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Asking Permission

Posted on Wed Jul 20th, 2022 @ 5:03am by Captain Ivan Petrov & Lieutenant Johnathan Anderson III

Mission: In-Between (S1:E2-S1:E3)
Location: ISS Vengeance, Captain’s Ready Room
Timeline: Mission Day 25 at 1400
2202 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure

While things were quiet on the bridge, Johnathan handed his station off and made his way to the Captain's ready room.

After ensuring that his uniform was smooth and everything was in place, he reached up and pressed the call button.

Ivan was technically only on duty eight hours out of the day, but like most Terran Captains, he could be found working at most any hour. Not only was there a tremendous amount to do, the role tended to be suited toward workoholics. When t6he chime rang, he looked up from his desk, his mind returning to the room from the world of thought he'd just been living in.

"Come." he muttered, clearing his throat.

The doors slid open and Johnathan stepped in and saluted. Afterwards, he stood at attention. "Please excuse the interruption, Captain. I was hoping we could discuss a...personal subject, Sir."

"Oh?" Ivan asked, his eyes finding his newly minted second officer with interest. There was only one thing he could think that this would be about. His daughter and this man had been having a relationship, and he was stuck in the middle trying to figure out what was proper for him to do. "That's fine, Johnathan. Have a seat and tell me what's on your mind."

The young pilot relaxed slightly, then moved to sit down, though merely perching on the front edge of the seat, sitting at attention as he spoke. "Thank you, Sir." He cleared his throat, clearly a little nervous. Though, when he spoke, his words sounded true and respectful.

"Captain, as you know, Kassandra and I have been seeing each other for a while now, even before we discovered your connection, Sir. Hopefully, my actions to date have shown you just how important your daughter is to me." He took a breath and then asked the question he came to ask. "Captain, I come to today, to ask for your blessings to wed Kassandra. I love her with ever fiber of my being, and, she has both shown and told me, that she feels the same for me. I give you my word, not only as an Emperial Officer who has shown his measure more than once, but as an honorable man. May I have your blessings, Sir?"

Ivan listened to the younger man without expression, his lined face sitting still as stone as the man said exactly what he had most feared he was here to say. Johnathan was a good man, he could tell, and he really didn’t want to disappoint or hurt him. It was true that now that he knew Kassandra was his daughter, he had started to dream of the life he would give her back home. This man, selected in a very short time and so far away from home, was not exactly what he intended.

“I like you, Johnathan. I really do. I can tell you care about Kassandra very much and I appreciate all that you’ve done to keep her safe. But I have to say no.” Ivan said, sighing then. “I have to say no, because knowing my daughter for two months is not enough time, in my mind, to know if you want a life together forever, considering we are desperate and on the other side of the galaxy.”

Johnathan felt as if he had just been slapped. This was the second time that the Captain had basically told him that he didn't think he was good enough for Kassandra. The first time being when she was in sickbay, recovering from her injuries and he claimed that the young pilot was from "poor stock".

"Permission to speak freely, Captain?" He tried to keep the growing emotion out of his voice as he spoke to the man that he once fully respected. Now, after two personal hits, that rock-solid respect had a few cracks in it.

"As freely as any man can, of course." Ivan said, watching the other man cooly. He knew what was coming. He knew Johnathan loved his daughter. He also suspected that, like for most who didn't grow up in the traditions of the Lords of the Empire, Johnathan had some contempt for the process of asking permission to marry in the first place. So many wanted to make it a formality. But Ivan knew it was his most important duty to say no when he wasn't certain. It had been bred into him since he was a boy.

"Knowing my family history and mine, aside from not being born into the aristocratic world that you were, which, by the way, Kassandra wasn't either, and knowing, from seeing how much she and I care about each other with your own eyes, can you feel I am not good enough for the woman, which you didn't even know was your daughter until practically a few days ago. She is more important to me than my own life, Sir. What is more, she has chosen and accepted me as well. Had the paternity never come up, can you honestly say that you would've even batted an eye at our proposal of marriage? Truthfully, Sir, I don't think you would have."

"So I ask you. My parents died as true heroes of the Empire. I nearly gave my life saving my former crew and was recognized for those actions by the Emperor himself. What more must I do, to gain you favor, Captain" it was clear that there was a storm brewing inside the younger man, one that seemed larger than would be expected from one so young.

"I would not have. I didn't know she was my daughter then." Ivan said, nodding. "But now I do, and that means I have a responsibility to help her choose her husband well. That is how its done for the Lords, Johnathan. That's how its always been done, regardless of how it makes any of us feel."

The Captain leaned forward, placing his arms on his desk. "You're right that I've only known she was my daughter for a month, but I have known her for her entire life, as a friend of the family. You have only known her for two months. Let's get all of this status talk out of the you suspect we know each other, you and I?"

Johnathan didn't flinch when Ivan moved. Instead, he looked him square in the eyes. "I thought I did, Sir. I used to watch the news holos of what Starfleet did for the Empire, when I was growing up in the orphanage. I would see you more than once. I soon started to look upon you as a hero to follow. When news of your downfall was made public, I never believed what they said about you, how they claimed you were a traitor and a coward. Then, after I was already serving, I was relieved to hear that you had not only come home, but the Emperor had granted you a full pardon. The same Emperor who awarded me following the disaster on the Ishiguro. When his Excellency gave me the choice of commands to join, I didn't even hesitate. I wanted to serve under your command, Sir."

"As for whether you knew me? I can't answer that. Only you can answer how well you know me now."

"That's very touching, Johnathan, and your confidence in me does mean a tremendous amount." Ivan said with an unflinching expression. He meant what he was saying. "But that doesn't mean that I owe you my daughter's hand in marriage. I don't think that two months is enough time and, especially in our current circumstances, I'm not convinced its in her best interest. I didn't say never. I just say not now."

Ivan leaned back again, knowing the blow he was dealing would hurt and would likely make the man much less thrilled about being under his command. But Ivan Petrov's responsibilities were numerous. Through his carelessness, Kassandra was begotten and through his shortsightedness he wasn't able to raise his other children either. He would not make any missteps now. The truth is Johnathan didn't know him very well personally, and he didn't know Johnathan very well personally either. They had been professional. How the younger man responded to this news would tell Ivan a tremendous amount about who he really was, once his idolization image of him was being challenged.

Johnathan almost lashed out with raw emotion. However, his love for Kassandra stayed his spiteful tongue. "Well, Sir. Then perhaps it is time, in this far corner of the galaxy, that a man of such perceived poor stock, find a way to change the mind of an aristocratic father."

"I hope you do change my mind, son." Ivan said, quite genuine. He did like what he saw in the man, but he had to be sure. "I really do."

"With respect, Sir," Johnathan stated evenly and honestly. "I already know that Kassandra approves of me. As you and she are working towards building a relationship, I will do what is necessary to gain your approval. What must I do?"

Ivan knew what he was saying. Johnathan only cared for his approval because Kassandra did. He was both pleased and dismayed by this news. On one end, he was delighted his daughter respected him and his authority, on the other, he was irritated Johnathan did not. Now was not the time for threats, though. As long as the man across from him didn't 'steal' his child, in a manner of speaking, he would not need to search for a new pilot.

"I have put a tremendous amount of trust in you as my Second Officer. I didn't have to do that and I stick by the decision. You need to think about why you're really so angry. I rather think you wouldn't be if you truly respected me as much as you say. If you do, you will trust me to do what I believe is best for my daughter; if you really care about her as much as you have shown, you will know we are on the same side."

Ivan tapped his fingers on the table. He remembered how he felt when he was only a boy and his uncle had killed a man for eloping with his daughter. She didn't last much longer after that either. Ivan was not looking forward to being pushed to a red line like that, where he had to chose between the stability of their Delta Quadrant cultural values...and the life of his own flesh and blood.

"I need to speak with my daughter. I will help her establish a plan on this that satisfies her needs and assures me this marriage is a good idea." he said finally. "I would encourage you to speak with her about this. Judging by your attitude, I assume you are asking for my permission because it is important to her. I'm not sure I can help you understand, but your love for her may help."

Ivan's expression was not unkind, but it also wasn't full of sentimentality. The way he saw it, he had a job to do, and with the same energy and competence that he applied to his Starfleet duties, he intended to do that job.

Johnathan considered Ivan's words for several beats. While, deep down, he did still idolize the warrior in front of him, the irrationality of emotions was fighting for control. Finally, he replied. "Sir, you are my Captain and Commanding Officer. If you order me to take a hill full of enemies single-handedly, I will do so. As you are Kassandra's father, and trying to cultivate that relationship, I will not threaten that. Please remember, as I basically grew up alone, I am not versed in all of the specific practices of family life. All I know is, as much as I'd willingly give my life for your orders, I would live my life even stronger for her love. I will speak with her about this. You have my word that I will not do anything to taint your growing relationship. If anything, I admire you for it. Aside from a kind Sequus slave in the orphanage, Callie and Kassandra are the only beings who javelin ever shown my true warmth and love. I will never know what it means to have the love and approval of my parents, Sir. You are truly lucky to have found her."

“I am.” Ivan said, smiling. As much as he felt for Johnathan and appreciated what he was saying, his statements about his past served as additional red flags about the man’s prospects as a husband and father. A man who had known such little kindness in his life; a man who lacked the protection and guidance of his parents, could not be normal. More investigation was needed, he was sure. “Now, if there’s nothing else, Johnathan, my pile of paperwork has no bottom.”

Johnathan nodded and stood. After coming to attention and saluting Ivan, he relaxed slightly. "Thank you for your time and attention, Sir." He then turned and left the Ready Room.


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