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Plans for the Summer II

Posted on Sat Jul 16th, 2022 @ 5:46pm by Princess Royal Giana Orsini & Emperor Antonius VI
Edited on on Thu Jul 13th, 2023 @ 11:47pm

Mission: Historiae Terrae Et Imperii
Location: Grand Imperial Palace, Rome
Timeline: Date 2371-05-26 at 2040
4180 words - 8.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Downstairs, CJ stood in a rotunda- like lobby which matched the one upstairs in size. She had gotten lost in a memory, but not so lost that she didn’t notice the sound of Giana coming down the steps. She watched her come down, reading her mood. When she was at the bottom, bowed her head slightly before she spoke.

“Good Emperors seldom make attentive fathers.” She said, her voice measured and respectful. “It can’t be easy for you. The whole world envies you, so yours is a hidden grief.”

The comment was unsolicited and risky. No doubt the princess, as well as all members of the imperial family, were well used to being manipulated by grasping courtiers. CJ didn’t want to give her that impression, but she understood that she too was actually a grasping courtier. In the end, it was up to Giana if she would accept it or not. CJ could survive the ire of the princess, so it would derail her media plans considerably and would be quite a shame otherwise.

“He’s plenty attentive to his golden child. He loves nothing more in this world, I think.” Giana said with a smile that would have been sweet if not for the resentment glittering in her tear filled eyes. Closing them, she took a slow, deep breath to compose herself. She was very good at doing that after all. Clearing her throat, she looked at CJ and put on her best hostess face. “Come, then. I’ll show you the kitchens since you seemed interested in those.” She didn’t want to go to the apartments. She didn’t even want to be here anymore, but she had irked her father enough for one day. Motioning for CJ to follow her, she began to walk with poise and dignity and headed toward the servants corridors.

“Prince Paolo, you mean?” CJ asked as she walked beside the Princess, making sure that her heels were always behind the other woman’s. “I met him once. He reminds me a lot of your father. Smart; curious; focused. And quite perceptive of people. Well… most people. We tend to like to see reflections of ourselves in others unless we don’t like our own reflection. If I’m honest, ma’am, I’m surprised you’re not closer with the Empress. It seems you share similar interests, after all.”

Giana laughed. “Oh you are so right, CJ. My mistake. My father loves nothing more than himself and since I suspect somehow my father cloned himself and that is my baby brother, it makes sense.” She was joking. Mostly. Sort of. “My mother finds me frustrating. She doesn’t like to be frustrated. So, both of my parents hate me, but the people love me.” She lifted her hands in a shrug. “That is something, I suppose.”

CJ debated within herself how to respond to that. On one hand she had no clear reason for getting involved personally; these people were playing at a level beyond her status. She had ordered the deaths of many who had said less about the Emperor than Giana just had. She was above reproach in many ways, where CJ was not. She knew how one wrong word could end a career or a life. She decided to be honest.

“Your parents don’t hate you. They are just disappointed in you. You appeal to the lowest commoners and, to be honest, they see little value in that. We need to find a way to show people the truth. Your truth.”

“The empire is maintained on the backs of the common people so I don’t know why they are so disappointed in me.” Giana scoffed and took a turn down another hall and began to walk down a spiral staircase carefully. For her part, Giana just seemed grateful to have a moment to speak with someone who would actually listen to her and not just dismiss her like everyone else. “My cousin always taught me that.”

“Yes, but I can tell you from a lifetime of shaping the minds and ideas of the common people that love is hardly as important as awe, respect, and fear in the Empire.” CJ said as the pair of them reached the kitchens. There was no aroma of food when they stepped in, but only a gaggle of female servants talking to each other. “Aun my department, we could make a squirrel feared given the time. No one in you family has had to work for it in a long time. The system put in place is strong enough to support most anyone, so long as they can maintain control of the apparatus of the State.”

As soon as they stepped in, one of the common women noticed their entrance and her eyes went wide. A few seconds later, the others saw too and, before anyone said anything, they were all on their knees, their faces close to the ground, muttering praises to Giana. These were no peasants either; work in the kitchens of the Grand Imperial palace paid 50,000 Golden Crowns a year. Yet still, as if they had been trained to do so, they fell down almost in worship.

“Ladies, Princess Giana has come to see your workplace and to Grace you with an appearance. Stand back up so that she can greet you.” CJ said. She herself was no one in particular to them, but she spoke with authority and was standing next to Giana, so they assumed she should be obeyed in this moment. They got to their feet together, trying to look good as they did so, and their still lowered eyes glowed with a certain excitement that went beyond fear. They were all clearly very excited.

“I love your dress, your Imperial Highness.” One of them said, clearly being the boldest, her smile widening as she bobbed up and down on her heels in excitement and fear.

Giana briefly side-eyed CJ and then looked back to the line of women. They were all young and likely in their early twenties; not surprising given the work of kitchen maid was not only a lower position but also required harder work that youthful bodies were so good at. The princess put on her best people-smile and stepped forward toward them though maintained a distance she felt appropriate given she never liked to be close to anything too ordinary. She touched her hands to her hips and looked down at her own dress. “Thank you, you’re very kind.” Giana couldn’t help but briefly wonder if the servant liked it so well because it actually looked like something the servant could buy since Giana hadn’t added all the glitz with the dress given she was meeting with her father.

Not that her attempts to look more subdued and modest had won her any points. Her face briefly soured when the thought entered her mind but Giana just gave a soft laugh and stepped closer. “Yes, Imperial Secretary Zajak was curious about the kitchens and I realized I hadn’t been down here in so long that I should join her and see how everything was moving along.” She waved a hand and grinned. “We won’t keep you from your work, ladies. Please, get back to it.”

The young women skittered off quickly in anxiety, though there was a sense that they would have liked to stay for longer if it had been possible. They removed themselves from this section of the kitchen all together, choosing to leave the Princess's eyesight.

"So, ma'am. Now that we are alone; just you and I; what do you love? What are you passionate about?" CJ asked, her eyes moving from the departing ladies to Giana.

Giana’s eyes also moved from the retreating trio and back to CJ, considering the woman and for just a fleeting moment wondering if this was some sort of weird trap set up by her father or mother. At this point though, what did she have to lose? “I can tell you what I don’t love.” She began with a scoff, “Being pushed to get married. It would cripple my social standing and all the work I’ve put into it; and I don’t care what anyone says I have had to put in work to be what and where I am today.” Giana shook her head. “I love what I do. I love being seen, being loved and envied. I actually do enjoy being the face of the family, but I could be doing more. I’ve just never been given the chance.”

There was much that Camila Joyce Zajak kept to herself. She had once been a trained analyst in the IIS and she didn't fit the profile of one given to sharing unnecessary information, let alone truly personal thoughts and feelings. What Giana had just said was packed with details she could support or attempt to tare apart in nearly equal measure. The point that restrained her, as always, was a question of practicality. What good was it for any courtier to argue with a royal and what did they expect to receive in return? Hers was a task to get Giana Orsini to see things her way without argument.

"I understand that things have been...tense for you, though I don't pretend to understand the situation fully. I agree with you that there is much more that you have to offer over what you've been given. That's why I'm here." she said. "I think, if you would consent to it, we can talk about future plans. Clothing lines, perfumes, charities, corporations, and much much more."

She didn't tell her that one of the best things she could do for her career was to get married. Royal romance made the most exquisite press, especially for a princess so popular with the young. Whereas the older members of society had a view of Giana that her parents shared, a marriage could help her mature and grow into the next demographic. There was only so much a propagandist could do on her own without material.

Giana’s eyes lit up at Camila’s words but she immediately reined herself back. While Giana seemed to be a superficial and aloof woman, the lessons her father and mother had taught her early on in childhood had made an impact on her. She licked her lips and let out a soft sigh. Everything had a price. “We can do that but first I would need to know what it is exactly that you are wanting from me, CJ.”

"A very smart question, ma'am." CJ said, nodding her approval. Her hands were still folded in front of her. Her face was still calm, business-like, and pleasant. "I'll be very open with you about that. As the official in your father's Secretariat responsible for media, messaging, patriotism, and the image of the Imperial Family, my wagon is hitched to you. If I were a Lord, it might be my lot to back-stab, scheme, and cajole my way to the top, but as a civil servant, my hands are tied to my....practical skills in the job. In other words, ma'am, I can only get a promotion if I do well and I see capitalizing on your talent and popularity as my best chance at doing that. That's all."

The princess was not entirely sure she believed CJ, but did she really have a choice? Her father was convinced she was some sort of leech and had no respect for her life, but CJ… Giana took a deep breath, looking into her eyes. “Alright, CJ. You have my attention. Tell me what you were considering.”

"My proposal is a company with you as its artistic and product head. You would be able to select the name and have oversight over every product placed in stores. It will largely be up to you, but the scope, I imagine, would be fashion, jewelry, and cosmetics, all priced for the Imperial Court." CJ said evenly, and then paused. "You will own thirty percent of shares and an additional thirty percent will be open for purchase on the stock market. The remaining 40 percent will be split between the Government and the Crown."

CJ gave a look that communicated understanding, clear and concise. She didn't frown and still hat a quiet optimism, but here expression told Giana she knew what it looked like.

"With all partially owned state corporations, the policy has been to maintain a separation of powers, if you will, between the major players, which stops one person from taking things in a different direction than is in the interest of the Government. Thirty percent control for you, Thirty percent for your parents, and ten percent in the trust of the Imperial Secretary for the Glory of the Fatherland, me. You and your parents, together, can control the entire thing. You without them...will be difficult. But I have a plan, if you promise not to say I told you so?"

Giana had listened attentively (which anyone who superficially knew Giana would have been surprised by) and touched her lips in thought. It was definitely tempting. Perhaps too tempting; but Giana wanted a chance to show her entire family she was much more than they had ever given her credit, that it was her name that truly commanded influence. She lowered her hand and shifted slightly as she looked at CJ once more. "What is your plan, then? Because all I see are problems... but I'm willing to hear you out."

"Between your thirty percent and their thirty percent, there's a chasm of forty percent which will be own by private shareholders large and small and, of course, me. With my support on any particular initiative, you would only need only 10 percent support. You are popular and, if the company is profitable, this shouldn't be an issue. Of course, if it isn't, that doesn't go well for any company anyway. I'm confident you will be able to maintain control and install a Board you have majority control over." CJ said, shrugging slightly, her hands still laced. "All of this technical stuff is a challenge, I know, but I will handle that for you. What matters is that you get to build something here, ma'am. Something that represents you...that builds you a power base. One that, quite frankly, makes you your own money."

“And you.” Giana chuckled in a charming way and gave a sigh. “I know you’ll say you’ll handle that for me, CJ, but I don’t want you to handle it for me. With me, sure, guide me, sure, but for me? That is just setting myself up to be stabbed in the back. No offense.” She shrugged. It was a wholly appealing carrot to be sure, but Giana was her father’s daughter and wasn’t completely blind to the possibility CJ would stack the deck in her own favor and then yank the rug out from under Giana herself.

"Not me personally, ma'am. Though the budget boost will certainly help the department." CJ said, returning the chuckle. She didn't want the other woman to think she was in this for money. In the end, she was an administrator, no matter what she ran. Her main currencies were information and access. This project would give her both and, in her mind, be great for her career. "I think that's smart, ma'am. If you're interested, I've got some people lined up for you to meet. They will help set up the company and, once you give us your vision, make arrangements for the products made. Since its a Government start, it'll be relatively easy. I can send you a lawyer your way to answer all of your questions, if you'd like."

“Have you run this by my father?” Giana asked and quirked a brow. “I assume yes since he seemed to know you were coming to speak to me… and he never actually wants to talk to me just to talk to me.” She scoffed slightly. “If he has approved, I guess why not? Not like my standing in his eyes could get too much worse.” She paused and then chuckled, “Well, actually I guess I could marry one of the people who opposes him but that just seems bad for my health.”

"The Emperor has no enemies. Only concerned friends." CJ said like an expert propagandist, though she shared an expression that suggested she knew what she was saying was nonsense. "Your father knows the company plan. It would require his approval at the ground stage anyway. The finer details will develop in your brain and manifest in the company later. The matter of financing is the only concern. Since we're only selling thirty percent of shares, we will have to make up the money a different way. If you can get your father to agree to pay for the Crown shares, that would solve the problem. I realize that's difficult but.."

CJ adjusted her stance a bit, her smile fading slightly.

"A father is still a father, no matter how powerful. He was a very successful business man and he was...rather strict with me. But if I fluttered my eyes and played nice, I could get what I wanted." she said, then smiled sadly. "I guess that was my cradle-lesson in manipulating minds."

“I think you’d have better luck asking him than I would. He thinks I’m nothing but something to marry off.” Giana replied bitterly. “I suppose I’ll give him credit where it is due for kindness that he is at least allowing me to pick who I want to partner with.” Sighing, she rubbed the back of her neck. Whether she picked up on CJ’s fading, sad smile when she spoke of her own father was unclear; Giana simply pressed on as usual. “I will try, though. Is there a back up plan when he says no?”

“He won’t say no. Because your request will come with a gift of exactly what he wants from you.” CJ said, daring to step slightly closer again until she was near enough that the Princess could reach out and touch her with little effort. “We can pick the perfect man and announce an engagement. It will make your parents very happy…and mailable. In the meantime, you use their money and acquiescence to build your influence with the company. If you decide to break off the relationship later, you’ll already be standing in your own two feet.”

Immediately Giana's expression soured and contorted with anger. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped suddenly, closing her mouth again and looking away. There was really no escaping it, it seemed. She would just have to marry, or at least act like she was. "I'm not going to marry someone who bores me or treats me like I'm less because I'm a woman. I'm not doing it."

“Outside of the nobility, Terrans are equal.” CJ said with a flourish of her hand. “It’s only in families where inheritance is an issue that it seems to matter if you are a woman. For example, I’ve done well for myself regardless what I may or may not have between my legs.” CJ said, noticing her anger but not responding to it directly. “You’re capable all on your own, and I want to show you that. You might have to play this game, but you can make it your own. What kind of man do you find most interesting? What do you want him to care about? How tall do you want him? I’ll find him. We can make it look as organic as you’d like.”

“You know, I don’t really know why that is. We have had Empresses before, even if they went by Emperor.” Giana grumbled, now completely off track and not even remotely acknowledging CJ’s questions. “Sato was one of the greatest. We only started running into problems when we had a man trying to make changes, a filthy half Vulcan one at that. Who thought that was a good idea?”

CJ never talked politics. Ever. It was one of the reasons she was able to rise so high. No one was offended by her. As far as the world was concerned she was agnostic to values, and specialized instead in tactics. Perhaps there was view down there somewhere, but she was determined it should remain where it is.

“I hope we’ve learned from the past.” She said cryptically. “And there is no rule for inheritance. The throne is taken by force through the military….or through support in the administrative state….and popularity helps. What you’re saying is accurate though, Sato in all her clone forms ruled for a long time. And passed the throne to her son. It could easily have gone to a daughter if she’d had one.”

Giana was about to speak again but then went deathly quiet, her blue eyes almost seeming to lose their focus as some sort of realization very suddenly hit her. She remained like that for a very long moment and then slowly turned her head toward CJ. Giana remained quiet, just staring at her with a look not unlike one Antonius would wear that left the recipient wondering if they were about to be embraced or destroyed. "Did you also have a list of potential candidates for an engagement?" She stressed the word.

“That would have have been premature., I think.” CJ said. “But if you don’t want to rely on your father financially, you might talk to your mother or borrow some money from some friends. Though..that one doesn’t play well coming from a princess.” CJ looked at the woman, unsure of what impression she had made. “I could tell you I’m not part of your father’s scheme, but you wouldn’t believe me anyway, ma’am. So I will just tell you that this is your chance..for everything.”

"No, no. I wouldn't do that. It would weaken me in the sight of others and I don't need or want that." Giana sighed and waved a hand slightly. "Just... keep in contact with me about it. I'm open to the idea, but would need all the specifics before I would ever approach my father over it. Don't count on it though, CJ. He is completely unpredictable."

"He's unpredictable to some, ma'am. Administratively, however, he generally signs what he's sent. I don't mean to imply he's not active in government, but just not in the day to day. I would see if the Imperial Chancellor has any levers he can pull but...let's just say Richard doesn't believe in you the same way I do." the older woman said, being as subtle as she could be. "If I were to introduce you to a handsome young man in the next few weeks, would you consider him?"

"As long as he doesn't bore me." Giana reiterated. It was important to her and rightfully so in her mind. She hated being bored and people tended to bore her when they were around for too long which was a large part of why she wasn't married. "Yes, I'd consider him. I also promised my father I would invite Lord Noah Sibiya to spend some time with us at the summer palace."

CJ clicked and shook her head.

"Tall, dark, handsome, charming. And self-willed." CJ said with an additional shake of her head. "Lord Sibiya will try to dominate you, and your father will let him do so, so long as he does what he wants. Lords know the Court, and Lord Sibiya is on the Council of Lords. I would really suggest the second son of a powerful man."

"Well I am open to suggestions. Around me men are on their best behavior. Charming, simpering, handsome... and so many of them that I can't really keep track. I had to agree to entertain the lord, had I not my father would have forced the issue." Giana shrugged.

"I'll keep in touch, ma'am. In the meantime, you might figure out what you want to say to these business executives when you meet." CJ said, lowering her head slightly as a sign of humility. She couldn't be seen to give orders to Giana, but she wasn't a fawning courtier. No one would believe ass-kissing from her anyway. She was far too cagy for that. No, she had to remain useful. She was very good at that.

"Of course. Thank you, CJ." Giana offered up with her most winning smile. "You've given me quite a lot to think about."

CJ bowed low, her light blonde hair turning toward the Princess as she took two steps back.

"Your Imperial highness.." she said, and then she turned to depart, leaving the Princess with her own reflections.



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