past, plus the unclassified footage of various starfighter and starship pilot's during the wars to conquer the alien races out there, it made me yearn for it even more." He paused and continued quietly. "However, as I was raised in an orphanage, the first time I was able to climb into a cockpit, was during training at the Academy, Sir."

"So a natural aptitude for piloting." It wasn't a question. "You graduated top of your class in flight school. Impressive."

Johnathan nodded, no ego in sight. "Yes, Sir. I was selected to join Red Squad in my junior year. During my senior year, I was voted in as Captain of the team, Sir."

Troy smiled in a nostalgic manner. He remembered his Academy days fondly at times. "Everyone wanted to be in Red Squad. I really never saw the appeal. Most were overly ambitious."

"I was invited to join because of my high GPA and seemingly natural piloting skills." Johnathan moved to sit in his overstuffed chair. "Please, have a seat, Sir."

"Thank you." Troy sat down in a chair in the living area. "What are your hobbies? If you don't mind my asking. You must have other interests outside flying."

Johnathan shrugged slightly. "I like to read, go swimming, cook. Sometimes I'll put a few wagers in on the Gladiatorial Games. Other times, when I'm feeling very creative, I'll tinker with various machines and electronic devices." He took a breath, then asked, "What about you, Sir?"

Troy took a deep breath as he considered the question. "I enjoy reading as well, generally military history and classical literature. I am fond of strategy games, but my passion is fencing."

Johnathan nodded. He had a rough understanding of fencing, though he had never had the opportunity to participate in the activity. "I like games too. As for fencing, I've never tried it."

"What about poker? Perhaps we could get a weekly game going for the Department Heads." Troy considered it a useful way of bonding with allies...and keeping an eye on enemies.

The pilot nodded his head. "That sounds like a good idea, Sir. Where would you want to play the game?"

Troy shrugged. He wasn't one to put the cart before the horse. "First we need to see if enough of the officers are willing to gamble."

Johnathan chuckled. "On a warship this big, I'm sure there will be plenty, Sir."

"Perhaps." Troy looked at his watch. "It has been a privilege to meet you Lieutenant. I have a matter that I must attend to shortly otherwise I would stay. All hail the Emperor and Long Live the Empire." He rendered the Terran Imperial salute.

Johnathan jumped to his feet and snapped to attention. He then returned the salute and wording. "Have a good day, Sir."

Troy nodded. "You as well Lieutenant. I hope your evening is enjoyable." He then turned and departed. It had been a long day and he was ready to relax.


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